Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Spiral Abyss Floor 12 5.4 Guide & Best Teams

Genshin Impact | Spiral Abyss Floor 12 5.4 Guide & Best Teams

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Genshin Impact | Spiral Abyss Floor 12 5.4 Guide & Best Teams - GameWith

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Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Guide in Genshin Impact for 5.4. See strategy and how to 9 stars, tips, enemies, f2p teams, elements, best characters, & more for Spiral Abyss Floor 12.

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All Spiral Abyss Floor Guides

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Spiral Abyss Floor 12 - Guide Overview

Ley Line Disorder
[ First Half ]
- Swirl DMG dealt by the active character increased by 600%.
[ Second Half ]
- Character's Charged Attack Cryo DMG increased by 75%.
Enemy Levels
- 95 ~ 100
Challenge Goal
[ Chamber 1 ]
- Defeat all enemies, Remaining challenge longer than 180 seconds (★ 1) / 300 seconds (★ 2) / 420 seconds (★ 3)
[ Chamber 2 ]
- Defeat all enemies, Remaining challenge longer than 180 seconds (★ 1) / 300 seconds (★ 2) / 420 seconds (★ 3)
[ Chamber 3 ]
- Defeat all enemies, Remaining challenge longer than 180 seconds (★ 1) / 300 seconds (★ 2) / 420 seconds (★ 3)
Blessing of the Abyssal Moon
When a character receives healing, a shockwave will be unleashed at the character's position, dealing True DMG to nearby opponents. This effect can be triggered once every 3s.

Recommended Team Comp

First Half Team

Swirl DPS & Crowd Control Is Recommended

In the first half, enemies will spawn in waves. Since the Ley Line Disorder favors Swirl DMG, Mizuki is a good choice for DPS since she can also trigger the Abyssal Moon blessing.

Second Half Team

Cryo For DMG & Freeze Is Recommended

Since the Ley Line Disorder for the 2nd half favors Cryo characters who deal DMG with their Charged Attack, you can use Wriothesley or Ayaka. Cryo is also favored when fighting against the Suanni since it can be paralyzed once Freeze is triggered during certain moves.

Cryo-Reacting Element Is Fine For DPS Too

Pyro DPS can be used for Second Half team since they can trigger Melt with Cryo. Though they won't be able to benefit from the Ley Line Disorder.

Spiral Abyss Floor 12 - Enemies & Tips

Floor 12 Chamber 1

Floor 12-1 5.4
First Half Tips
- Enemy attacks have a big range so be careful and dodge them well since they spawn in three (3) waves.
Second Half Tips
- Enemies spawn one by one for five (5) waves. You can aim for the Ruin Guard's weakpoints to weaken them or use Freeze for crowd control.

Floor 12 Chamber 2

Floor 12-2 5.4
First Half Tips
- Enemies spawn in waves. Use Crowd Control to gather them up or target the Ranged Hilichurls first.
Second Half Tips
- One boss enemy for this Chamber. Pneuma characters are favored here since they are able to stun the boss earlier.
- Dodge its attacks by jumping when it creates a Gravity Reduction field.

Floor 12 Chamber 3

Floor 12-3 5.4
First Half Tips
- Two (2) waves with two (2) Ruin Drakes in each wave. Rainbow teams will allow you to not worry about the possible Elemental Resistance it gets midway the fight.
Second Half Tips
- Freeze then remove the Frozen aura via Cryo-reactions to paralyze the Suanni when it applies Hydro on itself.
- Apply any PECH element on the Suanni's Wind Orbs to paralyze it.

Spiral Abyss Floor 12 - Rewards & Primogems

Chamber Rewards

Chamber 1Mora Mora x 25,000
Adventurer Adventurer's Experience x 3
Hero Hero's Wit x 2
Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore x 6
Domain Reliquary - Tier II x 1
Chamber 2Mora Mora x 25,000
Adventurer Adventurer's Experience x 3
Hero Hero's Wit x 2
Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore x 6
Domain Reliquary - Tier II x 1
Chamber 3Mora Mora x 25,000
Adventurer Adventurer's Experience x 3
Hero Hero's Wit x 2
Mystic Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore x 6
Domain Reliquary - Tier I x 1

Stars (Primogems) Rewards

★ 3Primogem Primogem x 50
Mora Mora x 15,000
★ 6Primogem Primogem x 50
Mora Mora x 20,000
★ 9Primogem Primogem x 100
Mora Mora x 25,000
Check Out The Primogems Farm Guide

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Anonymous 24

Ich bin 1 Minute weg von 3 Sterne in jeder Kammer. Ich packs nicht.

Anonymous 23

pls post 4.6 abyss already

Anonymous 22

Ah! Yes ga ming is an anemo character and chevreuse too

Anonymous 21

Hello you don't have latest guide for 4.0? This one is still 3.8

Anonymous 20

Must be fun having 2 Monas

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