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All Achievements List

Genshin Impact | All Achievements List

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Check out this all Achievements list for Genshin Impact 4.3! This includes achievements, type and categories, rewards, how to unlock and complete, and more!

All Achievements List

Wonders Of The World

Max Reward
... Or a New Storm?Banish the dragon attacking Mondstadt.
5 Primogems
...A Single Night's WorkDefeat a Cryo Hypostasis that is in a weakened state.
5 Primogems
...Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter HereReach the Khaenri'ah door that is only available at the last part of As The Khvarena's Light Shows quest
5 Primogems
...And Her Name Is the Mary CelesteSuffer the destruction of your Waverider...
5 Primogems
...And I Would Walk 3,000 MoreFind Chouji on Tatarasuna and Narukami Island
5 Primogems
...Anyone Can Be A GourmetCook 10 suspicious-tasting dishes.
5 Primogems
...Anyone can be a gourmet.Cook 10 suspicious-tasting dishes.
5 Primogems
...For She Shall Surely Requite.Will the evil-doers and their oracles have known of this day, when the avenger unleashes her righteous fury?
5 Primogems
...I'm Sorry, Sir, But You're IneligiblePrevent the birth of the "forged god."
5 Primogems
...Let Me Fade With MemoryComplete "Vimana Agama."
10 Primogems
...Lizard SpockHave one character get hit by all three parts of the rock-paper-scissors attack consecutively.
5 Primogems
...Lizard-SpockHave one character get hit by all three parts of the rock-paper-scissors attack consecutively.
5 Primogems
...Not indicative of final productDefeat an Anemo Hypostasis that has undergone 4 types of Elemental Conversions.
10 Primogems
...Or a New Storm?Banish the dragon attacking Mondstadt
5 Primogems
...Shew the Kingdoms Thy Shame.Make the damaged chessboard re-emerge amidst the sands.
5 Primogems
...Smells Like AsphaltBe brought down by the contaminants within the black mud for the first time.
5 Primogems
...Smells Like Asphalt.Be brought down by the contaminants within the black mud for the first time.
5 Primogems
...Till Debt Do Us PartDefeat a Fatui Agent while they are in Stealth Mode.
5 Primogems
...You could hear Paimon all along, couldn't you?Even Paimon gets tired sometimes.
5 Primogems
A Cat's GiftFeed the kittens on Seirai Island and gain their affection.
5 Primogems
A Conversation with the Treasure Chest OwnerFind the Aranara's "Treasure Chest"
5 Primogems
A Distant Sea Sheperd's TreasureGain the most valued treasure of great pirate from the ramblings of drunkards.
5 Primogems
A Distant Sea Shepherd's TreasureGain the most valued treasure of a great pirate from the ramblings of drunkards.
5 Primogems
A Doctor's OdysseyFind out what happened to Yasumoto.
5 Primogems
A Fascinating JourneyComplete An Artist Adrift quest
5 Primogems
A Former DreamWitness the truth of the village's history.
5 Primogems
A Hollow SoulFind Washizu's lost possesions.
5 Primogems
A House Ill-FoundedCause the same Geo Hypostasis to fall three times by destroying the Basalt Column that is on.
5 Primogems
A Leisurely JourneyOne should not miss out on the scenery along the way.
5 Primogems
A Lingering FragranceWitness Nermin's tale.
5 Primogems
A Mermaid's TaleHelp Kumi with her problem.
5 Primogems
A New Star ApproachesComplete "A New Star Approaches"
5 Primogems
A Nourishing FriendshipComplete "Fishing Jinagxue" and "Yanxiao's Dilemma".
5 Primogems
A Nourshing FriendshipComplete Fishing Jiangxue and Yanxia's Dilemma.
5 Primogems
A Once-Emerald NurseryEnter the Vanarana of yesteryear.
5 Primogems
A Question Of DietHelp Parvaneh proofread all the recipes
5 Primogems
A Rope Over an AbyssPass through the dark hollow during The Hymn of Tir Yazad quest
5 Primogems
A Study in SableFind a more... special subject of the Institute of Natural Philosophy's study.
5 Primogems
A Tale Of Two CitiesEven Tsurumi Island seems to be built atop the wreckage of ancient ruins.
5 Primogems
A Very Long EngagementThough destinies may be sundered, the pact lives on in slumber...
5 Primogems
A Walnut Tree Amidst the GardensAsk Khayyam about the lost memories.
5 Primogems
A Well-Trained ArchaeologistBring all the Primal Obelisks back to life.
5 Primogems
Across The Misty RiverYou finally reach the far side of the Sea of Fog...
5 Primogems
Aha! What's on the Hook?Fish some strange things up with Kayvan...
5 Primogems
Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame RisesComplete "Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises."
10 Primogems
All Dreams Must End With an AwakeningWake from the Sabzeruz samsara.
5 Primogems
All Is WellHelp Wang Ping'an renovate Pervases' temple.
5 Primogems
All We Need Is Some Firewood and Some Vinegar...There is not just one secret path to the surface.
5 Primogems
All's Well That Ends WellComplete the quest "For Old Time's Sake."
5 Primogems
An Eye To EyeTake care of those anoying Bullet Barnacles!
5 Primogems
And After That...The knight defeated the demon king, saving the imprisoned princess. Light has returned to the kingdom...
5 Primogems
And You Call Yourself One of the Four WindsDefeat an Anemoboxer Vanguard after having triggered all of their elemental absorptions.
5 Primogems
Angle EraserSuppress the Beastly Rift using the power of the crystals.
5 Primogems
Anna's AdventuresHelp Anna become an adventurer.
5 Primogems
Answer Time 3.0Witness Alrani's story in Sumeru.
5 Primogems
As the Lion Searched for Courage...Find Arashakun's lost "courage."
5 Primogems
As You WishHave your fortune told five times by Granny Komaki while obtaining an ideal result
5 Primogems
Autumn Winds, Scarlet LeavesComplete Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves.
5 Primogems
Back With The WindAbsorb at least 10 Elemental Orbs created by the Anemo Hypostasis in a single battle.
5 Primogems
Basically HarmlessDefeat a Specter that has not accumulated any Fury.
5 Primogems
Before My TimePeople don't want to mention his name, nor do want to remember his words or deeds.
5 Primogems
Beginner's LuckSelect the highest-value jade on your first try.
5 Primogems
Behold My Righteous Strike!Use the Ruin Cannon to destroy the Golem's core during the Nirodha subquest of As the As The Khvarena's Light Shows quest
5 Primogems
Beloved of the Anemo ArchonTake a seat in the hands of the God Statue in Mondstadt.
5 Primogems
Beneath the FogDispel the purple mist permeating
5 Primogems
Beware of Angry DogDefeat a roaring Rifthound.
5 Primogems
Beyond the Shadow of TimeTouch every mysterious mural in the desert.
5 Primogems
BifrostComplete all Soul Bell challenges
5 Primogems
Bio-Oceanic WeaponBe hit by a certain animal created by the Hydro Hypostasis...
5 Primogems
Birth Of The Modern ClockHelp Puca find a way to use the ore.
5 Primogems
From Soil You Are, and to the Sand You Shall Return...Just like all who dwell in the desert...
5 Primogems
Funerary StormUse a Pneuma attack to weaken the whirlwind Coppelia creates during the performance's climax.
5 Primogems
Futile EndeavorDiscover the remains of many ruin machines.
5 Primogems
Genesis of the RiftDiscover the truth behind the destruction of the Eremite investigative expedition to Gurabad.
5 Primogems
Get Over Here!Shoot down a flying Fungus.
5 Primogems
Get Your Own Emergency FoodConsume the food during Food Delivery.
5 Primogems
Get Your Own Emergency Food!Consume the food during "Food Delivery"...?
5 Primogems
Glacial SteelObtain an ancient weapon made of Starsilver.
5 Primogems
Glittering Melody...They will carry this melody for generation after generation.
5 Primogems
Glutton for GoulashLearn to make Goulash.
5 Primogems
Gold Experience RequiemSeeds of Stories, Brought By the Wind...
5 Primogems
Golden Gliding LicenseGlide a long, long distance in one go.
10 Primogems
Great Amakumo PeakUnlock the mechanism beneath Amakumo Peak.
5 Primogems
Guess Who?Find out who Zhenyu really is.
5 Primogems
Guessing GameFrom an even more distant past to the present day...
5 Primogems
Guyun Buyer's ClubFind out the truth behind the deal Beidou's making
5 Primogems
Han Always Shoots First.....So don't bring a knife to a gunfight.
5 Primogems
Hard LandingBring a climbing Bathysmal Vishap down.
5 Primogems
Hardships ExperiencedTo obtain the holy blade that might defeat the demon king, the knight broke into the ancient city, sealed using magic..
5 Primogems
He Who Controls the Spice...Use the Windbite Bullets to perform Swirl reactions and bring the Setekh Wenut in its floating form down.
5 Primogems
Hello...! Anyone In Here...?Discover a secret passageway in Ritou.
5 Primogems
Her And Her CatFollow Neko up Mt. Yougou to find Hibiki's trail.
5 Primogems
Hero-In-TrainingComplete 10 Requests.
5 Primogems
Hic PulsoRetrieve all five Korybantes during Awakening's Real Sound quest
5 Primogems
Hidden in Plain SightHelp Sango and Ryuuji solve the case.
5 Primogems
Hidden Palace of Guizang FormulaFollow in the footsteps of immortals, and unlock the Domain's door.
5 Primogems
Hidden Palace of Zhou FormulaFollow the Seelie and light the torches to unlock the entrance to a domain in Wuwang Hill.
5 Primogems
Hiiragi SanjuuroEscort the goods successfully and leave Ritou.
5 Primogems
Hilichurl ChampionDefeat a Stonehide Lawachurl before its Infused Form can expire
5 Primogems
Homeward-Bound SpiritsComplete Pale Fire quest
5 Primogems
How Do You Write the Excavation Report?Explore the ruins beneath the desert for the first time.
5 Primogems
I am a cat named Neko.Meet Neko, the "Provisional Head Priestess of the Asase Shrine."
5 Primogems
I Hate 'Em Myself!Be attacked by a Wenut for the first time.
5 Primogems
I Hear Thunder...Be struck by the lightning called down by a Crackling Axe Mitachurl...
10 Primogems
I'll Let You Off... This TimeDefeat Childe
5 Primogems
I'll Let You Off...This TimeDefeat Childe.
5 Primogems
I'm a cat named Neko.Meet neko, the Provisional Head Priestess of the Asase Shrine.
5 Primogems
I've Got It! I've Got It!Find and solve a series of riddles in Sumeru City.
5 Primogems
Icebound OathUse an Ousia attack to remove the shield that Coppelius deploys during the performance's climax.
5 Primogems
Icing On the SlimeCreate a box of lovely, jubbly Sugar-Frosted Slimes
5 Primogems
Icy Rivers, Crimson WitchDefeat Signora without destroying either her Hearts of Flame or Eyes of Frost.
5 Primogems
If I Run Fast EnoughDefeat a Maguu Kenki without being hit by it's Phantom's attack.
10 Primogems
If I Run Fast Enough...Defeat a Maguu Kenki without being hit by its phantom's attacks.
5 Primogems
If Not Us, Then Who?Collect the letters of the Fatui in The Chasm.
5 Primogems
If They Had Known the Unseen...Liloupar frees herself of her contract with you, choosing to face her dark and distant destiny...
5 Primogems
If Tokoyo Ookami Knew Of This...Return all the library books, and...
5 Primogems
If you put your heart into it...Cook 1 suspicious dish.
5 Primogems
Illustrious in InazumaReach Reputation Lv. 10 in Inazuma.
20 Primogems
Impeccable JudgementOnly Shoot down your real opponent...
5 Primogems
Impeccable JudgmentOnly shoot down your real opponent...
5 Primogems
In Her Full Glory...The fuchsia Padisarahs bloom upon an empty throne, like the eternal smile of their mistress.
5 Primogems
In Search of Frittered TimeReach Reputation Lv. 10 in Fontaine.
5 Primogems
In the Name of AnfortasVisit the place where the heroes met their end.
5 Primogems
In the Name of FavoniusWitness Jilliana's tale.
5 Primogems
In This Solemn Matter Let No One Interfere!Defeat a Maguu Kenki without triggering its Oushi no Omote parry.
5 Primogems
Initiating Warp Drive!Pass through the time tunnel in the skies of Cape Oath.
5 Primogems
Interview with a Bygone GodHear the story of a bygone deity
5 Primogems
Inugami's EndDestroy two Rifthound Skulls within a short time.
5 Primogems
Inversion of GenesisComplete "Inversion of Genesis."
10 Primogems
Iron ViscountDefeat the local legend, Iron Viscount.
5 Primogems
Is There But One Truth...?Witness Ryuuji's tale.
5 Primogems
Isn't Life Wondrous?The Wenut tunnel this palaces windingly, perhaps even intricately, since life always finds a way...
5 Primogems
It All Comes Tumbling DownUse the Elemental Matrices to overload and paralyze Shouki no Kami.
10 Primogems
It Has To Be TreasureI already told you, it's just a picture!
5 Primogems
It's Bigger on the InsideClean Madame Ping's teapot
5 Primogems
It's Fish, I Added FishTaste the wonderful birthday cake with the Melusine.
5 Primogems
It's My Job.Help Hanbei pick more mushrooms.
5 Primogems
It's Only an Eternity of Servitude!The Jinni Liloupar, who has slumbered for hundreds and thousands of years, enters into a pact with you.
5 Primogems
It's the Same As Having WingsGlide continuously for over 80s.
10 Primogems
It's Yesterday Once MoreActive 10/30/60 tunes in the Serenitea Pot using the Euphonium Unbound furnishing series.
5 Primogems
Iwakura OutWitness the end of the Iwakura Clan.
5 Primogems
Jack of No TradesGet to know the story of Tang Wuchou, hero of the cliffs.
5 Primogems
JackpotUse the Kamuijima Cannon to reveal a treasure trove.
5 Primogems
Jailhouse FiestaRescue Masakatsu successfully.
5 Primogems
JuggernautCrush all of a Geo Hypostastis' Rock Pillars of Revival before it can be revived.
5 Primogems
Just My Luck...Draw a Great Curse slip at the Grand Narukami Shrine.
5 Primogems
Kalimi's FungusWatch Hatim make a killing on the exchange!
5 Primogems
Kannazuka Battle PlanDefeat the revived Electro Hypostasis.
5 Primogems
Kara's ChildDrift freely in the forest.
5 Primogems
King Deshret and the Three MagiComplete "King Deshret and the Three Magi."
10 Primogems
Knee-Deep Snow...Defeat a Cryo Hypostasis that has revived three times.
5 Primogems
Knighthood ExcellenceBecome an Honorary Knight of Favonius
5 Primogems
Knights and their Knotty IssuesFail to borrow the Holy Relic... but learn og the Knights' dilemma
5 Primogems
Knock KnockDisable the containment dome surrounding the Mikage Furnace.
5 Primogems
KnockoutDestroy a Cryo Regisvine's corolla weak point while it is performing its rotary spray attack.
5 Primogems
Kujirai Art, Temari JutsuPlay a game of Temari with Kujirai.
5 Primogems
La Luna RossaAcross this vast chessboard, what horrors have been enacted under the light of the blood-red moon?
5 Primogems
Layers of FearEscape the mysterious space at the very bottom of The Chasm successfully.
5 Primogems
Le Scaphandre et le PufferfruitComplete the advaned underwater training
5 Primogems
Legend in LiyueReach Reputation Lv. 8 in Liyue.
20 Primogems
Let the Wind LeadObtain the power of Anemo
5 Primogems
Level UpHelp Huai'an repair Wangshu Inn's broken bridge
5 Primogems
Light And Dark, Dusk And Dawnhead to the top of Dainichi Mikoshi.
5 Primogems
Light Up the DarkSend forth some light.
5 Primogems
Light Up The FogLight up all the Stormstones on the Autake Plains.
5 Primogems
Like a Morning Sun Coming Out of Gloomy MountainsComplete Asipattravana Itihasa quest
5 Primogems
Like Water Disappearing Into WaterHear about the prophecy that has been circulating around Fontaine.
5 Primogems
Lily Loves MusicSing a song of Mondstadt to the Glaze Lilies...
5 Primogems
Liyue IchibanHeal Tang Wen with some delicious dishes.
5 Primogems
Long John SilverFind all of Rinzou's Buried Treasure
5 Primogems
Love And Non-CommunicationDefeat a Thunder Manifestation without ever being locked onto.
5 Primogems
Love Is All Aroundin "Good Sign," help Zhihua find 5 signs that romance is coming his way.
5 Primogems
Lovely Sights, Further Than The Eye Can SeeBid farewell to your boatman.
5 Primogems
Maintain Safety DistanceUse the Safe Blasting Mechanism 2156 to clear the path ahead.
5 Primogems
Majesty Of The DeepDefeat Beisht, Avenger of the Vortex.
5 Primogems
Making DoOnly bring materials for a training dummy to Herman
5 Primogems
Marvelous MedicineCure Anna's illness.
5 Primogems
Master Chef: VanaranaHelp Arapacati's brothers with their "Supreme Delicacies."
5 Primogems
May Glory Go With YouComplete "Requiem of the Echoing Depths"
10 Primogems
Maybe Get Yourself A More Social Hobby...Receive the Jibashiri's acknowledgement.
5 Primogems
Me, Myself, But Not IDefeat the Everlasting Lord of Arcane Wisdom within the memory.
5 Primogems
Meal For Twohelp both Xudong and Kamei Munnehisa make a dish once.
5 Primogems
Megastar in MondstadtReach Reputation 8 in Mondstadt.
20 Primogems
Melting... Away...Defeat a Cryo Cicin Mage while all her Cryo Cicins are currently active.
5 Primogems
Mighty and Illuminated Wave RiderContinuously sail your Waverider for a certain period of time.
5 Primogems
Moshiri KaraUnlock Moshiri Kara.
5 Primogems
Music of the ForestYou seem to have the potential to be a "song gatherer"...
5 Primogems
My Life As An AdventurerHelp Roald to complete his adventure diary.
5 Primogems
Mystery of TatarasunaInvestigate the memories of Tatarasuna's past within Irminsul.
5 Primogems
N-Thousand Leagues Under The SeaEnter Enkanomiya.
5 Primogems
Nanomachines, Son!Defeat an activated Jadeplume Terrorshroom while it is unleashing a powerful skill...
5 Primogems
Nature's Infinite WitReach Reputation Lv. 10 in Sumeru
20 Primogems
Nice Boat!Switch Waveriders with another player.
5 Primogems
Nihil Sub Caligine NovumSeems like you're back to square one...
5 Primogems
No Way HomeBreak through the obstacles and meet up with Xiao in "Perilous Trail."
5 Primogems
Non-Obligatory RequestFind all the items that Gulabgir made for his snakes.
5 Primogems
None Stand SecureForce the Geo Hypostasis into its revival state without destroying any basalt columns.
5 Primogems
Not Flyin' Away This Time!Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net item to capture 1 Crystalfly.
5 Primogems
Not for Long-Term ConsumptionFind Uncle He, the missing miner, in The Chasm.
5 Primogems
Nothing to Lose But TimeUnlock the secrets of two sundials
5 Primogems
Now Let Time ResumeComplete Aradasha's unfinished business.
5 Primogems
Of Heart and SoulComplete "Perilous Trail."
10 Primogems
Of Sun And MoonSwitch between Whitenight and Evernight once.
5 Primogems
Of the Human Heart Many Essays WrittenComplete all ecological surveys and gain the recommendation letter from Khedive.
5 Primogems
Of The Land Amidst MonolithsComplete "Of The Land Amidst Monoliths"
10 Primogems
Oh, Frabjous Day!Find the secret treasure by following the clues in the chests.
5 Primogems
Oh, so That's How You Fish...Scare the fish away when casting your rod.
5 Primogems
Oh, The Humanity!Witness the fate of the Samurai.
5 Primogems
Omamori, Justice, Number OneComplete the Three Small Wishes.
5 Primogems
Omnipresence Over MortalsComplete Omnipresence Over Mortals.
10 Primogems
On a Magic Carpet RideThis whole new world, this dazzling place I never knew!
5 Primogems
On The Other Side Of HomesicknessHelp Oda Tarou take four pictures of Seirai Island.
5 Primogems
There was one survivor who got away.
5 Primogems
One Key For Each LockFind all the Key Sigils
10 Primogems
One Step Too FarSlip up in a race against Hilmi...
5 Primogems
OowazamonoDefeat Masanori with ease.
5 Primogems
Open Sesame!Use the secret code to enter the Fatui's hidden encampment
5 Primogems
Open to InterpretationRuin 4 signs of an imminent romance.
5 Primogems
Opportunistic GainWatch the infighting between the Fungi.
5 Primogems
Outlander Vs. OutlanderDefeat Childe without any party member being marked and then hit by his follow-up attack.
10 Primogems
Outlandish BehaviorBe rescued by an outsider at the "tourist spot that locals don't go to"
5 Primogems
Overflowing LightDestroy 2 Oozing Concretions with 1 Blooming Light during a battle against the Ruin Serpent.
5 Primogems
Overlooking ViewReach the very top of Qingyun Peak.
5 Primogems
P-paimon ate it...Have the Maushiro that you got missing.
5 Primogems
Paimon's Lucky Day!Draw a Great Fortune, fortune slip at the Grand Narukami Shrine.
5 Primogems
Palace In A PoolUnlock Palace in a Pool.
5 Primogems
Parinama: Fox, Cat, Bird, and MonsterSolve Nahida's hidden riddle and discover The Balladeer's past.
5 Primogems
Parvezravan KhwarrahBring all the Primal Obelisks back in the Desert of Hadramaveth back to life.
5 Primogems
PenaltyThere are places where one cannot simply dig Pyro Slimes of the ground...
5 Primogems
People of the Valley of LifeFind the shriveled seed and do not eat it rashly.
5 Primogems
Perched Between Dream and RealityEnter Vanarana in reality
5 Primogems
Pirates! Argh!Play a game of pirates with Little Lulu, Little Fei, and Little Meng.
5 Primogems
Please Play SafelyPlay with the Aranara in the forest.
5 Primogems
Poet Vs. PaycheckComplete So-called Work and receive Linling's poetry anthology.
5 Primogems
Portal of MarvelsTruly step into "the world of Aranara"...
5 Primogems
Prelude to the JourneyA young man is about to embark on a long journey...
5 Primogems
Priest, Princess, and ScribeClaim the treasure of the Entombed City.
5 Primogems
Principia ArithmeticaHelp Garcia perfect his machine.
5 Primogems
Prodigal Son's ReturnFollow the path of one of the members of the long-lost investigation team to where they embarked on their journey home.
5 Primogems
Purveyor of PunishmentDeal over 50,000 CRIT DMG
5 Primogems
Quest ClearComplete 10 Bounties.
5 Primogems
Quest FailedLost track of a Bounty target.
5 Primogems
Quick As LightningSprint continuously (or use an alternative sprint) for over 15s.
10 Primogems
Ready Player ZeroPlay a simple game with Childish Jiang.
5 Primogems
Ready, Fight!Earn your first victory in the Crux Clash.
5 Primogems
Reclining on Top of the WorldComplete Afratu's Dilemma.
10 Primogems
Records of the FallBurn the Dendro Hypostasis' vine shell as it is performing a Plunging Attack.
5 Primogems
Relaxation TherapyFulfill the 3 patients' wishes.
5 Primogems
Respecting Cultural HeritageYou failed to find the Cocogoat... but manage to repair a mechanism
5 Primogems
Rest In PeaceEnd the wrath of 10 deceased samurai.
5 Primogems
Revolutionary OutlanderSuccessfully join the Resistance.
5 Primogems
RexitPrepare everything necessary for the Rite of Parting.
5 Primogems
Ride The LightningDefeat a Kairagi: Dancing Thunder while their wewapon is infused with Electro.
5 Primogems
Rise and ShrineFind all the shrines on Yashiori Island.
5 Primogems
Rise Of The Jade ChamberComplete the reconstruction of the Jade Chamber.
5 Primogems
Run, Melos!Sprint continuosly for over 15s.
10 Primogems
Samurai GourmetWitness Kamei Munehisa's introduction into the Gourmet Supremos.
5 Primogems
SamuriceHelp Kamei Munehisa collect ingredients from the camps on either side.
5 Primogems
Scarlet Reign's Great Red SandExplore the three large Obelisks in the desert.
5 Primogems
Scholarly in SumeruAnswer 6 different questions correctly.
5 Primogems
Scholarly PretensionsComplete The Lost Relic and A Little Raid.
5 Primogems
Scourge of the BattlefieldFetch a good price for a treasure found in an ancient ruin...
5 Primogems
Sea Of PuzzlesUnlock one seires of mechanisms on Seirai Island.
5 Primogems
Second BloomingObtain Hanayama Kaoru's gift.
5 Primogems
Seeds of Stories, Brought by the Wind...Reach the nameless island northeast of Mondstadt.
5 Primogems
Seven Dish DanceComplete all Percussive Prancing Mushroom challenges
5 Primogems
Seven LettersTry to decipher the Ishine Script.
5 Primogems
Shadow Over Luhua PoolHelp Vermeer get the scenery of his dreams.
5 Primogems
Shocking... Positively ShockingGet struck by Balethunder.
5 Primogems
Shuumatsu GaidenGet caught up in the fight between the Shuumatsuban and the Fatui.
5 Primogems
Silence, You Raving LunaticDefeat the Abyss Herald.
5 Primogems
Silly-Billy Churlish GhoulAgree to play with Dusky Mind
5 Primogems
Sky HighClimb the Skyfrost Nail after it has been restored.
5 Primogems
Sky's The LimitReach Liyue's "mansion in the sky"
5 Primogems
Smells Like Animal Spirit!Defeat a Pyro Hypostasis after being hit by its mimetic 3-hit combo.
5 Primogems
Sneering At The Power Of The GodsLearn of the Loom of Fate...
5 Primogems
Snow-Store HistoryDiscover the fate of a long-lost investigation team that once explored Dragonspine.
5 Primogems
Snow-Stored HistoryDiscover the fate of a long-lost investigation team that once explored Dragonspine.
5 Primogems
Soaring in the Skies of Sary-OzekKeep Sorush in flight for a while
5 Primogems
Song of Night and Dawn...We shall meet each other somewhere in the future.
5 Primogems
Song of the Dragon and FreedomComplete "Song of the Dragon and Freedom"
10 Primogems
Sorry For The Trouble!Receive the complaint that Konda Densuke lodges in Post-Sale Service.
5 Primogems
Step Right Up!Complete the archery challenge.
5 Primogems
Sternest Of SoulsDefeat Azdaha in all its forms.
20 Primogems
Stillness, The Sublimation Of ShadowComplete Stillness, the Sublimation of Shadow.
10 Primogems
Stop It, Mr. Robot!Interrupt the charged attack of the Aeonblight Drake by attacking the core on its head.
5 Primogems
Sumeru Monster Ecology SurveyComplete your task of protecting those who dwell in the forests.
5 Primogems
Summit of WisdomReach the highest point in Sumeru City.
5 Primogems
Swift as the WindActivate three wind currents in Mawtiyima Forest
5 Primogems
Swordfish IIObtain the trust of the Swordfish II squad.
5 Primogems
SwordseekerWitness the tale of Lan and the "Unseen Razor."
5 Primogems
Take That, You Overblown Mist Flower!Defeat a Cryo Regisvine without destroying its corolla weak point
5 Primogems
Taking Responsibility for Your ActionsApologize to Timmie
5 Primogems
Tales of Monstrous MadnessCollect the entire "Toki Alley Tales" series.
5 Primogems
Temari for LifeHave another player join a game of Temari that you are hosting.
5 Primogems
Thank You, Come AgainObtain the grand prize from Takashi's chests.
5 Primogems
That Smells DivineFigure out which perfume Rex Lapis is fond of
5 Primogems
That Was Blooming HotDefeat a Pyro Regisvine without destroying its corolla weak point
5 Primogems
That's one big Crystalfly Absorb all of an Anemo Hypostasis' Wind Crystals before it can be revived.
5 Primogems
That's What They Call a Gateaway!Allow a struggling fish to get off the hook.
5 Primogems
That's What They Call a Getaway!Allow a struggling fish to get off the hook.
5 Primogems
The AlchemistakeRescue Clitopho.
5 Primogems
The Amazing PyramidA small step towards hiding the truth.
5 Primogems
The Ancient Orchard and SpringThe terraced pools that once overflowed with spring water have now been filled with yellow sand..
5 Primogems
The Aspirations Of AllCome into contact with the Statue of the Omnipresent God, the symbol of Eternity.
5 Primogems
The Bandit, The Lunatic, And The Pitch-Black EnigmaUncover the Grand Thief's fate.
5 Primogems
The Beautiful and DamnedLearn the secret behind the Black Serpent Knights and the hilichurls.
5 Primogems
The Best Sword in the CemetaryUnlock the Tri-Seal of the Sword Cemetary.
5 Primogems
The Best Sword In The CemeteryUnlock the Tri-Seal of the Sword Cemetery.
5 Primogems
The Bigger They AreParalyze a Ruin Guard by attacking its weak point.
5 Primogems
The Bigger They Are...Paralyze a Ruin Guard by attacking it's weak point.
5 Primogems
The Bitter Fruit of DreamsUse Kusava for the first time.
5 Primogems
The Bleak MidwinterSuccumb to Sheer Cold...
5 Primogems
The Brave Shall Not FalterComplete Lightcall Resonance quest and finish all trials set by Jarjar around Tunigi Hollows
5 Primogems
The BreakthroughAre all machines from Khaenri'ah this strange?
5 Primogems
The Calendar of the Future Is Longer Than the Diary of the PastRead all Cipher Letters I to V
5 Primogems
The Camel, the Lion, and the ChildObtain all Spenta Hearts inside the Defiled Chamber
5 Primogems
The Chasm Mining RecordsRead all text fragments related to mining in The Chasm.
5 Primogems
the Children Of God Shall DanceSpeak to all the Phaethon afterimages.
5 Primogems
The Crane Returns On The WindComplete the Crane Returns On The Wind.
10 Primogems
The Day of TirganTalk to Sorush after protecting the Flower of Sanctity during The Hymn of Tir Yazad quest
5 Primogems
The Eel In Winter SoughtReceive the Jibashiri's acknowledgement.
5 Primogems
The End of AnnihilationDefeated Marana's Avatar, and then...
5 Primogems
The End of the BeginningComplete the Mondstadt Archon Quests
5 Primogems
The End of the CorridorEnter the most secret chamber at the bottom of the Mausoleum of King Deshret.
5 Primogems
The Flavor of Déjà VuPick the Sunsettia-flavored box of candy by yourself.
5 Primogems
The Gathering StormEarn the chance to go to Inazuma on board the Alcor.
5 Primogems
The God Gazes BackWitness Scaramouche's past after being connected to the "divine consciousness."
5 Primogems
The House of Canned TimeUse the Canned Knowledge to increase your combat strength.
5 Primogems
The Hunter Becomes The HuntedBe defeated by The Great Snowboar King.
5 Primogems
The Ill-Starred Legacy Of IwakuraReturn the blade of the Iwakura Master.
5 Primogems
The Illusory CityExperience your first mirage in the desert.
5 Primogems
The Immovable God And The Eternal EuthymiaComplete The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia.
10 Primogems
The Invisible HandDefeat the Primal Construct without disabling its invisible state.
5 Primogems
The Jasmines Whisper, the Pomegranates Are GladComplete "Agnihotra Sutra."
10 Primogems
The King Is Dead, Long Live the King!Interrupt the Emperor of Fire and Iron's Searing Coronation.
5 Primogems
The King of Four LandsFind and unlock the secrets of all Transparent Ruins in the desert.
5 Primogems
The Lengthy ReunionFollow the Sumpter Beast that has lost its owner until it finishes its journey.
5 Primogems
The Long GoodbyePrepare everything necessary for the Rise of Parting
5 Primogems
The Longest DayRescue a god on Jnagarbha Day.
5 Primogems
The Lost ValleyUnlock The Lost Valley.
5 Primogems
The Loveless Tarantula"I swear I'm gonna boil you down for axle grease!"
5 Primogems
The Marvelous Uses of Nitrogen FixationDuring one Dendro Hypostasis challenge, cause three Restorative Piths to be in an Activated state simultaneously.
5 Primogems
The Merchant and the Gate of KnowledgeMeet Dori and purchase Canned Knowledge.
5 Primogems
The Millelith Shall Never Be MovedCollect all the offerings the Millelith left behind and obtain the treasure.
5 Primogems
The Morn a Thousand Roses BringsComplete "The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings."
10 Primogems
The Mushroom That Asks Too MuchComplete Xamaran's commission in The Chasm.
5 Primogems
The Mushrooms That Asks Too MuchComplete Xamaran's commission in The Chasm.
5 Primogems
The Nameless City's PastThe murals within the temple of Gurabad speak of glorious bygone age...
5 Primogems
The Net Closes InUse the Omni-Ubiquity Net item to capture 1 Finch.
5 Primogems
The Nine-Word RumorFind all the secret messages.
5 Primogems
The Outlander Who Caught The WindComplete "The Outlander Who Caught The Wind"
10 Primogems
The Path to EnlightenmentNo one knows how these great monuments were built or why they were lost to time.
5 Primogems
The Perfect Sandstorm"We're heading straight into meteorological hell."
5 Primogems
The Princess Behind The CurtainOfficially make the acquaintance of the young lady of the Kamisato Clan.
5 Primogems
The PRISM ProgramBreak all of an Electro Hypostasis' Revival Prisms before it can be revived.
5 Primogems
The Rain Seeps Into the SoilComplete "Varuna Gatha."
10 Primogems
The Random Circumstances of a Rose's BloomingHelp Collei tend to her Sumeru Rose.
5 Primogems
The Remains of the GaleReach the top of the tower in Stormterror's Lair
5 Primogems
The Rule of ThreeFind three lost musical scores and obtain three Vasoma Fruits.
5 Primogems
The Sea of FertilityRevitalize all Sunyata Flowers around the Vourukasha Oasis then talk to Sefana
5 Primogems
The Ship Has ItHelp Rafiq test his ship's hull strength successfully.
5 Primogems
The Silent, Dreamless ParadiseThis is the mausoleum of the Goddess of Flowers. This is the long and dreamless slumber of a god...
5 Primogems
The Sky is Vast; The Earth...Help Farghani perform measurements.
5 Primogems
The Smells DivineFigure out which perfume Rex Lapis is fond of.
5 Primogems
The Soul TransposedShare senses with Nahida through possession using Akasha.
5 Primogems
The Straight PathHead to the hidden compartment at the top of the Mausoleum of King Deshret.
5 Primogems
The Stranding of the BeagleExplore Watatsumi Island, following in the steps of an unknown researcher
5 Primogems
The Tale of the ForestHear 5 tales of the forest from Aravinay.
5 Primogems
The Tome of TaliesinObtain Taliesin's gift.
5 Primogems
The Tree on the HillComplete Awakening's Real Sound quest
5 Primogems
The White Path Between Two RiversLose in the duel against the legendary Hunter's Ray...
5 Primogems
The Will to Live and the Depths of LamentationDefeat the Abyss Herald.
5 Primogems
Their WishesBring all the wishes upon the Statue of the Omnipresent God to fruition.
5 Primogems
These Are A Few Of My......Favorite Things.
5 Primogems
They Enter the FlowUse your Kamera to capture the moment when the Varunastra starts up.
5 Primogems
They Shall Not Grow OldPay your respects to the deceased.
5 Primogems
Thinking Like a Vahumana ScholarThe ink bottle has a fearsome power.
5 Primogems
This And That... Try connecting them?
5 Primogems
This and That......Try connecting them?
5 Primogems
This Mystery Is Solved!Complete Monumental Study quest
5 Primogems
This Novel Is Amazing!Steal a peek at Chang the Ninth's draft manuscript.
5 Primogems
This one is a cat named NekoMeet Neko, the Provisional Head Priestess of the Asase Shrine.
5 Primogems
Though Their Wishes Be Like Morning Dew...Find the person behind the distribution of the Delusions.
5 Primogems
Though to the Earth I May Return......My Dreams and Desires Shall Not Adjourn.
5 Primogems
Three StrikesWitness the three powerful abilities used by the activated Jadeplume Terrorshroom.
5 Primogems
Through Mists of Smoke and Forests DarkComplete "Through Mists of Smoke and Forests Dark."
10 Primogems
Through PassKnock a Pyro Slime out of the hands of a Hilichurl Grenadier.
5 Primogems
Through The StormReach the Outsider Settlement.
5 Primogems
Through Their Wishes Be Like Morning DewFind the person behind the distribution of the Delusions.
5 Primogems
Thunder FallDefeat a Thunder Manifestation while it is in flight.
5 Primogems
Thunderbird's LineageComplete all the statue challenges.
5 Primogems
Ticked, Tacked, and TowedCommission others to finish your work, unfettered by such things as Mora
5 Primogems
To Brave The Lightning's GlowBecome the target of the Vision hunt Decree.
5 Primogems
To Walk The Horizon...?Witness Sun Yu's tale.
5 Primogems
Today, This Seal - Tomorrow, Watatsumi Island!Break the seal over the Electro Archon's shrine.
5 Primogems
Today, This Seal — Tomorrow, Watatsumi Island!Break the seal over the Electro Archon's shrine.
5 Primogems
Too Hot To Handle!Constantly attempt to freeze Tainted Hydro Phantasms...
5 Primogems
Touch And GoUse a shield to counter a Geovishap's charging attack.
5 Primogems
Towering AchievementReach the summit of Dragonspine.
5 Primogems
Transmutation NuclideUse the Parametric Transformer to complete one material transmutation.
5 Primogems
Traverse The Fog DoorGet used to Tsurumi Island's odd weather.
5 Primogems
Trees Should Blend Their Roots and Shade, For That Is Where The Home is MadeWitness the story of Yuan Hong's household
5 Primogems
Trial of Haft-VadiComplete As the Khvarena's Light Shows quest
5 Primogems
Triumph of the ImaginationBe viewed as the savior of the world by the citizens controlled by Dottore.
5 Primogems
Trying To Tame Me?Use the Omni-Ubiquity Net item to capture 1 wild animal.
5 Primogems
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the SeaGo with the flow... (Use the water current and swim your way around the underwater area).
5 Primogems
Underground... Overrated?Sometimes, the real treasure is the things you learn along the way.
5 Primogems
Unmatched Throughout TokoyoReceive the Jibashiri's acknowledgement.
5 Primogems
UnswervingOpen the chest in the middle of the heart-shaped rock formation.
5 Primogems
Untellable TaleMake an unexpected friend in an unexpected location.
5 Primogems
Up by the RootsFind and defeat the fleeing Whopperflower
5 Primogems
Valor's AfterglowWhere lies the true meaning of adventure?
5 Primogems
Vamadha-Go-RoundTurn every Vamadha that holds a hidden treasure chest.
5 Primogems
Victory RoadFinish the preparations required to put that plan into action.
5 Primogems
Voice of AkashaHear the voice of divine wisdom.
5 Primogems
Walk Like King Deshret's PeopleObtain permission to go through many doors.
5 Primogems
Walking with Water and WindComplete "Until Vana is Healed."
5 Primogems
Waterworld FutureGaze upon the water beneath the surface.
5 Primogems
We Will Be ReunitedComplete the We Will Be Reunited.
5 Primogems
Weather Control ActivatedControl the Varuna Contraption to change the weather in Apam Woods.
5 Primogems
Well Done, Stierlitz!Help Yanbo complete the Millelith's mission.
5 Primogems
Well, At Least It EndedHear Junkichi out as he puts his story together.
5 Primogems
What Difference Does This Make?Sit at every single special spot.
5 Primogems
What Does This Button Do?As long as you miss, it isn't a big deal.
5 Primogems
What's the Matter?Enjoy three of Jafar's dishes.
5 Primogems
What's the Password?Open the mysterious gate of the Lamb-Devourer Rock.
5 Primogems
When Autumn and Dew MeetLet the Electro Regisvine perform its charged electrical collision.
5 Primogems
When One Gazes Into the Abyss...Though you are reunited with Dain, the Abyss is watching...
5 Primogems
When the Dark Sun PassesUnderstand the past through the final words of the priest of Deshret.
5 Primogems
When the Dreams BloomHave the Viparyas bloom throughout the Aranara nursery.
5 Primogems
When the Red Scarf Transforms Into a Bird in Flight...Make your first flight with Sorush
5 Primogems
When Wealth Comes A-Knockin'Give Hatim some Apple Cider.
5 Primogems
When You Say Nothing at AllDestroy all Elemental Rings to paralyze the Iniquitous Baptist when it begins to channel its attack
5 Primogems
Where Fate Comes To A CrossroadsEscape the eerie ruins.
5 Primogems
Where Have You Gone, My Dream?Witness the tale of Javi and the "dream."
5 Primogems
Where the Light TouchesComplete The Splendorous Sky That Day quest
5 Primogems
White IllusionEncounter the illustions of the ancient past.
5 Primogems
White's IllusionEncounter the illusions of the ancient past
5 Primogems
Who Let The Dogs OutSet Toratarou free.
5 Primogems
Whose Descendant Are You, and What's Your Name?Use the alternate Skill with Sorush
5 Primogems
Why We FightHelp Masanori return to his senses.
5 Primogems
Winds Change Their CourseBe rescued by Dvalin
5 Primogems
Winter WonderlandDiscover a Cryo Crysralfly beneath a snow pile.
5 Primogems
Wrath of the GodsGet struck by lightning.
5 Primogems
Yamada Go's Wooden MalletSee through the illusions of the Tanuki several times.
5 Primogems
Yet the Darkness Did Not Overcome It...Help Yanbo complete the Millelith's mission.
5 Primogems
Yo-Ho-Ho, and a Bottle of Dandelion WineClimb aboard your Waverider.
5 Primogems
You Can Have Those BackUse a shield of a matching type (or a Geo Shield) to counter a Geovishap's Primordial Shower attack and deal immense DMG.
5 Primogems
You Can Have Those Back!Use a shield of a matching type (or a Geo shield) to counter a Geovishap's Primordial Shower attack and deal immense DMG.
5 Primogems
You Can't Help Your FeelingsHelp Hiromi resolve his angst.
5 Primogems
You Should Start A Doushin DojoHelp Asakusa train 5 times.
5 Primogems
Zoo TycoonUse the Omni-Ubiquity Net item to capture 1 wild animal.
20 Primogems
▲Back to Index

Mortal Travails: Series I

Max Reward
Bright as a FlameCollect the entire "The Folio of Foliage" series.
5 Primogems
Compendium of MiseryCollect the entire The History Of The Decline And Fall Of Remuria series.
5 Primogems
Eternal YouthCollect the entire "Vera's Melancholy" series.
5 Primogems
Farris' JourneyCollect the entire "Scroll of Streaming Song" series.
5 Primogems
Hilichurlian Studies ExpertCollect the entire "Hilichurl Cultural Customs" series.
5 Primogems
Land of DandelionsCollect the entire "The Fox in the Dandelion Sea" series.
5 Primogems
Of Mountain HighObtain the Power Of Geo
5 Primogems
Of Mountains HighObtain the power of Geo.
5 Primogems
Reminiscence of GurabadCollect the entire "The Tale of Shiruyeh and Shirin" series.
5 Primogems
Renart The DeceiverComplete the Fables De Fontaine series.
5 Primogems
Robben Versus ChestertonCollect the entire Robben versus Chesterton: Iridescent Brooch series.
5 Primogems
Spring, White Horse and MoonlightCollect the entire "Moonlit Bamboo Forest" series.
5 Primogems
The Divine Halberd Mocks The HeavensCollect the entire "Legend of the Shattered Halberd" Series
5 Primogems
The Drunkard and the WolfCollect the entire Legend of the Shattered Halberd series.
5 Primogems
The Dunkard and the WolfCollect the entire "A Drunkard's Tale" series.
5 Primogems
The Essence of FloraObtain the power of Dendro.
5 Primogems
The Voice Of Flowing WaterCollect the entire "The Heart of Clear Springs" series
5 Primogems
The Wind and The Star TravelerBlow seeds off a Dandelion using Anemo.
5 Primogems
True Friendship Takes SacrificesCollect the entire "The Boar Princess" series.
5 Primogems
Unlimited Power!Obtain the power of Electro.
5 Primogems
▲Back to Index

The Art of Adventure

Max Reward
Star ChefMaster 10/20/40 Recipes.
5/10/20 Primogems
Survival ExpertGrasp how 10/20/40 different dishes are made.
5/10/20 Primogems
Taking ShapeForge a 4-Star Weapon.
10 Primogems
▲Back to Index

The Hero's Journey

Max Reward
Bounty of the EarthCollect 200/400/800 rewards from blossoms of wealth or blossoms of revelation.
5/10/20 Primogems
Echoing SongEnhance a 4-star artifact to its highest level.
10 Primogems
Hero's GiftObtain a 4-star Artifact.
5 Primogems
Hitherto UnknownReach Friendship 10 with 4/8/16 characters.
5/10/20 Primogems
Legendary TreasureObtain a 5-star Artifact.
5 Primogems
Onward and UpwardAscend a character to Phase 2/4/6 for the first time.
5/10/20 Primogems
Re-armed, Re-forgedAscend a weapon to Phase 2/4/6.
5/10/20 Primogems
Sacred CantoEnhance a 5-star artifact to its highest level.
10 Primogems
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Mondstadt: The City of Wind and Song

Max Reward
Brush of a Thousand WindsUnlock all Teleport Waypoints in Mondstadt (excluding the Dragonspine area).
5 Primogems
Continental Explorer: MondstadtLight up the entire Mondstadt map (excluding the Dragonspine area).
5 Primogems
Guiding WindFollow 10/20/40 Seelie in Mondstadt to their Seelie Courts (excluding the Dragonspine area).
5/10/20 Primogems
Let the Wind Lead Upgrade the Statues of the Seven in Mondstadt to their maximum level (excludes the Dragonspine area).
20 Primogems
Sanctuary Pilgrim: MondstadtUnlock all Shrines of Depths in Mondstadt.
10 Primogems
Wind-chasing AdventurerComplete 5/10/15 Open World mechanism-activated Time Trial Challenges in Mondstadt (excludes the Dragonspine area).
5/10/20 Primogems
Wind-chasing Treasure HunterOpen 100/200/400 chests in Mondstadt (excluding the Dragonspine area).
5/10/20 Primogems
▲Back to Index

Liyue: The Harbor of Stone and Contracts

Max Reward
Continental Explorer: LiyueLight up the entire Liyue Map.
5 Primogems
Lithic GuideFollow 20/40/60 Seelie in Liyue to their Seelie Courts.
5/10/20 Primogems
Rock-steady AdventurerComplete 10/20/40 Open World mechanism-activated Time Trial Challenges in Liyue.
5/10/20 Primogems
Rock-steady Treasure HunterOpen 200/400/800 chests in Liyue.
5/10/20 Primogems
Sanctuary Pilgrim: LiyueUnlock all Shrines of Depths in Liyue.
10 Primogems
Surveyor of StoneUnlock all Teleport Waypoints in Liyue.
5 Primogems
Unmovable MountainUpgrade the Statues of the Seven in Liyue to their maximum level.
20 Primogems
▲Back to Index

Elemental Specialist: Series I

Max Reward
A Little Less Shocking Than Love at First SightDefeat 4 opponents with Electro-Charged within 2s (x1/5/10).
5/10/20 Primogems
Active CamouflageRemove the invisibility of at least 2 Primal Constructs using Quicken, Aggravate, Spread, or Truesense Pulses within 3 seconds.
5 Primogems
Cool It!Keep an opponent Frozen for over 10s (x1/5/10).
5/10/20 Primogems
Earth, Wind and FireTrigger Cryo, Hydro, Pyro and Electro Swirl Reactions at least once each within 2s (x1).
5 Primogems
Go With The Wind!Trigger Cryo, Hydro, Pyro, and Electro Swirl Rections at least one each within 2s (x1/5/10).
5/10/20 Primogems
Grassy Blasty, Sparks 'n' SplashDefeat 4 opponents with Burgeon within 2s (x1/x5/x10).
5/10/20 Primogems
How HeartwarmingDefeat 4 enemies with Melt within 2s (x1).
5 Primogems
Hyperblooming CircusDefeat 4 opponents with Hyperbloom within 2s (x1/x5/x10).
5/10/20 Primogems
Melt You Down Like Ice CreamDefeat 4 opponents with Melt within 2s (x1/5/10).
5/10/20 Primogems
Perfomance May Decline in Low TemperaturesDefeat 4 enemies with Superconduct within 2s (x1).
5 Primogems
Performance May Decline in Low TemperaturesDefeat 4 opponents with Superconduct within 2s (x1/5/10).
5/10/20 Primogems
Season's GreetingsFreeze 4 Opponents within 2s (x1/5/10).
5/10/20 Primogems
The Art of WarDefeat 4 opponents with Overloaded within 2s (x1/5/10).
5/10/20 Primogems
▲Back to Index


Max Reward
Deadeye DickStrike an enemy's weak point from afar with an Aimed Short.
5 Primogems
Der FreischutzStrike an opponent's weak point from extremely far away with an Aimed Shot
5 Primogems
Der FreischützStrike an enemy's weak point from extremely afar with an Aimed Short.
5 Primogems
Master SniperStike an opponent's weak point from afar with an Aimed Shot
5 Primogems
Nothing Special, Just PracticeHit a falcon mid-flight with your bow
5 Primogems
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Challenger: Series I

Max Reward
...Geovishap, Solarvishap, Lunarvishap...Defeat the Geovishap in all of its elemental forms.
5 Primogems
...The Harder They FallDestroy a Cryo Samachurl's ice pillar
5 Primogems
...Well, That Was StrangeDefeat the Unusual Hilichurl 1/20/50 time
5/10/20 Primogems
Are Plasma Globes Still in Fashion?Break an Electro Cicin Mage's shield
5 Primogems
Assassin of KingsDefeat the true ruler of Dragonspine?
10 Primogems
Blazing DadaupaSet a Wooden Shield Mitachurl's shield on fire.
5 Primogems
Chilly-ChurlDefeat a Forstarm Lawachurl before its Infused Form can expire
10 Primogems
David and GoliathParalyze a Ruin Grader by attacking its weak point
5 Primogems
Did My Hand Fall From My Wrist?Defeat a Thunderhelm Lawachurl while in an enhanced state.
5 Primogems
Dip, Duck, Dive, Dodge, DefeatDefeat an Oceanid without being hit by water bombs left behind by certain Hydro Mimics
10 Primogems
Extreme GardeningParalyze a Cryo Regisvine by attacking its corolla
5 Primogems
Full Metal What Now?Shatter the Geo Crystal Shield of a Large Geo Slime
5 Primogems
Gardener ExtraordinaireParalyze a Pyro Regisvine by attacking its corolla
5 Primogems
Geo Elemental Reaction?Defeat the Primo Geovishap in all of its elemental forms.
10 Primogems
Geronimo!Hit an opponent with a Plunging Attack after plunging for more than 5 seconds
5 Primogems
Hydro HunterDefeat every tupe of Hydro Mimic that an Oceanid can summon
5 Primogems
I'll Skip the Spa, ThanksDefeat a Mirror Maiden without being trapped by its Water Prison.
5 Primogems
It's Quiet... Too Quiet...Defeat the Pyro Hypostasis after it enters its extinguished state only once
5 Primogems
No Ice for Me, ThanDefeat a Cryo Samachurl before it is able to create an ice pillar.
5 Primogems
No Ice for Me, ThanksDefeat a Cryo Samachurl before it is able to create an ice pillar
5 Primogems
Puppet Show-OffDefeat the Maguu Kenki while he is taunting you.
5 Primogems
Rhythm TengokuStop an Abyss Mage from regenerating its shield
5 Primogems
Rosebud...Break a Cryo Cicin Mage's shield
5 Primogems
Shield Me From The WorldHave a single character be protected by 3 different types of shield at once
10 Primogems
Tear Down This Wall!Destroy an Ice Shieldwall Mitachurl's shield
5 Primogems
The Battle of Narukami IslandDefeat the Perpetual Mechanical Array in its weakened state.
5 Primogems
The Finishing TouchDefeat Azhdaha without ever having gained a shield.
10 Primogems
Totaled TotemDefeat an Electro Samachurl with no lightning totem on the field.
5 Primogems
TurnoverKnock a Cryo slim out of the hands of a Cryo Hilichurl Grenadier
5 Primogems
Vicious CircleUnleash 5 Elemental Bursts within 15 seconds
5 Primogems
Vicious CycleUnlease 5 Elemental Bursts within 15 seconds
10 Primogems
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Domains and Spiral Abyss: Series I

Max Reward
Abyssal CrusaderObtain all Abyssal Stars in the Spiral Abyss.
20 Primogems
Down to DodgeComplete Spyral Abyss 2-3/5-3/8-3 without taking any DMG.
5/10/20 Primogems
Down We GoClearn Floor 4/8/12 of the Spiral Abyss.
5/10/20 Primogems
My PreciousComplete Spyral Abyss 2-2 with an undamaged Ley Line Monolith.
10 Primogems
Stardust CrusaderObtain all Abyssal Stars in the Spiral Abyss.
20 Primogems
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Olah!: Series I

Max Reward
...Odomu?Successfully conduct cultural exchange with the hilichurls in "Language Exchange.
5 Primogems
...Odumu?Successfully conduct cultural exchange with the hilichurls in "Language Exchange"
5 Primogems
Yo dala?Successfully conduct cultural exchange with the hilichurls in "Poetry Exchange"
5 Primogems
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Snezhnaya Does Not Believe In Tears: Series I

Max Reward
PerfectionistComplete all Tsarevich's commissions flawlessly in "Reliable Helper"
5 Primogems
Telling It How It IsGather intelligence concerning Snezhnaya in "Tales of Winter"
5 Primogems
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Stone Harbor's Nostalgia: Series I

Max Reward
Friends, Travelers, Lend Me Your Ears...Finish listening to the tale of the Ring of Raining Blades in "Cliffhanger"
5 Primogems
Geo Archon AnecdotesCollect all the stories about Rex Lapis in the "Geo Travel Diary"
5 Primogems
Once Upon A Time...Finish listening to the tale of The Wrate of Haishan in "Cliffhanger"
5 Primogems
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Meetings in Outrealm: Series I

Max Reward
...And Still Smiling!Defeat an Electro Hypostasis in Co-op Mode
10 Primogems
A Delusion's Abilities Don't Decide A Battle's OutcomeDefeat Childe in Co-op Mode.
10 Primogems
A Fish Called RhodeiaDefeat an Oceanid in Co-op Mode
10 Primogems
Blast from the PastDefeat Azhdaha in Co-op Mode.
10 Primogems
Brave the Lightning's Glow...Defeat the Raiden Shogun in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
Dashing Through the Snow... and the FlamesDefeat Signora in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
Electric Shock HazardDefeat an Electro Regisvine in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
I came, I saw, I conqueredCollect 5/20/50 regional specialties in another player's world
5/10/20 Primogems
I'm a FlexitarianDefeat a Jadeplume Terrorshroom in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
Just Me and You, the Sky So Blue, and Almost Getting Killed by a Cryo RegisvineDefeat a Cryo Regisvine in Co-op Mode
10 Primogems
Moving MountainsDefeat a Primo Geovishap in Co-op Mode.
10 Primogems
No Strings Attached, AnymoreDefeat a Maguu Kenki in Co-op Mode.
10 Primogems
Operation BonfireDefeat a Pyro Hypostasis in Co-op Mode.
10 Primogems
Our Hearts as OneDefeat a Thunder Manifestation in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
Put on IceDefeat a Cryo Hypostasis in Co-op Mode.
10 Primogems
Surpassing the Ancients' WisdomDefeat the Ruin Serpent in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
That's One Big CrystalflyDefeat an Anemo Hypostasis in Co-op Mode
10 Primogems
The Not-So-Perpetual Mechanical ArrayDefeat a Perpetual Mechanical Array in Co-op Mode.
10 Primogems
The Whisperer in DarknessDefeat the Golden Wolflord in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
This Is FineDefeat a Pyro Regisvine in Co-op Mode
10 Primogems
Water, BasicallyDefeat a Hydro Hypostasis in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
Wolf PactDefeat the king of Wolvendom in Co-op Mode
10 Primogems
You Came, You Saw, We Co-OpedComplete Domains together with other players 5/20/100 times
5/10/20 Primogems
You Have to Hit the PillarsDefeat a Geo Hypostasis in Co-op Mode.
10 Primogems
You Me and You, the Sky So Blue, and Almost Getting Killed by a Cryo RegisvineDefeat a Cryo Regisvine in Co-op Mode.
10 Primogems
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Challenger: Series II

Max Reward
...The Harder They FallDestroy a Cryo Samachurl's ice pillar
5 Primogems
...Well, That Was StrangeDefeat the Unusual Hilichurl 1/20/50 time
5/10/20 Primogems
Assassin of KingsDefeat the true ruler of Dragonspine?
10 Primogems
Chilly-ChurlDefeat a Forstarm Lawachurl before its Infused Form can expire
10 Primogems
David and GoliathParalyze a Ruin Grader by attacking its weak point
5 Primogems
Dip, Duck, Dive, Dodge, DefeatDefeat an Oceanid without being hit by water bombs left behind by certain Hydro Mimics
10 Primogems
Extreme GardeningParalyze a Cryo Regisvine by attacking its corolla
5 Primogems
Gardener ExtraordinaireParalyze a Pyro Regisvine by attacking its corolla
5 Primogems
Geronimo!Hit an opponent with a Plunging Attack after plunging for more than 5 seconds
5 Primogems
Hydro HunterDefeat every tupe of Hydro Mimic that an Oceanid can summon
5 Primogems
No Ice for Me, ThanDefeat a Cryo Samachurl before it is able to create an ice pillar.
5 Primogems
No Ice for Me, ThanksDefeat a Cryo Samachurl before it is able to create an ice pillar
5 Primogems
Rosebud...Break a Cryo Cicin Mage's shield
5 Primogems
Shield Me From The WorldHave a single character be protected by 3 different types of shield at once
10 Primogems
Tear Down This Wall!Destroy an Ice Shieldwall Mitachurl's shield
5 Primogems
TurnoverKnock a Cryo slim out of the hands of a Cryo Hilichurl Grenadier
5 Primogems
Vicious CircleUnleash 5 Elemental Bursts within 15 seconds
5 Primogems
Vicious CycleUnlease 5 Elemental Bursts within 15 seconds
10 Primogems
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Challenger: Series III

Max Reward
...The Harder They FallDestroy a Cryo Samachurl's ice pillar
5 Primogems
Assassin of KingsDefeat the true ruler of Dragonspine?
10 Primogems
Chilly-ChurlDefeat a Forstarm Lawachurl before its Infused Form can expire
10 Primogems
David and GoliathParalyze a Ruin Grader by attacking its weak point
5 Primogems
No Ice for Me, ThanDefeat a Cryo Samachurl before it is able to create an ice pillar.
5 Primogems
No Ice for Me, ThanksDefeat a Cryo Samachurl before it is able to create an ice pillar
5 Primogems
Rosebud...Break a Cryo Cicin Mage's shield
5 Primogems
Tear Down This Wall!Destroy an Ice Shieldwall Mitachurl's shield
5 Primogems
TurnoverKnock a Cryo slim out of the hands of a Cryo Hilichurl Grenadier
5 Primogems
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Visitors on the Icy Mountain

Max Reward
Continental Exoplorer: DragonspineLight up the Dragonspine map
5 Primogems
Continental Explorer: DragonspineLight up the Dragonspine map.
5 Primogems
DragonspearMake a weapon from a dragon's remains
10 Primogems
Mountain of TreasureOpen 40/80/160 chests in Dragonspine.
5/10/20 Primogems
Mountains of TreasureOpen 160 chests in Dragonspine
20 Primogems
Peak HopperUnlock all Teleport Waypoints in Dragonspine
5 Primogems
Scarlet SproutsRaise the Frostbearing Tree to Lv. 4/8/12.
5/10/20 Primogems
Seelie in the SnowFollow 5/10/20 warming Seelie in Dragonspine to their Seelie Courts
5/10/20 Primogems
Skyfrost NailRaise the strange column
10 Primogems
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Memories of the Heart

Max Reward
...For I Am Duty BoundComplete Ending 3: A Defender's Will Is their Strength
5 Primogems
A Line That May Be CrossedComplete "Wellspring of Healing" and unlock all endings.
20 Primogems
A Maid of Strength and VirtueComplete "Chivalric Training" and unlock all endings.
20 Primogems
A Maid of Strength and VitrtueComplete "Chivalric Training" and unlock all endings.
20 Primogems
A Strict Master Trains a Talented PupilComplete the practice session without hitting a single blue scarecrow.
5 Primogems
A World Known Only Unto RosesRead Noelle's Study Notes after Ending 5. A Conundrum Called Love
5 Primogems
Activate the mechanisms and obtain the treasure without making any mistakes.Activate the mechanisms and obtain the treasure without making any mistakes.
5 Primogems
An Ideal Detective Am ICorrectly analyze the motives and the truth behind the crime the first time.
5 Primogems
An Idol's Last Line Of DefenceSuccessfully persuade Albert and Barbara's other fanst to leave
5 Primogems
An Idol's Last Line of DefenseSuccessfully persuade Albert and Barbara's other fans to leave.
5 Primogems
Arataki Gang Chief AdvisorComplete "The Gang's Daily Deeds" and unlock all endings.
20 Primogems
Archaic Lord of Lightning & BlitzComplete Ending 2: Hasty Farewell
5 Primogems
Archaic Lord of Lightning and BlitzWitness the awesome meteorological power of Bennett's phenomenally bad luck.
5 Primogems
Behold, Mine Evil-Espying Eye!Correctly interpret all clues
5 Primogems
But There's a CatchHelp Diona find a special base drink.
5 Primogems
But There's A Catch...Help Diona find a special base drink
5 Primogems
Changing TimesDraw all fortune slips at the Grand Narukami Shrine.
5 Primogems
Diona Special, Stirred, Not ShakenComplete "The Cat and the Cocktail" and unlock all endings
20 Primogems
Diona Special: Stirred, Not ShakenComplete "The Cat and the Cocktail" and unlock all endings.
20 Primogems
Dish Effect: Mobility DecreasedYou were unable to prevent Sayu's reckless consumption...
5 Primogems
Everyone's HappyComplete A Housekeeper's Daily Chores and unlock all endings.
20 Primogems
Evil Is BanishedComplete "Signs of Evil" and unlock all endings.
20 Primogems
Fantastic Voyage: PrologueComplete "Fantastic Voyage" and unlock all endings.
20 Primogems
From The Sea Never ReturningLearn of Inu Shoushou's story together with Thoma.
5 Primogems
Gears of DestinyComplete the quest "Bough Keeper: Dainsleif".
5 Primogems
General Of WatatsumiComplete The Canine General's Special Operations and unlock all endings.
20 Primogems
Guyun Buyers' ClubFind out the truth behind the deal Beidou's making
5 Primogems
Honorary Crux MemberComplete When The Crux Shines Bright and unlock all endings.
20 Primogems
Housekeeper ExtraordinaireComplete the big cleanup within the time limit.
5 Primogems
Invulnerable Maid-KnightComplete Ending 2: The Maid-Knight's Tale
5 Primogems
Kitten QueenBring all the cats back to The Cat's Tail
5 Primogems
May This Moment Be Made To LastTake a commemorative photo with Yun Jin.
5 Primogems
Megrez's Companion StarComplete The Jade Chamber's Returning Guest and unlock all endings
20 Primogems
Mondstadt's Note-Taker GeneralRead Noelle's study notes.
5 Primogems
Mondstadt's Spiciest SurpriseGive a taste of Barbara's Chilibrew
5 Primogems
Mujina-Class NinjaObtain Sayu's Highest rating during agility training.
5 Primogems
One More Look!Gaze upon the glory that is Kuki Shinobu in a shrine maiden outfit.
5 Primogems
OverprotectivenessA single stone births a thousand ripples. It seems like Ningguang's day off is not to be.
5 Primogems
Red Hot Chili PopsiclesMake a popsicle using the wrong recipe and provoke Chongyun's Pure Yang spirit
5 Primogems
Sangonomiya SupplicationsAsk Gorou whether Kokomi knows about the happenings on Watatsumi Island.
5 Primogems
Stress ReliefComplete "Knightly Exam Prep" and unlock all endings
20 Primogems
Taller By HalfComplete Yoohoo Art: Seichou no Jutsu and unlock all endings.
20 Primogems
The Lingering SongComplete A Song That Knows Grace and unlock all endings.
20 Primogems
The Name Is LaylaComplete Layla's Hangout Event and unlock all endings
20 Primogems
The Power Of LuckActivate the mechanisms and obtain the treasure without making any mistakes
5 Primogems
To Tell Or Not To Tell, That Is The QuestionDiscover Ms. Hina's true identity at the Yae Publishing House.
5 Primogems
Upstairs...Be dissuaded before alerting Kujou Sara and Kuki Shinobu.
5 Primogems
Wine UnburdensTake part in the Qingce banquet with Beidou.
5 Primogems
You Thought We Were For Real, Eh?Complete "Trap 'Em by Storm" and unlock all endings.
20 Primogems
You've Got to Have ReservesFish? The more the merrier, of course!
5 Primogems
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A Realm Beyond: Series I

Max Reward
Color It InCreate 50/200/600 dyes.
5/10/20 Primogems
Fireside ChatsUnlock 10/20/30 interactions with your companions.
5/10/20 Primogems
Friend of the RealmReach Trust Rank 4/710 with the teapot spirit.
5/10/20 Primogems
Gifts All AroundReceive 5/10/20 gifts from your companions.
5/10/20 Primogems
High Adeptal Energy Readings AheadReach 20,000 Adeptal Energy in 1/2/3 realm layout.
5/10/20 Primogems
Honored Guest of the RealmInvite a companion to stay in your Serenitea Pot.
5 Primogems
If I Were a Rich ManObtain 2,000/10,000/50,000 realm currency.
5/10/20 Primogems
Just Like A Game Of ChessSet up a Realm Waypoint in your Serenitea Pot for the first time.
5 Primogems
My Blooming AbodeGather 40/200/800 items in A Path of Value: Luxuriant Glebe.
5/10/20 Primogems
My... TerritoryPlace 50/150/300 furnishings in a single realm layout.
5/10/20 Primogems
Not Just a Small BenchCreate 120/300/600 furnishings.
5/10/20 Primogems
Precision ModelingLearn 60/120/180 furnishing blueprints.
5/10/20 Primogems
Realm Sans FrontieresUse the Serenitea Pot to enter your realm.
5 Primogems
Stop! Gather Time.Gather 40/200/800 items in A Path of Value: Orderly Meadow.
5/10/20 Primogems
T-T-T-TimberhochwandiObtain 100 pieces of wood.
5 Primogems
T-T-T-TimberhocwandiObtain 100/600/2,000 pieces of wood.
5/10/20 Primogems
We're Going to Need More Crops!Gather 40/200/800 items in A Path of Value: Jade Field.
5/10/20 Primogems
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A Realm Beyond: Series II

Max Reward
Fireside ChatsUnlock 10/20/30 interactions with your companions.
5/10/20 Primogems
Gifts All AroundReceive 5/10/20 gifts from your companions.
5/10/20 Primogems
Honored Guest of the RealmInvite a companion to stay in your Serenitea Pot.
5 Primogems
Just Like A Game Of ChessSet up a Realm Waypoint in your Serenitea Pot for the first time.
5 Primogems
My Blooming AbodeGather 40/200/800 items in A Path of Value: Luxuriant Glebe.
5/10/20 Primogems
Stop! Gather Time.Gather 40/200/800 items in A Path of Value: Orderly Meadow.
5/10/20 Primogems
We're Going to Need More Crops!Gather 40/200/800 items in A Path of Value: Jade Field.
5/10/20 Primogems
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Teyvat Fishing Guide: Series I

Max Reward
A Right Proper AnglerUnlock 20 fish Archive entries.
5 Primogems
Amateurs Hammer Nails Into HooksCatch your first fish.
5 Primogems
Call Me IshmaelCatch one fish in another player's world.
5 Primogems
Call Me Ishmael.Catch one fish in another player's world.
5 Primogems
Ding Ding Ding!Catch 100/500/2,000 fish successfully.
5/10/20 Primogems
Do you need a fishtank to go with that?Catch your first Ornamental Fish.
10 Primogems
Fishy MotiveBuy a fishin rod from the Fishing Association.
10 Primogems
IntermissionCatch a scattered page of a book while fishing in Inazuma.
10 Primogems
Into the WatersSuccessfully make 20 Bait.
5 Primogems
StabilizerCatch fish successfully 10 times while always staying inside the Ideal Tension Zone.
5 Primogems
Yon Mirror'd Moon, BrokenCatch a fish that only comes out at night for the first time.
5 Primogems
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The Chronicles Of Sea And Fog

Max Reward
Continental Explorer: Tsurumi IslandLight up the Tsurumi Island map.
5 Primogems
Flashes In The NightFollow 6 Electro Seelie on Tsurumi Island
5 Primogems
Fog's EdgeUnlock all Teleport Waypoint in Tsurumi Island
5 Primogems
Foggy GuidanceFollow 6 Seelie on Tsurumi Island to their Seelie Court
5 Primogems
Lost AdventurerComplete 4/8/12 Open World mechanism-activated Time Trial Challenges on Tsurumi Island
5/10/20 Primogems
Lost Treasure HunterOpen 30/60/120 chests on Tsurumi Island
5/10/20 Primogems
Sanctuary Pilgrim: Tsurumi IslandUnlock all the Shrines of Depths in Tsurumi Island
10 Primogems
Thunder Is ForeverComplete a certain author's reference gathering commission
10 Primogems
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Inazuma: The Islands of Thunder and Eternity - Series II

Max Reward
Continental Explorer: Land of Surging Thunder (I)Light up the Narukami Island, Kannazuka, and Yashiori Island areas of the Inazuma Map
5 Primogems
Continental Explorer: Land Of Surging Thunder (II)Light up the Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island areas of the Inazuma map
5 Primogems
Divine RootsReach the Max Level of Sacred Sakura Tree's Favor
20 Primogems
Lightning-RIding Adventurer (II)Complete 6/12/24 Open World Mechanism-activated time trial challenges on Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island in Inazuma.
5/10/20 Primogems
Lightning-Riding Treasure Hunter (II)Open 40/80/160 chests on Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island in Inazuma.
5/10/20 Primogems
Lights Will Guide You Home (II)Follow 6 Seelie on Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island in Inazuma
5 Primogems
Naku Weed Whacker (II)Follow 4/8/16 Electro Seelie on Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island in Inazuma.
5/10/20 Primogems
Sanctuary Pilgrim: Inazuma Tenryou (II)Unlock all Shrines of Depths in the Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island areas of the map.
10 Primogems
Santuray Pilgrim: Inazuma Tenryou (II)Unlock all Shrines of Depths in the Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island areas of Inazuma
10 Primogems
Seirai StormchasersComplete "Seirai Stormchasers"
10 Primogems
The Same MoonlightComplete "The Moon-Bathed Deep"
10 Primogems
Thunderbolting Across The Land (I)Unlock all Teleport Waypoints in the Narukami Island, Kannazuka, and Yashiori Island areas of Inazuma
5 Primogems
Thunderbolting Across The Land (II)Unlock all Teleport Waypoints in the Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island areas of Inazume
5 Primogems
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A Realm Beyond: Series III

Max Reward
Just Like A Game Of ChessSet up a Realm Waypoint in your Serenitea Pot for the first time.
5 Primogems
My Blooming AbodeGather 40/200/800 items in A Path of Value: Luxuriant Glebe.
5/10/20 Primogems
Stop! Gather Time.Gather 40/200/800 items in A Path of Value: Orderly Meadow.
5/10/20 Primogems
We're Going to Need More Crops!Gather 40/200/800 items in A Path of Value: Jade Field.
5/10/20 Primogems
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Inazuma: The Islands of Thunder and Eternity - Series I

Max Reward
Continental Explorer: Land of Surging Thunder (I)Light up the Narukami Island, Kannazuka, and Yashiori Island areas of the Inazuma Map
5 Primogems
Continental Explorer: Land Of Surging Thunder (II)Light up the Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island areas of the Inazuma map
5 Primogems
Divine RootsReach the Max Level of Sacred Sakura Tree's Favor
20 Primogems
Echo of FuryComplete Orobashi's Legacy.
10 Primogems
Eternal ThunderUpgrade the Statues of The Seven in Inazuma to their maximum level.
20 Primogems
Lightning-Riding Adventurer (I)Complete 6/12/24 Open World mechanism-activated Time Trial Challenges on Narukami Island, Kannazuka, and Yashiori Island in Inazuma.
5/10/20 Primogems
Lightning-RIding Adventurer (II)Complete 6/12/24 Open World Mechanism-activated time trial challenges on Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island in Inazuma.
5/10/20 Primogems
Lightning-Riding Treasure Hunter (I)Open 100/200/300 chests in Narukami Island, Kannazuka, and Yashiori Island in Inazuma.
5/10/20 Primogems
Lightning-Riding Treasure Hunter (II)Open 40/80/160 chests on Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island in Inazuma.
5/10/20 Primogems
Lights Will Guide You Home (I)Follow 4/8/16 Seelie to their Seelie Courts on Narukami Island, Kannazuka, and Yashiori Island in Inazuma.
5/10/20 Primogems
Lights Will Guide You Home (II)Follow 6 Seelie on Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island in Inazuma
5 Primogems
Naku Weed Whacker (I)Follow 10/20/40 Electro Seelie on Narukami Island, Kannazuka, and Yashiori Island in Inazuma.
5/10/20 Primogems
Naku Weed Whacker (II)Follow 4/8/16 Electro Seelie on Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island in Inazuma.
5/10/20 Primogems
Sanctuary Pilgrim: Inazuma Tenryou (I)Unlock all Shrines of Depths in the Narukami Island, Kannazuka, and Yashiori Island areas of Inazuma.
10 Primogems
Sanctuary Pilgrim: Inazuma Tenryou (II)Unlock all Shrines of Depths in the Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island areas of the map.
10 Primogems
Santuray Pilgrim: Inazuma Tenryou (II)Unlock all Shrines of Depths in the Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island areas of Inazuma
10 Primogems
Seirai StormchasersComplete "Seirai Stormchasers"
10 Primogems
Spring CleaningComplete the Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual.
10 Primogems
Tatara TalesResolve the crisis at the Mikage Furnance.
10 Primogems
The Same MoonlightComplete "The Moon-Bathed Deep"
10 Primogems
Thunderbolting Across The Land (I)Unlock all Teleport Waypoints in the Narukami Island, Kannazuka, and Yashiori Island areas of Inazuma
5 Primogems
Thunderbolting Across The Land (II)Unlock all Teleport Waypoints in the Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island areas of Inazume
5 Primogems
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Mortal Travails: Series II

Max Reward
Bright as a FlameCollect the entire "The Folio of Foliage" series.
5 Primogems
Eternal YouthCollect the entire "Vera's Melancholy" series.
5 Primogems
Farris' JourneyCollect the entire "Scroll of Streaming Song" series.
5 Primogems
Hilichurlian Studies ExpertCollect the entire "Hilichurl Cultural Customs" series.
5 Primogems
Land of DandelionsCollect the entire "The Fox in the Dandelion Sea" series.
5 Primogems
Reminiscence of GurabadCollect the entire "The Tale of Shiruyeh and Shirin" series.
5 Primogems
The Essence of FloraObtain the power of Dendro.
5 Primogems
True Friendship Takes SacrificesCollect the entire "The Boar Princess" series.
5 Primogems
Unlimited Power!Obtain the power of Electro.
5 Primogems
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Mortal Travails: Series III

Max Reward
Bright as a FlameCollect the entire "The Folio of Foliage" series.
5 Primogems
Farris' JourneyCollect the entire "Scroll of Streaming Song" series.
5 Primogems
Reminiscence of GurabadCollect the entire "The Tale of Shiruyeh and Shirin" series.
5 Primogems
The Essence of FloraObtain the power of Dendro.
5 Primogems
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Meetings in Outrealm: Series II

Max Reward
A Delusion's Abilities Don't Decide A Battle's OutcomeDefeat Childe in Co-op Mode.
10 Primogems
Blast from the PastDefeat Azhdaha in Co-op Mode.
10 Primogems
Brave the Lightning's Glow...Defeat the Raiden Shogun in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
Dashing Through the Snow... and the FlamesDefeat Signora in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
Electric Shock HazardDefeat an Electro Regisvine in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
I'm a FlexitarianDefeat a Jadeplume Terrorshroom in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
Moving MountainsDefeat a Primo Geovishap in Co-op Mode.
10 Primogems
No Strings Attached, AnymoreDefeat a Maguu Kenki in Co-op Mode.
10 Primogems
Operation BonfireDefeat a Pyro Hypostasis in Co-op Mode.
10 Primogems
Our Hearts as OneDefeat a Thunder Manifestation in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
Put on IceDefeat a Cryo Hypostasis in Co-op Mode.
10 Primogems
Surpassing the Ancients' WisdomDefeat the Ruin Serpent in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
The Not-So-Perpetual Mechanical ArrayDefeat a Perpetual Mechanical Array in Co-op Mode.
10 Primogems
The Whisperer in DarknessDefeat the Golden Wolflord in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
Water, BasicallyDefeat a Hydro Hypostasis in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
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Meetings in Outrealm: Series III

Max Reward
Brave the Lightning's Glow...Defeat the Raiden Shogun in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
Dashing Through the Snow... and the FlamesDefeat Signora in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
Electric Shock HazardDefeat an Electro Regisvine in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
I'm a FlexitarianDefeat a Jadeplume Terrorshroom in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
Our Hearts as OneDefeat a Thunder Manifestation in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
Surpassing the Ancients' WisdomDefeat the Ruin Serpent in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
The Whisperer in DarknessDefeat the Golden Wolflord in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
Water, BasicallyDefeat a Hydro Hypostasis in Co-Op Mode.
10 Primogems
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Challenger: Series IV

Max Reward
...Geovishap, Solarvishap, Lunarvishap...Defeat the Geovishap in all of its elemental forms.
5 Primogems
Did My Hand Fall From My Wrist?Defeat a Thunderhelm Lawachurl while in an enhanced state.
5 Primogems
Geo Elemental Reaction?Defeat the Primo Geovishap in all of its elemental forms.
10 Primogems
I'll Skip the Spa, ThanksDefeat a Mirror Maiden without being trapped by its Water Prison.
5 Primogems
It's Quiet... Too Quiet...Defeat the Pyro Hypostasis after it enters its extinguished state only once
5 Primogems
Puppet Show-OffDefeat the Maguu Kenki while he is taunting you.
5 Primogems
The Battle of Narukami IslandDefeat the Perpetual Mechanical Array in its weakened state.
5 Primogems
The Finishing TouchDefeat Azhdaha without ever having gained a shield.
10 Primogems
Totaled TotemDefeat an Electro Samachurl with no lightning totem on the field.
5 Primogems
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Challenger: Series V

Max Reward
Daisy, DaisyBreak the Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network by hitting its cores with the Quicken, Aggravate, or Spread reactions.
5 Primogems
Death ProofDodge one entire round of the Baleful Vajra's destructive waves during one battle with Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto.
10 Primogems
DragonslayerIn a single challenge, bring the Aeonblight Drake down by attacking the cores on its wings.
5 Primogems
Electric EscapeDefeat a Thunder Manifestation without being hit by its homing thunder cage attack.
5 Primogems
I Can't Take It Anymore!Defeat an exhausted Jadeplume Terrorshroom after its activation state is finished.
5 Primogems
Moment of DestructionDefeat Signora without using any Crimson Lotus Moths.
10 Primogems
OuroborosDestroy Oozing Concretions to paralyze the Ruin Serpent while it is gathering energy.
5 Primogems
Radio SilenceGet locked on by the Thunder Manifestation before you can attack it.
5 Primogems
Resistance is Futile!Defeat an Aeonblight Drake that has increased resistance to at least two different elements.
5 Primogems
Salt for My Foes, and Water for MeObtain at least three healing orbs fired from the "water droplets" during the Hydro Hypostasis fight.
5 Primogems
Swimming ProhibitedDefeat the Bathysmal Vishap Herd without allowing them to dive into the water.
5 Primogems
System ShockDefeat the Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network in its overclocked, Overloaded state.
5 Primogems
The Fraught ReturnStop the Hydro Hypostasis from reviving itself without destroying any of the "water droplets" by placing obstacles or repelling them.
5 Primogems
The Mad Flower at the End of the RoadWhen the Electro Regisvine emits a beam of thunderous light, paralyze it by attacking its corolla.
5 Primogems
The Smell of Grilled Mushrooms in the MorningIn a single challenge, defeat 6 Fungi produced by Jadeplume Terrorshroom in a Burning state.
5 Primogems
Victory is a MindsetIn a single challenge, interrupt the energy flow of the Aeonblight Drake by attacking the core on its head.
5 Primogems
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Challenger: Series VI

Max Reward
Daisy, DaisyBreak the Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network by hitting its cores with the Quicken, Aggravate, or Spread reactions.
5 Primogems
DragonslayerIn a single challenge, bring the Aeonblight Drake down by attacking the cores on its wings.
5 Primogems
I Can't Take It Anymore!Defeat an exhausted Jadeplume Terrorshroom after its activation state is finished.
5 Primogems
Resistance is Futile!Defeat an Aeonblight Drake that has increased resistance to at least two different elements.
5 Primogems
System ShockDefeat the Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network in its overclocked, Overloaded state.
5 Primogems
The Mad Flower at the End of the RoadWhen the Electro Regisvine emits a beam of thunderous light, paralyze it by attacking its corolla.
5 Primogems
The Smell of Grilled Mushrooms in the MorningIn a single challenge, defeat 6 Fungi produced by Jadeplume Terrorshroom in a Burning state.
5 Primogems
Victory is a MindsetIn a single challenge, interrupt the energy flow of the Aeonblight Drake by attacking the core on its head.
5 Primogems
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The Light of Day

Max Reward
...You Do Not Know the Night...Light up the Enkanomiya map.
5 Primogems
Fire Rat's Robe, Dragon-Head Pearl, Sacred Offering Bowl, and...Obtain the coral branch that Tsuyuko requested.
10 Primogems
Hesperus' BoonsOpen 40/80/160 chests in Enkanomiya.
5/10/20 Primogems
Kairos' ConstancyComplete 3/6/12 Open World mechanism-activated Time Trial Challenges in Enkanomiya.
5/10/20 Primogems
Phosphoros' GuidanceFollow 6/15/30 Seelie in Enkanomiya to their Seelie Courts.
5/10/20 Primogems
The Highest Authority in the LandUnlock all Teleport Waypoints in Enkanomiya.
5 Primogems
▲Back to Index


Max Reward
Arch-IlluminatorEnhance the Lumenstone Adjuvant to its highest possible level.
20 Primogems
Chasm AdventurerComplete 3/6/12 Open World mechanism-activated Time Trial Challenges in The Chasm.
5/10/20 Primogems
Chasm ConquerorLight up The Chasm surface map.
5 Primogems
Chasm Treasure HunterOpen 50/100/200 chests in The Chasm.
5/10/20 Primogems
Exploration UnderwayComplete the exploration commission from the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
10 Primogems
Gorge GuideFollow 6/12/24 Seelie in The Chasm to their Seelie Courts.
5/10/20 Primogems
Into the DepthsUnlock all Teleport Waypoints in The Chasm and its Underground Mines.
5 Primogems
Perilous PlungeLight up The Chasm: Underground Mines map.
5 Primogems
When the Seal Is Broken...Remove the obstacles to your entry into the mines.
10 Primogems
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Sumeru: The Rainforest of Lore

Max Reward
Adventurer of the Shimmering WoodsComplete a total of 10/20/40 Open World Time Trial Challenges in Avidya Forest, Lokapala Jungle, Ardravi Valley, Ashavan Realm, Vissudha Field, Lost Nursery, and Vanarana.
5/10/20 Primogems
Continental Explorer: Sumeru BoscageLight up the maps of the following areas in Sumeru: Avidya Forest, Lokapala Jungle, Ardravi Valley, Ashavan Realm, Vissudha Field, Lost Nursery, and Vanarana.
5 Primogems
Culmination of the Great Dream Reach the Max Level of the Tree of Dreams in Vanarana
20 Primogems
Fluorescent BloomUpgrade the Statues of The Seven in Sumeru to their maximum level.
20 Primogems
Forest RoamerUnlock all Teleport Waypoints in the following areas in Sumeru: Avidya Forest, Lokapala Jungle, Ardravi Valley, Ashavan Realm, Vissudha Field, Lost Nursery, and Vanarana.
5 Primogems
Sanctuary Pilgrim: Sumeru BoscageUnlock all the Shrines of Depths in the following areas in Sumeru: Avidya Forest, Lokapala Jungle, Ardravi Valley, Ashavan Realm, Vissudha Field, Lost Nursery, and Vanarana.
10 Primogems
The Forest Will RememberComplete "Aranyaka."
10 Primogems
Treasure Hunter of the Shimmering WoodsOpen a total of 100/200/400 treasure chests in Avidya Forest, Lokapala Jungle, Ardravi Valley, Ashavan Realm, Vissudha Field, Lost Nursery, and Vanarana.
5/10/20 Primogems
Woodland GuideFollow a total of 10/20/40 Seelie to their Seelie Courts in Avidya Forest, Lokapala Jungle, Ardravi Valley, Ashavan Realm, Vissudha Field, Lost Nursery, and Vanarana.
5/10/20 Primogems
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Sumeru: The Gilded Desert - Series I

Max Reward
Continental Explorer: Dune Dreams (I)Light up the maps of the following areas in Sumeru: Hypostyle Desert, Land of Upper Setekh, and Land of Lower Setekh.
5 Primogems
Continental Explorer: Dune Dreams (II)Light up the maps of the following area in Sumeru: Desert of Hadramaveth.
5 Primogems
Over Sandstorms and Mirages (I)Unlock all Teleport Waypoints in the following areas in Sumeru: Hypostyle Desert, Land of Upper Setekh, and Land of Lower Setekh.
5 Primogems
Over Sandstorms and Mirages (II)Unlock all Teleport Waypoints in the following area in Sumeru: Desert of Hadramaveth.
5 Primogems
Quicksand Adventurer (I)Complete a total of 10/20/40 Open World Time Trial Challenges in Hypostyle Desert, Land of Upper Setekh, and Land of Lower Setekh.
5/10/20 Primogems
Quicksand Adventurer (II)Complete 7/14/28 Open World Time Trial Challenges in the Desert of Hadramaveth.
5/10/20 Primogems
Quicksand Treasure Hunter (I)Open a total of 60/120/240 treasure chests in Hypostyle Desert, Land of Upper Setekh, and Land of Lower Setekh.
5/10/20 Primogems
Quicksand Treasure Hunter (II)Open 50/100/200 treasure chests in the Desert of Hadramaveth.
5/10/20 Primogems
Sanctuary Pilgrim: Dune Dreams (I)Unlock all the Shrines of Depths in the following areas in Sumeru: Hypostyle Desert, Land of Upper Setekh, and Land of Lower Setekh.
10 Primogems
Sanctuary Pilgrim: Dune Dreams (II)Unlock all the Shrines of Depths in the following area in Sumeru: Desert of Hadramaveth.
10 Primogems
Slumber, the Brother Of... Complete "Golden Slumber."
10 Primogems
The Desert Will Guide You Home (I) Follow 10/20/40 Seelie to their Seelie Courts in Hypostyle Desert, Land of Upper Setekh, and Land of Lower Setekh.
5/10/20 Primogems
The Desert Will Guide You Home (II)Follow 4/8/16 Seelie in the Desert of Hadramaveth to their Seelie Courts.
5/10/20 Primogems
The Dirge of BilqisComplete "The Dirge of Bilqis."
10 Primogems
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Sumeru: The Gilded Desert - Series II

Max Reward
Continental Explorer: Dune Dreams (II)Light up the maps of the following area in Sumeru: Desert of Hadramaveth.
5 Primogems
Over Sandstorms and Mirages (II)Unlock all Teleport Waypoints in the following area in Sumeru: Desert of Hadramaveth.
5 Primogems
Quicksand Adventurer (II)Complete 7/14/28 Open World Time Trial Challenges in the Desert of Hadramaveth.
5/10/20 Primogems
Quicksand Treasure Hunter (II)Open 50/100/200 treasure chests in the Desert of Hadramaveth.
5/10/20 Primogems
Sanctuary Pilgrim: Dune Dreams (II)Unlock all the Shrines of Depths in the following area in Sumeru: Desert of Hadramaveth.
10 Primogems
The Desert Will Guide You Home (II)Follow 4/8/16 Seelie in the Desert of Hadramaveth to their Seelie Courts.
5/10/20 Primogems
The Dirge of BilqisComplete "The Dirge of Bilqis."
10 Primogems
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Genius Invokation TCG

Max Reward
A Candle in the Wind?Withstand a total of 30/150/300 damage using shields or healing in victorious matches.
5/10/20 Primogems
A Riotous ResponseCause a total of 30/150/300 Elemental Reactions in victorious matches.
5/10/20 Primogems
Attack! Attack! Attack!Use 3 or more Elemental Bursts and achieve victory in a total of 1/5/10 match(es).
5/10/20 Primogems
Chaos DividedDefeat 2 or more Character Cards from the opponent's deck in one single action a total of 1/5/10 time(s) in victorious games.
5/10/20 Primogems
Legendary High RollerObtain 10,000/70,000/150,000 Lucky Coins in total
5/10/20 Primogems
Miniaturized Dice-ShakerDeal 8 or more points of damage in one single action a total of 1/5/10 time(s) in victorious games.
5/10/20 Primogems
Victory at HandPlay a total of 60/300/600 Action Cards in victorious matches.
5/10/20 Primogems
Visible, Yet InvisibleGet the TCG Player's Manual and become an officially recognized TCG player.
5 Primogems
Well, Let's See It, Partner...Play a total of 20/100/200 Summons in victorious matches.
5/10/20 Primogems
Win-Loss RatioReach Player Lv.10.
10 Primogems
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Elemental Specialist: Series II

Max Reward
Active CamouflageRemove the invisibility of at least 2 Primal Constructs using Quicken, Aggravate, Spread, or Truesense Pulses within 3 seconds.
5 Primogems
Grassy Blasty, Sparks 'n' SplashDefeat 4 opponents with Burgeon within 2s (x1/x5/x10).
5/10/20 Primogems
Hyperblooming CircusDefeat 4 opponents with Hyperbloom within 2s (x1/x5/x10).
5/10/20 Primogems
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Mortal Travails: Series IV

Max Reward
Compendium of MiseryCollect the entire The History Of The Decline And Fall Of Remuria series.
5 Primogems
Renart The DeceiverComplete the Fables De Fontaine series.
5 Primogems
Robben Versus ChestertonCollect the entire Robben versus Chesterton: Iridescent Brooch series.
5 Primogems
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Fontaine: Dance of the Dew-White Springs I

Max Reward
Ann in WonderlandComplete the tale of the Narzissenkreuz Adventure Team.
5 Primogems
Mired in Red TapeComplete the Fontaine Research Institute's "final review"
5 Primogems
This Ends HereBear witness to the story of the Fontaine Research Institute of Kineting Energy Engineering
10 Primogems
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Anonymous 5

this makes a total of 885 achievements which doesn't make sense since i already have 930. Please update the missing one...

Anonymous 4

"Rexit" was changed to "The Long Goodbye" for those who can't find it in Wonders of the World.

Anonymous 3

does the list get updated especially the wonders of the world achievements?

gladial 2

achievements related to hangout events have been moved to the new "memories of the heart" tab as of 1.5

Ceiphied 1

I just climbed to the tip top of stormterror's lair because it had some floating glowing orb looking stuff on it, and when I got to the top I got an achievement "The Remains of the Gale". Which I don't see on the list, it is under "Wonders of the World"

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