Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
All Fish List & Fishing System Guide

Genshin Impact | All Fish List & Fishing System Guide

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Genshin Impact | All Fish List & Fishing System Guide - GameWith

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All Fish List for Genshin Impact. Learn about fishing, all the kinds of fishes, fish type, fishing rods, baits, how to get, farm locations and more about Fishes.

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All Fish List

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NameHow To get
Abiding AngelfishAbiding AngelfishRegion: Liyue
Bait: False Worm Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Liyue Fishing Association
Aizen MedakaAizen MedakaRegion: Mondstadt
Bait: Fruit Paste BaitFruit Paste Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Mondstadt Fishing Association
Akai MaouAkai MaouRegion: Mondstadt, Liyue, Sumeru, Inazuma
Bait: Redrot Bait
Uses: No Exchange Available at Fishing Association.
BettaBettaRegion: Liyue
Bait: Redrot Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Liyue Fishing Association
Bitter PufferfishBitter PufferfishRegion: Mondstadt, Chasm, Inazuma
Bait: Fake Fly Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Inazuma Fishing Association
Blazing Heartfeather BassBlazing Heartfeather BassRegion: Fontaine
Bait: Sugardew Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Fontaine Fishing Association
for:Fleuve Cendre FerrymanMarten
Brown ShirakodaiBrown ShirakodaiRegion: Liyue, Chasm, Chenyu Vale
Bait: False Worm Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Liyue Fishing Association
for: Wishmaker
CrystalfishCrystalfishRegion: Mondstadt, Liyue, Sumeru, Inazuma
Bait: Fruit Paste Bait
Uses: No Exchange Available at Fishing Association.
DawncatcherDawncatcherRegion: Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru
Bait: Fruit Paste Bait
Uses: No Exchange Available at Fishing Association.
Divda RayDivda RayRegion: Inazuma (Enkanomiya)
Bait: False Worm Bait
Uses: No Exchange Available at Fishing Association.
Diving Rapidfighting FishDiving Rapidfighting FishRegion: Natlan
Bait: Spinelgrain Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Natlan Fishing Association
for: Molten Lava Pool furnishing item.
Dusk SunfishDusk SunfishRegion: Natlan
Bait: Spinelgrain Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Natlan Fishing Association
for:Flowhorn Flounderfinder
Floral Rapidfighting FishFloral Rapidfighting FishRegion: Natlan
Bait: Spinelgrain Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Natlan Fishing Association
for: Molten Lava Pool furnishing item.
Formalo RayFormalo RayRegion: Inazuma (Enkanomiya)
Bait: Fake Fly Bait
Uses: No Exchange Available at Fishing Association.
Glaze MedakaGlaze MedakaRegion: Inazuma
Bait: Fruit Paste BaitFruit Paste Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Inazuma Fishing Association
for:Narukawa Ukai
Golden KoiGolden KoiRegion: Mondstadt, Inazuma, Chanyu Vale
Bait: Fake Fly Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Inazuma Fishing Association
for:The Catch
Greenwave SunfishGreenwave SunfishRegion: Natlan
Bait: Spinelgrain Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Natlan Fishing Association
for:Flowhorn Flounderfinder
Halcyon Jade Axe MarlinHalcyon Jade Axe MarlinRegion: Sumeru
Bait: Sugardew Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Sumeru Fishing Association
for:End of the LineOriginal Fish Ointment
Jade Heartfeather BassJade Heartfeather BassRegion: Liyue
Bait: Sour Bait
Uses: No Shop usage confirmed.
Lazurite Axe MarlinLazurite Axe MarlinRegion: Sumeru
Bait: Sugardew Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Sumeru Fishing Association
for:End of the LineOriginal Fish Ointment
Lunged SticklebackLunged SticklebackRegion: Inazuma
Bait: Redrot Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Inazuma Fishing Association
for:Narukawa Ukai
Magma Rapidfighting FishMagma Rapidfighting FishRegion: Natlan
Bait: Emberglow Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Natlan Fishing Association
for: Flowhorn Flounderfinder
Maintenance Mek: Gold LeaderMaintenance Mek: Gold LeaderRegion: Fontaine
Bait: Flashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Uses: No Shop usage confirmed.
Maintenance Mek: Initial ConfigurationMaintenance Mek: Initial ConfigurationRegion: Fontaine
Bait: Flashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Fontaine Fishing Association
Maintenance Mek: Platinum CollectionMaintenance Mek: Platinum CollectionRegion: Fontaine
Bait: Flashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Fontaine Fishing Association
for:Fleuve Cendre FerrymanMarten
Maintenance Mek: Situation ControllerMaintenance Mek: Situation ControllerRegion: Fontaine
Bait: Flashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Fontaine Fishing Association
Maintenance Mek: Water Body CleanerMaintenance Mek: Water Body CleanerRegion: Fontaine
Bait: Flashing Maintenance Mek Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Fontaine Fishing Association
MedakaMedakaRegion: Mondstadt, Chasm, Sumeru, Fontaine, Natlan
Bait: Fruit Paste Bait
Uses: No Exchange Available at Fishing Association.
Peach Of the Deep WavesPeach Of the Deep WavesRegion: Sumeru
Bait: Sugardew Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Sumeru Fishing Association
for:Original Fish OintmentEnd of the Line
Phony Phlogiston UnihornfishPhony Phlogiston UnihornfishRegion: Natlan
Bait: Emberglow Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Natlan Fishing Association
for:Flowhorn Flounderfinder
Pseudoshark UnihornfishPseudoshark UnihornfishRegion: Natlan
Bait: Spinelgrain Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Natlan Fishing Association
for: Molten Lava Pool furnishing item.
PufferfishPufferfishRegion: Mondstadt, Chasm, Inazuma
Bait: Fake Fly Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Inazuma Fishing Association
for: Ako
Purple ShirakodaiPurple ShirakodaiRegion: Inazuma
Bait: False Worm Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Inazuma Fishing Association
for: Narukawa Ukai
Raimei AngelfishRaimei AngelfishRegion: Inazuma
Bait: False Worm Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Inazuma Fishing Association
for:Narukawa UkaiNarukawa Ukai
Rippling Heartfeather BassRippling Heartfeather BassRegion: Fontaine
Bait: Sugardew Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Fontaine Fishing Association
Rusty KoiRusty KoiRegion: Mondstadt, Inazuma, Chanyu Vale
Bait: Fake Fly Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Inazuma Fishing Association
for:The Catch
Sandstorm AnglerSandstorm AnglerRegion: Sumeru, Fontaine
Bait: Sugardew Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Sumeru Fishing Association
SnowstriderSnowstriderRegion: Mondstadt (Dragonspine)
Bait: Redrot Bait
Uses: No Exchange Available at Fishing Association.
Streaming Axe MarlinStreaming Axe MarlinRegion: Fontaine
Bait: Sugardew Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Fontaine Fishing Association
for:WavepiercerFleuve Cendre FerrymanMarten
Sunset Cloud AnglerSunset Cloud AnglerRegion: Sumeru
Bait: Sugardew Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Sumeru Fishing Association
Sweet-Flower MedakaSweet-Flower MedakaRegion: Liyue, Chasm, Chenyu Vale
Bait: Fruit Paste BaitFruit Paste Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Liyue Fishing Association
Tea-Colored ShirakodaiTea-Colored ShirakodaiRegion: Mondstadt
Bait: False Worm Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Mondstadt Fishing Association
for: Windtangler
True Fruit AnglerTrue Fruit AnglerRegion: Sumeru
Bait: Sugardew Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Sumeru Fishing Association
Venomspine FishVenomspine FishRegion: Mondstadt
Bait: Redrot Bait
Uses: Exchanged at Mondstadt Fishing Association
All Fishing Spots Interactive Map Here

Fishing System & Rewards

New Feature Introduced On Version 2.1

Head to different bodies of water around Teyvat and fish for different kind of aquatic animals in the new Fishing System. This will give you various rewards through the event Lunar Realm. You can even use some of the fishes you caught to decorate your Teapot!

Weapon Rewards By Exchanging Fishes

You can obtain weapons by exchanging them with fishes at the regional Fishing Associations. Some of the weapons have very attractive performance and this is the main reason why players work hard at fishing.

List of All Weapon Here

Fishing Rod & Bait Needed To Get Fishes

Fishing Rods

There are more than one type of baits & fishing rods for fishing. Fishing rods are tied to regions for fishing and baits allow you to catch certain types of fishes.

Fishing Rod List

NameHow To get
Flowhorn FlounderfinderFlowhorn FlounderfinderExchangeable from Natlan Fishing Association.
Blueprint Exchanged with (x20)
Magma Rapidfighting FishDusk SunfishPhony Phlogiston Unihornfish
MoonstringerMoonstringerObtained through participating in to the Lunar Realm Event.
Narukawa UkaiNarukawa UkaiExchangeable from Inazuma Fishing Association.
Blueprint Exchanged with (x20)
MedakaGlaze MedakaLunged SticklebackPurple Shirakodai
SerendipitySerendipityObtainable from Sumeru Fishing Association
Blueprint exchanged with (x20):
MedakaTrue Fruit AnglerSunset Cloud AnglerSandstorm Angler
WavepiercerWavepiercerObtainable from Fontaine Fishing Association.
Blueprint Exchanged with (x20)
Maintenance Mek: Initial ConfigurationMaintenance Mek: Water Body CleanerMaintenance Mek: Situation ControllerStreaming Axe Marlin
Wilderness RodWilderness RodObtained From Quest. (Default Fishing Rod)
WindtanglerWindtanglerExchangeable from Mondstadt Fishing Association.
Blueprint Exchanged with (x20)
MedakaAizen MedakaVenomspine FishTea-Colored Shirakodai
WishmakerWishmakerExchangeable from Liyue Fishing Association.
Blueprint Exchanged with (x20)
MedakaSweet-Flower MedakaBettaBrown Shirakodai

Bait List

NameHow To get
Emberglow BaitEmberglow BaitExchangeable from Natlan Fishing Association
Blueprint exchanged with (x3):
Crafted With (x1):Embercore FlowerWheat
Used For:Magma Rapidfighting FishPhony Phlogiston Unihornfish
Fake Fly BaitFake Fly BaitExchangeable from Mondstadt Fishing Association
Blueprint exchanged with (x3):
Crafted With (x1):HorsetailSakura Bloom
Used For:Golden KoiPufferfishDivda RayFormalo RayRusty KoiBitter Pufferfish
False Worm BaitFalse Worm BaitExchangeable from Mondstadt Fishing Association
Blueprint exchanged with (x3):
Crafted With (x1):Slime CondensateBerry
Used For:Tea-Colored ShirakodaiPurple ShirakodaiBrown ShirakodaiRaimei AngelfishAbiding Angelfish
Flashing Maintenance Mek BaitFlashing Maintenance Mek BaitExchangeable from Fontaine Fishing Association
Blueprint exchanged with (x3):
Crafted With (x1):MarcotteIron Chunk
Used For:Maintenance Mek: Water Body CleanerMaintenance Mek: Initial ConfigurationMaintenance Mek: Situation ControllerMaintenance Mek: Gold LeaderMaintenance Mek: Platinum Collection
Fruit Paste BaitFruit Paste BaitObtainable from Exploding Population World Quest
Crafted With (x1):SunsettiaWheat
Used For:MedakaGlaze MedakaSweet-Flower MedakaAizen MedakaDawncatcherCrystalfish
Glowgrass BaitGlowgrass BaitObtained through participating in to the Lunar Realm Event.
Redrot BaitRedrot BaitExchangeable from Mondstadt Fishing Association
Blueprint exchanged with (x3):
Crafted With (x1):FowlDendrobium
Used For:Akai MaouLunged SticklebackBettaSnowstriderVenomspine Fish
Sour BaitSour BaitExchangeable from Fontaine Fishing Association
Blueprint exchanged with (x3):
Crafted With (x1):Bulle FruitWheat
Used For:Blazing Heartfeather BassJade Heartfeather BassRippling Heartfeather Bass
Spinelgrain BaitSpinelgrain BaitExchangeable from Natlan Fishing Association
Blueprint exchanged with (x3):
Crafted With (x1):Spinel FruitGrainfruit
Used For: Diving Rapidfighting FishDusk SunfishFloral Rapidfighting FishGreenwave SunfishPseudoshark Unihornfish
Sugardew BaitSugardew BaitExchangeable from Sumeru Fishing Association
Blueprint exchanged with (x3):
Crafted With (x1):Sumeru RoseHarra Fruit
Used For:True Fruit AnglerSandstorm AnglerSunset Cloud AnglerLazurite Axe MarlinHalcyon Jade Axe MarlinPeach Of the Deep WavesStreaming Axe Marlin

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