MH Wilds
Monster Hunter Wilds Wiki Guide & Tips
New Features And Changes From Past MH Games

New Features And Changes From Past MH Games

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MH Wilds | New Features And Changes From Past MH Games | Monster Hunter Wilds - GameWith

New Features for Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds). See what's New, and elements, new systems, new gameplay, new combat, changes from previous games, what to expect & more!

Table of Contents

New Features & Elements

1New Monsters
2New Locations & Maps
3Seikret Mount
4New Weapons Moves
5NPC Item Exchanges
6Dynamic Environment
7Other New Features

New features and elements in Monster Hunter Wilds include the Seikret, weapon bags, hook slinger, and Focus Mode. Many other new elements will be introduced, including a 'Wound' system that creates weaknesses.

New Monsters

New monsters are introduced, adding Jin Dahaad and Hirambi to the list, bringing the total number of announced monsters to 13 at the moment.

All Monsters List

Some Large Monsters Move in Herds

Some Large Monsters Move In Herds

In Monster Hunter Wilds, large monsters can move in herds similar to that of smaller monsters. Large monster herds can have an alpha. It will be important to isolate the target from the herd by triggering environmental traps.

Small Monsters


New small monsters will also appear. Both are herbivorous species that can be found in the Windward Plains and Scarlet Forest.

New Locations & Maps

Windward Plains

Windward Plains Area
Windward Plains Areas
Windward Plains Areas
Windward Plains Areas

Windward Plains is a diverse region that includes grasslands, desert, and rocky areas. It is the first location in the Forbidden Lands that the Research Commission will explore.

Windward Plains Map Guide

Dynamic Weather & Environment

Environment Changes
Environment Changes
Environment Changes

The Forbidden Lands has two aspects: One is an environment where monsters gather and fight, and the other is an environment abundant of life. It's a dynamic environment that transforms depending on the weather and time, affecting the monsters and creatures that appear on the field.

Scarlet Forest

Scarlet Forest
Large Monsters Found in Scarlet Forest
Uth Duna
Uth Duna
Lala Barina
Lala Barina

Following the river found in the Windward Plains will lead you to the verdant 'Scarlet Forest,' with its towering trees and abundant water. As you take your first steps here in your journey, your eyes are drawn to the peculiar red-colored water found on the forest floor... This land experiences an Inclemency known as the Downpour, a torrential rainstorm that floods the surrounding area. Scarlet Forest is inhabited by large monsters, including Lala Barina and Uth Duna.

Oilwell Basin

Oilwell Basin
Large Monsters of Oilwell Basin
Nu Udra
Nu Udra

A unique locale where, as its name suggests, oil wells up from the ground and accumulates in deep pools of oilsilt. This land experiences an Inclemency known as the Firespring, a phenomenon in which fierce fires blaze. Large monsters such as Rompopolo and Nu Udra are found here.

Iceshard Cliffs

Iceshard Cliffs
Large Monsters of Iceshard Cliffs
Jin Dahaad
Jin Dahaad
Gore Magala
Gore Magala

A frigid land swept by snowy blizzards, Iceshard Cliffs is the fourth map confirmed for Monster Hunter Wilds! Additionally, two new monsters, Jin Dahaad and Hirambi, inhabit this icy terrain.

Full Map Guide

Seikret, Player's Mount

The Seikret are highly mobile, making traversing the field comfortable. Players will be able to use their items and slingers while riding the Seikret, and if you set a target location on the map, it will automatically head there.

Seikret Automatically Bring You to the Location

Seikrets will automatically take you there if you mark a destination from the map. The distance will also be displayed next to the monster icon, making it very convenient as you can prepare when getting closer.

Switch Weapons Through the Weapon Bag

The Weapon Bag carried by the Seikret can store a second weapon, which the player can use to switch between weapons even while in the middle of a hunt. The combination of weapons can be used in a wide range of fighting styles, such as having both a melee and a long-range weapons, or weapons with multiple attributes.

Seikret Guide

New Moves Added to Each Weapon Type

▲ Can Also Attack While Riding the Seikret

A total of 14 weapons types is available in Monster Hunter Wilds. Each one will feature new moves! Although no new weapon types have been added this time, it's likely that there will be weapon mechanics unique to Wilds that would be introduced.

Weapon List & Balancing Adjustments

Focus Mode to Aim Attacks

Focus Mode is a new feature available for all weapon types that allows you to aim, attack, and guard. By aiming at a monster's weakness while in Focus Mode, it will unleash a special move that deals high damage. Focus Mode also makes it easier to adjust your distance and aim at a monster.

Create an Opening with Focus Strike

By targeting wounds or weak points with FocusMode, you can transition into a special attack called "Focus Strike" which deals massive damage. If Focus Strike lands on a wound, it destroys it in one hit and causes the monster to flinch.

Exposed Weakpoints are Highlighted

During Focus Mode, exposed weakpoints are also highlighted. In the video, the tongue of Chatacabra was exposed, but some monsters may not have any exposed weak points at all.

Focus Mode Guide

Power Clash Triggers During Guard

For weapon types capable of guarding, blocking certain monster attack moves triggers a struggle, leading to Power Clash. During this struggle, you can push the monster back, break its stance, and create an opening for follow-up attacks.

Power Clash Guide

Offset Attacks Knockback Monsters When Countering

For certain weapon types, if you time a specific attack action against a monster, it triggers an Offset Attack, knocking the monster back. Additionally, Offset Attacks can transition into powerful follow-up strikes.

Offset Attack Guide

Exchange Items with NPCs

Exchange Items With NPCs

Items can be exchanged by talking to NPCs in villages and other locations. Since the behavior of NPCs changes with the time and weather, there's a chance that the items they have for exchange may be affected as well.

Realistic & Dynamic Ecosystems

Realistic & Dynamic Ecosystems

Ecosystems in Monster Hunter Wilds are very realistic in this work. For example, herbivores may run away from carnivores, who in turn will hunt the herbivores to eat.

New Systems

Wound System that Creates Weaknesses

System that Creates Wounds

There will be a new system that creates weaknesses in the monster's body parts. By repeatedly attacking a specific part of the monster's body, wounds will be created in stages, temporarily making a weakness. This is completely different from the Tenderize System in MH: World.

Wounds Guide

Aim for Weaknesses While in Focus Mode

Monster Hunter Wilds Wounds

When in Focus Mode, the weakness will be shown with a red glow. Since the weaknesses is a weak point, it is likely to be easier to inflict damage more efficiently if attacked while in Focus Mode.

Focus Mode Guide

Hook Slinger Offers a Variety of Uses

The Hook Slinger is a new feature with a variety of uses, including item collection and environmental trap triggers. It can also be used while riding the mount, the Seikret.

Hook Slinger Guide

Changes & Differences from Previous Games

1Hunter is Fully Voiced
2Palico Speaks Human Language
3Seamless Experience with No Loading Screen
4Minimap Becomes Three-Dimensional
5Cooking Can Be Done Anywhere in the Field
6Camps Can Be Set Up in Potential Sites
7When Offline, Use SOS to Call for NPCs
8Quests Begin at the Start of the Battle
9Monsters & Items Require Time to Respawn
10You Can Move and Throw Large Barrel Bombs
11Slingers Are Back
12Return of Other Mantles?
13No Underwater Battle or Nakarkos Revival
14There Are No Wirebugs

Among the differences found in Monster Hunter Wilds include the Hunter being fully voiced. Additionally, the Palico is now voiced in human language and there will be seamless transitions between cut scenes and gameplay.

Hunter is Fully Voiced

For the first time in the Monster Hunter Franchise, the Hunter will be fully voiced. In past titles, Hunters only spoke during battle. During cutscenes, they would only use simple voice expressions or change facial expressions.

Palico Speaks Human Language

In this title, you can chose whether your Palico will speak in their Felyne language or the human language, which is a first in the series. While there have been other titles wherein the Palico speaks in Human Language like in Monster Hunter Stories, this is the first in a Monster Hunter main title game. It might be useful to select the human language to better get information from your Palico while in battle or when exploring.

Seamless Experience with No Loading Screens

Seamless Experience With No Loading Screens

In this title, villages and bases are connected to the field, allowing for a seamless traversal with no loading screens. Cut scenes also appear naturally without cutting away, offering a highly immersive play for players.

Minimap Becomes Three-Dimensional

Map 3D

The mini-map has evolved into a dynamically rotating 3D map. With improved depth representation, it's now easier to distinguish accessible and inaccessible areas at a glance.

Full Map Guide

Cooking Can Be Done Anywhere in the Field

Cooking Can Be Done Anywhere In The Field

Cooking, which used to be exclusively done in the hub villages or camps, can now be done anywhere in the field. While the recipes and their effects may differ, it's good to be able to get the status-enhancing effects without having to return to the camp.

How to Cook Meals Guide

Well-Done Steak Provides Powerful Effects

Using the Portable BBQ Grill, you can cook Meat to create Well-Done Steak. In previous games, Well-Done Steak only increased stamina capacity, but in MH Wilds, it also raises your health to the maximum limit.

How to Grill Well-done Steak

Camps Can Be Set Up in Potential Sites

There are a number of potential locations on the field where you can set up a camp. Unlike in past works where the camps are at a safe locations, in Wilds, there's a risk for them getting destroyed by monsters. There is a limit to the number of camps you can set up.

All Camp Locations

When Offline, Use SOS to Call for NPCs

When Offline, Use SOS To Call For NPCs

The SOS Signal system returns in Wilds. If used online, this will allow for other players to join you, but if used offline, NPCs will come to your aid. With Support Hunters included, you can experience a pseudo-multiplayer mode with up to four members.

SOS Flare Guide

Quests Begin at the Start of the Battle

In Wilds, there is a new specification wherein quests are automatically started when you start a battle with a monster, even if you have not gotten the quest from the quest giver yet. However, there are still quests you can get and accept from the base. This combines exploration and set quests from past titles.

Quest Rewards Can Be Accepted on the Spot

Quest rewards are awarded on the spot upon completing the quest. There is no need to return to the base each time like in past titles. This removes loading or waiting time to return, allowing players to continue and go for the next hunt.

Monsters & Items Require Time to Respawn

Since you do not return to the base after the end of a quest in Wilds, the revival of monsters, environmental traps, and items do not reset each time. If you hunt too many of the same monster in a short period of time, it will cause a lower encounter rate for the monster.

Will the Demand for Multiplayer Go Up?

If you defeat too much of a particular monster and it becomes hard to find in your world, it might be viable to go on multiplayer and head to another hunter's world instead. If there are fewer rare monsters, such as Elder Dragons, or if the respawn time is too long, multiplayer might be the solution for it.

How to Join Multiplayer

You Can Move & Throw Large Barrel Bombs

The Barrel Bomb, a familiar item in the Monster Hunter series, can finally be moved by carrying or rolling it. It can also be thrown, making it much easier to use.

Large Barrel Bomb Guide

Slingers Are Back

Slingers and Mantles from Monster Hunter World and Iceborne will be back in Wilds. Slingers can be used in a variety of ways, such as disrupting monsters by using Slinger Ammo that can be found around the map or from monsters.

Slinger Guide

Palico Slinger Might Return?

Will the Palico Slinger Also Returned

In the official footage, we can see a Palico attacking with what appears to be a Palico Slinger while saying, 'Take this attack!' This suggests a high possibility that the Palico Slinger will make a comeback.

Return of Other Mantles?

Will Mantles Return to The Game

In MH Wilds, we can use "Ghillie Mantle" which hides you from monsters. In previous titles, we can utilize strong mantles like "Temporal Mantle" which automatically evades you from monster attacks, so it is exciting to use them again to our advantage in MH Wilds!

Ghillie Mantle Guide

No Underwater Battle or Nakarkos Revival

No Underwater Battle Or Nakarkos Revival

There are no underwater battles in this title like in Monster Hunter 3. Nakarkos from Monster Hunter Generations will not get a revival either.

Information from GameMeca

There Are No Wirebugs

There Are No Wirebugs

Wirebugs, which appeared in the last game before Wilds, will not appear in this title. With this, Wirebug-based attacks will also not make in Wilds.

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