Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Natlan World Quest List

Genshin Impact | Natlan World Quest List

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Genshin Impact | Natlan World Quest List - GameWith

Check out this All Natlan World Quest List for Genshin Impact. This list includes all Natlan World Quest, their location, how to unlock, where to find them, and more!

Table of Contents

World Quest Per Nation
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All World Quest List

All World Quests In Natlan

Natlan Reputation Quests

  1. Start Location Of A Saurian Lover's Ordinary Days
    A Saurian Lover's Ordinary Daysa saurian lover's ordinary days
    How To Unlock:
    - Approach the man surrounded by Saurians found north of the Scions of the Canopy.
  2. Start Location Of Shadows Of The Mountains
    Beneath The Crystal Rockbeneath the crystal rock
    How To Unlock:
    - Talk to the NPC standing next to the waypoint in Natlan's Sulfurous Veins area
  3. Start Location Of Gifts and Gifts in Return
    Gifts and Gifts in Returngifts and gifts in return
    How To Unlock:
    - Go to the your Saurus' rest area through the golden pillars near Tepeacac Rise
  4. waypoint
    Is 'Intensity' Really the Keyis 'intensity' really the key
    How To Unlock:
    - Unlocked by talking to the NPC at Atocpan.
  5. Detonate the magma to further lower the water
    Peace To The Slumberingpeace to the slumbering
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Beneath The Crystal Rock
  6. Map
    Ripe For Troubleripe for trouble
    How To Unlock:
    - Talk to the NPC near the Ancient Watchtower Domain
  7. Disable The Two Honing Enemies
    Seeker No Findingseeker no finding
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Tracer No Tracing and head to the Upper Sanctum by riding the Spiritway
  8. Quest Map
    Sing, Ho, For the Greatness of Fat!sing, ho, for the greatness of fat!
    How To Unlock:
    - Talk to Suriqui at Remnant of Tetenanco.
  9. Start Location Of Tepetlisaurus Hide-and-Seek
    Tepetlisaurus Hide-and-Seektepetlisaurus hide-and-seek
    How To Unlock:
    - Head to the location with a lot of little Tepetlisaurus north of Sulfurous Veins
  10. Starting Location Of To The Night, What Is The Night's
    To The Night, What Is The Night'sto the night, what is the night's
    How To Unlock:
    1. Collect All 3 Courier's Trial Keystone
    2. Stand in front of the mechanism of the Ancient Ritual Site
  11. Start Location Of Tale Of Dreams Plucked From Fire
    Tracer No Tracingtracer no tracing
    How To Unlock:
    - Talk to the woman in the underground ruins south of Ameyalco Waters
  12. Start Location Of Waiting For Seeds to Sprout
    Waiting For Seeds to Sproutwaiting for seeds to sprout
    How To Unlock:
    - Head to the mountain north of the Ancestral Temple
  13. Start Location Of Weighty Wings
    Weighty Wingsweighty wings
    How To Unlock:
    - Go to the camp in the mountain between the Scions of the Canopy and Ancestral Temple

Natlan Non-Reputation Quests

  1. A Brief History of Rocksa brief history of rocks
    How To Unlock:
  2. A Dream Of Gazing Upon The Distant Sky Quest
    A Dream Of Gazing Upon The Distant Skya dream of gazing upon the distant sky
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete City Buried By Ash and act 1 of Lost Traveler In The Ashen Realm
  3. Heart of the Sacred Mountain Map
    A Finale Emberforgeda finale emberforged
    How To Unlock:
    - Clear Chronicler of the Crumbling City.
  4. Quest Image
    A Prayer For Blessings, Told To Crested Peaksa prayer for blessings, told to crested peaks
    How To Unlock:
  5. Quest Map Location
    A Saurian Returns To The Nesta saurian returns to the nest
    How To Unlock:
    - You can unlock this quest by heading to west from the Masters of the Night-Wind's settlement.
  6. Avant-Garde! Graffiti
    Avant-Garde Graffiti Visionary!avant-garde graffiti visionary!
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Chapter 5 Act 2.
    Only available during version 5.0
  7. Start Location Of Between Pledge And Forgettance
    Between Pledge And Forgettancebetween pledge and forgettance
    How To Unlock:
    - Start Lost In The Woods
  8. Charge Forward! Go, Go, Go! genshin impact
    Charge Forward! Go, Go, Go!charge forward! go, go, go!
    How To Unlock:
    - Talk to Matahga's location at Masters of the Night-Wind Tribe
  9. City Burried By Ash
    City Buried By Ashcity buried by ash
    How To Unlock:
    - Head to the area to unlock.
  10. Mini-map location
    Come Fly With Mecome fly with me
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Dancin' In The Moonlight
  11. Start Location
    Dancin' In the Moonlightdancin' in the moonlight
    How To Unlock:
    - You can unlock it by going to the south of the Flower-Feather Clan's settlement.
  12. mini-map
    Every Aspect of A Warriorevery aspect of a warrior
    How To Unlock:
    - Finish the following quest:
    - A Saurian Returns to the Nest
    - Molting Season
    - Charge Forward! Go, Go, Go!
  13. Start Location Of Feeling Like Fish Today!
    Feeling Like Fish Today!feeling like fish today!
    How To Unlock:
    - Approach the dock found under Tetiicpac Peak
  14. Friends Of Fire And Waterfriends of fire and water
    How To Unlock:
    - Friends of Fire and Water can be unlocked by going to the farthest shore from the southwest of the Masters of the Night-Wind's settlement
  15. Map
    From One Case To Anotherfrom one case to another
    How To Unlock:
    - You can unlock From One Case To Another quest series by passing through the hoop with a Pyroculus located at the south of "Masters of the Night-Wind"
  16. Start Location Of Lies And Promises
    Lies And Promiseslies and promises
    How To Unlock:
    - Interact with the Yumkasaurus in a small crevice under Teticpac Peak
  17. Start Location Of Lights, Kamera, Action!
    Lights, Kamera, Action!lights, kamera, action!
    How To Unlock:
    - Interact with the Kamera found in the mountain near The Children of Echoes tribe
  18. Start Location Of Between Pledge And Forgettance
    Lost In The Woodslost in the woods
    How To Unlock:
    - Approach the golden pillars when you first arrive in Natlan
  19. Lost Traveler Map Start
    Lost Traveler In The Ashen Realmlost traveler in the ashen realm
    How To Unlock:
    - You can unlock this quest series by going to the Statue of the Seven at Ochkanatlan
  20. mini-map quest start
    Molting Seasonmolting season
    How To Unlock:
    - You can unlock this quest by heading southeast from the Flower-Feather Clan's settlement or heading northwest from the Stadium of the Sacred Flame
  21. map location
    Moment of Awakeningmoment of awakening
    How To Unlock:
    - Part of the Lost Traveler In The Ashen Realm Quest
  22. open your heart to me
    Open Your Heart To Meopen your heart to me
    How To Unlock:
    - Travelers can unlock this quest by exploring the underground ruins in Ochkanatlan.
  23. Palace of the Vision Serpent
    Palace Of The Vision Serpentpalace of the vision serpent
    How To Unlock:
    - Part of Lost Traveler In The Ashen Realm
  24. Quest Prompt Appears Upon Going To Atocpan
    Path to the Flaming Peakspath to the flaming peaks
    How To Unlock:
    - Enter Atocpan to unlock.
  25. Unlock By Finishing Rite Of The Bold
    Revelations From The Pastrevelations from the past
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Rite Of The Bold and go to the entrance of the ruins
  26. Location Image
    Rite Of The Boldrite of the bold
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Lost In The Woods
  27. Quest Map
    Sauro-Vet's Dilemmasauro-vet's dilemma
    How To Unlock:
    - You can trigger this quest by going to east side of the Flower-Feather Clan's settlement.
  28. Start Location Of Shadows Of The Mountains
    Shadows Of The Mountainsshadows of the mountains
    How To Unlock:
    - Start Beneath The Crystal Rock
  29. Someday, We All Must Walk Alonesomeday, we all must walk alone
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete all Quest, and Puzzles that is related to the Saurus that you met in Natlan.
  30. Special Friendsspecial friends
    How To Unlock:
    - Approach the Yumkasaurus and Llama in the mountain east of the Scions of the Canopy
  31. Mini-Map Location
    Stand By Mestand by me
    How To Unlock:
    - Finish the following quest:
    - Dancin' In The Moonlight
    - Come Fly With Me
  32. Quest Location Start
    Stones, Coconuts, and Saurian Traffickersstones, coconuts, and saurian traffickers
    How To Unlock:
    - You can find it by going to the southwest shores near the Masters of the Night-Wind's settlement.
  33. Start Location Of Stride On Rainbows, Split The Waves
    Stride On Rainbows, Split The Wavesstride on rainbows, split the waves
    How To Unlock:
    - Talk to Rongo on the island southeast of the Ameyalco Waters area
  34. Start Location Of Tale Of Dreams Plucked From Fire
    Tale Of Dreams Plucked From Firetale of dreams plucked from fire
    How To Unlock:
    - Start Tracer No Tracing
  35. Map Location
    The Attack of the Purple Tepetlisaurusthe attack of the purple tepetlisaurus
    How To Unlock:
    - Head to the marked area to start a cutscene.
  36. Start Location Of The Case Of The Crafting Bench
    The Case Of The Crafting Benchthe case of the crafting bench
    How To Unlock:
    - Interact with the Crafting Bench found outside of the Stadium of Sacred Flame
  37. The Chosen One's Promise Quest
    The Chosen One's Promisethe chosen one's promise
    How To Unlock:
    - Epilogue of Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm Questline
  38. Flowing Primal Flame
    The Flowing Primal Flamethe flowing primal flame
    How To Unlock:
    - Part of The Other Side Of The Sky Quest
  39. Location
    The Lone Isle Named Nightthe lone isle named night
    How To Unlock:
    - You can unlock the chamber by using Ororon or Iktomisaurus's ability on the stone ring near the waypoint. This will start a puzzle that will let you explore the whole island.
  40. Map For The Mystery Of Tecoloapan Beach
    The Mystery Of Tecoloapan Beachthe mystery of tecoloapan beach
    How To Unlock:
    - Head to the fog covered area in Natlan.
  41. The Other Side of the Sky
    The Other Side Of The Skythe other side of the sky
    How To Unlock:
    - Automatically unlocked upon completing To The Sky-Road
  42. mini-map location
    The Tonatiuh Quiversthe tonatiuh quivers
    How To Unlock:
    - Part of Lost Traveler In The Ashen Realm
  43. Map Location
    The Way Into the Mountainthe way into the mountain
    How To Unlock:
    - Talk to the two kids at Collective of Plenty
  44. To The Sky-Road Quest
    To The Sky-Roadto the sky-road
    How To Unlock:
    - Automatically be unlocked after completing the Palace Of The Vision Serpent Quest
  45. Start Location Of To Wish Upon A Star
    To Wish Upon A Starto wish upon a star
    How To Unlock:
    - Talk to the child near the large hole west of the Ancestral Temple
  46. Location Image
    Talk to Katheryine
    Toward Red-Hot Adventure!toward red-hot adventure!
    How To Unlock:
    - Complete Chapter 5 Act 1 Archon Quest
  47. Treasures And Collectors Walkthrough
    Treasures And Collectorstreasures and collectors
    How To Unlock:
    - Go to the small excavation site east of the Scions of the Canopy
  48. quenin map
    Twisted Extensiontwisted extension
    How To Unlock:
    - Unlocked by Finishing Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm.
  49. Vaulting The Wall Of Morning Mist Quest
    Vaulting The Wall Of Morning Mistvaulting the wall of morning mist
    How To Unlock:
    - The Vaulting The Wall Of Morning Mist quest will start in the north area of Ochkanatlan.

What Are World Quests & How To Unlock Them

Side Quests Found Around The Game's World

World Quests are Genshin Impact's version of side quests. By doing them, not only do players learn more about the world and get to know its NPCs, but they also receive rewards for completing them!

How To Unlock World Quests

Increase Your Adventure Rank

Most World Quests are locked behind Adventure Rank progression. Some of them will not show up until players reach a specific Adventure Rank or once they complete the Ascension Level quests.

Progress Through The Archon Quest

There are World Quests that are directly tied to the Archon Quests or the main story quests of Genshin Impact. Completing Archon Quests is the only way to unlock these types of World Quests.

Unlock New Regions

Some World Quests on the other hand can easily be unlocked so long as you've unlocked or cleared the fog in the area where they are found. Aim to unlock all waypoints and Statues of Seven in every region to see quests.

World Quests Per Region

Genshin Impact - Related Quest Guides


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All Story Quests List
All Story Quests
Lepus Chapter: Act 1Amber 1Pavo Ocellus Chapter: Act 1Kaeya 1Tempus Fugit Chapter: Act 1Lisa 1
Lupus Minor Chapter: Act 1Razor 1Noctua Chapter: Act IDiluc 1Trifolium Chapter: Act IKlee 1
Leo Minor Chapter: Act IJean 1Carmen Dei Chapter: Act IVenti 1Astrolabos Chapter: Act IMona 1
Princeps Cretaceus Chapter: Act IAlbedo 1Aphros Delos Chapter: Act 1Eula 1Trulla Chapter: Act 1Xiangling 1
Fabulae Textile Chapter: Act 1Xingqiu 1Historia Antiqua Chapter: Act IZhongli 1Historia Antiqua Chapter: Act IIZhongli 2
Sinae Unicornis Chapter: Act IGanyu 1Alatus Chapter: Act IXiao 1Papilio Charontis Chapter: Act IHu Tao 1
Carassius Auratus Chapter: Act IYoimiya 1Grus Nivis Chapter: Act IAyaka 1Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act 1Raiden Shogun 1
Dracaena Somnolenta Chapter: Act 1Kokomi 1Taurus Iracundus Chapter: Act 1Itto 1Acer Palmatum Chapter: Act 1Kazuha 1
Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act 2Raiden Shogun 2Divina Vulpes Chapter: Act 1Yae Miko 1Cypressus Custos Chapter: Act IAyato 1
Umbrabilis Orchis Chapter: Act 1Yelan 1Vulpes Zerda Chapter: Act 1Tighnari 1Lupus Aureus Chapter Act 1Cyno 1
Lotos Somno: Act 1Nilou 1Sapientia Oromasdis Act 1Nahida 1Vultur Volans Chapter: Act IAlhaitham 1
Mantichora Chapter: Act 1Dehya 1Sapientia Oromasdis Act 2Nahida 2Lagenaria Chapter: Act 1Baizhu 1
Carassius Auratus Chapter: Act IIYoimiya 2Felis Fuscus Chapter: Act ILyney 1Cerberus Chapter: Act 1Wriothesley 1
Diluvies Chapter: Act 1Neuvillette 1Animula Choragi Chapter: Act IFurina 1Rosa Multiflora Chapter: Act INavia 1
Grus Serena Chapter: Act 1Xianyun 1Cisoria Chapter: Act 1Chiori 1Ignis Purgatorius Chapter: Act 1 Arlecchino 1
Lupus Aureus Chapter: Act 2Cyno 2Rapperia Chapter: Act 1Clorinde 1Nereiders Chapter: Act 1Sigewinne 1
Where The Springs ReturnMualani 1YupanquiKinich 1Melodious ChantXilonen 1
As The Blazing SunMavuika 1Memories Flowing With ColorCitlali 1Tapirus Somniator: Chapter 1Mizuki 1
Mushroom Realm Mystery--
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Natlan Specialties
Brilliant ChrysanthemumQuenepa Berry
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Sprayfeather GillSaurian Claw Succulent
Fontaine Specialties
Fontaine SpecialtiesRomaritime Flower
Lumidouce BellRainbow Rose
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Liyue SpecialtiesSilk Flower
Cor LapisJueyun Chili
Noctilucous JadeVioletgrass
Glaze Lily
Mondstadt Specialties
ValberryWindwheel Aster
Dandelion SeedCalla Lily
Philanemo Mushroom
Natlan World Quests
Between Pledge And ForgettanceIn the Footsteps Of The Chosen Of Dragons
Shadows Of The MountainsTale Of Dreams Plucked From Fire
Toward Red-Hot Adventure!To The Night, What Is The Night's
Ripe For TroubleTo Wish Upon A Star
Stride On Rainbows, Split The WavesThe Case Of The Crafting Bench
The Call Of Mystical Martial ArtsLights, Kamera, Action!
Beneath The Crystal RockRite Of The Bold
Revelations From The PastTreasures And Collectors
Special FriendsFeeling Like Fish Today!
Lies And Promises
Locations & Nations
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Genius Invokation (TCG)
Beginner's Guide
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