Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Natlan Things To Do, Map, & Gimmicks

Genshin Impact | Natlan Things To Do, Map, & Gimmicks

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Genshin Impact | Natlan Things To Do, Map, & Gimmicks - GameWith

Natlan is the nation of Pyro in Genshin Impact. Guide include location, things to do, characters, quests, how to unlock, rewards, map guide & more.

Table of Contents

5.5 Update Related Articles
Collective Of Plenty5.5 Redeem Codes

New Area For 5.5

The Sacred Mountain And Sanctified Land

The Sacred Mountain And Sanctified Land

According to the 5.5 Livestream a new area will be added to Natlan! Explore this new version 5.5 regions to earn rewards such as x400 Primogems!

5.5 Livestream Content & Redeem Codes

New Natlan Saurian



A new Natlan Saurian will also be available in the upcoming 5.5 Update. These new saurians are called the Tatankasaurus and they are the local saurians from the Collective of Plenty tribe.

Natlan - How To Unlock & Map

Natlan Map

Above GroundUnderground
Aboveground Natlan
Underground Natlan

For 5.0 update, Natlan's map is above. It will be further expanded on future versions.

How To Unlock?

MapExpand To Reveal Map
Unlock Waypoint
Natlan Location
Conditions - Complete Prologue Act 3 Archon Quest

After completing the Archon Quest, "Song Of The Dragon and Freedom", you will automatically unlock a Waypoint to the right of Tequemecan Valley in Natlan. Use that waypoint to directly teleport to Natlan

Natlan - Things To Do

Do Archon Quests & Tribal Chronicles

To unlock all of the areas and contents of Natlan, it is recommended to do Archon Quests first. This takes time to complete however so when doing this, make sure you have spare time.

Collect Pyroculus

炎神アイコン /
Pyroculus Locations & Map

Open Shrine Of Depths From Keys Obtained From Statue Of Seven

Shrine Of Depths Keys

Collect Pyroculus to offer to Natlan Statues of the Seven. Rewards you can gain from this include an increase in your Stamina Bar, Primogems, and Shrine of Depth Keys! You can get more treasure chest by using Depth Keys to open shrines.

Natlan Shrine of Depths Guide

Unlock Craftable Weapons

Weapons List & Recipe

WeaponStat & Weapon Effect
Recipe & How To Unlock
Flute Of EzpitzalFlute Of Ezpitzal
Base ATK (Lv 90): 454
Sub-stat (Lv 90): DEF 69.0%
Weapon Effect:
Using an Elemental Skill increases DEF by 16% for 15s.
Blueprint Recipe:
Earth ShakerEarth Shaker
Base ATK (Lv 90): 565
Sub-stat (Lv 90): ATK 27.6%
Weapon Effect:
After a party member triggers a Pyro-related reaction, the equipping character's Elemental Skill DMG is increased by 16% for 8s. This effect can be triggered even when the triggering party member is not on the field.
Blueprint Recipe:
Footprint Of The RainbowFootprint Of The Rainbow
Base ATK (Lv 90): 510
Sub-stat (Lv 90): DEF 51.7%
Weapon Effect:
Using an Elemental Skill increases DEF by 16% for 15s.
Blueprint Recipe:
Ring Of YaxcheRing Of Yaxche
Base ATK (Lv 90): 510
Sub-stat (Lv 90): HP 41.3%
Weapon Effect:
Using an Elemental Skill grants the Jade-Forged Crown effect: Every 1,000 Max HP will increase the Normal Attack DMG dealt by the equipping character by 0.6% for 10s. Normal Attack DMG can be increased this way by a maximum by 16%.
Blueprint Recipe:
Chain BreakerChain Breaker
Base ATK (Lv 90): 565
Sub-stat (Lv 90): ATK 27.6%
Weapon Effect:
For every party member from Natlan or who has a different Elemental Type from the equipping character, the equipping character gains 4.8% increased attack. When there are no less than 3 of the aformentioned characters, the equpping character gains 24 Elemental Mastery.
Blueprint Recipe:
Natlan Craftable Weapon

Hidden Gimmicks & Secrets Of Natlan

Green-Edged Paper SlipGreen-Edged Paper Slip - Needed to access a cave.
- Triggers a World Quest
Monetoo (Natlan Seelie) Locations & Interactive MapMonetoo- Seelie of Natlan.
- Follow to get rewards.
- You might need to use a Saurus.
WarriorWarrior's Challenge- Use Saurs to collect coins.
- Get S Rank to get all rewards.
Shiny ShellShiny Shell- Needed to progress a World Quest.
Stride On Rainbows, Split The Waves Quest
- A total of 3.
Strange Saurian Key Location & How To GetStrange Saurian Key- Needed to progress a quest.
- Rewards are 3 Treasure Boxes.
Key To Somewhere - Location & UsesKey To Somewhere- Unlocks a cave with Pyroculus.
Nightsoul Trial GuideNightsoul Trial- A high difficulty content in Natlan.
- Rewards are mostly achievements.
Shattered Night Jade - Location & UsesShattered Night Jade - Collect all 3.
- Get Night Jade by collecting 3.
- Related to Nightsoul Trial.
Obsidian Ring - Location & UsesObsidian Ring- Collect 3 shards to get one ring.
- Get Sanctifying Elixir
Broken Graffiti Marked Stone - Location & UsesBroken Graffiti Marked Stone- A total of 6 graffiti stones.
- Obtain a Pyroculus as rewards.
Hidden Island In Natlan (FirethiefHidden Island In Natlan- A map in Natlan covered in Mist.
- You need to clear challenges to reveal it in map.
Iridescent Inscription Fragment - Use & How To Get?Iridescent Inscription Fragment- Total of 4 Fragments.
- Talk to an NPC to receive Treasure Chests.
Natlan Local Legends - Map & LocationsNatlan Local Legends- High level enemies at Natlan.
- Including Nightsoul Trial bosses, 10 enemies.
Conulaf - Location & How To Help GuideConulaf- Help Conulaf escape from being captured all three times

Collect Natlan Woods

All Natlan Woods & Locations

Tree & Wood Materials Guide

All Natlan Quests

Tribal Chronicle Quests (Story Quests)

All Tribal Chronicle Quest List

Natlan World Quests

Natlan World Quest List

Natlan Local Specialties, Materials, & Enemies

Natlan Materials

Natlan Local Specialties

Natlan Local Specialties


Enemy Drops

Weapon Ascensions

Character Talent Materials

Boss Drops

Very Special Item

Special Item
Blazing Flint OreBlazing Flint Ore

Natlan Enemies & Wildlife


Unique Wildlifes In Natlan

Natlan Domains

Natlan Domains

Artifact Domains

Talent Book Domains

Weapon Ascension Material Domains

Natlan - Gimmicks

Natlan Saurian Tribe Gimmicks

Children of Echoes Saurian
- You will have (1) companion during the Lost In The Woods Quest
- You can use this Saurian to locate underground treasures
Special Movement:
- Can crawl through walls and ground areas
- Uses its Saurian stamina that can be replenished via Everflame Seed
People of the Springs Saurian
- Can swim and jump swiftly
- You can use its ability to reach higher places that are above the water and lava
Special Movement 1:
- Aside from water, they can also swim in lava rivers
Special Movement 2:
They can also ride the Spirit Waves
Scions of the Canopy Surian
- Good for exploration since it can grapple easily on mid-air
- Can also be used to solve some puzzles in Natlan
Special Movement 1:
- Grapples to the Coilgrass Sigils easily
Special Movement 2:
- Use the Flamegranates as a weapon to shoot on enemies
Masters of the Night-Wind Saurian
- Has a light and graceful bodies
- Once they consumed a Phlogiston it can leap higher and move faster.
Special Movement 1:
- Can enter the Spiritspeaker State where the Iktomisaurs can use Elemntal Sight to located hidden objects such as graffitis & puzzles
Special Movement 2:
- Can extract information from a graffiti arts to create a useful/special object.
Flower-Feather Saurian
- Can glide longer
- Known as the saurian's king of the skies
Special Movement 1:
- Can be used to reach higher surface
- Once they consumed a Phlogiston, they can glide faster, fly higher and even do a horizontal roll.
Special Movement 2:
- With the power of Scorchwind Conflux, it can keep the Phlogiston for a longer time
- Plunging in this state can cause a Phlogiston Currents which can help you to ascend quickly

Each tribe in Natlan is represented by different Saurians: The Tepetlisaur, Yumkasaur, Koholasaur, Iktomisaurs, and Qucusaurs. These Saurians offer a different kind of exploration gimmick to help players explore Natlan more.

Tribe Exploration Gimmicks

People Of The Springs Notable Areas

People of the Springs
- Spot more Koholasaurus
People of the Springs
- Discover the underground Lava river/area.
- You can use a Koholasaurus to swim in the lava
People of the Springs
- Explore the floating island in People of the Springs
People of the Springs
- Check out the People of the Springs and explore their tribe

Scions Of The Canopy Notable Areas

Scions of the Canopy
- Explore the Tribe's elevated community
Scions of the Canopy
- Explore the tall trees in the area
Scions of the Canopy
- An ancient ruins is also located within the Scions of the Canopy tribe

Children Of Echoes Notable Areas

Children of Echoes
- The tribe community is mostly located on the mid level
Children of Echoes
- An underground area that can be accessed through one of the world quests
Children of Echoes
- An underground area as well where it can be accessed by world quest as well
Children of Echoes
- A gimmick related to a world quest where you will need to destroy certain pillars

Masters Of The Night-Wind Notable Areas

Masters of the NIght-Wind
- Use Ororon or the Iktomisaurs to enter the Spiritspeaker state and extract info to graffitis and create a useful object.
Peculiar Monetoo
- Spot and extract the Peculiar Monetoo to get something remarkable item/stuff
- Players can also use the Hued Monetoo to solve puzzles

Flower-Feather Tribe Notable Areas

Flower-Feathered Tribe
- Get to explore the Flower-Feathered tribe
Flower-Feathered Tribe
- Complete the tribe's Tribal Chronicles and quests
Flower-Feathered Tribe
- Explore the Gaseous Phlogiston
Flower-Feathered Tribe
- Use the Qucusaurs to solve puzzles mid-air

Natlan Characters

ChascaChascaAnemoBowCRIT Rate
CitlaliCitlaliCryoCatalystElemental Mastery
KachinaKachinaGeoPolearmGeo DMG Bonus
KinichKinichDendroClaymoreCRIT DMG
MavuikaMavuikaPyroClaymoreCRIT DMG
MualaniMualaniHydroCatalystCRIT Rate

Natlan - Release Date & Overview

Released On August 28, 2024

Natlan is the fifth region to be released since the release of Genshin Impact. It launches as part of the 5.0 Update on August 28, 2024.

What Is Natlan?

Land Associated With Pyro

Among the Seven Nations of Teyvat, Natlan is the one associated with the element of Pyro. Natlan's lands is said to be filled with volcanoes, geysers, magmas and scorching temperatures but the preview shows that it has Mesas and Plateaus.

Natlan Is Currently In Conflict

Neuvillette also talked about how conflicts are currently ongoing in Natlan and that one of the Fatui Harbingers, Il Capitano, has joined the conflicts.

Natlan Related Articles

Natlan Characters


Other Natlan Guides

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Anonymous 2

It's a 6th nation btw OMEGALUL We're only waiting for Snezhnaya and maybe, maybe, possibly Khaenri'ah and that's hopefully where's it's gonna end then trip to Celestia, kill all the gods and happy end, siblings together forever GG WP.

Anonymous 1

thanks for this! pretty sad it might come out in 2025 but gotta hope its 2024 thanks!

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Chapter 3 Act 6 Chapter 4 Act 1
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Chapter 5 Act 5Chapter 5: Interlude
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Maps & Materials
Oculus Maps
Shrine Of Depths
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Local Specialties
Natlan Specialties
Brilliant ChrysanthemumQuenepa Berry
Withering PurpurbloomGlowing Hornshroom
Sprayfeather GillSaurian Claw Succulent
Fontaine Specialties
Fontaine SpecialtiesRomaritime Flower
Lumidouce BellRainbow Rose
Beryl ConchSubdetection Unit
LumitoileLakelight Lily
Spring of the First Dewdrop
Sumeru Specialties
Sumeru SpecialtiesNilotpala Lotus
Kalpalata LotusRukkhashava Mushroom
Henna BerrySand Grease Pupa
Mourning FlowerTrishiraite
Inazuma Specialties
Inazuma SpecialtiesSakura Bloom
Sea GanodermaNaku Weed
Crystal MarrowDendrobium
OnikabutoAmakumo Fruit
Sango PearlFluorescent Fungus
Liyue Specialties
Liyue SpecialtiesSilk Flower
Cor LapisJueyun Chili
Noctilucous JadeVioletgrass
Glaze Lily
Mondstadt Specialties
ValberryWindwheel Aster
Dandelion SeedCalla Lily
Philanemo Mushroom
Natlan World Quests
Between Pledge And ForgettanceIn the Footsteps Of The Chosen Of Dragons
Shadows Of The MountainsTale Of Dreams Plucked From Fire
Toward Red-Hot Adventure!To The Night, What Is The Night's
Ripe For TroubleTo Wish Upon A Star
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