Check This Original Resin Guide for Genshin Impact. Learn where to see, location, where to see, how to check, how to use, recharge rate, cap, farm, usage, best use and more.
Table of Contents
What Is Original Resin?
Used To Get Rewards From Ley Line Blossom & Domains

Original Resin can be used to claim rewards from Ley Line Blossom, the flowers that appears after clearing a quest marked as a Boss in the Adventure Book, as well as the tree after finishing a quest from a domain.
Check The Remaining Amount On Adventurer's Handbook

You can check the amount of remaining Original resins by opening the menu and ticking Adventurer's Handbook. The amount will appear at the upper right part of the "Domain" or "Bosses" section.
Unlock Adventurer's Handbook At Mondstadt
You can unlock the Adventurer's Handbook by talking to Katheryne of the Adventurer's Guild.
Recommended Uses Of Original Resin
Bosses Are Great For Leveling Adventure Rank

Once you defeat monsters in a particular mission, a Ley Line Blossom will appear. Interact with the blossom and use your remaining Original Resin to claim the loot. You can obtain Adventurer EXP together with different rewards, so it is better to prioritize these.
Check Out Adventure Rank Farming Here!For Ascension, Enter Domains

Upon finishing the quest in domains, head to the deepest part of the domain to find a shining tree. Interact with the tree to receive rewards. Each domain has unique loot. Proceed to the domain that drops the item that you need.
How To Get / Recover Original Resin?
1 Every 8 Minutes
You automatically recover 1 Original Resin every 8 minutes. However, you can only store up to 120 pieces. It will stop recovering once it reaches 120. Try to use the resin before it reaches the max amount to fully use this auto recover function.
Recover Using Primogems
It is possible to recover Original Resins using Primogems. However, you can only do it maximum of 6 times a day. Also, the more you do it, the amount of Primogem needed will increase. This amount increase, together with the maximum time of replenishing using primogems resets everyday.
Primogems Amount Chart
No. | Primogems Amount | Original Resin Amount |
1 | 50 | 60 |
2 | 100 | 60 |
3 | 100 | 60 |
4 | 150 | 60 |
5 | 200 | 60 |
6 | 200 | 60 |
Total | 800 pcs | 360 pcs |
It is recommended to avoid using primogems for Original resins. But, if you have no choice use it only up to 4 times.
Use Fragile Resins To Restore

Fragile resins that you get from doing quests and leveling adventure rank can be used to restore Original Resins. One Fragile Resin can restore 60 Original Resin.