Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Lunar Realm Event Fishing Tips & Fishing Event Rewards

Genshin Impact | Lunar Realm Event Fishing Tips & Fishing Event Rewards

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Genshin Impact | Lunar Realm Event Fishing Tips & Fishing Event Rewards - GameWith

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Lunar Realm is a special event for Genshin Impact 2.1. Learn about the fishing event, release date, fishing event, rewards, how to catch Lunar Leviathan and more about Lunar Realm.

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Get The Catch & Ako's Sake Vessel

Items You Can Get By Fish Exchange
The CatchThe CatchAkoAko's Sake Vessel

Throughout this event, you can farm many fishes (50 per day). The Catch is a key-exchangeable weapon in the Fishing Association. Ako's Sake Vessel is a refinement material for The Catch. Check the required fishes in the links above.

Lunar Realm - Challenges

Over the Moon - Day 7

Over the Moon Day 7

On the seventh day, Over the Moon "World Quest" is unlocked. The challenge is finishing this world quest but fishing might be part of this challenge.

Over the Moon
Fish Variation
Lunged SticklebackLunged Stickleback
Purple ShirakodaiPurple Shirakodai
Challenge Rewards
Catch 1 Moonfin within the challenge time limit - Primogems x60
- Mora x30,000
- Hero's Wit x3
Challenge Rewards
Catch 2 Moonfin within the challenge time limit - Mora x30,000
- Sanctifying Unction x4
Challenge Rewards
Stay in the Ideal Tension Zone for 3s while successfully catching a Moonfin - Mystic Enhancement Ore x6

Obtain The Glowgrass Bait

Glowgrass Bait

A bait that can only be obtained and be used on this event. Once players used up all the Glowgrass Bait players will need to approach Kujirai Momoji for the refill of the said bait.

Glowgrass Bait Details

By Thy Pale Beams I Solitary Rove - Day 6

By Thy Pale Beams I Solitary Rove - Day 6

On the sixth day, "By Thy Pale Beams I Solitary Rove" (World Quest) is unlocked. The challenge is just this world quest and no fishing activities involved on the sixth day.

By Thy Pale Beams I Solitary Rove

An Angling Ace, and No Mistake! - Day 5

Fish Variation
Aizen MedakaAizen Medaka
Venomspine FishVenomspine Fish
Tea-colored ShirakodaiTea-colored Shirakodai
Bitter PufferfishBitter Pufferfish
Challenge Rewards
Get 2 consecutive catches of any type within the challenge time limit - Primogems x60
- Mora x30,000
- Hero's Wit x3
Challenge Rewards
Get 4 consecutive catches of any type within the challenge time limit - Mora x30,000
- Sanctifying Unction x4
Challenge Rewards
Get 6 consecutive catches of any type within the challenge time limit - Mystic Enhancement Ore x6

Farm Bitter Pufferfish For Ako's Sake Vessel


Ako's Sake Vessel is a refinement material for The Catch, which is one of the rewards you can claim at the fishing association. This weapon is good for Raiden Shogun if you don't have the Engulfing Lightning.

Ako's Sake Vessel Guide

Master of the Bait-and-Fish! - Day 4

Fish Variation
Glaze MedakaGlaze Medaka
Challenge Rewards
Catch 2 Glaze Medaka within the challenge time limit - Primogems x60
- Mora x30,000
- Hero's Wit x3
Challenge Rewards
Catch 3 Glaze Medaka within the challenge time limit - Mora x30,000
- Sanctifying Unction x4
Challenge Rewards
Catch 5 Glaze Medaka within the challenge time limit - Mystic Enhancement Ore x6

Farm Pufferfish For Ako's Sake Vessel


Ako's Sake Vessel is a refinement material for The Catch, which is one of the rewards you can claim at the fishing association. This weapon is good for Raiden Shogun if you don't have the Engulfing Lightning.

Farm Glaze Medaka For Narukawa Ukai Fishing Rod

Narukawa Ukai

20 Glaze Medaka will be required to claim Narukawa Ukai fishing rod. This fishing rod helps you speed up fishing in Inazuma region.

Get Drifting Bottle With Letter

Drifting Bottle With Letter

When you get any fish at the location, you will get an item "Drifting Bottle With Letter". This is a quest item and might be related to the later stage of the Lunar Realm event.

Drifting Bottle With Letter

To Thee My Tender Grief Confide - Day 3

On the third day, To Thee My Tender Grief Confide "World Quest" is unlocked. The challenge is finishing this world quest and no fishing involved.

To Thee My Tender Grief Confide

Lean Mean Fishing Machine! - Day 2

Fish Variation
Sweet-Flower MedakaSweet-Flower Medaka
Rusty KoiRusty Koi
Brown ShirakodaiBrown Shirakodai
Catch 2 fish of any type within the challenge time limit - Primogems x60
- Mora x30,000
- Hero's Wit x3
Catch 4 fish of any type within the challenge time limit - Mora x30,000
- Sanctifying Unction x4
Catch 6 fish of any type within the challenge time limit - Mystic Enhancement Ore x6

Target 6 Shirakodai Or Medaka To Complete The Challenge

Fishing Shirakodai or Medaka is comparatively easier than getting Betta or Rusty Koi. Check out what kind of fishes are available at the fishing point and choose the most number of Medaka, Sweet-Flower Medaka or Brown Shirakodai.

Fishes To Get A Fishing Rod For Liyue


To get Wishmaker at the Liyue Fishing Association, you need 20 of each fish except Rusty Koi. This is the great chance to farm these fishes!

Wishmaker Details

With Wishmaker, a lot easier to complete this challenge. We used it for the challenge and the above image is the result.

Get Rusty Koi To Get The Catch

The Catch

The Catch is an exchangeable weapon at the Liyue Fishing Association. You'll need 20 Rusty Koi, 20 Golden Koi, and 6 Raimei Angelfish.

The Catch

Master of the Bait-and-Fish! - Day 1

Fish Variation
Sweet-Flower MedakaSweet-Flower Medaka
Golden KoiGolden Koi
Challenge Rewards
Catch 2 Sweet Flower Medaka within the challenge time limit - Primogems x60
- Mora x30,000
- Hero's Wit x3
Catch 3 Sweet Flower Medaka within the challenge time limit - Mora x30,000
- Sanctifying Unction x4
Catch 5 Sweet Flower Medaka within the challenge time limit - Mystic Enhancement Ore x6

Farming Fish and Materials

Golden Koi is required for The Catch (Weapon). It is highly recommended that you farm it during the day 1 challenge.

Lunar Realm Release Date & Overview

Lunar Realm Release Date

Lunar Realm

Lunar Realm is a new Genshin Impact event that was introduced during the 2.1 Livestream. The developers stated that it is officially included in the next game update, the 2.1 Update.

Event Duration09/10 10:00 to 09/20 18:00 (Server Time)

A Fishing Challenge In 2.1

Lunar Realm

Lunar Realm is a special event in the upcoming 2.1 Update as confirmed by Mihoyo during the 2.1 Livestream. Traveler will be joining Kujirai Momiji on this special event, where players will need to catch the great fish called Lunar Leviathan!

Fishing Equipment

Lunar Realm

Lunar Realm will not be complete without the right equipment, so gear up and equip the necessary fishing rod and baits as you start this special challenge in catching the great fish!

Fishing System Articles
All Fish & EquipmentAll Fishing Spots Fish Association

Lunar Realm How To Unlock & Location

Located In Inazuma

Lunar Realm will start off at Inazuma region, where players will need to locate and talk to Kujirai Momiji.

Adventure Rank 30 and above
How To Unlock?
- Complete the Archon Quest: Ritou Escape Plan
- Unlock the Serenitea Pot
- Complete the Exploding Population

Special Fishing Training

Special fishing training will take place in different times and locations. To complete the fishing training, players must choose a suitable Fishing Rod and Fishing Bait at the corresponding fishing area and complete the specified training.

Lunar Realm Rewards

Lunar Realm Rewards List

Lunar Realm Rewards
Adventure Exp- EXP
Items- Primogems
- Mora
- Hero's Wit

- Moonstringer Fishing Rod
- Mysterious Fish?

Catch 5 Special Fish For A BP Quest

Catch 5

You can get an extra 1500 points in the BP if you catch 5 special fishes.

Catch 5 Special Fish Guide

Tips For Fishing

Where To Stand

It is always best to stand at the edge of where you are standing. This will give your fishing rod a broader range when aiming.

Lead Shot Tips

Keep in mind that each fish will be different and they will take your bait much faster depending on where you throw them on the water. Lead Shot range differs depending on body length of fishes. Aim near if body is short, Aim far if body is long.

Koi/Pufferfish etc

Fishing Limit - 50 Per Day

You can only catch a maximum of 50 fish a day. Catching a fish beyond 50 will not be added to your inventory.

Lunar Realm Walkthrough Chart

Walkthrough Chart

1Talk to Kujirai Momiji
2Head to the pointed fishing location and start the daily fishing challenge.
3Complete the challenge to obtain rewards

Event Related Guides

Event & Wish

Current Wish (Gacha) Banners

Character / Weapon
Chanson Of Many Waters Chanson Of Many Waters

3/4/2025 - 3/25/2025

Tempestuous Destiny Tempestuous Destiny

3/4/2025 - 3/25/2025

Epitome Of Invocation

3/4/2025 - 3/25/2025

beginnerBeginners' Wish


Wanderlust InvocationWanderlust Invocation


All Banner List

5.4 Events

5.4 Upcoming Events
Enchanted Tales Of The Mikawa Festival Event GuideEnchanted Tales Of The Mikawa Festival

02/14/2025 ~ 03/03/2025

This event will be the main event in 5.4 Update. It is consist of mini-game.
TravelerTraveler's Tales: Anthology Chapters

02/12/2025 ~ 03/25/2025

An event where you will again meet old friends to catch up with their daily lives.
Realm Of Tempered Valor Event GuideRealm Of Tempered Valor

02/24/2025 ~ 03/10/2025

A new upcoming domain combat challenge in 5.4 Update.
Invasive Fish Wrangler Event GuideInvasive Fish Wrangler

03/05/2025 ~ 03/17/2025

A new upcoming fishing event for the 5.4 Update.
Reel Ad-Venture Event GuideReel Ad-Venture

03/12/2025 ~ 03/24/2025

Xavier's video editing event will have a rerun once again in the upcoming 5.4 Update.
Ley Line OverflowLey Line Overflow

03/17/2025 ~ 03/24/2025

Ley Line Overflow will have a rerun for the upcoming 5.4 Update.

Other Events

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Local Specialties
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Sprayfeather GillSaurian Claw Succulent
Fontaine Specialties
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Crystal MarrowDendrobium
OnikabutoAmakumo Fruit
Sango PearlFluorescent Fungus
Liyue Specialties
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Cor LapisJueyun Chili
Noctilucous JadeVioletgrass
Glaze Lily
Mondstadt Specialties
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Dandelion SeedCalla Lily
Philanemo Mushroom
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