Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Paimon's Shop - Bargain Prices & Reset Time

Genshin Impact | Paimon's Shop - Bargain Prices & Reset Time

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Read this Genshin Impact guide to learn more about Paimon's Shop! Find out item shop prices, when does Paimon's Bargain reset timing, get genesis crystals & primogems, & more.

Shops - Overview

What Should You Buy?

Beginner's Guide & Tips

Shops - Types & Currency

Currency Between Shops Varies

There are multiple currencies used between the shops in Genshin Impact. Some can be earned in-game, while some will require spending real money to gain.

Shop Currencies

CurrencyHow To Get
Genesis CrystalGenesis Crystal- Will require purchase with real money
Masterless StarglitterMasterless Starglitter- Gain from wishing from banners
Masterless StardustMasterless Stardust- Gain from wishing from banners
PrimogemsPrimogems- Can be earned by doing commissions & events
- Can also be earned by exchanging it for Genesis Crystals

Character Outfits Shop

Available Items & Prices

Outfit & Prices
Springbloom Missive
(Ayaka Skin)
1350 Genesis Crystals
A Sobriquet Under Shade
(Lisa Skin)
1680 Genesis Crystals
Red Dead Of Night
(Diluc Skin)
2480 Genesis Crystals
Ein Immernachtstraum
(Fischl Skin)
1680 Genesis Crystals
Opulent Splendor
(Keqing Skin)
1680 Genesis Crystals
Orchid's Evening Gown
(Ningguang Skin)
1680 Genesis Crystals
Sea Breeze Dandelion
(Jean Skin)
1680 Genesis Crystals
Summertime Sparkle
(Barbara Skin)
1680 Genesis Crystals

Gift Shop

Items & Prices
Blessing Of The Welkin Moon
Adventurer's Share Bundle
60 Genesis Crystals
Starter Supply Bundle
300 Genesis Crystals
Wayfarer's Supply Bundle
980 Genesis Crystals

Paimon's Bargains - Shop. Prices & Reset

Paimon's Bargains - Overview

Resets Every First Day Of The Month

Shop Refreshes After A Month

The Paimon's Bargains shop resets its inventory in the first day of each month. This happens after the server reset on the first day of the month, not at midnight when the date changes.

Some Items Have A Limited Stock

Some Items Have A Limited Stock

There are some items that will only have a limited stock. You will be able to see how many items left you can buy before the shop refreshes its stock.

Starglitter Exchange

Regular Items

Items & Prices
Intertwined FateIntertwined Fate
5 Masterless Starglitter
Acquaint FateAcquaint Fate
5 Masterless Starglitter
Black Crystal HornBlack Crystal Horn
2 Starglitter
Ley Line SproutLey Line Sprout
2 Starglitter
Chaos CoreChaos Core
2 Starglitter
Mist Grass WickMist Grass Wick
2 Starglitter
InspectorInspector's Sacrificial Knife
2 Starglitter
Fossilized Bone ShardFossilized Bone Shard
2 Starglitter
Chaos OculusChaos Oculus
2 Starglitter
Polarizing PrismPolarizing Prism
2 Starglitter
Concealed TalonConcealed Talon
2 Starglitter
Slime ConcentrateSlime Concentrate x3
2 Starglitter
Ominous MaskOminous Mask x3
2 Starglitter
Forbidden Curse ScrollForbidden Curse Scroll x3
2 Starglitter
Weathered ArrowheadWeathered Arrowhead x3
2 Starglitter
LieutenantLieutenant's Insignia x3
2 Starglitter
Golden Raven InsigniaGolden Raven Insignia x3
2 Starglitter
Energy NectarEnergy Nectar x3
2 Starglitter
Famed HandguardFamed Handguard x3
2 Starglitter
Spectral NucleusSpectral Nucleus x3
2 Starglitter

Rotating Items - Weapons

Each month, the available weapons in the Starglitter Exchange changes. It rotates between the Blackcliff weapons and the Royal weapons each month

Blackcliff Weapons
(January, March, May, July, September, November)
Blackcliff LongswordBlackcliff Longsword
24 Starglitter
Blackcliff SlasherBlackcliff Slasher
24 Starglitter
Blackcliff PoleBlackcliff Pole
24 Starglitter
Blackcliff AgateBlackcliff Agate
24 Starglitter
Blackcliff WarbowBlackcliff Warbow
24 Starglitter
Royal Weapons
(February, April, June, August, October, December)
Royal LongswordRoyal Longsword
24 Masterless Starglitter
Royal GreatswordRoyal Greatsword
24 Masterless Starglitter
Royal SpearRoyal Spear
24 Masterless Starglitter
Royal GrimoireRoyal Grimoire
24 Masterless Starglitter
Royal BowRoyal Bow
24 Masterless Starglitter

Rotating Items - Characters

Character Monthly Rotation & Price
January & JulyFischlFischl
34 Masterless Starflitter
34 Masterless Starflitter
February & AugustBeidouBeidou
34 Masterless Starflitter
34 Masterless Starflitter
March & SeptemberNingguangNingguang
34 Masterless Starflitter
34 Masterless Starflitter
April & OctoberRazorRazor
34 Masterless Starflitter
34 Masterless Starflitter
May & NovemberBennettBennett
34 Masterless Starflitter
34 Masterless Starflitter
June & DecemberBarbaraBarbara
34 Masterless Starflitter
34 Masterless Starflitter

Stardust Exchange

Items & Prices
Intertwined FateIntertwined Fate
75 Stardust
Acquaint FateAcquaint Fate
75 Stardust
AdventurerAdventurer's Experience x3
8 Stardust
Mystic enhancement oreMystic Enhancement Ore
5 Stardust
Mora x10,000
10 Stardust
Black Bronze HornBlack Bronze Horn
15 Stardust
Dead Ley Line LeavesDead Ley Line Leaves
15 Stardust
Chaos CircuitChaos Circuit
15 Stardust
Mist GrassMist Grass
15 Stardust
AgentAgent's Sacrificial Knife
15 Stardust
Sturdy Bone ShardSturdy Bone Shard
15 Stardust
Chaos AxisChaos Axis
15 Stardust
Crystal PrismCrystal Prism
15 Stardust
Concealed UnguisConcealed Unguis
15 Stardust
Dark StatuetteDark Statuette
15 Stardust
Dormant Fungal NucleusDormant Fungal Nucleus
15 Stardust
Chaos ModuleChaos Module
15 Stardust
Turbid PrismTurbid Prism
15 Stardust
Sturdy ShellSturdy Shell
15 Stardust
Dust of AzothDust of Azoth x10
5 Stardust
Slime SecretionsSlime Secretions
5 Stardust
Stained MaskStained Mask
5 Stardust
Sealed ScrollSealed Scroll
5 Stardust
Sharp ArrowheadSharp Arrowhead
5 Stardust
SergeantSergeant's Insignia
5 Stardust
Silver Raven InsigniaSilver Raven Insignia
5 Stardust
Shimmering NectarShimmering Nectar
5 Stardust
Kageuchi HandguardKageuchi Handguard
5 Stardust
Spectral HeartSpectral Heart
5 Stardust
Heavy HornHeavy Horn
5 Stardust
Dead Ley Line BranchDead Ley Line Branch
5 Stardust
Chaos DeviceChaos Device
5 Stardust
Mist Grass PollenMist Grass Pollen
5 Stardust
HunterHunter's Sacrificial Knife
5 Stardust
Fragile Bone ShardFragile Bone Shard
5 Stardust
Chaos GearChaos Gear
5 Stardust
Dismal PrismDismal Prism
5 Stardust
Concealed ClawConcealed Claw
5 Stardust
Trimmed Red SilkTrimmed Red Silk
5 Stardust
Gloomy StatuetteGloomy Statuette
5 Stardust
Inactivated Fungal NucleusInactivated Fungal Nucleus
5 Stardust
Chaos StorageChaos Storage
5 Stardust
Damaged PrismDamaged Prism
5 Stardust
Desiccated ShellDesiccated Shell
5 Stardust
Slime CondensateSlime Condensate x3
5 Stardust
Damaged MaskDamaged Mask x3
5 Stardust
Divining ScrollDivining Scroll x3
5 Stardust
Firm ArrowheadFirm Arrowhead x3
5 Stardust
RecruitRecruit's Insignia x3
5 Stardust
Treasure Hoarder InsigniaTreasure Hoarder Insignia x3
5 Stardust
Whopperflower NectarWhopperflower Nectar x3
5 Stardust
Old HandguardOld Handguard x3
5 Stardust
Spectral HuskSpectral Husk x3
5 Stardust
Mora x10,000
20 Stardust

Purchase With Primogems

Items & Prices
Intertwined FateIntertwined Fate
160 Primogems
Acquaint FateAcquaint Fate
160 Primogems

Crystal Top-Up Shop

60 Genesis Crystals$0.99
300 Genesis Crystals$4.99
980 Genesis Crystals$14.99
1,980 Genesis Crystals$29.99
3,280 Genesis Crystals$49.99
6,480 Genesis Crystals$99.99

Please note that prices may vary depending on your location and region.

Check Out Genesis Crystals Here!

What Items Should You Get?

Where To Spend Stardust


It is recommended that you use your Masterless Stardust to purchase both the Intertwined and Acquaint Fates. The Fates are items that you can use to roll for summons and will refresh each month,.

Where To Spend Starglitter


Your Starglitter is a rarer form of currency, and may be difficult to acquire. Due to this, it is recommended that you save up your Starglitter and use them on guaranteed characters or even the weapons once the shop refreshes.

Try to avoid using your Stardust and Starglitter for ascension materials since you can easily get these by using the Adventurer's Handbook.

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