Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Nightsoul Trial Guide

Genshin Impact | Nightsoul Trial Guide

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Genshin Impact | Nightsoul Trial Guide - GameWith

Nightsoul trial is a challenge in Genshin Impact 5.0. Guide includes Nightsoul Trial, how to unlock, how to start, map, locations, and rewards!

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Nightsoul Trial Map Location & Rewards

Only Reward Are Achievements

Nightsoul Trial rewards

The Nightsoul Trials are some of the hardest challenges in Genshin Impact, with each one having a unique theme. The only reward you get from completing them are achievements so there's no need to force yourself to complete them.

There Is A Unique Nightsoul Trial That Rewards Multiple Chests

Nightsoul Trial rewards

There is a Nightsoul Trial that will reward you with a lot of treasure chests. However, it's challenge is extremely difficult so better be prepared when trying it out.

Atlatl's Blessing Trial Location & Strategy Tips

How To Go To Atlatl's Blessing Trial

Teleport To The Blazing Ruins Domain
Atlatl's Blessing Trial

Start at the Blazing Ruins. After teleporting to the said domain, face the west side and move forward until you reach a cliff.

Go Forward
Atlatl's Blessing Trial

From the Blazing Ruins Domain you will reach a cliff.

Go Down The Cliff & Enter The Cave
Atlatl's Blessing Trial

Upon reaching the cliff area, go down to the wooden bridge and then enter the cave.

Go Inside The Cave & Use The Ability Of Tepetlisaurus
Atlatl's Blessing Trial

Ince you reach the cave's entrance, go forward toward the enemies. Use the ability of the Tepetlisaurus and then move forward inside the cave.

Use The Tepetlisaurus To Avoid The Lava
Atlatl's Blessing Trial

Use the Tepetlisaurus to go to the other side of the cave where the NIghtsoul Trial is located.

Go To The Huge Stone & Start The Trial
Atlatl's Blessing Trial

Once you reach this area, go to the stone's location and then interact with it to start the trial.

Atlatl's Blessing Trial Strategy Tips

Use Parry Whenever It Attacks


The Atlatl's Blessing boss has two (2) powerful attacks causing severe damage, however you can dodge this by using Parry. Upon using Parry you will gain a skill that you can use to inflict huge damage to the Atlatl's Blessing.

Attack 1Details
Attack details: This attack will cast a glowing light on the floor and if you happen to be stepping under that light you will deal DMG. Use parry to dodge it & at the same time gain a special skill.
Attack 2Details
Attack details: In this attack, the enemy will cast a strong swirling powerful attack. You can dodge it using Parry & at the same time gain a special skill.

Ichcahuipilli's Aegis Trial Location & Strategy Tips

Located At Huitztli Hill

Go To Huitztli Hill
Ichcahuipilli's Aegis

Go to the Huitztli Hill indicated on the map above.

Solve The Rock Puzzle
Ichcahuipilli's Aegis

The stone for the Ichcahuipilli's Aegis is still sealed, and you need to search for the 3 lights to unseal it.

Solve The Rock Puzzle

The Ichcahuipilli's Aegis Trial rock is still sealed and you need to complete the puzzle gimmick in order to break the rock and unseal the trial tablet.

How to solve the rock Puzzle
Ichcahuipilli's Aegis Trial

1. Go to the right side of the river, look for the rock, and use the Yumkasaur to hit it. (The thing that will move will go to the rock seal)
Ichcahuipilli's Aegis Trial

2. Use the Yumkasaur to hit the rock. Once you hit the rock a light will crawl out. Follow it and interact with it until it reaches the rock.
Ichcahuipilli's Aegis Trial

3. For the 3rd light, go inside the tree behind the house and get the Grappling Hook.

4. Go out and then go to the left side of the house and install the Grappling Hook to the stone.

5. Hit the stone so that the light will crawl out of the area and go straight to the stone trial.
Ichcahuipilli's Aegis Trial

6. Once the third light crawls near the stone trial, it will automatically unseal the rock and you will also get a Luxurious chest. Touch the stone to start the trial.

Strategy Tips & Recommended Characters

Main DPSSupportSupportHealer

Ichcahuipilli's Aegis enemy is a really strong opponent thus you will need to use your well-built characters in order to defeat it.

Make Use Of Your Food

Ichcahuipilli's Aegis Trial

If ever one of your characters was down during the trial, immediately revive them by consuming your food. Combat food buffs are also recommended since they can also help during the trial.

Defeat A Few Of The Nightsoul Warriors

Ichcahuipilli's Aegis Trial

In between combat, the Ichcahuipilli's Aegis will activate the Land of Decision and summon its Nightsoul Warriors. Upon defeating these warriors, they will inflict a Curse on you which will increase your DMG and at the same time drastically lose your HP. That is why, make sure to defeat a few of them then exit the Land of Decision.

Make Sure To Evade Its Attack

Ichcahuipilli's Aegis Trial

Do not rush on attacking the enemy and think about your every move and make sure to evade all of its attack once you see it making a move to cast an attack.

Tlatzacuilotl Trial Location & Strategy Tips

Located At The Bottom Of Sulfurous Veins

Go To Sulfurous Veins
Tlatzacuilotl Trial

Teleport to the Sulfurous Veins in Tequemecan Valley.

Go To The Southeast
Tlatzacuilotl Trial

Upon reaching the Sulfurous Veins, face the southeast side and then go forward. Once you have reach the cliff, jump down to the bottom area.

Destroy The Stone To Open The Cave Entrance
Tlatzacuilotl Trial

Once you reach the bottom part, go down to the area indicated in the image above. Destroy the rock that is blocking the entrance of the cave by solving a puzzle.

How to solve the Puzzle

1. Use the Tepetlisaur and then activate the phlogiston
2. Start the challenge
3. You need to hit the area/rock upon going to the next rock puzzle. Check the video above for reference.
Enter The Cave & Interact With The Stone
Tlatzacuilotl Trial

h Once the cave is open, go inside then proceed to the stone trial and then interact with it to start the challenge.

Strategy Tips & Recommended Characters

A Good Shielder & Healer Are Highly Recommended


The Tlatzacuilotl boss is a trial where you can dodge/evade the enemy's attack and gain a damage bonus buff. The Tlatzacuilotl boss wields a huge weapon that makes his attacks a little bit slower thus making it quite easy to dodge. Evade his attacks more so you can take advantage of the buff during the trial.

Evade When The Attack Starts To Glow

To successfully obtain a buff, check the enemy's attack, once its weapon starts glowing that is the time that you will dodge its attack. You can check the video above for reference.

He Never Dies Trial Location & Strategy Tips

Located At The Ancestral Temple

Go To The East Side Of The Ancestral Temple
He Never Dies Trial

The He Never Dies Trial stone is located at the eas side of the Ancestral Temple. You can check the map above for reference.

No Puzzle To Unlock The Rock Trial
He Never Dies Trial

The stone trial for the He Never Dies boss does not have any puzzle or gimmick to unlock, just simply go to the map indicated on the image above then follow the route going to the trial's location. Then interact with the rock to start the trial.

Strategy Tips & Recommended Characters

Main DPSShielderSupport/

For this trial, the He Never Dies boss uses a charge attack as one of its attacks and you can easily interrupt it by using characters with a powerful attack that inflicts good damage. However, you will never know when the charge will start, so it is not a good idea to just fire a random shot during combat.

You Must Interrupt The Enemy During Charging

He Never Dies Trial

Once the enemy starts charging, you must start attacking it continuously, however, if you fail to attack it, once the charge is done your character will die in just one hit.

Chimalli's Shade Trial Location & Strategy Tips

Located At The Ground Area Of Ancestral Temple

Go To The West, Ground Area Of Ancestral Temple
Chimalli's Shade Trial

Teleport to the west area of the Ancestral Temple and then go down to the bottom area.

Touch The Stone To Start The Trial
Chimalli's Shade Trial

Once you go down to the bottom, you can easily spot the trial stone.

Strategy Tips & Recommended Characters

Main DPSSupport

Freeze The Hydroflow Constructs

In the Chimalli's Shade Trial the enemy will release a ball of hydro (Hydroflow Constructs) that deals damage whenever you get in contact with it. You can use these hydro constructs to counterattack by freezing it and then hitting it toward the enemy. Once you hit the enemy with the frozen ball, it will decrease its hydro shield.

Attack Quickly Once The Shield Is Gone

Chimalli's Shade Trial

Once you removed the enemy's shield, quickly attack it continuously since it will halt its movement for some time, so make sure to take the opportunity to deal some damage.

Freeze The Water Pillar & Use It As Shield

Chimalli's Shade Trial

One of its attacks will be a water pillar, you can take advantage by using it as a shield. The Chimalli's Shade Trial enemy will cast a water beam and these water pillars will be a good shield for it, just freeze them and stand behind them so you will not get hit.

Cihuacoatl Of Chimeric Bone Trial Location & Strategy Tips

Start At The Scions Of The Canopy

Go To The Scions Of The Canopy
Cihuacoatl Of Chimeric Bone Trial

Teleport to the Statue of Seven at the Scions of the Canopy and then follow the route indicated on the map. The trial stone is located on a higher level.

Ride The Wind Current
Cihuacoatl Of Chimeric Bone Trial

Upon reaching the Statue of the Seven, go to the wind current and then glide above so it will be much easier to go above. Once you reach the top, continue following the route on the map above to reach the stone trial.

Interact To The Stone To Begin The Trial
Cihuacoatl Of Chimeric Bone Trial

Once you reach the stone trial, interact to the stone to start the trial.

Cihuacoatl Of Chimeric Bone Trial Strategy Tips

Shoot/Destroy The Grapple Points

Cihuacoatl Of Chimeric Bone Trial

In the Cihuacoatl Of Chimeric Bone Trial the enemy will have a gimmick in which it grapples to the air using the three (3) grapple points. Destroy those grapple points so the enemy will fall to the ground. Once the enemy falls to the ground, take advantage and quickly attack the enemy.

Chamber Of Nights Trial Location

How To Use The Shattered Night Jade

Use To Unlock Chamber Of Night's Trial

The Shattered Night Jade can open a Crater in the southeast area of the Stadium of the Sacred Flame.

How To Get The Three (3) Shattered Night Jade

How to Get- Get (1) Shattered Night Jade through the Phlogiston Extraction Research Center (Underground)
- Get (2) Shattered Night Jade from completing Revelations From The Past and To The Night, What Is The Night's
Talk To The Nightsoul Spirit Inside The Chamber
Night Jade

Once you enter the trial chamber, go straight to the cat (Nightsoul Spirit) and start the trial. Numerous enemies will appear. Defeat them all to complete the trial.

Chamber Of Nights Trial Strategy Tips

Recommended To Use Crowd Control Characters

Night Jade
Crowd Control Characters

There will be a lot of enemies inside the Chamber of Night's Trial during the challenge, and in order to defeat them easily use a character that has good crowd control. Kazuha and Sucrose are good at crowd control and at the same time providing support to the team.

Shattered Night Jade - Location & Uses

Ironbeard Trial Location & Strategy Tips

How To Get To Ironbeard's Nightsoul Trial Location

Ironbeard Location Guide
Ironbeard Location Guide

Enter the Nightsould Totem to enter Ironbeard's domain. This can be found near the Flower-Feather Clan.

Strategy Tips & Recommended Characters

Use Plunging Attacks To Break The Ore & Deal Damage

Recommended Characters
Geo TravelerGeo TravelerOroronOroronGamingGamingAlbedoAlbedo

Ironbeard periodically places ores that can be destroyed with a plunge attack, which will destroy the ore and deal a ton of damage. Destroying the ores with any other method will not cause damage so be sure to have at least one character in your team who can deal plunge attacks.

Tupayo's Aid Trial Location & Strategy Tips

How To Get To Tupayo's Aid Nightsoul Trial Location

Tupayo's Aid Location Guide
Tupayo's Aid Location Guide

Head to the location of Tupayo's Aid's Moghtsoul Totem. You can find it a few steps away from the Statue of the Seven near the Flower-Feather Clan.

Strategy Tips & Recommended Characters

Use Updraft To Block The Big Attack

Block With A Plunging AttackBlock With Air Current

When it finishes charging, it will launch a wide-range attack that will instantly kill you. While it's charging an air current will be generated around, which you can use to plunge attack or rush in with the acceleration rings.

Beware Of Ground Attacks

Beware Of Ground Attacks

During the battle, fire pillars periodically appear from the ground, so be sure to check the ground as you move aroubd. The fire pillars aim directly at the character, so it's possible that the air current and fire pillars will overlap and prevent you from jumping.

Potapo's Solidarity Trial Location & Strategy Tips

How To Get To Potapo's Solidarity Nightsoul Trial Location

Potapo's Solidarity Location Guide
Potapo's Solidarity Location Guide

Polapo's Solidarity could be found east of the Stadium of the Sacred Flame.

Strategy Tips & Recommended Characters

Try With A Party With A Lot Of Healers

Recommended Healers

The most important thing in Polapo's Solidarity's trial is to recover as much HP as possible. Try to use multiple healers who can recover a lot of health in a short amount of time. As long as you have recovery skills, you can defeat it.

When The Clone Is Summoned, Use Your Healing

When The Clone Is Summoned, Use Your Healing

After a certain amount of time, a clone will be summoned so follow the instructions and increase the clone's HP. The clone is your ally who will fight alongside you so it's important to use all of your recovery skills to restore HP as quickly as possible.

If The Clone Revives, Just Focus On Avoiding It

When the clone's HP is full, it will deal large damage with a beam. However, since the clone's attack do not stop the enemy's attacks, it is best to leave the dame to the clone and focus on avoiding attacks instead.

It's Best To Use A Character With High HP To Receive The Shockwave

It's Best To Use A Character With High HP To Receive The Shockwave

Be careful of Polapo's Solidarity as it will periodically send out shockwaves across the entire field. There is no way to block it, so you to have to endure it with a character with a lot of HP remaining.

Spirit Of The Fallen Dawnstar Trial Location & Strategy Tips

How To Get To Spirit Of The Fallen Dawnstar's Nightsoul Trial Location

Spirit Of The Fallen Dawnstar Location Guide
Spirit Of The Fallen Dawnstar Location Guide

You can find the Nightsoul Totem of the Spirit of the Fallen Dawnstar southwest of the Masters of the Night-Wind.

Strategy Tips & Recommended Characters

Destroy The Barrier With A Long-Range Pyro Attack Or Ororon

How To Break The Barrier
[For Long-Range Pyro Characters]
- Perform a Pyro Element Attack on the Main Body
1. Acquire a picture with a heavy attack
2. Place a candlestick with a skill
3. Use charge attacks while being close to the candlestick

The Spirit Of The Fallen Dawnstar will deal huge damage if you can't destroy its barrier so you need to take measures. the barrier can be dealt with by long-range attacks from Ororon or other Pyro characters. Since you can basically whittle it down with the enemy's fall damage, prioritize barrier countermeasure over organizing for damage.

Recommended Characters

Amber's Burst Can Destroy Everything In One Hit

Amber's Elemental Burst can destroy the the ice barrier in an instant. Even at low level, this will work so it's worth using her. However, since the enemy may deploy two barriers in a row, it's recommended to have another Pyro character on your team as insurance.

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Anonymous 1

He Never Dies can be dealt with fairly easily thanks to Noelle. Her normals pack plenty of stagger. With someone like Albedo or Shogun to help with energy and add
just a little more whallop, HND ends up a bit of a joke. Respect the maid-knight.

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