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Offset Attack Guide - Weapon Types & How to Use

Offset Attack Guide - Weapon Types & How to Use

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Offset Attack guide and weapon types for Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds). This includes required weapon types, how to do offset attacks, and skill effects.

Table of Contents

How to Do an Offset Attack

Time Your Attack With the Monster's Attack

Offset Attacks occur when you execute an attack simultaneously with a monster. This mechanic is only available for certain weapon types, and if you successfully counterattack, you can unleash a powerful follow-up attack.

Offset Attacks Weapons & Moves

Can Knockback Monsters


If an Offset Attack is successful, the monster will be knocked back. You can also perform a powerful follow-up attack, which is only possible when the monster is downed.

Each Successful Offset Attacks Increase Resistance

Each time an Offset Attack is successful, the likelihood of the monster being knocked down decreases. So if you keep attacking thinking that the monster will be knocked back, you may take damage when it fails so be careful.

Does Not Invincibility Frames

offset damage

Performing an Offset Attack does not grant invincibility, and you will still take damage even if it is successful. When executing an Offset Attack with a melee weapon, ensure you have enough health.

Beginner's Guide

Offset Attacks Weapons & Moves

WeaponMoves & Inputs
greatswordGreatswordOffset Rising Slash
+ Hold Then Release
Offset Attack Effect
switch axeSwitch AxeOffset Rising Slash
In Axe Mode press
hunitng hornHunting HornOffset Melody
With Melody Stocked press + +
heavy bowgunHeavy BowgunWyverncounter
In Ignition Mode press

Greatsword Offset Attack

+ Hold Then Release
Offset Attack Rising Slash

After a successful Offset Attacks press
Follow-Up Cross Slash

After Follow-Up Cross Slash press
True Charged Slash

Rising Slash is performed by timing your attack to match the monster's attack correctly. It's easy to activate if you attack slightly faster than the monster. If the monster is knocked back, you can follow up with a Cross Slash; otherwise, a True Charged Slash can be used.

Great Sword Guide

Hammer Offset Attack

Overhead Smash ➡ Overhead Smash Ⅱ ➡ Upswing (Offset Attack)

The Hammer's Wild Swing has an offset attack effect. However, the Wild Swing is executed on the third hit while you press △ repeatedly, so it can be a bit tricky to aim for. Once you're comfortable with the controls and have gained some confidence, try aiming for it.

Hammer Guide

Switch Axe Offset Attack

Offset Rising Slash
When successful press or
Follow-up Heavy Slam
When successful press
Follow-up Morph Slash

The Switch Axe can perform a counter technique called Offset Rising Slash in Axe Mode. If you successfully time your attack to intercept the enemy's strike, the counter will succeed. You can then strengthen your axe with a Follow-up Enhanced Slam or switch to Sword Mode with a Follow-up Morph Slash.

Switch Axe Guide

Hunting Horn Offset Attack

With Melody Stocked press ++
- Activate the individual melodies set for the Hunting Horn.
- Once its stocked, it can be activated at any time.

The Hunting Horn is equipped with the 'Offset Melody'. enabling counterattacks. Additionally, once its stocked, there is no need to perform the melody; pressing R2+△+◯ allows you to unleash it at any time.

Hunting Horn Guide

Heavy Bowgun Offset Attack

+ Hold
- Consumes Blue Gauge
- Press △ to fire
- Hold △ to increase damage
- Counters occur when timed correctly with a monster's attack

The Heavy Bowgun has an Offset Attack that can be used during Ignition Mode. You can fire Wyverncounter bullets by pressing the △ button. If timed correctly, you can counter the enemy's attack. Wyverncounter bullets consume the gauge, and you won’t be able to fire if it is empty.

Heavy Bowgun Guide

Skills Related to Offset Attacks

Doshaguma's Might - Powerhouse

Doshaguma's MightSkills activated with Doshaguma's armor
2-Piece Set Bonus Effect: Powerhouse I
4-Piece Set Bonus Effect: Powerhouse II
Powerhouse ITemporarily increases attack by +10 after a successful Power Clash or Offset Attack
Powerhouse IITemporarily increases attack by +25 after a successful Power Clash or Offset Attack

Powerhouse is a skill provided by the Doshaguma armor set. It grants a temporary attack buff after successfully performing an Offset Attack. Since this works as a simple damage boost, it is recommended for weapons that can utilize Offset Attacks.

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