Monster Hunter Wilds
Monster Hunter Wilds Wiki Guide & Tips
How to Farm Guild Points

How to Farm Guild Points

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How to Farm Guild Points | Monster Hunter Wilds - GameWith

How to farm Guild Points in Monster Hunter Wilds (MHW). Read to discover various ways to farm Guild Points, quickest way to farm guild points and how to use them.

Table of Contents

Best Ways to Farm Earn Guild Points

Capturing Fish in Scarlet Forest

Monster Hunter Wilds Catching Fish
Earn Guild Points
Approx.10 minutes to earn 6000pts
└You can get about 100,000z or more by selling the materials you obtained.

The best way to earn guild points in Monster Hunter Wilds is by capturing Fish in Scarlet Forest. The benefit is that you can earn a significant amount of guild points quickly and also make money at the same time.

Scarlet Forest Unlocked in Chapter 1-3

The best map to earn Guild Points is the Scarlet Forest which is unlocked in Chapter 1-3. Because it's part of the early game, players can start farming as soon as it's unlocked.

Full Story Walkthrough and Guide

Steps to Farm Guild Points

  1. Set up a Pop-Up Camp at the Underground Lake in Area 8 of Scarlet Forest.
    ┗ Adjust the environment to Plenty.
  2. Use the Capture Net to catch the fish on the right side of the camp.
  3. Swim to the spawn point to the left.
  4. Accept a quest in the Scarlet Forest from Alma.
  5. Catch fish at the lake again.
  6. Return from the quest.
  7. Go Back to the Underground Lake and Catch Fish.
  8. Repeat from Step 3.

Set Up a Pop-Up Camp at the Underground Lake in Area 8 of Scarlet Forest.

Monster Hunter Wilds Area 8 map location

First, set up a Pop-Up Camp at the Underground Lake in Area 8 of Scarlet Forest. A large number of fish will spawn in the lake. The Pop-Up Camp is unlocked upon clearing Chapter 1-3 and can be placed through the support window at Base Camp.

Scarlet Forest Map Guide: Camp Locations

Adjust the Environment to Plenty

Monster Hunter Wilds Environment

If the environment in Scarlet Forest is Fallow or experiencing abnormal weather, change it to Plenty by resting at the Pop-Up Camp. While fish will still appear in other environments, they are more likely to appear in greater numbers in Plenty. If Plenty ends over time, switch it back to Plenty by resting again.

Use the Capture Net to Catch the Fish

Monster Hunter Wilds capture net

There are fish spawn points on both the right and left sides of the camp, so use the Capture Net to catch them all. If you don't see any fish, wait for a bit and they will appear.

Aim Higher to Catch Fish That Are Far Away

Monster Hunter Wilds capture net reticle

The Capture Net will fall short if you aim it too far. To capture fish that are in a farther distance, place your reticle slightly above the fish and launch the net.

Swim to the Spawn Point to the Left

The fish spawn point on the left side of the camp is located across the lake. If you're having trouble finding it, refer to the video above.

List of Fish Materials

Accept a Quest in the Scarlet Forest From Alma

Monster Hunter Wilds Quest Counter screen

To make the fish respawn, talk to Alma and take on a monster quest in the Scarlet Forest. Setting the starting point to 'Area 8 Underground Lake can save you the trouble of Fast Travel.

List of All Side Missions

Returning to the Title Screen Will Respawn Fish

Fish will respawn even if you just return to the title screen. However, since the loading time is long when returning to the title screen, it's more efficient to respawn the fish by accepting a quest.

Catch Fish at the Lake Again

Monster Hunter Wilds catching fish in Area 8

With the fish respawned, catch all the fish in the Underground Lake.

Return From the Quest

Monster Hunter Wilds Return from Quest

Once all the fish are caught, return from the quest.

Go Back to the Underground Lake and Catch Fish

Monster Hunter Wilds fast travel

Fast Traveling back to the Underground Lake in Area 8 will cause the fish to respawn. Start catching fish again.

Repeat From Step 3

Continue repeating the steps from 3 to 6, and you'll earn a lot of Guild Points.

Sell Items After Earning Guild Points

Monster Hunter Wilds Pop up camp menu

Since you obtain exchange items when capturing fish, sell them at the Pop-Up Camp once you finish earning guild points. You can sell them from the "Check/Sell Items" option in the "Item Management Menu."

Other Ways to Earn Guild Points

QuestEarn guild points while hunting monsters. You can also gather materials and raise your HR.
Quest List and How to Unlock
Side MissionIn addition to guild points, you can also earn various other rewards and raise your HR.
List of All Side Missions
Capture Endemic LifeCapture endemic life to earn guild points. Rare endemic life yields more points.
Endemic Life List & Rare Locations
Gather Special ItemsEarn guild points by gathering special items. Be sure to gather them whenever you come across them.

How to Use Guild Points

  1. Purchase items from the support ship.
  2. Setting up, repairing, and resting at the camp.
  3. Saving field surveys.

Purchase Items From the Support Ship

Monster Hunter Wilds Support Ship menu
Required PtsVaries depending on item

Guild points are required to buy items from the support ship. The support ship will appear at the Windward Plains Base Camp after advancing the Story to Chapter 3-5.

Setting Up, Repairing, and Resting at the Camp

Monster Hunter Wilds repair camp
Required PtsSet Up and Repair: Varies depending on Threat Level
Rest: 300

Setting up, immediate repairs, and resting at the Pop-Up Camp consume guild points. A high number of points are required, so it's better to gather guild points in advance if you plan to take frequent breaks.

Camp Guide - All Locations & Uses

Saving Field Surveys

Monster Hunter Wilds Field Survey menu
Required Pts100〜400

Guild points can be used to save the Field Survey. In High Rank environments, you receive bonus rewards for clearing a local Field Survey, so save it if you encounter a monster you wish to defeat.

Field Survey Quest Guide

Monster Hunter Wilds Related Article

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