Monster Hunter Wilds
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Items and Materials List

Items and Materials List

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Items and Materials List for Monster Hunter Wilds (MHWs / MH Wilds). See all items, ingredients list, materials, their effects, how to get them and more!

Material / Item List & How To Get Them

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  1. Acute Fang
    Equipment Material
    Acute Fang
    EffectFangs come in many shapes and sizes. This one is small but can still pierce scale.
    MonsterObtain from Talioth

  2. No.26Adamant Pill
    Hunt Items
    Adamant Pill
    EffectTemporarily makes your skin as hard as adamant. Potent!
    CraftImmunizer + Adamant Seed
  3. Adamant Seed
    Hunt Items
    Adamant Seed
    EffectTemporarily raises your defense when ingested by hardening tissue.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  4. Ancient Fossil
    Special Items
    Ancient Fossil
    EffectThe blackened, stony remains of old bones unearthed in the east. When polished, it gains a velvety sheen.
    ObtainGather from Blackened Fossils in Windward Plains
  5. No.4Antidote
    Hunt Items
    EffectA cure for poison.
    CraftAntidote Herb
  6. Antidote Herb
    Crafting Material
    Antidote Herb
    EffectA primary ingredient in potions.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  7. Arkveld Armorplate
    Equipment Material
    Arkveld Armorplate
    EffectA durable Arkveld carapace. Named for how its scales overlap like plate armor.
    MonsterObtain from Arkveld (High Rank)
  8. Arkveld Calloushell
    Equipment Material
    Arkveld Calloushell
    EffectA linked Arkveld carapace that is connected by flexible sinew, allowing it to move like a chain.
    MonsterObtain from Arkveld (High Rank)
  9. Arkveld Certificate S
    Equipment Material
    Arkveld Certificate S
    EffectA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted Arkveld. Used to make equipment.
    MonsterObtain from Arkveld (High Rank)
  10. Arkveld Gem
    Equipment Material
    Arkveld Gem
    EffectA mysterious gem that formed inside an Arkveld. Its pulsating white light seems to absorb life.
    MonsterObtain from Arkveld (High Rank)
  11. Arkveld Horn+
    Equipment Material
    Arkveld Horn+
    EffectA sharp, pointed Arkveld horn. So menacing, its mere sight dispirits any who must stand against it.
    MonsterObtain from Arkveld (High Rank)
  12. Arkveld Scale+
    Equipment Material
    Arkveld Scale+
    EffectA quality Arkveld scale. Despite being incredibly dense and hard, the edges chip easily.
    MonsterObtain from Arkveld (High Rank)
  13. Arkveld Tail
    Equipment Material
    Arkveld Tail
    EffectThe tail of an Arkveld. Highly prized for the trick muscle hidden beneath its skin and hair.
    MonsterObtain from Arkveld (High Rank)
  14. No.65Armor Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Armor Ammo
    EffectAmmo that produces a cloud that temporarily stregthens defense in the impact zone of where it lands.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Adamant Seed
  15. Armor Sphere+
    Equipment Material
    Armor Sphere+
    EffectReacts uniquely to heat. Fuse this to armor to improve it by a small amount.
    ObtainObtained as a Quest Reward
  16. No.23Armorskin
    Hunt Items
    EffectTemporarily boosts your defense by turning your skin as hard as rock.
    CraftCatalyst + Adamant Seed
  17. Balahara Black Pearl
    Equipment Material
    Balahara Black Pearl
    EffectA jewel formed from ore that spent years inside a Balahara. Bewitchingly beautiful.
    MonsterObtain from Balahara (High Rank)
  18. Balahara Carapace
    Equipment Material
    Balahara Carapace
    EffectA hard Balahara carapace. A quality material from a specimen wrapped in pure Fulgurite.
    MonsterObtain from Balahara (High Rank)
  19. Balahara Certificate S
    Equipment Material
    Balahara Certificate S
    EffectA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Balahara. Used to make equipment.
    MonsterObtain from Balahara (High Rank)
  20. Balahara Scale+
    Equipment Material
    Balahara Scale+
    EffectA high-quality Balahara scale. Thick and durable enough to carve through stone without a scratch.
    MonsterObtain from Balahara (High Rank)
  21. Balahara Skull+
    Equipment Material
    Balahara Skull+
    EffectA Balahara's pointy skull. An incredibly tough shell that digs through hard bedrock with ease.
    MonsterObtain from Balahara (High Rank)
  22. Balahara Tail
    Equipment Material
    Balahara Tail
    EffectA Balahara tail. Its unique, twisted shape allows it to propel itself through earth with great force.
    MonsterObtain from Balahara (High Rank)
  23. No.29Barrel Bomb
    Hunt Items
    Barrel Bomb
    EffectA small time bomb.
    CraftFire Herb + Small Barrel
  24. Beast Gem
    Equipment Material
    Beast Gem
    EffectA valuable jewel formed from coagulated juices inside a monster. Glows wildly.
    MonsterObtain from Doshaguma (High Rank)
  25. Binoculars
    Fixed Item
    EffectA tool that magnifies distant objects and lets you learn more about them.
    ObtainStarting Item
  26. Bird Wyvern Gem
    Equipment Material
    Bird Wyvern Gem
    EffectA valuable gem that can be harvested from bird wyverns. Said to fetch a high price on the market.
    MonsterObtain from Gypceros (High Rank)
  27. Bitterbug Broth
    Crafting Material
    Bitterbug Broth
    EffectBitter essence from an insect with innate healing abilities. Used as a component in many medicines.
    ObtainCatch a Bitterbug
    └All of the Windward Plains area

  28. Blast Coating
    Fixed Item
    Blast Coating
    EffectA coating that applies explosive powder to arrows.
    ObtainStarting Item
  29. Blastnut
    Crafting Material
    EffectA nut that explodes its hard contents on impact. Used to make sticky ammo.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  30. Bleeding Pod
    Slinger Ammo
    Bleeding Pod
    EffectSlinger ammo that can dissipate electricity from the area it lands.
    ObtainUse Hook Slinger on Gajios
    └ Windward Plains 8, 10

    MonsterObtain from Gajios
  31. Blue Mushroom
    Crafting Material
    Blue Mushroom
    EffectA mushroom infused with power-enhancing effects. Used in restorative items.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  32. Bulaqchi Carapace
    Equipment Material
    Bulaqchi Carapace
    EffectA high-quality carapace from a Bulaqchi. Easy to process and incredibly tough.
    MonsterObtain from Bulaqchi
  33. Burnt Meat
    Hunt Items
    Burnt Meat
    EffectRestores stamina, but it may be a bit too charred to provide any healing effects...
    ObtainGrill Raw Meat on the Portable BBQ Grill
  34. Burst Pod
    Slinger Ammo
    Burst Pod
    EffectFlinches monsters with both sound and impact.
    ObtainPick up Rockburst
    └ Windward Plains1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12
  35. Camping Kit
    Fixed Item
    Camping Kit
    EffectA kit with all the tools to make camp. Use to set up and edit Pop-up Camps in available locations.
    ObtainStarting Item
  36. Capture Net
    Fixed Item
    Capture Net
    EffectA net that can be fired from your Slinger. Use it to capture small creatures.
    ObtainStarting Item
  37. No.9Catalyst
    Crafting Material
    EffectWorks with other materials to enhance their effects. Cannot be used by itself.
    CraftBitterbug Broth + Honey
  38. Chatacabra Certificate S
    Equipment Material
    Chatacabra Certificate S
    EffectA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Chatacabra. Used to make equipment.
    MonsterObtain from Chatacabra (High Rank)
  39. Chatacabra Hardshell
    Equipment Material
    Chatacabra Hardshell
    EffectA high-quality Chatacabra hide. Tempered by its harsh environment. Makes a fine crafting material.
    MonsterObtain from Chatacabra (High Rank)
  40. Chatacabra Hide+
    Equipment Material
    Chatacabra Hide+
    EffectStout plating from a Chatacabra's arms. Constant friction with the ground has polished it to gleam.
    MonsterObtain from Chatacabra (High Rank)
  41. Chatacabra Jaw
    Equipment Material
    Chatacabra Jaw
    EffectFine planting from a Chatacabra's hulking jaw. Its density and heft are quire impressive.
    MonsterObtain from Chatacabra (High Rank)
  42. Chatacabra Scale+
    Equipment Material
    Chatacabra Scale+
    EffectA quality Chatacabra scale. Its enhanced durability makes it impervious to most blows.
    MonsterObtain from Chatacabra (High Rank)
  43. Close-range Coating
    EffectA coating designed to deal more damage to nearby targets, at the cost of a reduced maximum range.
    ObtainStarting Item
  44. No.51Cluster Bomb
    Bowgun Ammo
    Cluster Bomb
    EffectAmmo that fragments into multiple shells upon impact. Beware of friendly fire!
  45. Common Wood Minnow
    Fixed Item
    Common Wood Minnow
    EffectA common wooden lure shaped like a small fish. Good for any kind of fish.
    ObtainStarting Item
  46. Dash Extract
    Crafting Material
    Dash Extract
    EffectA mysterious substance culled from certain monsters that increases endurance.
    MonsterObtain from Gypceros (High Rank)
  47. No.64Demon Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Demon Ammo
    EffectAmmo that produces a cloud that temporarily stregthens attacks in the impact zone of where it lands.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Might Seed
  48. No.21Demon Powder
    Hunt Items
    Demon Powder
    EffectA mysterious powder that produces a cloud around the area that temporarily strengthens attacks.
    CraftGodbug Essence + Might Seed
  49. No.19Demondrug
    Hunt Items
    EffectTemporarily boosts your attack power by filling you with demonic stregth.
    CraftCatalyst + Might Seed
  50. Doshaguma Certificate S
    Equipment Material
    Doshaguma Certificate S
    EffectA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Doshaguma. Used to make equipment.
    MonsterObtain from Doshaguma (High Rank)
  51. Doshaguma Claw+
    Equipment Material
    Doshaguma Claw+
    EffectA sharp Doshaguma claw. One poke will pierce through skin, and one swipe will tear flesh from bone.
    MonsterObtain from Doshaguma (High Rank)
  52. Doshaguma Fang+
    Equipment Material
    Doshaguma Fang+
    EffectA sharp Doshaguma fang. Proof of its owner's feral nature in its ability to chew through even bone.
    MonsterObtain from Doshaguma (High Rank)
  53. Doshaguma Fur+
    Equipment Material
    Doshaguma Fur+
    EffectQuality Doshaguma fur. So accustomed to harsh climes that it's akin to armor.
    MonsterObtain from Doshaguma (High Rank)
  54. Doshaguma Hide+
    Equipment Material
    Doshaguma Hide+
    EffectQuality Doshaguma hide. It's thick, comfortable weight gives reassurance to those who wear it.
    MonsterObtain from Doshaguma (High Rank)
  55. No.58Dragon Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Dragon Ammo
    EffectAmmo that packs a punch against monsters weak to dragon.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Dragonfell Berry
  56. Dragonfell Berry
    Crafting Material
    Dragonfell Berry
    EffectA mysterious berry, rumored for eons to be loathed by dragons. Required to craft Dragon Ammo.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  57. Dragonstrike Nut
    Crafting Material
    Dragonstrike Nut
    EffectA nut that explodes on impact. Used to make Wyvern Ammo.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  58. Droolshroom
    Cooking Material
    EffectA mushroom that grows in a place that only few know about. A great addition to any dish.
  59. No.42Drugged Meat
    Hunt Items
    Drugged Meat
    EffectRaw meat that puts whatever eats it to sleep. Makes great bait for traps.
    CraftRaw Meat + Sleep Herb
  60. Dung
    Crafting Material
    EffectIts eye-watering stench makes useful Slinger ammo.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  61. No.36~37Dung Pod
    Slinger Ammo
    Dung Pod
    EffectSlinger ammo that releases a strong odor on impact. Causes certain monsters to flee.
    Craft 2Rolled-up Dung
  62. Earth Crystal
    Equipment Material
    Earth Crystal
    EffectCrystalized microbes sourced from minig outcrops. Coveted as an abrasive for polishing equipment.
    ObtainGather from Mining Outcrops in Windward Plains
  63. Eastern Honey
    Cooking Material
    Eastern Honey
    EffectHas a unique flavor, making it the perfect secret ingredient. A great finishing touch to any dish.
  64. No.15Energy Drink
    Hunt Items
    Energy Drink
    EffectA Guild-approved beverage that boosts your stamina. Help shake off sleep, too!
    CraftNitroshroom + Honey
  65. Exhaust Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Exhaust Ammo
    EffectAmmo that drains a monster's stamina.
  66. Exhaust Coating
    Fixed Item
    Exhaust Coating
    EffectA coating that applies a fatigue-inducing fluid to arrows.
    ObtainStarting Item
  67. Fire Herb
    Crafting Material
    Fire Herb
    EffectA wondrous, flammable plant. Useful for crafting explosives and Flamming Ammo.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  68. First-aid Med
    Hunt Items
    First-aid Med
    EffectRestores a small amount of Health. Returned after quest completion.
    ObtainObtain via Supply Items
  69. No.3First-aid Med+
    Hunt Items
    First-aid Med+
    EffectRestores a moderate amount of health
    CraftFirst-aid Med + Honey
  70. Fishing Rod
    Fixed Item
    Fishing Rod
    EffectA tool for fishing. Cast the lure into bodies of water and use the reel to wind in the line.
    ObtainStarting Item
  71. No.54Flaming Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Flaming Ammo
    EffectAmmo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to fire.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Fire Herb
  72. No.35Flash Pod
    Slinger Ammo
    Flash Pod
    EffectSlinger ammo that causes a violent flash on impact. Will temporarily blind monsters if used in front of them.
    CraftFlashbug Phosphor
  73. Flashbug Phosphor
    Crafting Material
    Flashbug Phosphor
    EffectInsects with apparatuses capable of producing strong bursts of light. Their materials are used in Slinger flash pods.
    ObtainCatch a Flashbug
    └Windward Plains 6, 7, 11, 15

  74. Flowfern
    Crafting Material
    EffectThis plant's leaves store a great amount of water. A component for making water ammo.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  75. Flowing Sea Squirt
    Special Items
    Flowing Sea Squirt
    EffectA species of translucent sea squirts found in the East. When salt-dried, it becomes a fine preserved food.
    ObtainGather from Beautiful Aquatica in Windward Plains
  76. Fossilized Opal
    Special Items
    Fossilized Opal
    EffectA mass of organic material fossilized into opal over time. It has a deep crimson shine.
    ObtainGather from Exquisite Fossils in Windward Plains
  77. No.57Freeze Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Freeze Ammo
    EffectAmmo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to ice.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Snow Herb
  78. Fulgurite Shard
    Special Items
    Fulgurite Shard
    EffectFound in the Winward Plains, the shape of this Fulgurite was sculpted by a chance lightning strike.
    ObtainGather from Fulgurite Crystals in Windward Plains
  79. Ghillie Mantle
    Fixed Item
    Ghillie Mantle
    EffectTemporary conceal yourself from view. The effect ends if you perform an attack or take damage.
    ObtainStarting Item
  80. Godbug Essence
    Crafting Material
    Godbug Essence
    EffectEssence from an insect said to live a millennium. Combine it with other items to add their properties.
    ObtainCatch a Godbug
    └ Windward Plains 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 14, 16, 17

  81. Golden Scale
    Account Material
    Golden Scale
    EffectA Goldenfish scale. They shimmer like only pure gold can.
    ObtainFish for a Goldenfish
    └Windward Plains 14

  82. Grounding Pod
    Slinger Ammo
    Grounding Pod
    EffectSlinger ammo that can dissipate electricity from the area it lands.
    ObtainPick up Thunder Stone
    └ Windward Plains 17
  83. No.28Gunpowder
    Crafting Material
    EffectA dangerous substance that explodes when struck or heated. Used in Large Barrel Bombs.
    CraftFire Herb + Nitroshroom
  84. Gypceros Certificate S
    Equipment Material
    Gypceros Certificate S
    EffectA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Gypceros. Used to make equipment.
    MonsterObtain from Gypceros (High Rank)
  85. Gypceros Head
    Equipment Material
    Gypceros Head
    EffectThe uniquely shaped head of a Gypceros. A must-have for Gypceros lovers!
    MonsterObtain from Gypceros (High Rank)
  86. Gypceros Tail
    Equipment Material
    Gypceros Tail
    EffectThe tail of a Gypceros. The most pliant body part, and thus the most difficult part to damage.
    MonsterObtain from Gypceros (High Rank)
  87. Gypceros Wing
    Equipment Material
    Gypceros Wing
    EffectA quality Gypceros wing membrane. Offers the same shock and poison protection-now with comfy stretch!
    MonsterObtain from Gypceros (High Rank)
  88. Hard Armor Sphere
    Equipment Material
    Hard Armor Sphere
    EffectA rigid, high-density armor sphere used to solidly help improve armor.
    ObtainObtained as a Quest Reward
  89. No.25Hardshell Powder
    Hunt Items
    Hardshell Powder
    EffectA mysterious powerd; when dispersed, temporarily strengthens defense.
    CraftGodbug Essence + Adamant Seed
  90. Heavy Severing Pod
    Slinger Ammo
    Heavy Severing Pod
    EffectSlinger ammo that inflicts massive severing damage where it lands.
    ObtainPick up the "Tearing Claw Fragment" dropped by Doshaguma
  91. Herb
    Crafting Material
    EffectA primary ingredient in potions.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
    MonsterObtain from Ceratonoth
  92. No.5Herbal Medicine
    Hunt Items
    Herbal Medicine
    EffectRemoves all traces of poison and restores a slight amount of health.
    CraftAntidote + Blue Mushroom
  93. No.14Herbal Powder
    Hunt Items
    Herbal Powder
    EffectProduces a cloud that cures poison and heals you a bit.
    CraftGodbug Essence + Herbal Medicine
  94. Herbivore Shell
    Equipment Material
    Herbivore Shell
    EffectPart of a shell taken from an herbivore. Relatively sturdy for a small monster material.
    MonsterObtain from Ceratonoth
  95. Honey
    Crafting Material
    EffectHighly nutritious honey. Combine with potions to make the more potent mega potion.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  96. No.10Immunizer
    Hunt Items
    EffectTemporarily boosts your natural ability to recover lost health.
    CraftBitterbug Broth + Mandragora
  97. Iron Ore
    Equipment Material
    Iron Ore
    EffectOre that can be smelted into a multi-purpose metal.
    ObtainGather from Mining Outcrops in Windward Plains
  98. Ivy
    Crafting Material
    EffectA lightweight and extremely strong plant. Used to make nets for pitfall traps.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  99. Kunafa Cheese
    Cooking Material
    Kunafa Cheese
    EffectAn artisan cheese made in Kunafa, deliciously gooey when heated, and a great addition to any dish.
    ObtainObtained by talking to Y'sai or Kilama in Kunafa Village.
  100. Large Barrel
    Crafting Material
    Large Barrel
    EffectA large, empty barrel. Combine with gunpowder to make it into a bomb.
  101. No.30Large Barrel Bomb
    Hunt Items
    Large Barrel Bomb
    EffectA bomb that can be rolled after placing it on the ground. Strike it to trigger a powerful blast.
    CraftGunpowder + Large Barrel
  102. No.38Large Dung Pod
    Slinger Ammo
    Large Dung Pod
    EffectSlinger ammo that releases a strong odor on impact, causing any surrounding monsters to flee.
    CraftDung Pod + Nitroshroom
  103. No.12Lifepowder
    Hunt Items
    EffectProduces a cloud that heals you and anyone nearby.
    CraftGodbug Essence + Blue Mushroom
  104. Luring Pod
    Slinger Ammo
    Luring Pod
    EffectSlinger ammo that can be used to lure monsters toward yourself.
  105. Machalite Ore
    Equipment Material
    Machalite Ore
    EffectOre mined from mineral veins. Refined Machalite Steel is far sturdier than its iron cousin.
    ObtainGather from Mining Outcrops in Windward Plains
  106. Mandragora
    Crafting Material
    EffectA dangerous fungus said to draw the life out of people. Required to craft Immunizers and Max Potions.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  107. No.8Max Potion
    Hunt Items
    Max Potion
    EffectFully restores health and temporarily maximizes the size of your Health Gauge.
    CraftCatalyst + Mandragora
  108. No.2Mega Potion
    Hunt Items
    Mega Potion
    EffectRestores a moderate amount of health.
    CraftPotion + Honey
  109. Monster Broth
    Equipment Material
    Monster Broth
    EffectA broth made from only the thickest of a monster's juices. Quite rich.
    MonsterObtain from Bulaqchi
  110. Monster Chili
    Cooking Material
    Monster Chili
    EffectA powerful spice that enhance flavor and sweat production. A great finising touch to any dish.
  111. Monster Hardbone
    Equipment Material
    Monster Hardbone
    EffectPrecious bone obtained from high rank large monsters. Their rarity makes them highly sought after.
    ObtainObtained as a Quest Reward
    MonsterObtain from Arkveld (High Rank)
  112. Monster Keenbone
    Equipment Material
    Monster Keenbone
    EffectBone obtained from high rank large monsters. It has a razor sharp tip that retains its strength after forging.
    ObtainObtained as a Quest Reward
  113. Mud Shrimp
    Cooking Material
    Mud Shrimp
    EffectA highly nutritious shrimp found in certain bodies of water. A great addition to any dish.
  114. Mystery Bone
    Equipment Material
    Mystery Bone
    EffectWeathered bone taken from a bonepile. Erosion has left it too fragile to use in crafting.
    ObtainGather from Bonepiles in Windward Plains
    MonsterObtain from Ceratonoth

  115. No.43Net
    Crafting Material
    EffectA sturdy net that supports a certain amount of weight without breaking. Perfect for pitfall traps.
    CraftIvy + Spider Web
  116. Nitroshroom
    Crafting Material
    EffectA hard-to-find mushroom with the power to generate blazing heat. Required to craft Gunpowder.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  117. Normal Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Normal Ammo
    EffectStandard ammo. Fires multiple shots with each pull of the trigger. Unlimited capacity.
    ObtainStarting Item
  118. Novacrystal
    Equipment Material
    EffectHigh quality Lightcrystal. Highly coverted for its rarity, it's used for only the finest of metalworking.
    MonsterObtain from Gypceros (High Rank)
  119. Nulberry
    Hunt Items
    EffectA mysterious berry that cures various blights.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  120. Paint Pod
    Fixed Item
    Paint Pod
    EffectSlinger ammo that makes a monster or location temporarily easier to find.
    ObtainStarting Item
  121. No.60Paralysis Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Paralysis Ammo
    EffectAmmo that causes paralysis. Some targets require multiple shots in order for the status to take effect.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Parashroom
  122. Paralysis Coating
    EffectA coating that applies paralysis effects to arrows.
    ObtainStarting Item
  123. Parashroom
    Crafting Material
    EffectA mushroom that induces paralysis. Needed to craft paralysis ammo and tranq bombs.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  124. Pierce Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Pierce Ammo
    EffectArmor-piercing ammo. Depending on the monster, it can deal multiple hits. Unlimited capacity.
    ObtainStarting Item
  125. Piercing Coating
    EffectA coating that increases piercing ability. Depending on the monster, it can deal multiple hits.
    ObtainStarting Item
  126. No.44Pitfall Trap
    Hunt Items
    Pitfall Trap
    EffectA trap for catching large monsters. It is tripped by heavy weight.
    CraftTrap Tool + Net
  127. Platinum Scale
    Account Material
    Platinum Scale
    EffectA Platinumfish scale. They give off a beautiful gleam.
    ObtainFish for a Platinumfish
    └Windward Plains 14

  128. No.59Poison Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Poison Ammo
    EffectAmmo that inflicts poison. Some targets require multiple shots in order for the status to take effect.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Toadstool
  129. Poison Coating
    Fixed Item
    Poison Coating
    EffectA coating that applies poison effects to arrow.
    ObtainStarting Item
  130. No.34Poison Smoke Bomb
    Hunt Items
    Poison Smoke Bomb
    EffectReleases a cloud of toxic mist when used. Also popular as a houdehold bug bomb.
    CraftSmokenut + Toadstool
  131. No.40Poisoned Meat
    Hunt Items
    Poisoned Meat
    EffectRaw meat that poisons whatever eats it. Makes great bait for traps.
    CraftRaw Meat + Toadstool
  132. Portable BBQ Grill
    Fixed Item
    Portable BBQ Grill
    EffectA portable BBQ grill that can be used for grilling up raw meat and other ingredients.
    ObtainStarting Item
  133. No.1Potion
    Hunt Items
    EffectRestores a small amount of health.
  134. Power Coating
    Fixed Item
    Power Coating
    EffectA coating that increases the attack power of arrows.
    ObtainStarting Item
  135. Rare Steak
    Hunt Items
    Rare Steak
    EffectRestores health and stamina and moderately increases the size of your Health Gauge temporarily.
    ObtainGrill Raw Meat on the Portable BBQ Grill
  136. Ration
    Hunt Items
    EffectFood that restores a bit of stamina. It can also be used on the portable BBQ Grill to have a meal.
    ObtainObtain via Supply Items
  137. Raw Meat
    Hunt Items
    Raw Meat
    EffectMeat carved from a monster. Can be cooked, combined, or used to set a trap.
    MonsterObtain from Ceratonoth

  138. No.63Recover Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Recover Ammo
    EffectAmmo that produces a healing cloud in the impact zone of where it lands.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Blue Mushroom
  139. Rey Dau Boltgem
    Equipment Material
    Rey Dau Boltgem
    EffectA rare jewel that developed within a Rey Dau. Said to wield the power of ten thousand storms.
    MonsterObtain from Rey Dau (High Rank)
  140. Rey Dau Bolthorn
    Equipment Material
    Rey Dau Bolthorn
    EffectA Rey Dau horn crackling with lightning. Durable enough to sustain get bolts of electricity.
    MonsterObtain from Rey Dau (High Rank)
  141. Rey Dau Boltwingtalon
    Equipment Material
    Rey Dau Boltwingtalon
    EffectA Rey Dau wingtalon with an azure glow. Coated with pure, razor-sharp Fulgurite.
    MonsterObtain from Rey Dau (High Rank)
  142. Rey Dau Carapace
    Equipment Material
    Rey Dau Carapace
    EffectThe tough carapace of a Rey Dau. Its complex but consistent pattern enhances its conductivity.
    MonsterObtain from Rey Dau (High Rank)
  143. Rey Dau Certificate S
    Equipment Material
    Rey Dau Certificate S
    EffectA Guild certificate awarded to those who have hunted a Rey Dau. Used to make equipment.
    MonsterObtain from Rey Dau (High Rank)
  144. Rey Dau Plate
    Equipment Material
    Rey Dau Plate
    EffectA Rey Dau plate. The backward-facing scale accumulates a massive amount of energy.
    MonsterObtain from Rey Dau (High Rank)
  145. Rey Dau Scale+
    Equipment Material
    Rey Dau Scale+
    EffectA high-quality Rey Dau scale. Constant exposure to the Sandtide made it as sturdy as it is smooth.
    MonsterObtain from Rey Dau (High Rank)
  146. Rey Dau Tail
    Equipment Material
    Rey Dau Tail
    EffectA Rey Dau tail. Its Fulgurite-covered spines rub together to produce a threatening melody.
    MonsterObtain from Rey Dau (High Rank)
  147. Rolled-up Dung
    Crafting Material
    Rolled-up Dung
    EffectA ball of condensed monster dung. Used to make dung pods for your Slinger.
    ObtainRetrieved from Dung Beetles
  148. Rubbery Hide+
    Equipment Material
    Rubbery Hide+
    EffectThe quality of hide of a Gypceros. The baggy, stretchy feel of it is oddly pleasing to the wearer.
    MonsterObtain from Gypceros (High Rank)
  149. Sandpepper
    Special Items
    EffectFound in the Windward Plains, this spice lends a rich and aromatic heat to any dish.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains (Plenty)
  150. Screamer Pod
    Slinger Ammo
    Screamer Pod
    EffectUsed as ammo for your Slinger. Emits a harsh, high-frequency sound that can disrupt sensitive monsters.
    ObtainUse Hook Slinger on Baunos
    └Windward Plains 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13

    MonsterObtain from Baunos
  151. No.45Shock Trap
    Hunt Items
    Shock Trap
    EffectA trap that immobilizes a target. Use it to capture monsters.
    CraftTrap Tool + Thunderbug Capacitor
  152. Slashberry
    Crafting Material
    EffectA nut that shatters into razor-like pieces. Used to make slicing ammo.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  153. No.61Sleep Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Sleep Ammo
    EffectAmmo that induces sleep. Some targets require multiple shots in order for the status to take effect.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Sleep Herb
  154. Sleep Coating
    Fixed Item
    Sleep Coating
    EffectA coating that applies sleep effects to arrows.
    ObtainStarting Item
  155. Sleep Herb
    Crafting Material
    Sleep Herb
    EffectA plant containing sleeping agents. Needed to craft sleep ammo and tranq bombs.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  156. No.52Slicing Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Slicing Ammo
    EffectAmmo that ejects sharp blades on impact, which can sever tails.
  157. Small Barrel
    Crafting Material
    Small Barrel
    EffectA small, empty barrel. Combine with fire herbs to make it into a bomb.
  158. No.33Smoke Bomb
    Hunt Items
    Smoke Bomb
    EffectCreates a large cloud of smoke when thrown against the ground that can hide you from a monster's sight.
    CraftSmokenut + Ivy
  159. Snow Herb
    Crafting Material
    Snow Herb
    EffectA plant that radiates ice-cold air. Use in combinations to create freeze ammo.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  160. Spread Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Spread Ammo
    EffectAmmo made for close combat. Short range but high power. Unlimited capacity.
    ObtainStarting Item
  161. No.49Sticky Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Sticky Ammo
    EffectPowerful ammo that lodges in a traget and explodes. Headshot stun.
  162. Stone
    Slinger Ammo
    EffectSlinger ammo that can be used to hit faraway plant life and bombs.
    ObtainPick up Stone
    └ Windward Plains 8
  163. Stoutbone
    Equipment Material
    EffectThe bone of a large, high ranking monsters. Very sturdy.
    ObtainObtained as a Quest Reward
  164. Sturdy Bone
    Equipment Material
    Sturdy Bone
    EffectA rigid bone taken from bonepile. Durable but light and easy to handle.
    ObtainGather from Bonepiles in Windward Plains
    MonsterObtain from Ceratonoth

  165. Sushifish Scale
    Hunt Items
    Sushifish Scale
    EffectA scale from Sushifish. Slightly restores health and treats bleeding.
    ObtainFish for a Sushifish
    └Windward Plains 13, 14

  166. Talioth Scale+
    Equipment Material
    Talioth Scale+
    EffectA high-quality scale from a Talioth. Sturdy enough to survive many fierce battles, but still not much to look at.
    MonsterObtain from Talioth
  167. Thorngrass Pod
    Slinger Ammo
    Thorngrass Pod
    EffectSlinger ammo that lodges into a target. Attacking where it's lodged deals extra damage.
    ObtainPick up Thorngrass Pod
    └ Windward Plains 2, 8, 16
  168. Throwing Knife
    Fixed Item
    Throwing Knife
    EffectA knife that can be equipped to your Slinger. Can be coated with a range of chemicals.
    ObtainStarting Item
  169. No.56Thunder Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Thunder Ammo
    EffectAmmo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to thunder.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Thunderbug Capacitor
  170. Thunderbug Capacitor
    Crafting Material
    Thunderbug Capacitor
    EffectSubstance from an insect that emits electricity when struck. Required to craft Shock Traps and Thunder Ammo.
    ObtainRetrieved from Thunderbugs
  171. Thundering Fulgurite
    EffectA treasure of the Winward Plains. A colossal fulgurite crystal, born of a sky-splitting thunderstrike.
    ObtainGather from the Colossal Fulgurite Crystal in Windward Plains
  172. Time-honed Wylk Gem
    Special Items
    Time-honed Wylk Gem
    EffectThe size of this rare find from the east is the result of an eons-long natural formation process
    ObtainGather from Wylky Crystal Outcrop in Windward Plains
  173. No.41Tinged Meat
    Hunt Items
    Tinged Meat
    EffectRaw meat that paralyzes whatever eats it. Makes great bait for traps.
    CraftRaw Meat + Parashroom
  174. Toadstool
    Crafting Material
    EffectA mushroom with poison properties. Needed to craft poison ammo and smoke bombs.
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  175. Torch Pod
    Slinger Ammo
    Torch Pod
    EffectSlinger ammo that can be used to scare away creatures that don't like fire and draw in those that do.
    ObtainPick up Sparkflint
    └ Windward Plains 7, 16
  176. Torrent Sac
    Equipment Material
    Torrent Sac
    EffectA monster organ designed to hold and preserve copious amoounts of water
    MonsterObtain from Balahara (High Rank)
  177. Toxin Sac
    Equipment Material
    Toxin Sac
    EffectA monster organ filled with an extremely potent toxin. Even one touch can be risky.
    MonsterObtain from Gypceros (High Rank)
  178. No.47Tranq Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Tranq Ammo
    EffectAmmo used to capture monster ensnared in traps.
    CraftTranq Bomb + Normal Ammo
  179. No.48Tranq Blade
    Slinger Ammo
    Tranq Blade
    EffectA knife coated with a tranquilizer that can be shot from your Slinger to put trapped monster to sleep.
    CraftTranq Bomb + Throwing Knife
  180. No.46Tranq Bomb
    Hunt Items
    Tranq Bomb
    EffectA hand grenade used to capture monsters ensnared in traps. Can be slammed against the ground.
    CraftSleep Herb + Parashroom
  181. Trap Tool
    Crafting Material
    Trap Tool
    EffectA must-have item for putting together pitfall traps and shock traps.
  182. No.55Water Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Water Ammo
    EffectAmmo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to water.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Flowfern
  183. Well-done Steak
    Hunt Items
    Well-done Steak
    EffectA hearty roast that restores health and stamina and boosts both of their max gauges.
    ObtainGrill Raw Meat on the Portable BBQ Grill
  184. Whetfish Fin
    Hunt Items
    Whetfish Fin
    EffectA place for gathering special items.
    ObtainFish for a Whetfish
    └Windward Plains 13, 14

  185. Whetstone
    Fixed Item
    EffectA standard-sized whetsone. Use it to restore a weapon's sharpness.
    ObtainStarting Item
  186. White Arkveld Pelt
    Equipment Material
    White Arkveld Pelt
    EffectA white Arkveld pet. Strong, naturally twinning strands create extra protection against attacks.
  187. Wild Herb
    Cooking Material
    Wild Herb
    EffectThis herb's refreshing aroma can mask any foul odor. A great finishing touch to any dish.
  188. Windward Aloe
    Special Items
    Windward Aloe
    EffectFound in the Winward Plains, the water stored within
    ObtainGather in Windward Plains
  189. Wingdrake Hide+
    Equipment Material
    Wingdrake Hide+
    EffectA rare material carved from wingdrakes. It's both tough and easy to work with.
    MonsterObtain from Baunos
  190. Wylk Pebble
    Special Items
    Wylk Pebble
    EffectSmall stones found across the East. A rich source of energy, they are often burned for fuel.
    ObtainGather from Wylky Gemstone in Windward Plains
  191. No.66Wyvern Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Wyvern Ammo
    EffectAmmo created through years of research into Wyvern's Fire. Short ranged, but destructive.
    CraftDragonstrike Nut
  192. Wyvern Gem
    Equipment Material
    Wyvern Gem
    EffectThroughout a wyvern's life, impurities gather and form this peculiar gem.
    MonsterObtain from Balahara (High Rank)
  193. Wyvernsprout
    Special Items
    ObtainRarely obtained from Bonepiles, which are created by leaving the corpses of small monsters.

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