Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Midsummer Island Adventure - Summer Archipelago & All Treasure Chest

Genshin Impact | Midsummer Island Adventure - Summer Archipelago & All Treasure Chest

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Genshin Impact | Midsummer Island Adventure - Summer Archipelago & All Treasure Chest - GameWith

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Midsummer Islands Adventure is an event and area in Genshin Impact 1.6 . Guide includes release date, Summer Islands, Golden Apple Archipelago location, mini games, and rewards.

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Midsummer Islands (Summer Archipelago) - Release Date & Details

A Limited Time Only Location


Midsummer Islands Adventure is located at the Golden Apple Archipelago. It is a group of islands that you will travel in the story. You can travel between these islands using Waveriders or boat. These islands are only available during 1.6 so make sure to fully explore the place for it will disappear afterwards!

Requires You To Finish Klee's Story Quest

To unlock the islands, you must accomplish the following quest and be at least be at Adventure Rank 21.

  • Archon Quest: Song of The Dragon and Freedom
  • Trifolium Chapter: Act I "True Treasure"
Trifolium Chapter: Act I - Klee Story Quest Guide

Midsummer Island Event Has 4 Acts

The event will consist of 4 Acts, each acts will have its own mini-game or event to be done.

Midsummer Islands Adventure (Summer Archipelago) - Event Flow & Overview

Unlock Midsummer Island Adventure
Unlock Conditions
 └ Reach Adventure Rank 21
 └ Finish Trifolium Chapter: Act I "True Treasure"
 └ Finish Archon Quest: Song of The Dragon and Freedom
Act 1: Main Cannon, Make Ready...Fire!
Unlock Act 1
 └ Release Date: After the Version 1.6 update
 └ Finish Mysterious Islands: Journey to the Unknown.
Gather Shiny Floatsam For Rewards
 └ Destroy monster encampments at the Sea.
 └ Exchange rewards @ Event Shop.
Act 2: Whirlpool Off To Starboard... Full Speed Ahead!
Unlock Act 2
 └ Released on 2021/6/11 4:00
 └ Finish Summer Vacation: Proceed With Caution .
Sail Using Waverider For Rewards
 └ Collect Wavesplitter Insignias by completing the time challenges.
 └ Exchange rewards @ Event Shop.
Act 3: Samurai Sighted... To Arms!
Unlock Act 3
 └ Unlocked on 2021/6/14 4:00
 └ Finish the Dodo-King of the Sea: Lying in Wait.
Challenge Maguu Kenki For Rewards
 └ Defeat Maguu Kenki for a specified quest for rewards.
Act 4: Harpastum Bombs Loaded... Blow 'Em Away
Unlock Act 4
 └ Released on 2021/6/17 4:00
 └ Finish The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered.
Collect Mini Harpasta For Rewards
 └ Defeat Enemies Using Harpastum Bombs to collect
 └ Do the challenge 15 times to get all materials at event shop.
 └ Claim rewards such as Dodoco Tales
 └ Exchange for rewards at Event Shop.

Act 1: Main Cannon, Make Ready...Fire!

Main Cannon, Make Ready...Fire!

Main Cannon, Make Ready... Fire

Blast enemies with your skiff's cannon. Solve some puzzles and destroy the turrets of your enemies by overriding them. But beware of the dangers of the sea because there are vortex that will suddenly appear.

Walkthrough Guide

1Proceed to the Waverider waypoint and summon the waverider.
2Navigate the map to locate the hilichurl encampents.
Act 1
3Players can use the Waverider in combat mode or leave the Waverider and climb up to the towers and defeat the enemes.
Act 1

Obtain Shiny Flotsam

Shiny Flotsam

Defeat all the corresponding enemies to complete the challenge. Upon completing, players will receive a Shiny Flotsam that can be use to exchange more items in the Event Shop.

Collect 200 Shiny FlotsamPrimogems x 30
Mora x 20000
Furnishing Blueprint x 1
Collect 1000 Shiny FlotsamPrimogems x 30
Mora x 20000
Collect 200 Shiny FlotsamPrimogems x 30
Mora x 20000
Defeat 30 enemies while boarding a floating towerHero's Wit x 2
Mora x 20000
Use Waverider's canon ball and destroy 5 Wind BarriersHero's Wit x 2
Mora x 20000

Act 2: Whirlpool Off To Starboard... Full Speed Ahead!

Whirlpool off to Starboard... Full Speed Ahead!

Travel through the sea and speed through whirlpools! Collect golden globes as quickly as you can using your waverider or through gliding.

Walkthrough Guide

1Navigate the map and locate the challenge location. Upon arriving, approach the red sign and start the challenge.
Act 2
2Players will navigate the course within a time limit and collect more Wavesplitter Insignias as much as possible. It can be Airborne Course or Seaborne Course.
Act 2

Tips! enter the wavefront Girdles or the water circle to gain short speed, this is the same circle thing when you glide through the air.

Collect Wavesplitter Insignias

Act 2

Complete the challenge and earn rewards that will be accumulated through a total of Wavesplitter Insignias collected & time remaining. Wavesplitter Insignias can be exchanged in the Event Shop.

Variety Of Conditions

Condition NameRequired InsigniasRewards
Skipper's SavvyBronze x 10000
Silver x 20000
Gold x 30000
Mora x 30000
Hero's Wit x 3
Fishy Sea BreezeBronze x 10000
Silver x 20000
Gold x 30000
Primogems x 30
Mora x 30000
Whirling VoyageBronze x 10000
Silver x 20000
Gold x 30000
Primogems x 30
Mora x 30000
Racing RhythmBronze x 10000
Silver x 20000
Gold x 30000
Primogems x 30
Mora x 30000
Wave BreakerBronze x 10000
Silver x 20000
Gold x 30000
Primogems x 30
Mora x 30000
Rough Water RushBronze x 10000
Silver x 20000
Gold x 30000
Primogems x 30
Mora x 30000

Act 3: Samurai Sighted... To Arms!

Samurai Sighted... To Arms

Fight against the new boss, Maguu Kenki for rewards!

Walkthrough Guide

1Navigate the location of the Maguu Kenki in the map and sail towards its location then start the challenge.
2Defeat the Maguu Kenki and acquire the rewards for the Trounce Blossom.

Defeat Maguu Kenki For More Rewards!

Act 3

Upon completing the challenge, players will obtain various event rewards. Note: after the event, players can still compete with the Maguu Kenki but it will no longer complete the related event challenges.

Event ConditionEvent Rewards
Defeat Maguu Kenki x 2Primogems x 30
Mora x 20000
Defeat Maguu Kenki x 3Primogems x 30
Mora x 20000
Defeat Maguu Kenki without being hit by its Phantom's attackHero's Wit x 2
Mora x 20000
Long-range attacks can trigger the Maguu Kenki without being hit by its mask's attacksHero's Wit x 2
Mora x 20000
Defeat Maguu Kenki one (1) timePrimogems x 30
Mora x 20000

Act 4: Harpastum Bombs Loaded... Blow 'Em Away


Use bombs and fight against enemies in this event.

How To UnlockPlayers must complete the The Final Riddle (A Secret Uncovered) Quest in order to unlock the Act IV.

Walkthrough Guide

1Farm for the materials needed such as Flaming Flower Stamen, Lizard Tail, Luminescent Spine and Frog to craft the Harpastum Bombs.
2Navigate the location of the Crafting Bench through the map.
3Proceed towards the Crafting Bench on the island to start crafting Harpastum Bombs and equip them after crafting.
Act 4

It has 3 different Harpastum Bombs: Straight Shooter, Floaty Splody & Hot Pod
3Locate the monster encampents through the map and proceed to the location then start the challenge.
Act 4

Obtain Mini Harpastum

Upon completing the challenge, players will receive a Mini Harpastum that can be exchanged in the Event Shop.

Clear out 3 monster campsPrimogems x 30
Mora 20000
Clear out 6 monster campsPrimogems x 30
Mora 20000
Clear out 9 monster campsPrimogems x 30
Mora 20000
Use Straight Shooters to defeat 2 opponents (2x) in a single challengeHeroHero's Wit x 2
Mora 20000
Use Floaty Splodies to defeat 3 opponents (2x) in a single challengeHeroHero's Wit x 2
Mora 20000
Use Floaty Splodies to defeat 3 opponents (4x) in a single challengeHeroHero's Wit x 2
Mora 20000

Midsummer Islands (Summer Archipelago) - All Treasure Chest

All Treasure Map

Treasure List

We marked the place where you can find treasure chests in the area. Check those places to find treasure chests of various rarities.

Treasure Hunting Tips

Search The Sides Of Islands

Treasure Tips

Most if the treasure chests that you can find in the islands are located in the sides of the island. Sometimes they are protected for monsters so prepare for battle.

Forts Made By Hilichurl Always Have Treasure Chests


If you encounter a fort made by Hilichurls as you explore the islands, defeat them all to unlock a treasure chest. You can easily defeat those hilichurls by pushing them with charge attacks and skills to the sea.

Follow Bubbles In The Ocean

If you encounter bubbles while sailing, follow that bubble and it will reveal a treasure box which will contain mora.

Islands In Golden Apple Archipelago

Midsummer Islands (Summer Archipelago) - Rewards


Midsummer Island adventure also offers from the usual rewards like Primogems and character level up materials, you can also select one kind of Billet through Northlander Billet Trove and a cute catalyst called Dodoco Tales.

Summertime Odyssey Related Articles

To Do List

Event Quest Guides

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Anonymous 5

yeah the official map :,3,154,158,5,6,141,182,17,44,45,46,18,148,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,79,83,155,156,159,191,190,52,187,188,185,78&center=1206.00,-146.00&zoom=1.00

Anonymous 4

Any interactive map for the islands

I would like to keep track of what I have found instead visiting the same places all over again just to find nothing

Anonymous 3

They're some bubble who popping in the water area.. if you follow them you'll rewarded with 5000-10.000 moras

Anonymous 2

i love this update c:

Anonymous 1

Ah yes there’s a name “Broke Isle” that’s where I live with no mora

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