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Hangout Event For Layla Endings & Answers Guide

Genshin Impact | Hangout Event For Layla Endings & Answers Guide

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Genshin Impact | Hangout Event For Layla Endings & Answers Guide - GameWith

Layla Hangout Event is a date event for Genshin Impact. Guide includes story endings, dialogue choices, branches, answers, choices, hidden achievements & rewards.

Table of Contents

Hangout Event Characters & Guides

Layla Hangout All Endings Guide

All Ending List

Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Once Bitten, Twice Shy Ending Layla Hangout

Branches & Major Choices

Drowsy Evening Star
"What's wrong?"
"Okay, so what are you planning to do now?"
"Cheer up. Things probably aren't as bad as you think they are."
"Is this "someone" a good friend of yours?"
"It's that bad, huh?" (no other choices)
"That sounds pretty extraordinary."
"That makes sense. The effort you put in is equally important." (no other choices)
"You just said you wanted to rely on your own efforts..." (no other choices)
"Maybe it's some researcher who wants to remain anonymous?"
"But what about the blessing from the stars?" (no other choices)
"It sounds a little sketchy, but I'll go check it out with you."
"It's fine, I don't have anything going on."
"Or is there some kind of summoning ritual?"
The Wisdom Seelie
(No conversation between Layla & the Traveler)
Dislocated Dialogue
"What do we do now?" (no other choices)
"I'll come with you. I'm a little worried." (no other choices)
"Your eyes are sparkling."
"I'll search for the answer with you."
"Don't worry about it."
"Wisdom is probably referring to the Akademiya?" (no other choices)
"And that's the fear?" (no other choices)
"Maybe it wasn't referring to you specifically."
Further Investigation
"It's a pretty big area..." (no other choices)
"Let's hear it." (no other choices)
"The price of being distracted..." (no other choices)
"Good thing you weren't hurt." (no other choices)
"The peace of mind it gave you must be irreplaceable."
"Relax. No need to be pessimistic all the time."
"It seems like the Seelie knows you really well."
"This might be too much, even for the Wisdom Seelie." (no other choices)
"You already got the meaning?" (no other choices)
"Thinking about these things will only make things worse for you."
Underlying Meaning
"We're all prone to mistakes when we aren't well-rested."
"So what happened afterwards? Were you injured?" (no other choices)
"Don't tell me, your insomnia got worse after that?" (no other choices)
"Ever consider taking a break?" (no other choices)
"Your parents would feel bad if they knew what you were going through." (no other choices)
"It feels like the clues are getting more and more vague..." (no other choices)
"Is the Seelie stalking you?"
The Road to Failure
"So you wanted to help, but couldn't?" (no other choices)
"Then what happended?" (no other choices)
"Then what happened?" (no other choices)
"You did the right thing"
"Let's take a break from searching and rest for a bit?"
"Your health is more important than your thesis."
"Let's find someplace to rest." (no other choices)
An Exasperating Prank
"I'll prepare some food and juice." (no other choices)
"No, you shouldn't say that."
What's wrong? (no other choices)
"Just leave it to me, it'll only take a moment." (no other choices)
"You need to rest." (no other choices)
"I see." (no other choices)
"Are you alright?"
"You did great." (no other choices)
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A Moment Of Respite

A Moment Of Respite layla ending hangout event

Branches & Major Choices

Drowsy Evening Star
"You seem a little tired."
"Okay, so what are you planning to do now?" (no other choices)
"You still have time, right?"
"Are they the Great Fungus Elder?"
"It's that bad, huh?"
"I want powers like that."
"That makes sense. The effort you put in is equally important." (no other choices)
"You just said you wanted to rely on your own efforts..." (no other choices)
"Can Seelies even do something like that?"
"But what about blessing from the stars?" (no other choices)
"It's too risky to rely on some fishy legend to complete your thesis."
"You should rest first." (no other choices)
"You'll waste even more time if you try to push yourself like this."
"How about we head to Puspa Cafe?" (no other choices)
A Change of Pace
"Sorry, but who are you?" (no other choices)
"Why are you so hostile towards Layla?"
"Everyone is entitled to their own choices. You should learn to respect that."
"Is it because you don't want others to know about the Blessing from the Stars?" (no other choices)
"I think I understand your situation now." (no other choices)
"You think that the Blessing from the Stars is some external power that's out of your control?"
"Sounds like we need to find a way for you to completely relax."
"You're taking your studies too seriously."
"Since you're from the countryside, why don't we leave Sumeru City and go sightseeing?" (no other choices)
Fresh Air
"Your state of mind is just as important as efficiency if you want to solve the problems that you're facing. (no other choices)
"What did you usually do as a kid? (no other choices)
"That sounds a little intense... (no other choices)
"Why don't we go find something to grill as well? (no other choices)
Activity: Gather the Juicy Zaytun Peach and Fresh Apple then give it to Layla
Like the Old Days
"Although adventures rarely ever stay in one place, I hope I can experience that feeling one day."
"There is a purpose for every stage in life." (no other choices)
"Everything will get better. I know you can do it." (no other choices)
"It's nice to just stroll around and see what happens."
One Hearty Meal Later
"Why don't we just go for a swim? (no other choices)
"It's one of those things that you never forget."
"Let's see who can get there first." (no other choices)
"I think you're a great swimmer. You weren't too far behind."
"You really are too modest." (no other choices)
From Riverbeds to Mountain Peaks
"That's why I said that your life shouldn't completely revolve around your studies." (no other choices)
"Would you like to take the opportunity to release all your stress?" (no other choices)
"It's okay. We're already here, so we should make the best of it." (no other choices)
"We can chat about whatever you'd like."
"Yes, they truly are. "(no other choices)
"That's another reason not to lose yourself in the face of pressure." (no other choices)
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A Matter Of Course

A Matter of Course ending layla hangout event

Branches & Major Choices

A Change of Pace
"Sorry, but who are you?" (no other choices)
"What are you getting at?"
"Just because Layla breaks the mould doesn't mean it's a problem."
"Is it because you don't want others to know about the Blessing from the Stars?"
"I think I understand your situation now." (no other choices)
"Only by improving yourself and no longer relying on an external power can you break out of the vicious cycle."
"Why don't we try facing the problem head-on?"
"It's simple, just break down the unfinished parts of the thesis into different tasks and tackle them one by one." (no other choices)
"Those don't sound too difficult. I can help you." (no other choices)
"Don't worry about it. We've already come this far." (no other choices)
"So you're lacking some equipment..." (no other choices)
"Looks like we're gonna have to ask around the Adventurers' Guild." (no other choices)
"Because no one has a network like Katheryne does." (no other choices)
The Helper
"We would like to borrow a high-precision celestial globe." (no other choices)
"Thank you so much." (no other choices)
Remedial Measures
"Don't be nervous. Just explain what you've learned."
"I didn't really understand what you were talking about, but I thought you did great." (no other choices)
"You're starting to show signs of becoming a great researcher." (no other choices)
Thesis Defense Practice
"So I'm playing the role of an academic adviser, right?" (no other choices)
"Got it. You ready?" (no other choices)
"Can you briefly describe the application of the law of triple-orbit shift calculation?"
"Your presentation could use some work, but I can tell that your logic is sound." (no other choices)
"It seems we've managed to address all the major challenges for you." (no other choices)
"You worked hard to reach this point. You don't need to rely on others anymore." (no other choices)
"Lonely?" (no other choices)
"I'm sure it will also be very happy to know you feel this way." (no other choices)
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The Stars' Expectations

The Stars

Branches & Major Choices

Thesis Defense Practice
"So I'm playing the role of an academic adviser, right?" (no other choices)
"Got it. You ready?" (no other choices)
"Do you know about The Great Machine?"
"Are you okay?!" (no other choices)
"..." (no other choices)
"I'm waiting for you to answer my question." (no other choices)
"You speak very differently from the Layla I know."
Yep. And you must be the Blessing from the Stars." (no other choices)
"Well, she's finally decided to face the problems with her thesis head-on, and she's working very hard on it." (no other choices)
"Why's that?" (no other choices)
"But's she's not doing very well now, either." (no other choices)
"It's good that she has you, or she might've already hit rock bottom." (no other choices)
2nd Ending (The Remaining Problem Route)

The Stars' Expectations (2nd Ending)

* Under Remedial Measures, you can also end up with The Stars's Expectations ending.

Branches & Major Choices

Remedial Measures
"If you mess this up, you won't be able to gain his trust."
"Are you okay!?" (no other choices)
"(Why is she asking?)" (no other choices)
"You aren't Layla, aren't you?" (no other choices)
"Your personality changed."
"You are the Blessing from the Stars, aren't you?" (no other choices)
"Well she's finally decided yo face the problems with her thesis head-on, and she's working very hard on it." (no other choices)
"She said that she wanted to practice for her thesis defense..." (no other choices)
The Remaining Problem
"Why's that?" (no other choices)
"But's she's not doing very well now, either." (no other choices)
"It's good that she has you, or she might've already hit rock bottom." (no other choices)
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The Price To Pay And Its Returns

The Price To Pay And Its Returns layla ending hangout

Branches & Major Choices

The Road To Failure
"So you wanted to help, but couldn't?" (no other choices)
"Then what happened?" (no other choices)
"You can't solve every problem with just courage alone. Being rational is just as important."
"The Seelie probably wants to do more than just criticize you for the past. Why don't you try facing your challenge head-on?"
One Final Step
"So it's not a riddle this time? (no other choices)
"This might be the last stop in our search."
"Just be sure not to push yourself too hard." (no other choices)
"Calm down."
"What's going on, Layla?" (no other choices)
"You said you've been to Vimara Village once..."(no other choices)
What the... Is it really the same one you lost?" (no other choices)
"I'm assuming you aren't in the habit of writing letters to yourself." (no other choices)
"Could it be that the Wisdom Seelie... is you?" (no other choices)
"Either way, it's safe to say that it's related to the blessing from the stars". (no other choices)
"He's right." (no other choices)
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That Which Remains Unspoken

That Which Remains Unspoken layla ending hangout

Branches & Major Choices

Dislocated Dialogue
"What do we do now?" (no other choices)
"I'll come with you. I'm a little worried" (no other choices)
"You look better already."
"It might be messing with you."
"The main issue is that you have a deadline to meet."
"Now that sounds like an idea." (no other choices)
"You don't actually believe in those legends, do you...?"
"Can't disagree with that logic." (no other choices)
Taking The Opposite Route
Activity: talk to Latifah inside the library
"It sounds like some hero out of a fairy tale." (no other choices)
Activity: talk to Katayoun inside the library
Activity: talk to Hunayn inside the library
"Then why didn't you just say so?" (no other choices)
"This shadow sounds pretty powerful." (no other choices)
"Good thing I'm not studying alongside you. I can tell that you'd really stress me out." (no other choices)
Compiling The Clues
"We should be able to figure out more about its identity and whereabouts." (no other choices)
Interpretation Choices:
Interpret: Book Checkout Logs
Interpret: The Wisdom Seelie's True Identity
Trigger Associate: Sighting Location
Conclusion: Select The Wisdom Seelie's Behavioral Logic for conclusion
"So, what've you come up with?" (no other choices)
"Look at you, finishing your thesis should be no problem at all."
The Truth Behind It
"I'll stay up with you"
"Are you referring to the... Wisdom Seelie or the Blessing from the Stars?" (no other choices)
"What if I could help you?" (no other choices)
"Oh, nothing. Maybe there really isn't anything we can do."
"You're really not going to finish on time now."
"(I'm sorry to have to make you feel so uncomfortable)" (no other choices)
"(It seems like she's completely recovered. Huh does that mean...)" (no other choices)
"Are you... the other Layla?" (no other choices)
"Then why don't you repeat the conversation we just had?"
"I'm a friend of Layla's. I'm trying to help her finish her thesis." (no other choices)
"Mostly hers." (no other choices)
"You're the Seelie, aren't you?"
"Did you infiltrate the House of Daena? And what about those rumors of special powers?"
"What's with the Seelie pranking people?" (no other choices)
"Actually, I have one last question." (no other choices)
"Why don't you want her to know you exist?"(no other choices)
"I see." (no other choices)
"I understand." (no other choices)
"You're fine. You just had a little nap" (no other choices)
"I'm not, really." (no other choices)
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Layla Hangout Event - Rewards

Each Ending Unlocked Gives A Reward

Layla Hangout rewards

Each Hangout Memory you unlock will give you various rewards! This includes Primogems, Mora, and sometimes even Dishes!

Notable Rewards For Layla Hangout Event

Achievements Unlocked

Layla Hangout achievement
The Name Is LaylaComplete "Ever Silent Stars" and unlock all endings.
She's Already TenseHelp Layla finish her thesis without causing her further anxiety.
Secret of Seelie and the Star-Lit SkyObtain the authentic letter of the Wisdom Seelie.
Check Out The All Achievements List Here!

Layla Hangout Event - Release Date & How To Unlock

Released On April 12, 2023

Permanently Available After The 3.6 Update

Layla hangout event for 3.6
Release Date
April 12, 2023

Layla hangout event will be permanently available after the 3.6 Update. Layla hangout event was released on April 12, 2023.

How To Unlock?

Unlock Conditions
└ Adventure Rank 40 or above.
└ Complete Akasha Pulses, The Kalpa Flame Rises

Requires Story Keys To Unlock

Might Require Story Keys To Unlock

Requires 2 Story Keys to unlock the event and you can keep a maximum amount of 3 keys.

Complete Daily Commissions For Keys

Upon completing the Daily Commissions you will obtain a Story Key that will be needed to unlock the Hangout Event. These keys are the same keys to unlock a Story Quests.

Hangout Event Characters & Guides

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Anonymous 2

I have completely different answers available for the first choice of Drowsy Evening Star section of this hang-out....

Fikar Exact 1

Nobody leave a comment, Layla Hangout events is that bad huh? I just found out that Layla means Moon in middle east language.

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