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Hangout Event For Shikanoin Heizou Endings & Answers Guide

Genshin Impact | Hangout Event For Shikanoin Heizou Endings & Answers Guide

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Genshin Impact | Hangout Event For Shikanoin Heizou Endings & Answers Guide - GameWith

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Shikanoin Heizou's Hangout Event is a date event for Genshin Impact. Guide includes story endings, dialogue choices, branches, quiz, poem, answers, hidden achievements & rewards.

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Hangout Event Characters & Guides

Shikanoin Heizou Hangout Event - Release Date & How To Unlock

To Be Released During The 2.8 Update

To Be Released During The 2.8 Update
Release Date
July 13, 2022

It's been confirmed that Heizou and his Hangout Event will be released as part of the upcoming 2.8 Update. This was announced during the recent 2.8 Livestream!

2.8 Update Release Date & Patch Notes

Requires Story Keys To Unlock

Might Require Story Keys To Unlock

Requires 2 Story Keys to unlock the event and you can keep a maximum amount of 3 keys.

Complete Daily Commissions For Keys

Upon completing the Daily Commissions you will obtain a Story Key that will be needed to unlock the Hangout Event. These keys are the same keys to unlock a Story Quests.

Hangout Event Characters & Guides

Shikanoin Heizou Hangout All Endings Guide

All Endings List

Hangout Summary

Num Of Endings5
Num Of Achievements3

Ending 1 - Memories Do Not Evaporate

heizou hangout Ending 1 - Memories Do Not Evaporate

Branches & Major Choices

The Detective's Dosappearance
Go to Bantan Sango Detective Agency and talk to Sango and Ryuuji
Heizou will not appear yet.
The Intuitive Commission
Activity: Defeat the Nobushis
"Have we met?" (no other choices)
"I've been commissioned to come find you." (no other choices)
"Aren't you curious about whose commission it is?" (no other choices)
"How did you know that?" (no other choices)
"Did you deduce it from what I said?"
"I'm not staring, I'm just taking a look." (no other choices)
"Yes, I'd also like to know what you're doing here, Detective Heizou." (no other choices)
"Hmm...It's missing music?"
"Does it have anything to do with these Nobushi?" (no other choices)
"I'm sorry for interfering with your plans." (no other choices)
"But I have a commission to fulfill, so I'll have to bring you back first." (no other choices)
"No, they didn't." (no other choices)
"Okay I'm curious about your dream, too. I'll assist your investigation."
The Camp's Secret
Activity: check and investigate the goods at the camp.
"We found a bunch of Crystal Marrow and Sango Pearls" (no other choices)
"I know someone at the shrine. Follow me." (no other choices)
"I'd like to know whether any merchants or caravans have recently reported incidents of stolen goods." (no other choices)
"As the captain of Swordfish II, it's my duty to help Watatsumi."
A Time for Whispers
"What makes you say that?" (no other choices)
"This certainly doesn't line up with the Gorou I know." (no other choices)
"Alright, you've convinced me that there might be some secret here. What do we do?"
Unexpected Discovery
(Adjust the in-game time from 20:00 - 24:00)
Activity: investigate the goods.
"Unfortunately, no."
"Ahem...Uh, how have you all been?" (no other choices)
"Tell me about these goods... " (no other choices)
"Don't worry, he's a friend of mine." (no other choices)
"It's alright, you can return to your duties. We'll find the way ourselves." (no other choices)
Middle Man
"Uh, me neither.
"Your final question? (no other choices)
(Adjust in-game time from 8:00 - 12:00)
"Wait, what is the bill you just mentioned?" (no other choices)
(Make a loud and resounding promise)
"Have you really decided to keep the whole thing a secret?" (no other choices)
So now you have the answer you were searching for?" (no other choices)
After talking to Todoroki, talk to Gorou to obtain the achievement called ▼ Sangonomiya Supplications

Ending 2 - There's One Secret

heizou Ending 2 - There
The Intuitive Commission
"Maybe it was just a dream."
"Does it have anything to do with these Nobushi?" (no other choices)
"I'm sorry for interfering with your plans." (no other choices)
"But I have a commission to fulfill, so I'll have to bring you back first." (no other choices)
"No, they didn't" (no other choices)
"Your dream's really out there, so I think I should bring you back first. There's someone concerned about your safety."
The Police Station Register
"Ahem...actually, he did seem to be investigating a case." (no other choices)
(You cast a quick inquiring glance at Heizou.)
"Understood, leave it to me" (no other choices)
"I think you need to deal with your complaint letter first." (no other choices)
The Three Case Files
Activity: check the 3 case files.
"There might be a "Prince of Mischief" bullying children in Hanamizaka."
"Yeah, I know you two have some beef, and it appears to be pretty serious." (no other choices)
Sango's Complaint Letter
"No need to go that far, I'll help you for free."
Ryuuji's Curious Case
"You seem to really want me to look into this" (no other choices)
Talk to Owada
"Heizou sent me to talk to you about the Ryuuji Case..." (no other choices)
"They said Ryuuji was the top suspect" (no other choices)
"What do you think, Owada?" (no other choices)
"What about the real murderer who was later caught by Sango?" (no other choices)
"I understand" (no other choices)
The Motive?
"Nothing yet, I'll keep looking through the files." (no other choices)
Go back to the shelves and read all the 8 files.
The Modus Operandi?
"Shiroyama's Testament and Takatsukasa Isamu's Message." (Correct Answer)
"Yes, I did"
"The Autopsy Report of Takatsukasa Isama, Shiroyama's Testament, and the Toxicology Report" (Correct Answer)
"Wait,...I still have some questions" (no other choices)
"The Toxicology Report mentioned that this poison isn't sold anywhere in Inazuma, but Shiroyama's Testament said that it was bought at the International Trade Association."
"Why is the Research Log from the Office of Forensic Science blank? Did someone tear out some pages?
"Based on the convictions written by Kujou Sara for Ryuuji and Shiroyama, the two committed the same crime. Why are their punishments different?" (no other choices)
How do you know? (no other choices)
Things Clear Up
"We've seen everything...that the Police Station has. Now I see the problem. (no other choices)
"At the detective agency, you told Sango: "I've disclosed everything the Police Station has on the case". (no other choices)
"When we started to look at the files, you said to us: Everything laid out here is all that the Police Station has about the case." (no other choices)
"Just now, you said it again: You've checked all the material the Police Station has."(no other choices)
"Because you're trying to hint that there is other information that the Police Station doesn't have" (no other choices)
the Final Clue
"The cold medicine and the fish-liver paste were mixed to form the white powder!"
"Why didn't Shiroyama admit this in his testament?" (no other choices)
"There was no need for him to hide it. (no other choices)
"So...why are you revealing the truth to me today? "
"I need to think about that... (no other choices)
Your Answer
"Sango was wrong about Heizou, and the murderer was indeed Shiroyama. "
"Trust me, I did" (no other choices)

Ending 3 - The Three Undeceivables

Ending 3 - The Three Undeceivables
The Three Case Files
"An approval reply for Heizou Talks Fraud."
"I thought you're only interested in major cases, not petty things like fraud." (no other choices)
The Shrewd Lady of the Grand Narukami Shrine
"I honestly don't know who we're here to see." (no other choices)
"Etsu?" (no other choices)
"Prison?" (no other choices)
"Ahem, hi, I'm (Traveler's name)" (no other choices)
The Cunning One of Inazuma
"A hefty fine?" (no other choices)
"Arataki Numero Uno Itto!" (no other choices)
The Prince of Mischief in Hanamizaka
"We heard you were bullying kids." (no other choices)
"Actually, we'd like to invite you to an anti-fraud event tomorrow night." (no other choices)
The Curtain Rises
(Adjust the in-game time from 20:00 - 24:00)
"Itto, just follow your heart!"

Ending 4 - Free Onikabuto Lunch

heizou Ending 4 - Free Onikabuto Lunch
The Curtain Rises
(Adjust the in-game time from 20:00 - 24:00)
"Itto keep an eye out for Etsu and Iba!"

Ending 5 - The Famous Detective's Principles

heizou Ending 5 - The Famous Detective
Your Answer
"Detective Heizou hid some evidence, the truth of the matter is..."
Adjust the in-game time to 8:00-12:00
"Is he not here?" (no other choices)
"Ahem..." (no other choices)

Shikanoin Heizou Hangout Event - Rewards

Each Ending Unlocked Gives A Reward

Heizou Ending Rewards Each Ending Unlocked Gives A Reward

Each Hangout Memory you unlock will give you rewards relating to the character you had an event with. If Heizou's Hangout event follows the same format as those released before, it should give rewards per ending unlocked!

Item Rewards List

Recipe The Only Truth Recipe
FurnishingFabled Emperor Onikabuto
Items- Primogems
- Ascension Materials
- Hero's Wit

Completing Endings Could Unlock Achievements

Heizou hangout achievement

Completing an ending & going through all possible paths in the Hangout event can also give you access to obtain Primogems and unlock some achievements under the Memories of the Heart Achievements List.

An Ideal Detective Am ICorrectly analyze the motives and the truth behind the crime the first time.
Sangonomiya SupplicationsAsk Gorou whether Kokomi knows about the happenings on Watatsumi Island.
You Thought We Were For Real, Eh? Complete Trap 'Em By Storm and unlock all endings.

An Ideal Detective Am I Achievement

Choose the 2 case files from The Motive? branch under the ▲Ending 2 to obtain the An Ideal Detective Am I achievement.

No. Correct Files Related To The Crime
1Shiroyama's Testament and Takatsukasa Isamu's Message
2The Autopsy Report of Takatsukasa Isama, Shiroyama's Testament, and the Toxicology Report
Check Out The All Achievements List

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Talk to Gorou the second time you meet him before going to the location where Heizou is to get an Achievement

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