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Lance Controls Guide - Combos, Changes, and New Moves

Lance Controls Guide - Combos, Changes, and New Moves

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Lance Controls Guide - Combos, Changes, and New Moves | Monster Hunter Wilds - GameWith

Lance Guide for Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds). Lance Guide includes how to use lance, attacks, guard, perfect guard, combo, techniques and moves, stances, and more!

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Table Of Contents

Lance - How To Use

1Main Strategy is Guarding Monster Attacks
2Use Power Guard for Continuous Attacks & Multi-Hit Techniques
3Extended damage with Triple Thrust
4When comfortable, aim for Counterattacks
5Cover Low Mobility with Dash Techniques

Main Strategy is Guarding Monster Attacks

How To Guard

The basic way to use the Lance in Monster Hunter Wilds is to fight while guarding against enemy attacks. The Lance's shield offers excellent guard performance, and if the reaction from guarding is minimal, a counterattack with the shield will automatically occur. While withstanding attacks with the shield, be sure to assess and identify the right moments for counterattacks.

Reduce Damage Taken & Stamina Consumption with Perfect Guard

When you guard at the right timing to match the monster's attack, it will result in a Perfect Guard, reducing damage taken and stamina consumption while also increasing the power of the automatic counterattack. Once you've learned the monster's movements, aim for Perfect Guard.

A Power Clash will Occur after Guarding Several Times

How To Do Power Clash
Repeatedly Hit During Power Clash

If you guard a monster's specific attacks multiple times, a 'Power Clash' may occur. By repeatedly pressing the '△ button' you can overpower the monster, creating an opportunity for an attack. When this happens, aim to win the clash and follow up with additional attacks. Additionally, Power Clashes are more likely to occur when performing a Perfect Guard.

Power Clash Guide

Use Power Guard For Continuous Attacks & Multi-Hit Techniques

How To Do
Hold +
(Beta Test Command)
Hold +
(Full Version Command)

- Gradually consumes stamina while in use.
- Significantly reduces guard reaction.
- Provides guard coverage in all directions.
- Counterattack power increases with the number of guards.

While using Power Guard, your stamina gradually decreases, but the Guard reaction is significantly reduced. Additionally, with guard coverage in all directions, there's no need to face the enemy. It's especially effective against continuous or multi-hit attacks.

Counterattack with Maximum Might Return Thrust in the Full Version

How to Do
From Power Guard

In the full version, you can counterattack with the powerful Maximum Might Return Thrust from Power Guard. If there's an opening after a guard, actively go for the counter.

Extended Damage with a Triple Thrust

How To Do
Tap x3

High Thrust Ⅲ ➡ Triple Thrust

Tap x3

Mid Thrust Ⅲ ➡ Triple Thrust

The basic offensive moves with the Lance are the High Thrust and Mid Thrust, followed by the Triple Thrust. Start attacking with the High Thrust and Mid Thrust, then take advantage of the openings to transition into the Triple Thrust. Since the Triple Thrust allows for a Guard during the sequence, take advantage of any opportunity to execute it.

When Comfortable, Aim for Counterattacks

How To Do
Tap x3
High Thrust Ⅲ ➡ Charge Counter
Tap x3
Mid ThrustⅢ ➡ Charge Counter
(*Command Available in Full Version)

The Charge Counter's power increases based on how long it is charged. There is no guard coverage during the charge, but if timed with the monster's attack, it can evolve into a double counter thrust. Since it can only be triggered during the charge, it can be difficult to execute, but it is extremely powerful and effective, so once you're comfortable, aim for it.

In full Version, Guard is Added During the Charge

In the full version, the Charge Counter has an added Guard during the charge, and if you take an attack while in this state, you can also counterattack. It seems to function similarly to the traditional Counter Thrust.

Cover Low Mobility with Dash Techniques

How To Do & Follow-up
Hold ++
Dash Attack
Dash Step / Dash Turn
Finishing Thrust

The Lance has one of the lowest mobility stats among all weapons. While its defensive capabilities are high, there are times when additional mobility is needed, so use Dash Attacks to cover for its low mobility.

Lance - Attack Combos & Moves

Basic Controls

*Maximum Might Return Thrust Available in Full Version.

Tap ×4 Times
Mid Thrust Ⅰ ➡ Mid Thrust Ⅱ ➡ Mid Thrust Ⅲ ➡ Triple Thrust
At Any Time

Tap ×3 Times
High Thrust Ⅰ ➡ High Thrust Ⅱ ➡ High ThrustⅢ
Charge Counter

Leaping Thrust
During Combo
Wipe Sweep

Dash Attack
Dash Step / Dash Turn
Finishing Thrust

Guard Dash
Shield Attack
Leaping Thrust

After Guard
Return Thrust
After Perfect Guard
Maximum Might Return Thrust
After Guard
Payback Thrust
Power Guard

Focus Strike: Victory Thrust

Power Guard
Maximum Might Return Thrust

Triple Thrust

How To Do
Mid Thrust Ⅰ ➡ Mid Thrust Ⅱ ➡ Mid Thrust Ⅲ ➡ Triple Thrust
High Thrust Ⅰ ➡ High Thrust Ⅱ ➡ High Thrust Ⅲ ➡ Triple Thrust
- You can guard by pressing R2 during an attack.

The Triple Thrust can be performed after the Mid Thrust III or High Thrust III. You can also guard with R2 during an attack, allowing you to respond to sudden enemy moves.

Dash Step / Dash Turn

How To Do
Hold ++
Dash Step / Dash Turn
Finishing Twin Thrust
- You can perform a step or turn during a Dash Attack
- If the speed is fast enough, it can evolve into a Finishing Thrust

During a Dash Attack, you can perform a step or turn without losing momentum. As you travel a longer distance, your speed increases, and when the speed is high enough, it can evolve into a Finishing Thrust.

Return Thrust / Payback Thrust

How To Do
After Guard
Return Thrust & Payback Thrust
- Actions can be performed after a successful guard.
- In the Full Version, it can branch into Triple Thrust.

Return Thrust and Payback Thrust are actions that can be performed after a successful guard. The Payback Thrust has longer motion, so use it strategically depending on the situation.

Focus Strike: Victory Thrust

How To Do
Hold +
- You can perform a Finishing Thrust by pressing R1 during an attack.

The Focus Strike: Victory Thrust is the Lance's focus attack. While performing a thrust attack, you can execute a Finishing Thrust at any desired moment by pressing R1.

Maximum Might Return Thrust

*Available in Full Version

How to Do
After Perfect Guard or Power Guard
- Can branch into Triple Thrust
- After Power Guard, it changes into Maximum Might Return Thrust
└Faster, stronger, and with increased hit count compared to normal.

The Maximum Might Return Thrust, available in the full version, is believed to be a high-firepower counter technique. After Power Guard, you can unleash the even more powerful 'Maximum Might Return Thrust' making it a technique worth actively aiming for.

Recommended Combos

CombosRecommendation Ranking
High Thrust & Wide Sweep Combo★★★
Counterattack Combo From Perfect Guard★★

High Thrust & Wide Sweep

How To Do

Incorporating a high-damage Wide Sweep into the High Thrust combo, followed by the Triple Thrust, makes this a great option when you want to maximize damage. After each attack, you can immediately perform a step, transition into Power Guard, or use Guard during the Triple Thrust for quick defensive actions.

Counterattack Combo From Perfect Guard

How To Do
During The Attack

After a Perfect Guard, perform a Return Thrust or Payback Thrust, then chain into a high-damage High Thrust. The attack actions are highly adaptable, so try mixing them up depending on the enemy's position, body parts, and timing.

Lance - New Attack Overview

AttacksButton Input
Triple Thrust
Tap x3
Tap x3
Return Thrust / Payback Thrust
After Guard
After Guard
Focus Strike: Victory Thrust
Hold +
Maximum Might Return Thrust
After Perfect Guard or Power Guardor

Triple Thrust

How To Do
Mid Thrust Ⅰ ➡ Mid Thrust Ⅱ ➡ Mid Thrust Ⅲ ➡ Triple Thrust
High Thrust Ⅰ ➡ High Thrust Ⅱ ➡ High Thrust Ⅲ ➡ Triple Thrust
- You can guard by pressing R2 during an attack.

The Triple Thrust can be performed after the Mid Thrust III or High Thrust III. You can also guard with R2 during an attack, allowing you to respond to sudden enemy moves.

Return Thrust / Payback Thrust

How To Do
After Guard
Return Thrust & Payback Thrust
- Actions can be performed after a successful guard.

Return Thrust and Payback Thrust are actions that can be performed after a successful guard. The Payback Thrust has longer motion, so use it strategically depending on the situation.

Focus Strike: Victory Thrust

How To Do
Hold +
- You can perform a Finishing Thrust by pressing R1 during an attack.

The Focus Strike: Victory Thrust is the Lance's focus attack. While performing a thrust attack, you can execute a Finishing Thrust at any desired moment by pressing R1.

Maximum Might Return Thrust

*Available in Full Version

How to Do
After Perfect Guard or Power Guard
- Can branch into Triple Thrust
- After Power Guard, it changes into Maximum Might Return Thrust
└Faster, stronger, and with increased hit count compared to normal.

The Maximum Might Return Thrust, available in the full version, is believed to be a high-firepower counter technique. After Power Guard, you can unleash the even more powerful 'Maximum Might Return Thrust' making it a technique worth actively aiming for.

Lance - Balance Adjustment

Major Adjustments To Guard Mechanics & Counterattacks

2/12 New Gameplay Details
◆ Charge Counter can now be triggered from any follow-up by pressing R2 + ◯.
 └While charging, if there is a Guard Judgment and you receive an Attack Boost, it will trigger a counterattack..
◆ Power Guard is now activated by R2+☓ during Charge Counter or knockback.
◆ You can execute the new move 'Maximum Might Return Thrust' by pressing △ + ◯ from a Perfect Guard or Power Guard.
└ When receiving an Attack Boost during Power Guard, the Maximum Might Return Thrust is enhanced to 'Maximum Might Return Thrust [Searing].
◆ The follow-up Dash Attack has been changed to a follow-up move from Maximum Might Return Thrust ([Searing]).
◆ Payback Thrust has been changed to a two-hit move.
◆ From Maximum Might Return Thrust [Searing], you can branch into either Triple Thrust or Charge Counter.
◆ The time it takes to accelerate for the Dash Attack has been shortened.
◆ Moves derived from a Perfect Guard now receive a buff.
◆ When activating Guard Dash, you no longer need to perform a Guard first.
Community Update Announcement
◆ The 'Charge Counter' now allows for guarding while charging.
◆ 'Power Guard' has been changed so that the Charge Level increases more easily based on the power of the Attack Boost received.
◆ Added new actions that can be derived from 'Perfect Guard' and 'Power Guard'.
◆ The timing for canceling the 'Guard Dash' that occurs during a combo is also planned to be faster.
◆ Other action transitions that could confuse users or cause unintended actions are planned to be removed.

In the Monster Hunter Wilds community update, it was revealed that the following balance adjustments will be made to the Lance.

Guard & Counter Strategies Will Be Significantly Improved

The 'Charge Counter' now allows guarding during the charge and can be executed from any follow-up action. Additionally, the 'Power Guard' will now increase its charge level based on the power of the incoming attack. As a result, the overall effectiveness of the guard and counter strategies is expected to be greatly improved.

New Actions Added After Perfect Guard / Power Guard

After performing a Perfect Guard or Power Guard, you can now follow-up with a new action where the character jumps and thrusts the lance down. With this addition, more options are available after guarding, making it easier to deal damage.

Guard Dash & Action Follow-ups Are Also Planned For Adjustments

The cancel timing for the 'Guard Dash' that evolves during combos will be sped up. Additionally, minor adjustments are planned, such as removing follow-up actions that could confuse users or cause unintended activations.

Weapon Adjustments Guide

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