Monster Hunter Wilds
Monster Hunter Wilds Wiki Guide & Tips
How To Craft Items

How To Craft Items

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How To Craft Items | Monster Hunter Wilds - GameWith

How to craft items in Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds). Guide includes all crafting recipe lists, how to auto-craft, crafting while hunting, and more!

Table of Contents

Craft Item List

  1. No.1Potion
    Hunt Items
    EffectRestores a small amount of health.
  2. No.2Mega Potion
    Hunt Items
    Mega Potion
    EffectRestores a moderate amount of health.
    CraftPotion + Honey
  3. No.3First-aid Med+
    Hunt Items
    First-aid Med+
    EffectRestores a moderate amount of health
    CraftFirst-aid Med + Honey
  4. No.4Antidote
    Hunt Items
    EffectA cure for poison.
    CraftAntidote Herb
  5. No.5Herbal Medicine
    Hunt Items
    Herbal Medicine
    EffectRemoves all traces of poison and restores a slight amount of health.
    CraftAntidote + Blue Mushroom
  6. No.8Max Potion
    Hunt Items
    Max Potion
    EffectFully restores health and temporarily maximizes the size of your Health Gauge.
    CraftCatalyst + Mandragora
  7. No.9Catalyst
    Crafting Material
    EffectWorks with other materials to enhance their effects. Cannot be used by itself.
    CraftBitterbug Broth + Honey
  8. No.10Immunizer
    Hunt Items
    EffectTemporarily boosts your natural ability to recover lost health.
    CraftBitterbug Broth + Mandragora
  9. No.12Lifepowder
    Hunt Items
    EffectProduces a cloud that heals you and anyone nearby.
    CraftGodbug Essence + Blue Mushroom
  10. No.14Herbal Powder
    Hunt Items
    Herbal Powder
    EffectProduces a cloud that cures poison and heals you a bit.
    CraftGodbug Essence + Herbal Medicine
  11. No.15Energy Drink
    Hunt Items
    Energy Drink
    EffectA Guild-approved beverage that boosts your stamina. Help shake off sleep, too!
    CraftNitroshroom + Honey
  12. No.19Demondrug
    Hunt Items
    EffectTemporarily boosts your attack power by filling you with demonic stregth.
    CraftCatalyst + Might Seed
  13. No.21Demon Powder
    Hunt Items
    Demon Powder
    EffectA mysterious powder that produces a cloud around the area that temporarily strengthens attacks.
    CraftGodbug Essence + Might Seed
  14. No.23Armorskin
    Hunt Items
    EffectTemporarily boosts your defense by turning your skin as hard as rock.
    CraftCatalyst + Adamant Seed
  15. No.25Hardshell Powder
    Hunt Items
    Hardshell Powder
    EffectA mysterious powerd; when dispersed, temporarily strengthens defense.
    CraftGodbug Essence + Adamant Seed
  16. No.26Adamant Pill
    Hunt Items
    Adamant Pill
    EffectTemporarily makes your skin as hard as adamant. Potent!
    CraftImmunizer + Adamant Seed
  17. No.28Gunpowder
    Crafting Material
    EffectA dangerous substance that explodes when struck or heated. Used in Large Barrel Bombs.
    CraftFire Herb + Nitroshroom
  18. No.29Barrel Bomb
    Hunt Items
    Barrel Bomb
    EffectA small time bomb.
    CraftFire Herb + Small Barrel
  19. No.33Smoke Bomb
    Hunt Items
    Smoke Bomb
    EffectCreates a large cloud of smoke when thrown against the ground that can hide you from a monster's sight.
    CraftSmokenut + Ivy
  20. No.34Poison Smoke Bomb
    Hunt Items
    Poison Smoke Bomb
    EffectReleases a cloud of toxic mist when used. Also popular as a houdehold bug bomb.
    CraftSmokenut + Toadstool
  21. No.35Flash Pod
    Slinger Ammo
    Flash Pod
    EffectSlinger ammo that causes a violent flash on impact. Will temporarily blind monsters if used in front of them.
    CraftFlashbug Phosphor
  22. No.36~37Dung Pod
    Slinger Ammo
    Dung Pod
    EffectSlinger ammo that releases a strong odor on impact. Causes certain monsters to flee.
    Craft 2Rolled-up Dung
  23. No.38Large Dung Pod
    Slinger Ammo
    Large Dung Pod
    EffectSlinger ammo that releases a strong odor on impact, causing any surrounding monsters to flee.
    CraftDung Pod + Nitroshroom
  24. No.40Poisoned Meat
    Hunt Items
    Poisoned Meat
    EffectRaw meat that poisons whatever eats it. Makes great bait for traps.
    CraftRaw Meat + Toadstool
  25. No.41Tinged Meat
    Hunt Items
    Tinged Meat
    EffectRaw meat that paralyzes whatever eats it. Makes great bait for traps.
    CraftRaw Meat + Parashroom
  26. No.42Drugged Meat
    Hunt Items
    Drugged Meat
    EffectRaw meat that puts whatever eats it to sleep. Makes great bait for traps.
    CraftRaw Meat + Sleep Herb
  27. No.43Net
    Crafting Material
    EffectA sturdy net that supports a certain amount of weight without breaking. Perfect for pitfall traps.
    CraftIvy + Spider Web
  28. No.44Pitfall Trap
    Hunt Items
    Pitfall Trap
    EffectA trap for catching large monsters. It is tripped by heavy weight.
    CraftTrap Tool + Net
  29. No.45Shock Trap
    Hunt Items
    Shock Trap
    EffectA trap that immobilizes a target. Use it to capture monsters.
    CraftTrap Tool + Thunderbug Capacitor
  30. No.46Tranq Bomb
    Hunt Items
    Tranq Bomb
    EffectA hand grenade used to capture monsters ensnared in traps. Can be slammed against the ground.
    CraftSleep Herb + Parashroom
  31. No.47Tranq Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Tranq Ammo
    EffectAmmo used to capture monster ensnared in traps.
    CraftTranq Bomb + Normal Ammo
  32. No.48Tranq Blade
    Slinger Ammo
    Tranq Blade
    EffectA knife coated with a tranquilizer that can be shot from your Slinger to put trapped monster to sleep.
    CraftTranq Bomb + Throwing Knife
  33. No.49Sticky Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Sticky Ammo
    EffectPowerful ammo that lodges in a traget and explodes. Headshot stun.
  34. No.51Cluster Bomb
    Bowgun Ammo
    Cluster Bomb
    EffectAmmo that fragments into multiple shells upon impact. Beware of friendly fire!
  35. No.52Slicing Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Slicing Ammo
    EffectAmmo that ejects sharp blades on impact, which can sever tails.
  36. No.54Flaming Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Flaming Ammo
    EffectAmmo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to fire.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Fire Herb
  37. No.55Water Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Water Ammo
    EffectAmmo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to water.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Flowfern
  38. No.56Thunder Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Thunder Ammo
    EffectAmmo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to thunder.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Thunderbug Capacitor
  39. No.57Freeze Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Freeze Ammo
    EffectAmmo that packs a punch against monsters susceptible to ice.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Snow Herb
  40. No.58Dragon Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Dragon Ammo
    EffectAmmo that packs a punch against monsters weak to dragon.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Dragonfell Berry
  41. No.59Poison Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Poison Ammo
    EffectAmmo that inflicts poison. Some targets require multiple shots in order for the status to take effect.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Toadstool
  42. No.60Paralysis Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Paralysis Ammo
    EffectAmmo that causes paralysis. Some targets require multiple shots in order for the status to take effect.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Parashroom
  43. No.61Sleep Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Sleep Ammo
    EffectAmmo that induces sleep. Some targets require multiple shots in order for the status to take effect.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Sleep Herb
  44. No.63Recover Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Recover Ammo
    EffectAmmo that produces a healing cloud in the impact zone of where it lands.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Blue Mushroom
  45. No.64Demon Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Demon Ammo
    EffectAmmo that produces a cloud that temporarily stregthens attacks in the impact zone of where it lands.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Might Seed
  46. No.65Armor Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Armor Ammo
    EffectAmmo that produces a cloud that temporarily stregthens defense in the impact zone of where it lands.
    CraftNormal Ammo + Adamant Seed
  47. No.66Wyvern Ammo
    Bowgun Ammo
    Wyvern Ammo
    EffectAmmo created through years of research into Wyvern's Fire. Short ranged, but destructive.
    CraftDragonstrike Nut

How to Craft Items

From the Menu's Crafting List

From the Menu's Crafting List

To craft an item, open the menu and select "Crafting List". If you have the necessary materials for the recipe, you can make it on the spot.

Register Favorites for Easier Navigation

How to Craft Mark Favorites

You can register an item/recipe as a favorite by pressing the □ button or the G key on the list screen. When you press the △ button or the X key in the Craft List, it will filter and only show items marked as favorite.

Use Materials from the Item Box while at Camp

How to Craft from Box

When you craft items inside the Hubs or at Camps, you can use the materials in the item box to do so. If you find yourself out of materials in the field, head back to camp and craft the item before heading back out.

Auto-Craft With R3 (or Tab Key)

How to Auto Craft on or off

Pressing the R3 button or the Tab key on the Crafting List will register an item for auto-crafting. This means that when you obtain the material needed for it in the field, it will automatically be made into the item. However, if you have the max amount of items in your Item Pouch, it will not be made.

Auto-Crafting Requires Picking Up the Material

Auto-Craft is only triggered when the player picks up the required material for the recipe while on the field. Materials you already have in your Item Pouch will not be used and will not activate Auto-Craft.

Recommended Items for Auto-Craft

  1. Potions / Antidotes
  2. Bowgun Ammo
  3. Slinger Ammo

The recommended items for auto-craft are Potions and Antidotes, bowgun ammo, and slinger ammo. If you register items that you use frequently and have many ways to obtain materials, you can replenish them while picking up materials along the way.

How to Register Radial Menu Shortcuts

Can be Registered from the Menu

Open the Menu and Select Customize Radial Menu
Open the Menu and Select "Customize Radial Menu"
Select the item you want to register
Select the Item You Want to Register
Select your favorite item from the Crafting List
Select Your Favorite Item from the Crafting List
Select the Number of Pieces to be Blended & Complete Registration
Select the Number of Pieces to be Crafted & Complete Registration

To register an item into the Radial Menu as a shortcut, go the to the Customize Radial Menu option in the menu.

Useful When Replenishing Bowgun Ammo

Monster Hunter Wilds Bowgun Ammo

The Radial Menu Shortcut is highly recommended when using any of the Bowguns since you can make Ammo on the go. You are able to create Ammo without opening the menu so even when in the middle of the hunt, you can have them immediately.

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Monster Hunter Wilds Strategy Team

Monster Hunter Wilds Strategy Team

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