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Theater Mechanicus 2.6 Guide | Tower Defense Event Release Date

Genshin Impact | Theater Mechanicus 2.6 Guide | Tower Defense Event Release Date

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Genshin Impact | Theater Mechanicus 2.6 Guide | Tower Defense Event Release Date - GameWith

Theater Mechanicus is also called Tower Defense in Genshin Impact 2.6. Guide contains how to unlock, coop, strategy, rewards and what is Theatre Mechanicus!

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Springtide Advent Stage Guide

Springtide Advent Stage Guide

The Springtide Advent is a new stage introduced in the 2.6 Theater Mechanicus Rerun. Learn how to complete this stage in the guide below!

Springtide Advent Theater Mechanicus Stage Guide

Tower Defense Or Theater Mechanicus Rerun

Theater Mechanicus: Stage of Brilliance

Theater Mechanicus: Stage of Brilliance
Event Duration
2022/04/07 10:00 – 2022/04/25 03:59
(Server Time)

Theater Mechanicus makes it return as part of the Hues of the Violet Garden event! Players can start to play the tower defense minigame as soon as they complete the requirements to unlock it!

Finish True Tales Of The Violet Garden: Act 2 To Unlock

Unlock Conditions
- Adventure Rank 30 or Above
- Complete the True Tales Of The Violet Garden: Act 2

Multiplayer Not Available On Version 2.6

On this version of the Theater Mechanicus, Multiplayer and coop is not available when playing Theater Mechanicus.

Theater Mechanicus Strategy Points

Make Use Of Element Reactions

Theater Mechanicus 2.0

In Theater Mechanicus, characters will not be able to give damage to the enemies, but they can still use their Elemental Skills to infuse monsters with elements.

Recommended Characters

Great For Elemental Procs

Bow and Catalyst users are particularly strong in Theater Mechanicus with how fast they can apply elements to enemies. Using characters that can hit multiple enemies at a time with their Elemental attacks are good!

Good For Crowd Control

The following characters can stop enemy movement or interrupt their path. Take note that this will only work on smaller enemies and will not affect the larger ones.

Use Geo Traveler To Block Paths

Use Geo Traveler To Block Paths

If you are being overwhelmed, consider using the Geo Traveler to create blockage to the path of the enemies! Besides blocking the path, it also deals Geo damage!

Geo Traveler Guide

Theater Mechanicus 2.6 - Tips To Win

Check Enemy List Before Placing Mechanicus

It's recommended to check the enemies that will show up in the wave first before placing down your Mechanicus. This will help you plan out which Mechanicus to place down to counter the incoming enemies.

Elemental Mechanicus & Uses

MechanicsGood Against
Veneficus Mechanicus: InfernoVeneficus Mechanicus: Inferno- (With Hydro) Vaporize deals good damage
- (With Cryo) Melt does good damage
- (With Electro) Overcharged does big damage and knocks back enemies
Veneficus Mechanicus: Furious DischargeVeneficus Mechanicus: Furious Discharge- (With Hydro) Electro-Charged can hit multiple enemies & stuns enemies
- (With Pyro) Overcharged does big damage and knocks back enemies
Veneficus Mechanicus: Glacial BloomVeneficus Mechanicus: Glacial Bloom- (With Pyro) Melt does good damage
- (With Hydro) Freeze enemies and prevent their movement
Veneficus Mechanicus: Rippling ReflectionsVeneficus Mechanicus: Rippling Reflections- (With Cryo) Freeze enemies and prevent their movement
- (With Electro) Electro-Charged can hit multiple enemies & stuns enemies
- (With Pyro) Vaporize deals good damage
Veneficus Mechanicus: Dust DevilVeneficus Mechanicus: Dust Devil- Swirls elements
- Pushes back enemies
- Can also pull in enemies

Anemo Mechanicus Is Only Good Against Small Enemies

Against small enemies, the Dust Devil Mechanicus is particularly strong since it can easily push them back. However, once you're fighting against bigger enemies, it will not be able to do that. It's better to replace it with another Mechanicus instead.

There Are Also Non-Elemental Mechanicus

Players can also place down non-elemental Mechanicus in the stages. Offensive non-elemental Mechanicus will inflict Physical Damage to enemies, which is great since it has no weaknesses and will affect all types of enemies!

Non-Elemental Mechanicus & Uses

Veneficus Mechanicus: Crack ShotVeneficus Mechanicus: Crack ShotFires an arrow shot, dealing 75% ATK as Physical Damage on hit
Tandem MineTandem MineExplodes when an enemy passes by it. Will deal 500% ATK as Pyro Damage to nearby opponents
Recovery Mechanicus: CharityRecovery Mechanicus: CharityDecreases enemy movement speed by 20% and gives 20 extra Veneficus Points when they're defeated
Arcane Mechanicus: BindingArcane Mechanicus: BindingImprisons an enemy for 3 seconds
Arcane Mechanicus: BanishmentArcane Mechanicus: BanishmentKnocks enemy back every 6 seconds
Mysticus Mechanicus: ArcanumMysticus Mechanicus: ArcanumIncreasing ATK of neaby Mechanicus by 50%

Charity Mechanicus Do Not Stack

Note that Charity Mechanicus effects and the amount of bonus points they give do not stack. We recommend adding one on the slot closest to the enemy spawn or at an intersecetion where 2 paths meet.

Make Use Of Wondrous Sticks

Don't forget to get buffs through the Wondrous Sticks. It's recommended to choose wondrous sticks depending on the Mechanicus you plan on placing down in the arena!

Do Not Use Mechanicus With No Wondrous Sticks

Do Not Use Mechanicus With No Wondrous Sticks

Every stage, there will be Mechanicus types that will not receive buffs from the Wondrous Sticks. Plan your defense around this and only use ones that can have buffs during a stage.

Stay At Critical Positions

Dedicate a slot where you will just place Mines when needed. This is recommended at choke points at intersections. it's also good to have it at the frontline, right before your first line of defense.

Freezing Is Effective


Freezing your enemies in locations where Mechanicus are placed will be a highly effective way of defeating enemies and maximizing the damage from Mechanicus. You can save Mechanicus space by either using a Cryo or Hydro character.

Send Enemies To Holes

Another way of defeating enemies is to blast them into holes, thereby defeating them. This is very effective against small enemies. Anemo Travler or Jean can do this.

Theater Mechanicus 2.6 Event Details

What Is Theater Mechanicus?

Theater Mechanicus 2.0

Theater Mechanicus is a Tower Defense mini-game where players defend against incoming enemies through the use of elemental Mechanicus. Players cannot damage enemies themselves in this mini-game.

What Is Tower Defense?
- The goal is to defeat enemies who are trying to invade your territory.
- Players will use Mechanichus to attack enemies.
- Making use of Enemies weakness is the key point
 └ You can place Mechanicus in realtime.

Make Use Of Veneficus Mechanicus To Defeat Enemies

Veneficus Mechanicus are towers that will attack with their assigned element when placed in any of the slots in the stages. They will cost Veneficus Points to place, replace, or remove!

Earn Veneficus Points By Defeating Enemies

Each enemy defeated will award players Veneficus Points which they can then use to place Veneficus Mechanicus or pull for buffs from the Wondrous Sticks. Players also start with a set amount of Veneficus Points at the start of the game.

Get Buffs From Wondrous Sticks

Wondrous Sticks provide different buffs during a stage! They each costs Veneficus Points and players can only select as much as they can with their points before the start of each round.

Theater Mechanicus 2.6 Rewards

Rewards List

Items- Primogems
- Hero's Wit
- Talent Level-Up Material
- Mora

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Theater Mechanicus Stage Guide Rerun

Theater Mechanicus: Stage of Wonders

Theater Mechanicus 2.0
Event Duration
08/12 10:00 – 08/26 03:59, 2021
(Server Time)
Event Shop Duration
08/12 10:00 – 08/30 03:59, 2021
(Server Time)

Finish "Ritou Escape Plan" To Unlock

Unlock Conditions
- Adventure Rank 30 or Above
- Finish Ritou Escape Plan

Since the Theater Mechanicus is hosted within Inazuma City, players will have to complete the quest "Ritou Escape Plan" to be able to explore Inazuma beyond Ritou.

Archon Quest Chapter 2 Act 1 Walkthrough

Tower Defense - Event Details

Tower Defense
Event Duration 02/10/2021 ~ 02/28/2021
(Server Time)
Unlock Conditions - Finish The Origin Of The Lanterns.
- Finish Liyue: Theater Mechanicus.
Rewards - Peace Talisman
- Veneficus Sigil

What Is Theater Mechanicus?

Theater Mechanicus is a Tower Defense game where players will place automatically attacking objects (mechanicus) to stop enemies from entering their territory.

What Is Tower Defense?
- The goal is to defeat enemies who are trying to invade your territory.
- Players will use Mechanichus to attack enemies.
- Making use of Enemies weakness is the key point
 └ You can place Mechanicus in realtime.

Tower Defense - Recommended Characters

Characters That Can Delay Movements & Crowd Control

Characters Can Delay Movements
JeanJeanTraveler (Anemo)Traveler

Most of the opponents are easily controlled and caused to float. However, there are also enemies that cannot be easily controlled, so make sure to leave a spot in your team for those particularly huge enemies.

Earth Structures Can Block Enemies & Delay Them

You can delay the enemies using geo structures produced by Zhongli & Traveler (Geo). Use these to delay huge enemies.

Hydro & Cryo To Freeze Enemies

Huge Monsters Can Be Stopped By Freezing

Ruin Guards, Lawachurls and other large opponents can be delayed by freezing them. Performing an elemental combo with Hydro / Cryo Mechanicus is also recommended.

Shield Destroying Characters

Shield Destroying

There are a lot of enemies that you will face who have elemental shields. We also strongly recommend you bring characters that can destroy shields on your team!

Tower Defense - Recommended Mechanicus

Different Per Difficulty

Each stage in Theater Mechanicus will require effective use of a certain Mechanicus to clear smoothly. It is recommended to understand the function of each Mechanicus and apply that knowledge to subsequent difficulties. Here are our recommendations per stage:

DifficultyRecommended Mechanicus
1 SparksVeneficus Mechanicus: Spark
ThunderstrikeVeneficus Mechanicus: Thunderstrike
Thin IceVeneficus Mechanicus: Thin Ice
2 Tidal FlatsVeneficus Mechanicus: Tidal Flats
SparksVeneficus Mechanicus: Spark
3 GustVeneficus Mechanicus: Gust
4 Ambush MineAmbush Mine
Special Mode TBA

Tower Defense - Strategy Points

Enemy List

Click the button indicated above to check the enemy list.

Some Of Enemies & Their Weaknesses

Mechanicus Function
Mark IVeneficus Mechanicus: Mark I Recovery Mechanicus: Mark I generates bonus Veneficus Points for each opponent defeated in a small AoE around it.

Collect Veneficus Points fast by placing Recovery Mechanicus near the monster gate area surrounded by damage dealing Machines.

In The Later Part, Place Mechanicus In The Meet Point

After collecting enough Veneficus Points, place Mechanicus in the map where monsters from different gates meet.

Check Guides Below For Per Stage Strategies!

Tower Defense - How To Unlock & Play

Theater Mechanicus Flow

1 Finish the Quest The Origin Of The Lanterns.
2 Head to Liyue Harbor and finish the Quest Liyue: Theater Mechanicus.
3 Create a Xiao Lantern.
4 Talk to Ruijin and select difficulty.
5 Place Mechanicus.
6 Finish the challenge.

Prepare Items Needed For Xiao Lantern

Xiao Lantern Craft

Select Difficulty For Theater Mechanicus


Like the Hypostatic Symphony Event, each chess stage will have a different difficulty that players can choose from. This will influence how many sigils you will get - the bigger the risk, the better the rewards!

DifficultyReward Multiplier
1 x 1.0
2 x 1.2
3 x 1.4
4 x 1.6
5 x 1.8
6 x 2.0
7 x 2.5
Special Mode x 3.0

Place Mechanicus

Tidal FlatsVeneficus Mechanicus: Tidal Flats Attack opponents in a small AoE with Water Cannons that deal Hydro DMG and apply the Wet Status.
SparksVeneficus Mechanicus: Spark Attack opponents with Blazing Sparks that explode, dealing PYro DMG in a small AoE.
Thin IceVeneficus Mechanicus: Thin Ice Periodically fires a Frost Bullet in a straight line. On hit, deals Cryo DMG to opponents.
ThunderstrikeVeneficus Mechanicus: Thunderstrike Attack 1 opponent at a time with a Thunder Strike that deals Electro DMG.
Mark IVeneficus Mechanicus: Mark I Recovery Mechanicus: Mark I generates bonus Veneficus Points for each opponent defeated in a small AoE around it.
GustVeneficus Mechanicus: Gust Once deployed, the orientation can be adjusted in the construction menu to attack in different directions. Releases an Anemo attack that knocks the opponents back.
LongbowVeneficus Mechanicus: Longbow Periodically fires an Arrow Shot, dealing Physical DMG to opponents in hits.
DesireVeneficus Mechanicus: Desire Continuously buff th Veneficus Mechanici within a small AoE around it increasing their DMG. This buff does not stack with the effects of other Mysticus Mechanici: Desire and Mysticus Mechanici: Fulfilment.
Ambush MineAmbush Mine Upon contact with the enemy, Ambush Mine will explode, dealing massive Pyro DMG to surrounding enemy units.
Portal of WondersArcane Mechanicus: Portal Of Wonders Player can select Arcane Mechanicus: Portal of Wonders to teleport to another Portal. Up to two Arcane Mechanici : Portal of Wonders can be built in a Stage.

Mechanicus Can Be Upgraded

Level Up

These Mechanicus can be upgraded to increase their fire power by spending Veneficus Sigil. You'll earn these Sigils by completing Tower Defense challenges.

Raising Festive Fever Unlocks Stages & Mechanicus

By doing missions from Lantern Rite Tales, you will unlock new stages and Mechanicus that will make the challenge easier.

Not Letting Enemies Pass Accomplishes The Challenge


By not letting enemies pass through your territory, you can finish the challenge. Every stage, there is a specific number of enemies allowed to pass. Clearing the challenge would give you Veneficus Sigil.

Tower Defense - Event Rewards

Peace Talisman For Xiao Market

Peace Talisman For Xiao Market

You will receive the event currency that will be used to purchase rare items such as Dust Of Azoth. They can be used at Xiao Market. This can only be received by finishing certain conditions.

Veneficus Sigils For Mechanicus Upgrade

You will receive Veneficus Sigils depending on how well you perform in the Theater Mechanicus. This is used to upgrade your Mechanicus.

More About Peace Talisman Here!

Event Related Guides

Event & Wish

Current Wish (Gacha) Banners

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All Banner List

5.4 Events

5.4 Events
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Ley Line OverflowLey Line Overflow

03/17/2025 ~ 03/24/2025

Ley Line Overflow will have a rerun for the upcoming 5.4 Update.

5.5 Events

5.5 Upcoming Events
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03/28/2025 - 04/14/2025

Main event for 5.5 Update.
Quirky Quaking Arena Event GuideQuirky Quaking Arena

04/21/2025 - 05/02/2025

A new upcoming Co-Op (Multiplayer) event for 5.5 Update. In this event, players will be tasked to collect Adventure Coins to earn points.
Rhythm Ball Meztli Event GuideRhythm Ball Meztli Event Guide

04/28/2025 - 05/06/2025

Players will be tasked to defeat the boss by destroying the moving blocks by hitting it using the elemental ball.
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04/14/2025 - 04/21/2025

A new upcoming combat domain challenge for 5.5 Update.
Overflowing Favor EventOverflowing Favor Event

04/14/2025 - 04/21/2025

An artifact farming event that provides double drop rewards.

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Maximilian 5

No Multiplayer is a huge huge letdown. Like what the Hell? It's been Multiplayer every other time. Now it's just tediously watching enemies walk towards me. This is a downgrade from th previous other 2 TMs.

Anonymous 4

How come this update of Theater Mechanicus doesn't have multiplayer mode or am I just blind...?

Anonymous 3

Why are you angry if they're a whale?

Anonymous 2

"Im whale : }"

"Abyss 11-1"

JP 1

Hi if u need help add me
UID 811069530
Im whale : }

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