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Best Build and Armor for Each Weapon Type

Best Build and Armor for Each Weapon Type

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Monster Hunter Wilds | Best Build and Armor for Each Weapon Type - GameWith

Best Build for Each Weapon guide for Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds). Includes the list of the strongest armors, recommended equipments, skills for each weapon.

Best Equipment List Per Weapon

Best Equipment for Greatsword

Great Sword Strongest Equipment

Recommended Weapon

All Weapon Types List
Great Sword WeaponBuster Sword Ⅰ
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
Equipment SkillsCritical Draw Lv1

The recommended early game weapon is the Buster Sword I. The weapon's Critical Draw skill increases Affinity after drawing, making it easier to deal damage at the start of the game. Even after Chapter 2, the weapon still performs well after it has been upgraded.

Great Sword WeaponNIhIl Great Sword I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
768Water 2000%0
Equipment SkillsCritical Draw Lv2

Starting from Chapter 3, the NIhIl Great Sword I becomes a great weapon option. It has the same attack and weapon skill as the Buster Sword Ⅱ. It also has Water Element 200!

Recommended Equipment for Chapter 1

HeadDoshaguma Helm
ChestDoshaguma Mail
ArmHope Vambraces
WaistDoshaguma Coil
LegDoshaguma Greaves
Active Skills
Doshaguma's Might (4 Parts)Inspiring Pelt (3 Parts)
Free MealLv3Divine Blessing Lv1
Item ProlongerLv1

Early in the game (Chapter 1), the Doshaguma set is recommended since it activates Doshaguma's Might, a skill that works well with the Great Sword. Attack will greatly increase with a successful Power Clash or Offset Attack.

Best Equipment for Long Sword

Long Sword

Recommended Weapon

All Weapon Types List
Long Sword WeaponIron Katana I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
Equipment SkillsCritical Draw Lv1

The recommended early game weapon for the Long Sword is the Iron Katana I. In addition to its high Attack and green Sharpness, Critica Draw can increase Affinity by up to 50%. There is no need to collect materials either for it since the weapon will be created as the story progresses.

Long Sword WeaponRompo Hacker I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
462Poison 1500%0
Equipment SkillsPower Prolonger Lv1

In Chapter 2, the Poison Element weapon Rompo Hacker I is highly recommended. It has high Attack and pretty easy to use for general purposes. Iron Sword I has high damage, but if you have the materials, go with the Rompo Hacker I.

Recommended Equipment

HeadAlloy Helm
ChestBalahara Mail
ArmHope Vambraces
WaistHope Coil
LegAlloy Greaves
Active Skills
Quick Sheath Lv3Divine Blessing Lv1
Stun Resistance Lv1

For the Long Sword, at early game, this combination of armor is highly recommended because of the Quick Sheath skill. The Waist and Arm have skills other than Quick Sheath so you can use the initial equipment for them.

HeadG. Ebony Helm
ChestBalahara Mail
ArmG. Rathalos Vambraces
WaistG. Rathalos Coil
LegAlloy Greaves
TalismanSheathe Talisman
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power (2 Parts)Guardian's Pulse (3 Parts)
Burst Lv3Quick Sheath Lv3
Ebony Odogaron's Power (2 Parts)Guardian's Pulse (3 Parts)
Bleeding Resistance Lv1

You can activate the Burst Skill with Ebony Odogaron's Armor, which can be hunted at Chapter 3. Have Quick Skill Lv3 with the remaining 2 parts and Talisman.

Best Equipment for Sword and Shield

Sword and Shield

Recommended Weapon

All Weapon Types List
Sword & Shield WeaponQuematrice Cuchillo I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
140Fire 1005%0
Equipment SkillsOffensive Guard Lv1

The Quematrice Cuchillo I is recommended as the early weapon for the Sword and Shield. In Chapter 1, there are many enemies weak to Fire so having a Fire weapon gives you a big advantage.

Sword & Shield WeaponRey Kuara I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
196Thunder 1200%0
Equipment SkillsOffensive Guard Lv1
Guard Lv1

In Chapter 3, the Rey Kuara I is recommended for its high Attack. Although it's lower than the Chata Club II, the green Sharpness is longer, making it easier to use.

Recommended Equipment

HeadDoshaguma Helm
ChestDoshaguma Mail
ArmHope Vambraces
WaistHope Coil
LegHope Greaves
Active Skills
Doshaguma's Might (2 Parts)Free Meal Lv2
Divine Blessing Lv2Stun Resistance Lv1

The recommended Sword and Shield equipment for the early stage is Doshaguma's Armor. This will activate the Set Bonus Skill Doshaguma's Might!

HeadDoshaguma Helm
ChestDoshaguma Mail
ArmHirabami Vambraces
WaistHirabami Coil
LegHirabami Greaves
Active Skills
Doshaguma's Might (2 Parts)Scaling Prowess (3 Parts)
Evade Window Lv3Ice Resistance Lv3
Free Meal Lv2

Hirabami's equipment can give the Evade Window Lv1 in all parts. The monster will appear in Chapter 2. Since the Sword and Shield requires fighting close to the monster, having the Evade Window will increase your survival!

Best Equipment for Dual Blades

Dual Blades

Recommended Weapon

All Weapon Types List
Dual Blades WeaponBarina Faucilles I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
140Paralysis 6010%0
Equipment SkillsCritical Draw Lv1

The recommended early weapon for the Dual Blades is the Barina Faucilles I. It's green Sharpness is quite long and has good damage with the of Critical Draw. You can also open Attack opportunities because of its Paralysis.

Dual Blades WeaponTwin Albiraths I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
224Fire 9015%0
Equipment SkillsCritical Element Lv1
Master's Touch Lv1

In Chapter 3, the Twin Albiraths I is recommended. In addition to its high Attack and Affinity, it has Master's Touch, which does not consume Sharpness, and Critical Element that increases Elemental damage whe you crit.

Recommended Equipment

HeadBone Helm
ChestBone Mail
ArmHope Vambraces
WaistBone Coil
LegHope Greaves
Active Skills
Marathon Runner Lv3Divine Blessing Lv2

In the early game, the Bone Armor is recommended because of its Marathon Runner skill that the Dual Blades is highly compatible with. The Arms and Waist can have other skills so you can use the initial equipment.

HeadG. Ebony Helm
ChestG. Ebony Mail
ArmG. Rathalos Vambraces
WaistG. Rathalos Coil
LegG. Rathalos Greaves
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power (4 Parts)Guardian's Pulse (3 Parts)
Burst Lv3Bleeding Resistance Lv2
Marathon Runner Lv1Iron Skin Lv1

Ebony Odogaron's armor is really good for the Dual Blades because of the skill Burst. Additionally, Ebony Odogaron's Power makes it easier to deal damage while Marathon Runner helps reduce Stamina consumption.

Best Equipment for Hammer


Recommended Weapon

All Weapon Types List
Hammer WeaponIron Hammer I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
Equipment SkillsCritical Draw Lv1

The Iron Hammer I is great at the start of the game due to its high Attack and Critical Draw skill. Critical Draw will let you increase Affinity temporarily to up to 50%. It can also be crafted easily!

Hammer WeaponJail Hammer II
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
728Paralysis 1700%0
Equipment SkillsStamina Thief Lv2

By Chapter 2, it's recommended to have Jail Hammer II. It has high Attack and a fairly big green Sharpness. It also comes with Paralysis so it can easily create Attack opportunities with both Stun and Paralysis.

Recommended Equipment

HeadBone Helm
ChestBone Mail
ArmBalahara Vambraces
WaistBone Coil
LegBalahara Greaves
Active Skills
Marathon Runner Lv3Evade Extender Lv2

For early game, the Bone Equipment is great because of the Marathon Runner skill. This is especially good for beginner Hammer uses since Marathon Runner reduces Stamina Consumption.

Best Equipment for Hunting Horn

Hunting Horn

Recommended Armor

All Weapon Types List
Hunting Horn WeaponMetal Bagpipe I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
Equipment SkillsCritical Draw Lv1
Horn Maestro Lv1
White NoteWhite Note
White NoteRed NoteWhite Note
Attack Up (Small)
Blue NoteBlue NoteRed NoteWhite Note
Earplugs (S)
Blue NoteRed NoteBlue Note
Aquatic/Oilsilt Mobility
Red NoteRed NoteBlue Note
Environmental Damage Negated
White NoteRed NoteRed Note
Earth Wave (Slash)
White NoteRed NoteBlue NoteBlue Note
Offset Melody

The Metal Bagpipe I is recommended as an early weapon for the Hunting Horn. It can play Attack Up [S] and comes with the Horn Maestro skill. It does have high Attack as well!

Hunting Horn WeaponRey Perun I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
588Thunder 1800%0
Equipment SkillsStamina Thief Lv2
Horn Maestro Lv1
White NoteWhite Note
White NoteRed NoteWhite Note
Attack Up (Small)
Yellow NoteRed NoteWhite Note
Yellow NoteYellow NoteYellow Note
Sonic Waves
White NoteRed NoteRed Note
Earth Wave (Thunder)
Yellow NoteRed NoteYellow NoteWhite Note
Offset Melody

Rey Perun I has both Attack Up [S] and Horn Maestro with higher Attack and Sharpness. The Metal Bagpipe I can still work but if you have the materials for it, it's better to switch to Rey Perun I.

Recommended Equipment

HeadHope Mask
ChestHope Mail
ArmHope Vambraces
WaistHope Coil
LegHope Greaves
Active Skills
Divine Blessing Lv3Stun Resistance Lv2

For early game equipment, the Hope armor set is good since there are not a lot of options for the Hunting Horn during this part of the game. It's good as it is and it comes with Divine Blessing Lv3.

HeadRey Sandhelm
ChestRey Sandmail
ArmHirabami Vambraces
WaistDuna Coil
LegDuna Greaves
Active Skills
Rey Dau's Voltage (2 Parts)Uth Duna's Cover (2 Parts)
Load's Favor (3 Parts)Latent Power Lv1
Constitution Lv1Evade Window Lv1
Tool Specialist Lv1Peak Performance Lv1
Ice Resistance Lv1Aquatic/Oilsilt Mobility Lv1

The Load's Favor can be acquired by having at least 2 armor from Rey Dau and Uth Duna. This is the best skill for the Hunting Horn as it can temporarily add an Attack increase by activating Melody Effects.

Best Equipment for Lance


Recommended Weapon

All Weapon Types List
Lance WeaponQuematrice Lanza I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
230Fire 1805%0
Equipment SkillsGuard Lv1

The Quematrice Lanza I provides Guard, which is an important skill to have for a Lance user. This is due to the skill reducing Stamina consumption and Knockback when Guarding.

Lance WeaponQuematrice Lanza II
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
322Fire 1205%0
Equipment SkillsGuard Lv2

After moving to Oilwell Basin in Chapter 2, upgrade to Quematrice Lanza II. It is easy to make since all you need to do is the ore obtained from Oilwell Basin!

Lance WeaponWindpierce Lance II
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
391Ice 1900%0
Equipment SkillsGuard Lv2
Airborne Lv1

The recommended Lance at High Rank is the Windpierce Lance II. It has Guard Lv2 and its Sharpess reaches to blue. There are two upgrades left so advance through High Rank while upgrading the weapon.

Recommended Equipment

HeadDoshaguma Helm
ChestDoshaguma Mail
ArmDoshaguma Vambraces
WaistHope Coil
LegDoshaguma Greaves
Active Skills
Doshaguma's Might (4 Parts)Inspiring Pelt (3 Parts)
Free Meal Lv3Recovery Speed Lv1
Stun Resistance Lv1

At early stages, equip 4 pieces of the Doshaguma armor to activate its Set Bonus Skill Doshaguma's Might II. This will increase the basic attack after a Power Clash, which is easy to proc with Lance!

HeadG. Ebony Helm
ChestG. Doshaguma Mail
ArmG. Rathalos Vambraces
WaistG. Rathalos Coil
LegG. Rathalos Greaves
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power (2 Parts)Guardian's Pulse (3 Parts)
Burst Lv3Iron Skin Lv2
Doshaguma's Might Lv2Heroics Lv1
Marathon Runner Lv1Bleeding Resistance Lv1

In Chapter 3, it's recommended to use the armor from Ebony Odogaron which has the Burst skill. If Lance can keep getting an Attack Boost with a variety of counters, it can reliably make use of Burst.

Best Equipment for Gunlance


Recommended Weapon

All Weapon Types List
Gunlance WeaponQuematrice Culebrina I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
230Fire 1405%0
Equipment SkillsGuard Lv1
Shelling通常型 Lv3

The Quematrice Culebrina I is the recommended weapon for the Gunlance at the beginning stages of the game. Among the Gunlance available at early stage, it's the only one that can produce high shelling damage. It also has the Guard skill.

Recommended Equipment

HeadDoshaguma Helm
ChestDoshaguma Mail
ArmDoshaguma Vambraces
WaistHope Coil
LegDoshaguma Greaves
Active Skills
Doshaguma's Might (4 Parts)Inspiring Pelt (3 Parts)
Free Meal Lv3Recovery Speed Lv1
Stun Resistance Lv1

At early game, the Doshaguma Armor works well for Gunlance users. This is due to the Doshaguma's Might skill that increases damage after Power Clashes. Since the Gunlance has Guard, it can easily proc this!

Best Equipment for Switch Axe

Switch Axe

Chapter 1 Recommended Weapon & Equipment

All Weapon Types List

Recommended Weapon

Switch Axe WeaponIron Accelerator I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
Equipment SkillsRapid Morph Lv1
PhialPoison Phial

Recommended Equipment

HeadChatacabra Helm
ChestChatacabra Mail
ArmBalahara Vambraces
WaistBalahara Coil
LegBalahara Greaves
Defense BoostFireWaterThunderIceDragon
Active Skills
Evade Extender Lv3Scaling Prowess (3 Parts)
Speed Eating Lv2Rapid Morph Lv1
Seikret NoteGuide
The weapon has a Poison Phial, which has a gauge that easily fills up due to the Rapid Morph skill. It is recommended to upgrade it gradually to be able to use it for a while.

Chapter 2 Recommended Weapon & Equipment

Recommended Weapon

Switch Axe WeaponIron Accelerator I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
Equipment SkillsRapid Morph Lv1
PhialPoison Phial

Recommended Equipment

HeadAjarakan Helm
ChestAjarakan Mail
ArmHirabami Vambraces
WaistHirabami Coil
LegAjarakan Greaves
TalismanForay Talisman
Defense BoostFireWaterThunderIceDragon
Active Skills
Inspiring Pelt (3 Parts)Lv3Partbreaker Lv3
Evade Window Lv2Ice Resistance Lv2
Blast Resistance Lv1Bombardier Lv1
Foray Lv1Rapid Morph Lv1
Seikret NoteGuide
Partbreaker increases the damage done to Wounds so be aware when using Focus Strike. Evade Window lv2 also makes it easier to avoid monster attacks.

Best Equipment for Charge Blade

Charge Blade

Recommended Weapon

All Weapon Types List
Charge Axe WeaponChata Strongarm I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
Equipment SkillsGuard Lv1
:pThe weapon's green gauge is quite short, this is not an issue if you mainly use Sword Boost or Attack Boost. It also comes with Guard so you can feel safe to defend to some extent. If you upgrade the weapon, you get Artillery, which is essential for Charge Blade.

Recommended Equipment

HeadDoshaguma Helm
ChestDoshaguma Mail
ArmHope Vambraces
WaistDoshaguma Coil
LegDoshaguma Greaves
Active Skills
Doshaguma's Might (4 Parts)Inspiring Pelt (3 Parts)
Free Meal Lv3Divine Blessing Lv1
Blast Resistance Lv1Bombardier Lv1
Item Prolonger Lv1

The Doshaguma armor works well at the start of the game because of its skill Doshaguma's Might that's compatible with the Charge Blade. Attack will greatly increase after a successful Power Clash.

HeadG. Ebony Helm
ChestG. Doshaguma Mail
ArmG. Rathalos Vambraces
WaistG. Rathalos Coil
LegG. Rathalos Greaves
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power (2 Parts)Doshaguma's Might (2 Parts)
Guardian's Pulse (3 Parts)Burst Lv3
Iron Skin Lv2Heroics Lv1
Marathon Runner Lv1Bleeding Resistance Lv1

In chapter 3, it's recommended to make use of the Ebony Odogaron's equipment to get the Burst skill. Pair this with Doshaguma armor to still have the Attack increase after the Power Clash.

Best Equipment for Insect Glaive

Insect Glaive

Recommended Weapon

All Weapon Types List
Insect Glaive WeaponIron Gale I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
Equipment SkillsCritical Draw Lv1
Kinsect Lv2

Iron Gale I is good for early game. In addition to its high Attack and green Sharpness, it has Critical Draw which can temporarily increase Affinity by 50%.

Insect Glaive WeaponRey Halilintar I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
434Thunder 1200%0
Equipment SkillsFocus Lv1
Charge Master Lv1
Kinsect Lv3
Kinsect Mauldrone

By Chapter 2, the recommended weapon is the Rey Halilintar I. Is strong against monsters weak to Thunder while already having a high base Attack damage. It also has Focus and Charge Master skills.

Recommended Equipment

HeadHope Mask
ChestHope Mail
ArmBalahara Vambraces
WaistBalahara Coil
LegBalahara Greaves
Active Skills
Scaling Prowess (3 Parts)Evade Extender Lv3
Stun Resistance Lv1Divine Blessing Lv1

The recommended armor in the early stages is the Balahara armor since it provides Evade Extender. You can get the skill by having at least 3 parts.

Best Equipment for Bow


Recommended Weapon

All Weapon Types List
Bow WeaponQuematrice Arco I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
120Fire 705%0
Equipment SkillsFocus Lv1
CoatingClose-Range Coating

Quematrice Arco I is the recommended early game Bow. It is a Fire element weapon which takes advantage of the Fire weakness of the early game monsters.

Bow WeaponDosha Fearbringer I
AttackElementAffinityDefense Boost
Equipment SkillsStamina Thief Lv1
CoatingPower Coating, Exhaust Coating

In Chapter 2, it's recommended to have the Dosha Fearbringer I because of its high attack and Power Coatings. The negative affinity does not matter much and it can be continuously upgraded.

Recommended Equipment

HeadBone Helm
ChestBone Mail
ArmHope Vambraces
WaistBone Coil
LegHope Greaves
Active Skills
Marathon Runner Lv3Divine Blessing Lv2

At the early stages of the game, the Bone series is good for Bow users since it has the Marathon Runner skill. The Waist and Arms can be different skills so you can make use of the original equipment.

HeadG. Ebony Helm
ChestRey Sandmail
ArmG. Rathalos Vambraces
WaistG. Rathalos Coil
LegRey Sandgreaves
TalismanConstitution Talisman
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power (2 Parts)Rey Dau's Voltage (2 Parts)
Guardian's Pulse (3 Parts)Burst Lv3
Constitution Lv3Latent Power Lv1
Bleeding Resistance Lv1

By Chapter 3, it's best to have a combination of Rey Dau armor and Ebony Odogaron armor. Burst and Ebony Odogaron's Power increase damate and reduces Constitution and Stamina consumption. Since the defense is sufficient, it can be used up until High Rank.

Best Equipment for Light Bowgun

Light Bowgun

Recommended Weapon

All Weapon Types List
Light Bowgun WeaponChain Blitz IPierce Ammo Magazine
Rapid Fire Magazine
AttackAffinityDefense Boost
Equipment SkillsTetrad Shot Lv1
Special Ammo Adhesive Ammo
Ammo Data
AmmoLvCapacityRapid Fire
Normal AmmoLv14
Pierce AmmoLv25
Spread AmmoLv13-
Paralysis AmmoLv12-
Ice AmmoLv15-
Armor AmmoLv11-
Tranq AmmoLv14-

Chain Blitzi I is the recommended early game weapon for the Light Bowgun. During Rapid Fire mode, Piece Ammo can reload up to 6 shorts so you can use Tetrad Shot to increase to damage of the 4th and 6th shots during Rapid Fire.

Recommended Equipment

HeadHope Mask
ChestHope Mail
ArmBalahara Vambraces
WaistBalahara Coil
LegBalahara Greaves
Active Skills
Scaling Prowess (3 Parts)Evade Extender Lv3
Stun Resistance Lv1Divine Blessing Lv1

In the early chapters, the Balahara armor works well since it gives the Evade Extender skill. This is useful when you're still adjusting to the shooting distance or avoid enemy attacks.

HeadG. Ebony Helm
ChestAjarakan Mail
ArmG. Rathalos Vambraces
WaistG. Rathalos Coil
LegBalahara Greaves
TalismanVault Talisman
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power (2 Parts)Guardian's Pulse (2 Parts)
Burst Lv3Partbreaker Lv1
Evade Extender Lv2Bleeding Resistance Lv1

In Chapter 3, it's best to have the Ebony Odogaron armor. This armor gives Burst, which is compatible with the Rapid Fire mode. Evade Extender helps with surviving during battles and Part Breaker increase your damage against wounds!

Best Equipment for Heavy Bowgun

Heavy Bowgun

Recommended Weapon

All Weapon Types List
Heavy Bowgun WeaponChata Sheller INormal Ammo Powder
Standard Mode Upgrade
AttackAffinityDefense Boost
Equipment SkillsOpening Shot Lv1
Special AmmoWyvernheart Ignition
Wyverncounter Ignition
Ignition/型Ignition Gauge Recovery Lv1
Standard Mode ST II
Ammo Data
Normal AmmoLv15
Pierce AmmoLv13
Spread AmmoLv13
Paralysis AmmoLv12
Ice AmmoLv15
Armor AmmoLv12
Armor AmmoLv14
Tranq AmmoLv14

The Chata Sheller I is the best Heavy Bowgun for the early stages of the game. It can great increase damage by specializing parts for the Normal Ammo.

Recommended Equipment

HeadDoshaguma Helm
ChestDoshaguma Mail
ArmBalahara Vambraces
WaistDoshaguma Coil
LegDoshaguma Greaves
Active Skills
Doshaguma's Might (4 Parts)Inspiring Pelt (3 Parts)
Free Meal Lv3Evade Extender Lv1
Item Prolonger Lv1

By Chapter 1, it's better to have Doshaguma armor since you can get Doshaguma's Might from it. This is due to the Heavy Bowgun being able to perform Power Clashes and Offset Attacks!

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