Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Natlan Saurians Location & Drops

Genshin Impact | Natlan Saurians Location & Drops

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Natlan Saurians is an Easy enemy in Genshin Impact 5.2. Guide on how to beat Natlan Saurians, map location, drops, map, & materials.

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Natlan Saurians Basic Details & Drops

Natlan Saurians

Drops Of Natlan Saurians

Natlan Saurians All Locations & Respawn Time

Map Location

All Locations Of Natlan Saurians

Track It Using Your Adventurer's Book

You can check some of the locations of Natlan Saurians on your Adventure Book from the Menu.

Respawns After One Server Day

After defeating Natlan Saurians, you need to wait for the server reset the next day for it to respawn.

Appears In Various Locations Around Natlan

SaurianRelated Tribe
Young TatankasaurusTatankasaurusCollective of Plenty
- A tribe next to a volcano and enjoys bountiful harvests.
- Tribe of Varesa and Iansan
Iktomisaurus- Masters of the Night-Wind
- A tribe that communicates with the Night Kingdom and the Wayob.
- Tribe of Ororon and Citlali
Qucusaurus Flower-Feather Clan
- A tribe that exists in mid-air accompanied by fire ballons.
- Chasca's tribe
TepetlisaurusTepetlisaurusChildren of the Echoes
- A tribe situated under the cliff of a canyon
- Kachina's tribe
KoholasaurusKoholasaurusPeople of the Springs
- A tribe that exists near the water
- Mualani's tribe
YumkasaurusYumkasaurusScions of the Canopy
- A tribe found high up in the mountains
- Kinich's tribe

Saurians are creatures that appear all over Natlan. Each Saurian tends to appear near the tribe they are related to, but this does not limit them to it. Although they are enemy creatures, they can useful for exploration and solving puzzles.

Natlan Saurians - Farming Route & Recommended Locations

The following do not include all locations for Saurians, but rather, the best farming routes and locations for them!

Children Of The Echoes Area Guide (58 Saurians)

Children of the Echoes Routes

Route 1 - 15 Saurians

Children of the Echoes Guide
From the Tepeacac Rise waypoint, go northwest to the water's edge to find 3 Saurians. Continue northwest to the cliff edge after defeating them.
Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
There are three on the top of the cliff with two more below.
Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
Return to the waypoint and head west to the bridge.
Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
There are four around the bridge. Once you've defeated them, head under the waterfall.
Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
There are three Saurians along the river below the waterfall.

Route 2 - 14 Saurians

Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
Two can be found along the river southwest from the waypoint west of Tepeacac Rise
Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
There are four along the road north of the waypoint.
Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
There's one on the base of a large tree in the east. Once you've defeated them, proceed to the back of the tree.
Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
If you head north from the back of the tree using the image as reference, you will find a total of seven Saurus.

Route 3 - 13 Saurians

Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
There is one on the wall just east of the Statue of the Seven at the Children of the Exhoes.
Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
Continue southeast along the cliff wall.
Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
There are four in the nest along the wall. Once you've defeated them, head south to the water.
Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
There are a total of eight of them located around the water and on the cliff to the west.

Route 4 - 9 Saurians

Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
Head west from the north waypoint in Sulfurous Veins
Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
There are two more on the rocks ahead. Continue heading southwest.
Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
There are three of them near the rock ahead. Once ypu've defeated them, proceed to the top of the cliff to the west.
Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
There is one ahead.
Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
Continue south and you will find three more.

Route 5 - 7 Saurians

Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
Three can be found southeast from the west waypoint in Sulfurous Veins
Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
There are two south of the same warp. Once you've defeated them, go east and jump off the cliff,
Children of the Echoes Saurian Guide
Two on the ground below the cliff.

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Scions Of The Canopy Area Guide (56 Saurians)

Scions of the Canopy Route
Tap To Jump To A Route Location
▼ Route 1▼ Route 2▼ Route 3
▼ Route 4▼ Route 5▼ Route 6

Route 1 - 17 Saurians

Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
There are eight of them near the water's edge and the cliff southeast of the waypoint in Tecicpac Peak.
Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
Climb up the cliff and you will find one to the north and another one to the northeast.
Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
Two under the southern cliff
Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
Go east. You can also go along the river to your right.
Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
Further ahead, there are four more on the cliff near the bridge.
Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
Proceed to the wooden scaffolding to the north.
Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
Two of them in the valley directly below the scaffolding,

Route 2 - 9 Saurians

Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
There are three of them located up the cliff just south of the Statue of the Seven near the Scions of the Canopy.
Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
There are three more to the east of the Statue of the Seven.
Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
Continue southwest and you will find three more.

Route 3 - 8 Saurians

Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
There are four under the cliff north of the northwest waypoint near the Scions of the Canopy. Once you've defeated them, head west up the slope.
Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
There are four of them at the bottom of the slope.

Route 4 - 10 Saurians

Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
Two are found on the steps southeast from the northeast waypoint of the Ancestral Temple.
Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
If you head southwest from the warp as shown in the image, you will find five of them.
Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
There's one on the scaffolding on the lower west side.
Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
Two on the ground at the very bottom

Route 5 - 6 Saurians

Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
From the hidden area, head west. Roughly in the direction of the Statue of the Seven.
Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
There is one ahead.
Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
There are five in total under the western cliff

Route 6 - 6 Saurians

Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
You will find one by heading northwest from the east waypoint of the Ancestral Temple.
Scions of the Canopy Saurian Guide
There are five under the cliff southeast of the same waypoint.

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People Of The Springs Area Guide (44 Saurians)

People of the Springs Saurian Guide
Tap To Jump To A Route Location
▼ Route 1▼ Route 2▼ Route 3
▼ Route 4▼ Route 5

Route 1 - 14 Pcs

People of the Springs Saurian Guide
Go down the slope to the east from the southeast waypoint in Ameyalco Waters to find two of them. Once you've defeated them, head north to the coast.
People of the Springs Saurian Guide
Walk along the coast to find four of them.
People of the Springs Saurian Guide
There are four if you head south along the coast from the northern peak.
People of the Springs Saurian Guide
Use a Koholasaurus indwelling and head to the northwest island to find two of them.
People of the Springs Saurian Guide
Continue along the north coast.
People of the Springs Saurian Guide
There are two further ahead

Route 2 - 11 Saurians

People of the Springs Saurian Guide
There are two of them if you go north from the southeast warp. Once you've defeated them, proceed north to the tree on the opposite bank.
People of the Springs Saurian Guide
There are three on the opposite bank. The two in the sea will move away, so attack them first with a bow or indwell with a Koholasaurus.
People of the Springs Saurian Guide
Head north along the coast and you'll find three.

Route 3 - 7 Saurians

People of the Springs Saurian Guide
In the secret area, if you go from the northeast warp to the watere area and head southeast, you will find seven of them.

Route 4 - 6 Saurians

People of the Springs Saurian Guide
Go south from the northern waypoint in Ameyalco Waters to find four of them near the water. Once you've defeated them, move to the west waters.
People of the Springs Saurian Guide
There are two further ahead.

Route 5 - 6 Saurians

People of the Springs Saurian Guide
You can find one by heading east from the secrey area.
People of the Springs Saurian Guide
Indwell a Yumkasaurus and move to the wooden platfrom to the south.
People of the Springs Saurian Guide
There will be one here. If you continue further as seen on the image, you will find another four of them.

▲ Back to Routes

How To Defeat Natlan Saurians & Materials

How To Beat Natlan Saurians

No Strategy Required

Saurians are pretty straightforward to fight. Their attacks do not do a lot of damage so just overwhelm them with your own attacks and they'll go down quite easily.

Saurian Indwelling Guide - Effects & Abilities

Types & Abilities

Tepetlisaurus▼ Tepetlisaurus- Move quickly by going underground
- Climb up walls
- Make use of Molten Fissures to move faster
Koholasaurus▼ Koholasaurus- Swim through both Liquid Phlogiston and Water
- Ride Spiritways
- Use Jet-Set Eddies to jump high
Yumkasaurus▼ Yumkasaurus- Traverse in almost all directions with their tongue hooks
- Grab and throw items
- Pull specific objects
▼ Qucusaurus- Its flying ability will help you explore more the higher areas of Natlan which is the sky above areas.
- Can ascend and descend rapidly on a higher speed.
▼ Iktomisaurus- They have an ability called Spiritseeking, same as the Elemental Sight, which can be used to manifest graffiti into materials that can be used on certain puzzles or situations.
- Can also fly and hop on certain areas.
Young Tatankasaurus▼ Tatankasaurus- Can dash and destroy breakable rocks in its path.
- Sprinting after breaking a rock allows you to run on water or liquid Phlogiston without taking damage.


When indwelled to a Tepetlisaurus, you will be able to burrow underground and move across the ground and on walls. Being a Tepelisaurus will also let you use Molten Fissures to traverse through terrain quicker.


When indwelled to a Koholasaurus, you will be able to swim through both water and liquid plogiston without taking any damage. You can also make use of the Spirit Way whenever it is available.


When indwelled with a Yumkasaurus, you can move through the air through its grapple tongue. This makes it easier to get to high ground with this! Additionally, you can grab items, including fruit and hooks, with their tongues!


When indwelled with a Qucusaur, you can easily fly and reach higher areas around Natlan such as reaching the tallest peak and even flying above and exploring some of Natlan's higher areas such as traversing around the Ochkanatlan.


Indwelling with an Iktomisaur can also give you the ability to fly and hop in certain areas. It may not reach a higher level compared to the Qucusaur but the Iktomisaurs can also be helpful in some gimmicks in Natlan such as using its Spiritseeking (Elemental Sight) and make use of certain graffiti as tool.


Indwelling a Tatankasaurus will allow you to sprint and destroy breakable rocks in your path. The sprint after breaking a rock can momentarily allow you to run on water or liquid Phlogiston

How To Indwell Saurians

Absorb Marked Saurians

Saurians that you can indwell have a yellow marking on their heads. This can be done whether they are in a neutral or combat state.

Absorb Through Markings

Absorb Through Markings

You can also indwell Saurians through Markings that can be seen around Natlan. These marks are also dropped when you come out of indwelling or when you defeat the Saurian.

Characters That Uses Natlan Saurians Drops

Characters That Use Juvenile Fang

Characters that use Juvenile Fang
ChascaChascaOroronOroronCitlaliCitlali KinichKinich
Check Out All The Ascension Materials Here!

Weapon That Uses Natlan Saurians Drops

Weapons That Uses Drops Of Natlan Saurians

Check All The Genshin Weapons Here!

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