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How to Raise Hunter Rank (HR Level)

How to Raise Hunter Rank (HR Level)

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How to Raise Hunter Rank (HR Level) | Monster Hunter Wilds - GameWith

Hunter Rank Leveling in Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds). This guide provides information on how to raise HR, check HR, add elements, and unlock conditions.

Table of Contents

How to Raise HR and Unlock Conditions

Raise it by Clearing the Story

HRUnlock Conditions
HR1From the start
HR2Talk to Tom after defeating Quematrice in Chapter 1-2.
HR3Defeat Doshaguma at Chapter 1-4.
HR4Defeat Rey Dau in Chapter 2-2.
HR5Defeat Nu Udra in Chapter 2-4.
HR6After the meal event in Chapter 3-3.
HR7Defeat Guardian Arkveld at Chapter 3-4.
HR8Defeat Zoh Shia at Chapter 3-5.

Monster Hunter Wilds' Hunter rank increases as you progress through mission quests. Therefore, it is important to progress through the story first.

Full Story Walkthrough Guide

After HR8, Raise it to the Upper Limit and Clear the Quest

HRUnlocked Condition
9-15Reach HR8 and Capturing Yian Kut-Ku at Chapter 4-1.
16-20Achieve HR15 and defeat the Frenzy Monster Nerscylla at Chapter 4-2.
21-40Reach HR20 and defeat 2 Monsters Simultaneously at Chapter 4-3 (Tempered Monster) Lala Barina and Guardian Dragon Fulgur Anjanath.
41 onwardsAchieve HR40 and defeat Arkveld in Chapter 6-1.

There is an upper limit for Hunter Rank 9 and above. Earn points by hunting monsters many times, raise the Hunter Rank to the maximum, and clear the story that will be added to unlock it.

Points will be Accumulated even if the Upper Limit is Reached

Even when your Hunter Rank reaches the upper limit, points are still accumulated internally. The accumulated points will increase at the same time as the HR limit is released.

You can also get Points from Side Missions

HR also earns points from side missions. There are many side missions that can only be done once and take a long time, but we recommend clearing them as there are limited rewards as well.

Side Mission List

How to Raise HR Efficiently

The efficient way to raise Hunter rank in Monster Hunter Wilds is to "Speedrun Gravios", "Hunt 2 Hirabami", and "Parallel with creating High Rank Equipment". As your Hunter rank increases, choose more difficult quests and go around.

[HR41〜] Gravios Speedrun are Recommended

Once you reach Hunter Rank 41 or above, we recommend Speedrunning Gravios in Optional Quest with Artian Water Heavy Bowgun. Although it requires a little preparation in advance, you can defeat it in about 1 to 2 minutes, and since it is an Optional Quest. you can do it as many times as you like.

Gravios Weakness, Drops, and How to Unlock

Gravios Speedrun Procedure

  1. Create a Water Element Heavy Bowgun with Rare 8 Artian Parts
  2. Create Armor for Speedrunning
    - Add Useful Skills
  3. Start "Deceitful Mountain High Armored" in Area 14
  4. Shoot Water Ammo at Gravios until it dies
  5. Repeat until you feel Satisfied

Create a Water Element Heavy Bowgun with Rare 8 Artian Parts

Water Element Heavy Bowgun

First, let's make a Water Element Heavy Bowgun using Rare 8 Artian Parts. Production/restoration bonuses is not a problem even if there is nothing related to Affinity or Capacity.

Artian Weapons Guide

Parts can be Collected through Battles or Melding

If you don't have enough Rare 8 Artian parts, clear the Field Survey of Tempered Monsters such as Apex Monsters and Arkveld, or collect parts with Melding. Melding is efficient because you can get 15 without fighting monsters by using the Gold Relic Ticket .

Create Armor for Speedrunning

Equipment with low production difficulty is listed

Weapon NameStrenghtening Parts
Heavy Bowgun GreifenElement Ammo Powder
Augment Parts/Ignition Mode
Weapon Skill-
Special AmmoWyvernheart Ignition
Wyverncounter Ignition
Ignition.Ignition gauge Recovery efficiency Lv1
Augment Parts/Ignition Mode
DecorationStream Jewel [1]
Stream Jewel [1]
Stream Jewel [1]
Parts UsedWater Element Type x3
Production BonusFreedom
Restoration BonusFreedom
Ammo Data
Normal Ammo
Pierce Ammo
Spread Ammo
Water Ammo
Tranq Ammo
HeadG. Ebony Helm Beta②ーー-
TorsoG. Fulgur Mail Alpha②ーー-
ArmsG. Ebony Braces Beta②①ー-
WaistGore Coil Alpha③①ー-
LegsGore Greaves Beta③①①-
TalismanChain Charm II--
MantleCorrupted Mantle--
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power(2 Parts)Gore Magala's Tyranny(2 Parts)
Burst Lv5Water Attack Lv3
Constitution Lv2Antivirus Lv2
Maximum Might Lv1Coalescence Lv1
Divine Blessing Lv1Flinch Free Lv1

If you can make Artian Water Heavy Bowgun, let's make armo. Please refer to the above Equipment as it is an example using the armor and decoration that can be guaranteed.

Add Skills with Decoration

* Decoration of a single skill is posted. If it can be activated in combination, it can be substituted.

Weapon DecorationReason
Stream Jewel [3]Can be activated up to Lv3 with one 3 Slot
Weapon slot becomes vacant so you can attack other skills
Crit Elem-Stream Jewel [3]Strengthen the fire power when a critical hit occurs
Bandolier-Stream Jewel [3]Affinity increases after the 4th shot
Opener-Stream Jewel [3]The power of the 1st shot increases and the reload speed becomes faster
Armor DecorationReason
Mighty Jewel [2]Affinity increases when Stamina is full
Earplugs Jewel [2]Disable Gravios' Roar by activating Lv3
Tenderizer Jewel [3]Affinity to Wounds greatly increase
Challenger Jewel [3]Attack and Critical hit increase when Gravios is angry

If you add Earplugs or skills that increase fire power using Decoration to the empty slots of armor, the time will be further shortened. You don't have to go out of your way to get one, but if you have one, it's a good idea to keep it on.

Start "Deceitful Mountain High Armored" in Area 14

Start Deceitful Mountain High Armored in Area 14

Accept the Optional Quest "Deceitful Mountain High Armorer" and start at Pop-Up Camp in Area 14. If you haven't placed the Pop-Up Camp yet, place it first and then start the quest.

Oilwell Basin Map and Camp Location

Shoot Water Ammo at Gravios until it dies

Gravios is right outside the camp, so shoot him with Water Ammo. The stomach is the weak point, so it's easier to get more damage if you shoot at the center of the body. If you can do a stagger loop, you can defeat if without receiving an attack.

Repeat until you reach your Rank goal

Repeat until you feel Satisfied

After defeating Gravios, you can continue accepting quests and defeating him until you're satisfied to increase your Hunter Rank.

[HR16〜] 2 Hirabami Quest

Hirabami 2 Head Quest

When you are only thinking about increasing your Hunter Rank efficiently at early part of the game, we recommend ★4 Optional Quest "Securing Wounded Hollow". In the quest, you will need to hunt 2 Hirabami. No extra travel is needed and even if you are solo or with Support Hunters, it is one of the easier battles to farm..

Hirabami's Guide

Hunting Frenzy Monster that appear on Map is also Recommended

After HR16, Frenzy Monsters will appear in various places. Frenzy Monsters are aggressive but have low stamina, so you can hunt them down quickly. Unless it's a monster you're not good at, we recommend defeating it when you find it.

Frenzy Monster Characteristics

[〜HR15] Can be done while Creating High Rank Equipments

Can be used in Parallel with creating High Rank Equipment

When HR reaches 9, High Rank monster will be released, allowing you to create powerful weapons and armor. As long as you collect materials for creating equipment, you will naturally rise up to HR15, so it is recommended to farm for High Rank Equipment while farming for Hunter Rank.

Additional Elements for Hunter Rank (HR)

Additional Elements of HR8

Chapter 4-1 is released, Yian Kut-Ku unlocked
- By defeating, Higher Quest is Unlocked.
- By defeating, HR is unlocked up to 15

HR15 Additional Elements

◆ Frenzy Monster Transformation Nerscylla unlocked
- Defeating the monsters will unlock Chapter 4-3
- Defeating the monsters will unlock HR up to 20
- Defeating the monsters will cause Frenzy Monsters to appear in various locations

Additional Elements of HR20

Lala Barina (Tempered Monster) and Guardian Fulgar Anjanath appear
- Human Resources can be increased to 40 by defeating them
- Tempered Monster unlocked
- Artian Weapons is unlocked by defeating them

Additional Element of HR32

Jin Dahaad unlocked
- Jin Dahaad is added to Optional Quest by defeating it

Additional Element of HR35

Uth Duna, Rey Dau, Nu Udra unlocked
- Optional Quest is added by defeating each monster
- Gore Magala unlocked by defeating all 3

Additional Elements of HR40

Arkveld unlocked
- Arkveld is added to Optional Quest by defeating it
HR is capped by defeating it

Additonal Element of HR50

◆ You can now make old weapons pieces with Melding

Additional Element of HR100

Melding allows you to create old weapon pieces, ◯(Part) and 2 slots Decoration

How to Check Hunter Rank (HR)

  1. Check from Status on the Menu Screen
  2. Check from Hunter Profile
  3. Check from Member List
  4. Check from Save Data

Check from Status on the Menu Screen

Check from Status on the Menu Screen

You can check your Hunter Rank in Monster Hunter Wilds from the Status on the Menu Screen. You can also check from Hunter Profile or the Member list.

Check from Hunter Profile

Check from Hunter Profile

Open the menu and open Hunter Profile in the information field. You can check this by switching to the Equipment Status Screen. You can also check other people's HR on their Profiles.

How to Update and Check Hunter Profile

Check from Member List

Check from Member List

Open the menu and open Member List in the communication field. You can check your HR by switching the item to Lobby Member List on the member list screen. In addition, it can also be used to check other people's HR.

Check from Save Data

Check from Save Data

On the save data selection screen, you can check your HR based on your play time.

What is Hunter Rank (HR)?

Represents the Progress of the Game and the Level of Involvement

Hunter Rank (HR) in Monster Hunter Wilds is, as the name suggests, a rank that expresses Hunter's ability and reliability. It is sometimes used as an indicator to show not only the progress of the game but also the level of play.

A Condition for Quests

Quest may have a Hunter Rank defined in order to get or to participate. To challenge new areas and monsters, you need a suitable Hunter Rank, so make sure to actively raise your Hunter Rank.

Monster Hunter Wilds Related Articles

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Useful Information

Game System

Hunting / System Guide

Map Information

Recommended Information before Purchasing

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