Monster Hunter Wilds
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Best Low Rank Build and Armor Per Weapon

Best Low Rank Build and Armor Per Weapon

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Best Low Rank Build and Armor Per Weapon  | Monster Hunter Wilds - GameWith

Best Builds for Low Rank for each weapon type in Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds). Guide includes best weapon, armor, talisman and skills for each weapon during Early Game.

Low Rank Equipment Recommendation

Great Sword - Best Low Rank Builds

▼Recommended Weapons▼Recommended Armor

Best Low Rank Weapons Great Sword

Upgrade Buster Sword

Weapon NameSharpness
Buster Sword I
Weapon SkillsCritical Draw Lv1

It is recommended to craft the "Buster Sword I" as an early weapon for Great Sword. The 'Critical Draw' skill increases Affinity after drawing your weapon, making it easier to deal damage from the start of the game. It is also recommended to upgrade for the great increase of Sharpness gauge and "Critical Draw".

Nihil Great Sword is also recommended

Weapon NameSharpness
Nihil Great Sword I
768Water 2000%0
Weapon SkillsCritical Draw Lv2

Starting Chapter 3, the Nihil Great Sword I becomes another option. It has the same Attack and skill as the Buster Sword II, but comes with Water 200.

Best Low Rank Armor Great Sword

Doshugama Armor for Low Rank

HeadDoshaguma HelmFree Meal Lv1
ChestDoshaguma MailFree Meal Lv1
ArmHope VambracesDivine Blessing Lv1
WaistDoshaguma CoilItem Prolonger Lv1
LegDoshaguma GreavesFree Meal Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Doshaguma's Might (4 Parts)Inspiring Pelt (3 Parts)
Free Meal Lv3Divine Blessing Lv1
Item Prolonger Lv1Self-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1

In the early chapter 1, we recommend the Doshaguma with the Doshaguma's Might set bonus, which is compatible with the Great Sword. Attack will increase significantly when Power Clash or Offset Attacks are successful so if you prioritize damage, use 4 or at least 2 parts.

2 pieces of G. Rathalos Armor is Recommended for Chapter 3

HeadG. Rathalos HelmWeakness Exploit Lv1
Intimidator Lv1
ChestG. Doshaguma MailIron Skin Lv1
ArmG. Rathalos VambracesWeakness Exploit Lv1
WaistG. Doshaguma CoilHeroics Lv1
Marathon Runner Lv1
LegG. Rathalos GreavesWeakness Exploit Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Rathalos's Flare (2 Parts)Doshaguma's Might (2 Parts)
Guardian's Pulse (3 Parts)Weakness Exploit Lv3
Heroics Lv2Intimidator Lv1
Iron Skin Lv1Marathon Runner Lv1
Self-Improvement Lv1Recovery Up Lv1

In Chapter 3, a mix of Guardian Rathalos armor and Guardian Doshaguma armor is the recommended set! This will give you Weakness Exploit along with Doshaguma's Might, which increases damage after a successful Power Clash and Offset Attack.

Best Build and Armor for Great Sword

Best Low Rank Builds Long Sword

▼Recommended Weapons▼Recommended Armor

Best Low Rank Weapons Long Sword

Upgrade Lala Barina Weapon

Weapon NameSharpness
longswordBarina Flamberge II
396Paralysis 13010%0
Weapon SkillsCritical Draw Lv1
Critical Status Lv1

At Low Rank, the best weapon for the Long Sword is the Barina Flamberge II. Its Attack is not high, but its Paralysis element is highly advantageous. Inflicting paralysis on monsters creates windows or openings to deal damage, which is good in the early game especially if you are unfamiliar with the monster's moveset.

Best Low Rank Armor Long Sword

Equipment with Quick Sheath is Recommended

HeadAlloy HelmQuick Sheath Lv1
ChestBalahara MailQuick Sheath Lv1
ArmHope VambracesDivine Blessing Lv1
WaistHope CoilStun Resistance Lv1
LegAlloy GreavesQuick Sheath Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Quick Sheath Lv3Divine Blessing Lv1
Stun Resistance Lv1Self-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1

For Long Sword Equipment in the early stages, we recommend the "Alloy" and "Balahara" sets which have the "Quick Sheath" skill. The waist and arms can have skills other than Quick Sheath so there is no problem with filling these slots with the armor you start the game with.

G. Ebony Odogaron Armor is Recommended

HeadG. Ebony HelmBurst Lv1
TorsoBalahara MailQuick Sheath Lv1
ArmG. Ebony BracesBurst Lv1
WaistG. Ebony CoilBurst Lv1
Bleeding Resistance Lv1
LegAlloy GreavesQuick Sheath Lv1
TalismanSheathe Charm IQuick Sheath Lv1
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power (2 Parts)Guardian's Pulse (3 Parts)
Burst Lv3Quick Sheath Lv3
Bleeding Resistance Lv1

The strongest equipment recommended for the Low Rank for Long Sword is the equipment that uses 3 parts of Guardian Ebony Odogaron armor that can be made in Chapter 3. You can further increase your damage with the skill "Burst", and complete it by activating "Quick Sheath Lv3" with the remaining two parts and the Talisman.

Best Build and Armor for Long Sword

Best Low Rank Builds Sword and Shield

▼Recommended Weapons▼Recommended Armor

Best Low Rank Weapons Sword and Shield

Craft the Lala Barina Weapon

Weapon NameSharpness
swordandshield Barina Dague II
120Paralysis 13010%0
Weapon SkillsCritical Draw Lv1
Critical Status Lv1

While Barina Dague II's attack may be a little low, its Paralysis element is still very powerful. Inflicting paralysis on monsters creates windows or openings to deal damage, which is good in the early game especially if you are unfamiliar with the monster's moveset.

Best Low Rank Armor Sword and Shield

Doshaguma Armor is Recommended

HeadDoshaguma HelmFree Meal Lv1
ChestDoshaguma MailFree Meal Lv1
ArmHope VambracesDivine Blessing Lv1
WaistHope CoilStun Resistance Lv1
LegHope GreavesDivine Blessing Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Doshaguma's Might (2 Parts)Free Meal Lv2
Divine Blessing Lv2Stun Resistance Lv1
Self-Improvement Lv1Recovery Up Lv1

We recommend Doshaguma Equipment for Sword and Shield in the Low Rank to activate the Set Bonus Skill "Doshaguma's Might", where 2 parts is enough to activate "Powerhouse I".

G. Ebony Odogaron for Armor

HeadG. Ebony HelmBurst Lv1
ChestG. Ebony MailBleeding Resistance Lv1
ArmG. Ebony BracesBurst Lv1
WaistG. Ebony CoilBurst Lv1
Bleeding Resistance Lv1
LegG. Rathalos GreavesWeakness Exploit Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power(4 Parts)Guardian's Pulse (3 Parts)
Burst Lv3Bleeding Resistance Lv2
Weakness Exploit Lv1Self-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1

The G.Ebony Odogaron set that appears in Chapter 3 is highly recommended. With the 4-part Set Bonus Skill "Burst Boost", you can further increase your Attack when "Burst" is activated. For your fifth remaining armor part, you might want to consider the G.Rathalos leg piece that can activate "Weakness Exploit".

Best Build and Armor for Sword & Shield

Best Low Rank Builds Dual Blades

▼Recommended Weapons▼Recommended Armor

Best Low Rank Weapons for Dual Blades

Use Lala Barina Weapons

Weapon NameSharpness
dualbladesBarina Faucilles I
140Paralysis 6010%0
Weapon SkillsCritical Draw Lv1

The recommended early weapon for Dual Blades is the "Barina Fouche I". It has a long green gauge and is good for continuous fighting. You can expect to temporarily increase its damage with Critical Draw and weapon Affinity.

Also, the status ailment Paralysis gives a chance to make attacking easier. If you upgrade it, it will not only increase its Sharpness, but also add "Critical Status", so it is recommended to enhance it at least until Chapter 3.

Recommended Weapon is Twin Albiraths I

Weapon NameSharpness
dualbladesTwin Albiraths I
224Fire 9015%0
Weapon SkillsCritical Element Lv1
Master's Touch Lv1

The Twin Albiraths I is the best Low Rank weapon for the Dual Blades around Chapter 3. In addition to high attack and critical attack, it has the chance of activating Master's Touch, where attacks may not consume Sharpness, as well as Critical Element that increases element damage when landing critical hits..

Best Low Rank Armor for Dual Blades

Equipment with Marathon Runner is Recommended

HeadBone HelmMarathon Runner Lv1
ChestBone MailMarathon Runner Lv1
ArmHope VambracesDivine Blessing Lv1
WaistBone CoilMarathon Runner Lv1
LegHope GreavesDivine Blessing Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Marathon Runner Lv3Divine Blessing Lv2
Self-Improvement Lv1Recovery Up Lv1

In the early chapter 1, its good to consider the "Bone Armor" Set, which can activate "Marathon Runner", a skill that has good synergy with the Dual Blades. Your arms and waist can be other skills other than Marathon Runner, so there is no problem filling these armor slots with the armor you start the game with. If you feel that the amount of damage you take is becoming overwhelming, try upgrading your armor with armor spheres..

G. Ebony Odagoron for Armor

HeadG. Ebony HelmBurst Lv1
ChestG. Ebony MailBleeding Resistance Lv1
ArmG. Ebony BracesBurst Lv1
WaistG. Ebony CoilBurst Lv1
Bleeding Resistance Lv1
LegG. Doshaguma GreavesMarathon Runner Lv1
Iron Skin Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power (4 Part)Guardian's Pulse (3 Parts)
Burst Lv3Bleeding Resistance Lv2
Marathon Runner Lv1Iron Skin Lv1
Self-Improvement Lv1Recovery Up Lv1

At Low Rank, the best armor for the Dual Blades is the "G.Ebony Odogaron" that can be crafted by Chapter 3. This gives you Burst and Ebony Odogaron's Power to increase overall Damage, and Marathon Runner for Stamina Consumption reduction.

Best Build and Armor for Dual Blades

Best Low Rank Builds for Hammer

▼Recommended Weapons▼Recommended Armor

Best Low Rank Weapons for Hammer

Forge a Jail Hammer

Weapon NameSharpness
hammerJail Hammer II
728Paralysis 1700%0
Weapon SkillsStamina Thief Lv2

The recommended Low Rank weapon for Hammer is "Jail Hammer II". The attack power is a little low, but the Paralysis Element is still very powerful.

The recommended Low Rank weapon for Hammer is "Jail Hammer". The attack stat is a little low, but Paralysis element is still very advantageous. Inflicting paralysis on monsters creates windows or openings to deal damage, which is good in the early game if you are unfamiliar with the monster's moveset.

Best Low Rank Armor for Hammer

Doshaguma Equipment is Recommended

HeadDoshaguma HelmFree Meal Lv1
ChestDoshaguma MailFree Meal Lv1
ArmDoshaguma VambracesRecovery Speed Lv1
WaistBone CoilMarathon Runner Lv1
LegDoshaguma GreavesFree Meal Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Doshaguma's Might (4 Parts)Inspiring Pelt(3 Part)
Free Meal Lv3Recovery Speed Lv1
Marathon Runner Lv1Self-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1

The Doshaguma armor set is great at the early stages of the game due to its skill. The Hammer can do skill."}]

G. Ebony Odogaron for Armor

HeadG. Ebony HelmBurst Lv1
ChestG. Ebony MailBleeding Resistance Lv1
ArmG. Ebony BracesBurst Lv1
WaistG. Ebony CoilBurst Lv1
Bleeding Resistance Lv1
LegG. Rathalos GreavesWeakness Exploit Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power(4 Part)Guardian's Pulse(3 Part)
Burst Lv3Bleeding Resistance Lv2
Weakness Exploit Lv1Self-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1

For Chapter 3, the Guardian Ebony Odogaron set is great to use. Its 4-part set bonus skill Burst Enhancement Skill II will cause Burst to last for another 5 seconds and increase Attack. It's a skill that the Hammer can fully take advantage of.

Best Build and Armor for Hammer

Best Low Rank Build for Hunting Horn

▼Recommended Weapon▼Recommended Armor

Best Low Rank Weapons for Hunting Horn

Forge Metal Bagpipes

Weapon NameSharpness
huntinghornMetal Bagpipe I
Weapon SkillsCritical Draw Lv1
Horn Maestro Lv1


Attack Up (S)

Earplugs (S)

Aquatic/Oilsilt Mobility

Envir. Damage Negated

Echo Wave (Slash)

Offset Melody

"Metal Bagpipe I" is recommended as an early weapon for Hunting Horn. It has the "Attack Up (S)" melody and the weapon skill "Horn Maestro" built-in. Also, the weapon's Attack stat is considerably high, making weapon performance other than the Melodies themselves also excellent.

Rey Dau Horn is Recommended

Weapon NameSharpness
huntinghornRey Perun I
588Thunder 1800%0
Weapon SkillsStamina Thief Lv2
Horn Maestro Lv1


Attack Up (S)

Fire Res (S)

Sonic Waves

Echo Wave(Thunder)

Offset Melody

We recommend the Rey Dau weapon once available in Chapter 2. Like the metal bagpipe, it has the "Attack Up (S)" melody and the weapon skill "Horn Maestro" while also boasting better Attack and Sharpness. The Metal Bagpipes are sufficient still, but if you have the material, feel free to change to this.

Arkveld Weapons are Recommended

Weapon NameSharpness
huntinghornG. Veldian Sibilus I
714Dragon 160-10%0
Weapon SkillsHorn Maestro Lv2


Attack Up (S)

Defense Up (S)

Wind Pressure Negated

Sonic Barrier

Echo Wave (Slash)

Resounding Melody

In Chapter 3, you will be able to forge the "G. Veldian Sibilus I". While it has an Affinity stat of -10%, it is the only weapon that can activate "Horn Maestro" Lv2 at this point in the game, making it a very strong choice at this point in the game.

Best Low Rank Armor for Hunting Horn

Hope Starting Armor

HeadHope MaskStun Resistance Lv1
ChestHope MailDivine Blessing Lv1
ArmHope VambracesDivine Blessing Lv1
WaistHope CoilStun Resistance Lv1
LegHope GreavesDivine Blessing Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Divine Blessing Lv3Stun Resistance Lv2
Self-Improvement Lv1Recovery Up Lv1

The "Hope" set is a good armor set for the Low Rank for Hunting Horn since there are few armors with effective skills for Hunting Horn. There is no problem in proceeding with this starter equipment that activates "Divine Blessing Lv3".

Rey Dau and Uth Duna Equipment

HeadRey SandhelmLatent Power Lv1
ChestRey SandmailConstitution Lv1
ArmHirabami VambracesEvade Window Lv1
Ice Resistance Lv1
WaistDuna CoilTool Specialist Lv1
Aquatic/Oilsilt Mobility Lv1
LegDuna GreavesPeak Performance Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Rey Dau's Voltage (2 Parts)Uth Duna's Cover (2 Parts)
Lord's Favor (3 Parts)Recovery Up Lv1
Latent Power Lv1Constitution Lv1
Evade Window Lv1Tool Specialist Lv1
Peak Performance Lv1Ice Resistance Lv1
Aquatic/Oilsilt Mobility Lv1Self-Improvement Lv1

In Chapter 2, you can utilize the Group Skill "Lord's Favor" that can be activated with Rey Dau and Uth Duna Equipment. This group skill is ideal for Hunting Horn, since it temporarily increases attack when using effects that affects companion in range, such as Melodies.

Uth Duna (4 Parts) is recommended

HeadDuna HelmPeak Performance Lv1
Tool Specialist Lv1
ChestDuna MailPeak Performance Lv1
ArmDuna VambracesTool Specialist Lv1
WaistDuna CoilTool Specialist Lv1
Aquatic/Oilsilt Mobility Lv1
LegRey SandgreavesLatent Power Lv1
Constitution Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Uth Duna's Cover (4 Parts)Lord's Favor (3 Parts)
Tool Specialist Lv3Peak Performance Lv2
Latent Power Lv1Aquatic/Oilsilt Mobility Lv1
Constitution Lv1Self-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1

Uth Duna armor is still a strong choice for Chapter 3 since the Group Skill "Lord's favor" will increase your attack when activating Melody Effects. You can also get Rock Steady Mantle in Chapter 3, so Tool Specialist Lv3 is good to have.

Best Build and Armor for Hunting Horn

Best Low Rank Builds for Lance

▼Recommended Weapons▼Recommended Armor

Best Low Rank Weapons for Lance

Quematrice Weapons

Weapon NameSharpness
lanceQuematrice Lanza I
230Fire 1005%0
Weapon SkillsGuard Lv1

Quematrice Lanza I is our recommendation for the best Low Rank lance. This Lance has the important Guard skill which reduces knockback effects and stamina consumption, which then allows the Hunter to fight more consistently.

Upgrade and Keep Using it

After moving to the Oilwell Basin in Chapter 2, consider upgrading the weapon to Quematrice Lanza II. It's easy to create, as all you need to do is add Oilwell Basin's Ore to the Quematrice material. It has the skill Guard 2 which is excellent for the Lance. It is a weapon that can also be used up until Chapter 3.

Best Low Rank Armor for Lance

4 Part Doshaguma Armor is Recommended

HeadDoshaguma HelmFree Meal Lv1
ChestDoshaguma MailFree Meal Lv1
ArmDoshaguma VambracesRecovery Speed Lv1
WaistHope CoilStun Resistance Lv1
LegDoshaguma GreavesFree Meal Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Doshaguma's Might (4 Parts)Inspiring Pelt (3 Parts)
Free Meal Lv3Recovery Speed Lv1
Stun Resistance Lv1Self-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1

During the earlier stages of Monster Hunter Wilds, equipping 4 pieces of the Doshaguma armor set is recommended for its Set Bonus, Doshaguma's Might II. Doshaguma's Might II is a skill that increases attacks after a Power Clash, which is easy to do with a guarding weapon such as the Lance. The final piece of the armor can be anything you choose!

G. Ebony Odogaron Armor

HeadG. Ebony HelmBurst Lv1
ChestG. Ebony MailBleeding Resistance Lv1
ArmG. Ebony BracesBurst Lv1
WaistG. Ebony CoilBurst Lv1
Bleeding Resistance Lv1
LegDoshaguma GreavesFree Meal Lv1
TalismanImpact Charm IFlinch Free Lv1
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power(4 Parts)Guardian's Pulse(3 Parts)
Burst Lv3Bleeding Resistance Lv2
Free Meal Lv1Flinch Free Lv1

Once unlocked, Guardian Ebony Odogaron armor, with its set bonus that adds unto the already strong Burst skill, becomes a strong option in Chapter 3 for the Lance. With a variety of counter techniques and quick jabs, Lance can reliably activate the Burst Skill's attack bonus.

Best Build and Armor for Lance

Best Low Rank Builds for Gunlance

▼Recommended Weapons▼Recommended Armor

Best Low Rank Weapons for Gunlance

Use the Quematrice Weapon

Weapon NameSharpness
gunlanceQuematrice Culebrina I
230Fire 1405%0
Weapon SkillsGuard Lv1
Shelling TypeNormal - Slightly Strong

"Quematrice Culebrina I" is recommended as an early weapon for the Normal Type Gunlance. Among the weapons that can be produced at this point in the game, it is the only Normal Type Gunlance whose shelling power falls under slightly strong, resulting in high Shelling output. This weapon also comes with the "Guard" skill, making it a strong choice for the Gunlance.

Use the Triple Bayonet

Weapon NameSharpness
gunlanceTriple Bayonet I
WeaponGuard Up Lv1
ShellingLong - Normal Power

The Long-Range Type Gunlance's early weapon is the "Triple Bayonet I". Attack and Sharpness are excellent among the first weapons that can be made, and the activated skill "Guard Up" is also an excellent bonus for the Gunlance. Typically the Long-Range type boasts high Wyrmstake Cannon damage, so consider a playstyle that takes advantage of this.

Use the Balahara Weapon

Weapon NameSharpness
gunlanceBalahara Exploder I
253Water 16010%0
Weapon SkillsOffensive Guard Lv1
ShellingWide - Slightly Strong

The recommended early weapon for Wide-range Gunlance is the "Balahara Exploder I". The Wide-Range type has high Shelling and Wyvern's Fire damage, making it suitable for a playstyle that utilizes guarding and counterattacks while producing decent damage in fights. The skill "Offensive Guard" will also increase your attack when you guard at the right time.

Best Low Rank Armor for Gunlance

Balahara Armor

HeadDoshaguma HelmFree Meal Lv1
ChestDoshaguma MailFree Meal Lv1
ArmBalahara VambracesEvade Extender Lv1
WaistBalahara CoilEvade Extender Lv1
LegsBalahara GreavesEvade Extender Lv1
Active Skills
Doshaguma's Might (2 Parts)Scaling Prowess (3 Parts)
Evade Extender Lv3Free Meal Lv2
Critical Status Lv2Poison Duration Up Lv1

The recommended Low Rank Gunlance armor is the Balahara set, which provides Evade Extender. "Doshaguma's Might" is also activarted with 2 Doshaguma armor pieces, making so a successful Power Clash leads to a slight increase to your attack.

G. Ebony Odogaron Armor

HeadG. Ebony HelmBurst Lv1
ChestG. Ebony MailBleeding Resistance Lv1
ArmG. Ebony BracesBurst Lv1
WaistG. Ebony CoilBurst Lv1
Bleeding Resistance Lv1
LegBalahara GreavesEvade Extender Lv1
TalismanLeaping Charm IEvade Extender Lv1
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power (4 Parts)Guardian's Pulse (3 Parts)
Burst Lv3Bleeding Resistance Lv2
Evade Extender Lv2Bleeding Resistance Lv2
Poison Duration Up Lv1

Chapter 3 will eventually unlock the Guardian Ebony Odogaron set, whose set bonus enhances the effectiveness of the "Burst skill which provides an attack boost even as you continue guarding.

Best Build and Armor for Gunlance

Best Low Rank Builds for Switch Axe

▼Recommended Weapons▼Recommended Armor

Best Low Rank Weapons for Switch Axe

Upgrade Iron Accelator

Weapon NameSharpness
switchaxeIron Accelerator I
Weapon SkillsRapid Morph Lv1
PhialPoison Phial

The "Iron Accelerator I" is a good Low Rank weapon for the Switch Axe since not only does the gauge fill up quickly, it's also easy to move around with Rapid Morph.

Continue Using it Up Until High Rank

Chapter 3 lets you upgrade to Iron Accelerator II, where its Attack and Sharpness have been increased and the "Rapid Morph" skill is now Lv2, making it useful even in the early stages of High Rank in Chapter 4.

Best Low Rank Armor for Switch Axe

Balahara Armor Set

HeadHope MaskStun Resistance Lv1
ChestHope MailDivine Blessing Lv1
ArmBalahara VambracesEvade Extender Lv1
WaistBalahara CoilEvade Extender Lv1
LegBalahara GreavesEvade Extender Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Scaling Prowess (3 Parts)Evade Extender Lv3
Stun Resistance Lv1Divine Blessing Lv1
Self-Improvement Lv1Recovery Up Lv1

Balahara armor is recommended for early chapter 1, due to providing Evade Extender, which makes dodging monster attacks easier. There is no problem with keeping your initial starting armor for the head and chest.

G. Ebony Odogaron Armor

HeadG. Ebony HelmBurst Lv1
ChestAjarakan MailPartbreaker Lv1
ArmG. Ebony BracesBurst Lv1
WaistG. Ebony CoilBurst Lv1
Bleeding Resistance Lv1
LegBalahara GreavesEvade Extender Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power (2 Parts)Guardian's Pulse (3 Parts)
Burst Lv3Partbreaker Lv1
Evade Extender Lv1Bleeding Resistance Lv1
Self-Improvement Lv1Recovery Up Lv1

In Chapter 3, we recommend the Guardian Ebony Odogaron Equipment that strengthens the skill through its set bonus. Alongside this, not only does the additional Partkbreaker in this setup increase Wound damage, but Evade Extender also makes it easier to fight effectively.

Best Build and Armor for Switch Axe

Best Low Rank Builds for Charge Blade

▼Recommended Weapons▼Recommended Armor

Best Low Rank Weapons for Charge Blade

Lala Barina Weapons

Weapon NameSharpness
chargebladeBarina Bouclier II
432Paralysis 13010%0
Weapon SkillsCritical Draw Lv1
Critical Status Lv1
PhialImpact Phial

For Charge Blade's choice of an early weapon, we can recommended the using and upgrading the "Barina Bouclier II". Inflicting Paralysis on monsters makes it easier to land hits, allowing your combos to include both SAED and Power Axe Mode.

Best Low Rank Armor for Charge Blade

Doshaguma Armor

HeadDoshaguma HelmFree Meal Lv1
ChestDoshaguma MailFree Meal Lv1
ArmHope VambracesDivine Blessing Lv1
WaistDoshaguma CoilItem Prolonger Lv1
LegDoshaguma GreavesFree Meal Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Doshaguma's Might (4 Parts)Inspiring Pelt (3 Parts)
Free Meal Lv3Critical Status Lv2
Divine Blessing Lv1Item Prolonger Lv1
Self-Improvement Lv1Recovery Up Lv1
Poison Duration Up Lv1

In early chapter 1, we recommend the Doshaguma set which comes equipped with the "Doshaguma's Might" set bonus, which the Charge Blade can easily use. Attack increases when Power Clash is successful, so equipping 4 or at least 2 parts is a good option if you want to focus on more damage.

G. Ebony Odogaron Armor

HeadG. Ebony HelmBurst Lv1
ChestG. Doshaguma MailHeroics Lv1
Iron Skin Lv1
ArmG. Ebony BracesBurst Lv1
WaistG. Ebony CoilBurst Lv1
Bleeding Resistance Lv1
LegG. Doshaguma GreavesMarathon Runner Lv1
Iron Skin Lv1
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power (2 Parts)Doshaguma's Might (2 Parts)
Guardian's Pulse (3 Parts)Burst Lv3
Iron Skin Lv2Critical Status Lv2
Heroics Lv1Marathon Runner Lv1
Bleeding Resistance Lv1Poison Duration Up Lv1

Chapter 3 will eventually unlock the Guardian Ebony Odogaron armor that comes with a set bonus that strengthens the Burst skill, which provides attack and element boosts. The Guardian Doshaguma set can be used to fill the two vacant parts to keep the Doshaguma's Might set bonus.

Best Build and Armor for Charge Blade

Best Low Rank Builds for Insect Glaive

▼Recommended Weapons▼Recommended Armor

Best Low Rank Weapons for Insect Glaive

Upgrade Iron Gale

Weapon NameSharpness
insectglaiveIron Gale I
Weapon SkillsCritical Draw Lv1
Kinsects Lv2

Iron Gale I is recommended as an early weapon for the Insect Glaive. In addition to high Attack and Green Sharpness, Critical Draw can temporarily increase Affinity by 50%. Collecting materials for it isn't necessary as the weapon will be created as the story progresses.

Rey Dau Weapons are Recommended

Weapon NameSharpness
insectglaiveRey Halilintar I
434Thunder 1200%0
Weapon SkillsFocus Lv1
Charge Master Lv1
Kinsects Lv3

In Chapter 2, we recommend the ReyDau weapon "Rey Halilintar I". It is of course powerful against monsters that are weak to Thunder, but its Attack and Sharpness are both excellent, so you can possibly brute force fights with this weapon regardless of Element weakness. "Focus Lv1" is also compatible with Charge Attacks.

G. Ebony Odogaron Weapon is Recommended

Weapon NameSharpness
insectglaiveChthonian Vajra I
434Dragon 16010%0
Weapon SkillsFocus Lv2
Kinsects Lv3

In Chapter 3, we recommend the Guardian Ebony Odogaron weapon "Chthonian Vajra I". You can keep using the Rey Dau weapon, but since Insect Glaive uses Charge Attacks frequently, "Focus Lv2" is easily activated.

Best Low Rank Armor for Insect Glaive

3 Part Balahara for Evade Extender

HeadHope MaskStun Resistance Lv1
ChestHope MailDivine Blessing Lv1
ArmBalahara VambracesEvade Extender Lv1
WaistBalahara CoilEvade Extender Lv1
LegBalahara GreavesEvade Extender Lv1
Active Skills
Scaling Prowess (3 Parts)Evade Extender Lv3
Critical Status Lv2Stun Resistance Lv1
Divine Blessing Lv1Poison Duration Up Lv1

Though there aren't many very Low Rank armors or skills that is wholly compatible with the Insect Glaive, the Balahara Set which has the skill "Evade Extender" should suffice.

G. Ebony Odogaron Armor

HeadG. Ebony HelmBurst Lv1
ChestG. Ebony MailBleeding Resistance Lv1
ArmG. Ebony BracesBurst Lv1
WaistG. Ebony CoilBurst Lv1
Bleeding Resistance Lv1
LegAjarakan GreavesBlast Resistance Lv1
Partbreaker Lv1
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power (4 Parts)Guardian's Pulse (3 Parts)
Burst Lv3Bleeding Resistance Lv2
Critical Status Lv2Blast Resistance Lv1
Partbreaker Lv1Poison Duration Up Lv1

The Guardian Ebony Odogaron set that can be made in Chapter 3 gives an Insect Glaive can quickly chain a lot of attacks, so you can easily maintain the uptime on Burst. Additionally, Ajarakan's "Partbreaker" increases Wound destruction damage with Focus Strike, which is good to have on the Insect Glaive.

Best Build and Armor for Insect Glaive

Best Low Rank Builds for Bow

▼Recommended Weapons▼Recommended Armor

Best Low Rank Weapons for Bow

Quematrice Weapon

Weapon Name
bowQuematrice Arco I
120Fire 705%0
Weapon SkillsFocus Lv1
Coating Close-range Coating

"Quematrice Arco I" can be considered for the Bow's Low Rank weapon, especially since it has Fire for its element. A lot of early game monsters at this point in the game are weak to fire, which this weapon can take advantage of..

Power Coating is Recommended

Weapon Name
bowDosha Fearbringer I
Weapon SkillsStamina Thief Lv1
CoatingPower Coating

In Chapter 2, we recommend the "Dosha Fearbringer I" that comes with high Attack and Power Coating. Affinity -5% isn't a big concern, and .

Best Low Rank Armor for Bow

Armor with Marathon Runner

HeadBone HelmMarathon Runner Lv1
ChestBone MailMarathon Runner Lv1
ArmHope VambracesDivine Blessing Lv1
WaistBone CoilMarathon Runner Lv1
LegHope GreavesDivine Blessing Lv1
Active Skills
Marathon Runner Lv3Divine Blessing Lv2
Critical Status Lv2Poison Duration Up Lv1

We recommend the "Bone" set for low rank that provides the "Marathon Runner" skill, which the Bow appreciates. The waist and arms can have other skills apart from Marathon Runner, so there is no problem with keeping the starting equipment for these slots. If you feel that the amount of damage you take is becoming overwhelming, try upgrading your armor using Armor Spheres..

G. Ebony Odogaron and Rey Dau Armor

HeadG. Ebony HelmBurst Lv1
ChestRey SandmailConstitution Lv1
ArmG. Ebony BracesBurst Lv1
WaistG. Ebony CoilBurst Lv1
Bleeding Resistance Lv1
LegRey SandgreavesLatent Power Lv1
Constitution Lv1
TalismanFitness Charm IConstitution Lv1
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power (2 Parts)Rey Dau's Voltage (2 Parts)
Guardian's Pulse (3 Parts)Burst Lv3
Constitution Lv3Critical Status Lv2
Latent Power Lv1Bleeding Resistance Lv1
Poison Duration Up Lv1

Chapter 3 will allow you to eventually obtain the Guardian Ebony Odogaron set and the Rey Dau set, which you can use in tandem. Burst and Ebony Odogaron's Power increases Attack. Constitution and Latent Power reduce Stamina consumption. Since it's defense is also sufficient, it'll serve you well as your main armor setup up until you reach High Rank.

Best Build and Armor for Bow

Best Low Rank Builds for Light Bowgun

▼Recommended Weapons▼Recommended Armor

Best Low Rank Weapons for Light Bowgun

Consider using the Chain Blitz

Weapon NameMods
lightbowgunChain Blitz IPierce Ammo Magazine
Rapid Fire Magazine
Weapon SkillsTetrad Shot Lv1
Special AmmoAdhesive Ammo
Ammo Data
Rapid Fire
Normal Ammo
Pierce Ammo
Spread Ammo
Paralysis Ammo
Freeze Ammo
Armor Ammo
Tranq Ammo

It is recommended to start Low Rank using "Chain Blitz I" for the Light Bowgun. Mods allow Pierce Ammo to reload up to 6 shots. While in Rapid Fire Mode, you can aim your .

Rey Dau Weapon is Recommended

lightbowgunRey Szelatya IPierce Ammo Magazine
Rapid Fire Mod
Weapon SkillsOpening Shot Lv1
Slugger Lv1
Special AmmoAdhesive Ammo
Ammo Data
Rapid Fire
Normal Ammo
Pierce Ammo
Spread Ammo
Sticky Ammo
Paralysis Ammo
Thunder Ammo
Tranq Ammo

Defeating Rey Dau in Chapter 2 unlocks "Rey Szelatya I", which is a better weapon at this point in the game. It supports Rapid Fire for Pierce Ammo Lv3 and Thunder Ammo Lv2, and you can use Opening Shot to increase reload speed and ammo damage. It's mods include the Rapid Fire Mod and an increased Pierce Ammo Capacity.

Improve the Chain Blitz

Weapon NameMods
lightbowgunChain Blitz IIPierce Ammo Magazine
Rapid Fire Magazine
Weapon SkillsTetrad Shot Lv2
Weapon SkillsAdhesive Ammo
Ammo Data
Rapid Fire
Normal Ammo
Pierce Ammo
Spread Ammo
Paralysis Ammo
Freeze Ammo
Armor Ammo
Tranq Ammo

Once in Chapter 3, we recommend upgrading to "Chain Blitz II". It boasts a higher attack stat and an increased "Tetrad Shot" level, making it easier to hunt monsters.

Best Low Rank Armor for Light Bowgun

Balahara Set

HeadHope MaskStun Resistance Lv1
ChestHope MailDivine Blessing Lv1
ArmBalahara VambracesEvade Extender Lv1
WaistBalahara CoilEvade Extender Lv1
LegBalahara GreavesEvade Extender Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Scaling Prowess (3 Parts)Evade Extender Lv3
Stun Resistance Lv1Divine Blessing Lv1
Self-Improvement Lv1Recovery Up Lv1

We recommend making use of armor with the "Evade Extender" skill, such as the Balahara Set, since it synergizes well with the Light Bowgun. This is useful for adjusting your position to achieve your ammo's critical distance and avoiding monsters' attacks. There is no problem if the head and body pieces are filled with the armor you start the game in.

G. Ebony Odogaron Armor

HeadG. Ebony HelmBurst Lv1
ChestAjarakan MailPartbreaker Lv1
ArmG. Ebony BracesBurst Lv1
WaistG. Ebony CoilBurst Lv1
Bleeding Resistance Lv1
LegBalahara GreavesEvade Extender Lv1
TalismanLeaping Charm IEvade Extender Lv1
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power (2 Parts)Guardian's Pulse(3 Parts)
Burst Lv3Evade Extender Lv2
Partbreaker Lv1Bleeding Resistance Lv1

In chapter 3, armor with the "Burst" skill is highly recommended, such as the Guardian Ebony Odogaron set. Rapid Fire Mode easily activates the Burst skill that can be further enhanced with the "G.Ebony Odogaron Set bonus". You can use "Evade Extender" to make it easier to fight around monster attacks and openings, and "Partbreaker" to increase the damage of Focus Blast.

Best Build and Armor for Light Bowgun

Best Low Rank Builds for Heavy Bowgun

▼Recommended Weapons▼Recommended Armor

Best Low Rank Weapons for Heavy Bowgun

Upgrade the Chatacabra Weapon

Weapon NameMods
heavybowgunChata Sheller INormal Ammo Enhanced Gunpowder
Enhancement Parts - Standard Mode
Weapon SkillsOpening Shot Lv1
Special AmmoWyvernheart Ignition
Wyverncounter Ignition
Ignition/TypeIgnition Gauge Recover Efficiency Lv1
Standard Mode Specialized Type Ⅱ
Ammo Data
Normal Ammo
Pierce Ammo
Spread Ammo
Wyvern Ammo
Water Ammo
Armor Ammo
Exhaust Ammo
Tranq Ammo

The recommended Low Rank Weapon for the Heavy Bowgun is the "Chata Sheller I" which is available to forge in Chapter 1. Chata Sheller I has the advantage of being able to make specialized parts for Normal Ammo, increasing your damage output with this ammo type. Also, since it can be upgraded in the middle of Chapter 2, you should be able to continue using this weapon until the start of High Rank.

Best Low Rank Armor for Heavy Bowgun

Doshaguma Armor is Recommended

HeadDoshaguma HelmFree Meal Lv1
ChestDoshaguma MailFree Meal Lv1
ArmBalahara VambracesEvade Extender Lv1
WaistDoshaguma CoilItem Prolonger Lv1
LegDoshaguma GreavesFree Meal Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Doshaguma's Might (4 Parts)Inspiring Pelt (3 Parts)
Free Meal Lv3Evade Extender Lv1
Item Prolonger Lv1Self-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1

In Chapter 1, the "Doshaguma" set becomes available and provides the Doshaguma's Might set bonus. Heavy Bowguns have access to Power Clash and Offset Attack, allowing for easy activation of the set bonus boost.

G. Ebony Odogaron Armor

HeadG. Ebony HelmBurst Lv1
ChestAjarakan MailPartbreaker Lv1
ArmG. Ebony BracesBurst Lv1
WaistG. Ebony CoilBurst Lv1
Bleeding Resistance Lv1
LegBalahara GreavesEvade Extender Lv1
TalismanHope CharmSelf-Improvement Lv1
Recovery Up Lv1
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power (2 Parts)Guardian's Pulse (3 Part)
Burst Lv3Partbreaker Lv1
Evade Extender Lv1Bleeding Resistance Lv1
Self-Improvement Lv1Recovery Up Lv1

Chapter 3 introduced the Guardian Ebony Odogaron set and it always a recommended pick-up at this stage of the game. It lengthens the duration of the Burst skill through its set bonus, "Ebony Odogaron's Power". Additionally, this setup comes with both "Partbreaker", that increase Wound destruction damage, and "Evade Extender" that makes dodging monster attacks easier.

Best Build and Armor for Heavy Bowgun

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Weapon Guide by Monster

ChatacabraChatacabraQuematriceQuematriceLala BarinaLala BarinaCongalalaCongalala
Balahara BalaharaDoshaguma Doshaguma Uth DunaUth Duna Rompopolo Rompopolo
Rey DauRey Dau NerscyllaNerscyllaHirabamiHirabamiAjarakanAjarakan
Nu UdraNu UdraGuardian DoshagumaGuardian DoshagumaGuardian RathalosGuardian RathalosGuardian ArkveldGuardian Arkveld
Jin DahaadJin DahaadGuardian EbonyGuardian EbonyXu WuXu WuYian Kut-KuYian Kut-Ku
GypcerosGypcerosRathianRathianGuardian FulgurGuardian FulgurRathalosRathalos
GraviosGraviosBlangongaBlangongaGore MagalaGore MagalaArkveldArkveld

Useful Weapon Information

How To Switch or Change WeaponsSharpness Modifier and Recovery
Weapon Adjustments
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Monster Hunter Wilds Strategy Team

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