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How to Lock-on

How to Lock-on

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MH Wilds | How to Lock-on | Monster Hunter Wilds - GameWith

How To Lock-on guide in Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds). This guide includes information on how to lock on, focus and target with the camera.

Table of Contents

Difference Between Focus & Target Camera

Focus & Target Camera Features

Focus Camera- Automatically follows the monster
- You can still move your camera even when locked on
*Returns to tracking after moving your camera
- Recommended for beginners
Target Camera- Press L1 to point the camera at the monster
- Cannot be used with Focus Camera
*Can be turned off in the settings menu
- Recommended for veteran hunters

Focus Camera Always Faces the Target

When locked on, the camera will always center on the target. You can still adjust the camera using the R stick while locked on. However, if you move too far from the target, the Focus Camera will be disabled.

Can Be Difficult to Check Your Surroundings

Since the camera follows the targeted monster, it can be difficult to check your surroundings. If multiple monsters are present, their attacks will be harder to see, so it is recommended to avoid using it in such situations.

Focus Camera Is Recommended for Beginners

For hunters that aren't familiar with Monster Hunter, Focus Camera reduces the amount of manual camera movement during combat. This allows you to focus on the monster and execute combos while the camera automatically tracks the target.

Target Camera Only Faces the Monster When Pressing the Button

If Focus Camera is turned off in the settings menu, you can use Target Camera to adjust the camera toward the target's direction.

Cannot Be Used With Focus Camera

When the Focus Camera is turned on, it will automatically follow the monster, so there is no need to use the Target Camera. If you want to use legacy camera controls similar to previous Monster Hunter titles, turn off the Focus Camera setting.

Target Camera Is Recommended for Veteran Hunters

Target Camera offers a wider field of view but requires manual camera movement, so it is recommended for veteran hunters familiar with previous titles. This setting is especially useful when playing with low camera sensitivity, as it helps compensate for slower camera movement.

How to Use Focus Camera

Enable Focus Camera

Enable Focus Camera

To use the Focus Camera feature, enable it in the settings menu. Go to Camera Settings and set Focus Camera to Enable.

Press R Stick to Use Focus Camera

You can lock on to a monster by pressing the R stick when nearby. If there are multiple monsters, pressing it again will target to the closest one. The current target is shown by the icon at the bottom left of the screen. If no target is displayed, then no monster is locked on.

Change Which Type of Monsters You Want to Target

Change Which Type of Monsters You Want To Target

In the Camera Settings, you can choose to only target large monsters or include small ones as well. Change this setting according to your preference.

How to Use Target Camera

Press L1 to Use Target Camera

You can use the Target Camera by pressing L1 + R Stick to face the targeted monster. To change targets, approach a monster and press the R stick. You can also check the current target with the icon at the bottom left of the screen.

Disable Focus Camera to Use Target Camera

Set Focus Camera Disable To Use Target Camera

If Focus Camera is enabled, it will automatically track the target, so you can face them without using the Target Camera. If you want to face the monsters only when pressing L1, disable Focus Camera in the settings

Target Camera Settings

Target Camera Settings

You can adjust the Target Camera settings in the options menu according to your preference.

Target Camera Control Type

Type 1Press once to aim the camera at the target
Press twice to aim the camera in the direction the Hunter is facing
Type 2Press once to aim the camera in the direction the Hunter is facing
Press twice to aim the camera at the target
Type 3Press once to aim the camera at the target
Press twice: Nothing happens when pressed
Type 4Press once to aim the camera in the direction the Hunter is facing
Press twice: Nothing happens when pressed
Type 5Nothing happens when pressed

You can change the target you're facing by pressing L1. By default, it faces the target, but you can also change it to face the same direction as the player, or change it so that nothing happens when pressed.

Target Camera Vertical Settings

Vertical Settings
Type 1Target Camera will align vertically to the target monster's position
Type 2Target Camera's vertical orientation remains the same, no matter the target monster's position
Type 3Target Camera's vertical orientation levels out horizontally, no matter the monster's position
Type 4Target Camera aligns vertically to a point between the target monster's position and leveled horizontal position
Type 5Target Camera aligns midway between the current camera position and the monster's position

It is possible to adjust the vertical orientation when the Target Camera captures a monster. If you tend to get motion sickness select Type 2.

What to Do if It Stops Targeting

Change Targets With R Stick

In some cases, such as when mounting or if the monster moves off-screen, the Target Camera will be removed. When this happens, approach the monster again and press the R stick.

Don't Move the Camera Far From the Target

If the camera is moved too far from the target, the Focus Camera will stop targeting the monster, so be careful not to let the target go off-screen.

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