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Nu Yaya Guide - How to Capture and Its Location

Nu Yaya Guide - How to Capture and Its Location

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Nu Yaya Guide - How to Capture and Its Location | Monster Hunter Wilds - GameWith

Nu Yaya Guide in Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds). Includes on how to capture it, its appearance, map, and where to find Nu Yaya. Please use this as your reference to catch Nu Yaya.

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Nu Yaya - Appearance and Location

Appears in Oilwell Basin

Appearance and Location
AreaOilwell Basin 17
Conditions1. Make sure that Inclemency/Tempered Nu Udra is present.
2. Confirm the spawning of Nu Udra in area 17 and its eggs.
3. Set the time to Plenty and visit again.

Nu Yaya appears in Area 17 of Oilwell Basin. You must confirm that Tempered Monsters are spawning in advance, and you must follow the steps before catching them.

Tempered Nu Udra Appears after Clearing the Story

Tempered Monster Nu Udra will appear on the field after clearing the story Chapter 6 (HR41). If you haven't reached it yet, prioritize with the story first.

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Nu Yaya - How to Catch it

Set the Environment to Inclemency to make Tempered Nu Udra Appear

Set the Environment to Inclemency to make Tempered Nu Udra Appear

To prepare for Nu Yaya to appear, you need to set up the environment to Inclemency and there must be a Tempered Nu Udra in the field. Open the Map and check the monsters that will appear in the environment overview.

Repeated breaks and Adjustment at Camp

Repeated breaks and Adjustment at Camp

You can adjust the monsters that appear by resting at camp. Take a break repeatedly until Nu Udra appears. In this case, the environment specification must be set to "Inclemency".

Move to Area 17 and Check Spawning

Move to Area 17 and Check Spawning

If you go to Area 17, you can see Nu Udra eggs Alma says,Amazing... Are these...Nu Udra eggs?, which will be your guide. Alma may arrive late, so if she doesn't say anything, wait a bit.

It's easier to use Mining Outcrop as a Waypoint and Move to Area 17

It's easier to use Mining Outcrop as a Waypoint and Move to Area 17

Area 17 has Mining Outcrop, so by setting it as a waypoint Seikret's automatic movement can be used.

Return to Camp and Change to Plenty

Return to Camp and Change to Plenty

It will take some time for Nu Yaya to hatch, so go back to Camp and take a break, then advance the time to Plenty.

Return to Area 17 and Capture Nu Yaya

When you return to Area 17 a large number of Nu Yaya have hatched, so let's capture them with Capture Net. Since they float in the air, it is easier to capture them if you look for Nu Yaya nearby.

Nu Yaya - Features and Appearance

Nu Yaya
ClassificationEndemic Life
Obtained Guild pts5pts
Researcher's NotesThe larva of a Nu Udra. Though a fully grown Nu Udra hadn't been seen in a long time, there have been glimpses of this larval form. Not much is known about their breeding cycles, but it seems many eggs will hatch at once, meaning groups of the creature are not uncommon. The distinctive pattern on their heads appears to hide an underdeveloped eyeball and seems to grow into better support of the eye.

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Monster Hunter Wilds Strategy Team

Monster Hunter Wilds Strategy Team

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