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Sword & Shield Controls Guide: Combos, Changes, and New Moves

Sword & Shield Controls Guide: Combos, Changes, and New Moves

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Sword and Shield guide for Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds). Guide includes how to play Sword and Shield, new actions, combos, how to use, techniques and moves, stances, and more!

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Table of Contents

Sword & Shield - How to Use

1Fights with Both Sword and Shield
2Stay within Range
3Master the Backstep
4Perform a Perfect Rush When Monster is Down
5Win Power Clashes

Fights with Both Sword and Shield

Sword- Cutting attack
- Inflicts elemental damage
- Drains sharpness
Shield- Striking attack
- Stuns can be done by aiming at the head
- Does not inflict status ailments
- Does not drain sharpness
- Fatigues monsters

It's highly important to understand the characteristics of the Sword and Shield and how each of them works differently from the other. Use the Shield to inflict stuns and the Sword to deal damage.

Stay within Range

The Sword and Shield have a short range, so it is necessary to stay within range of the monster. Because of its lightness and maneuverability, it is best to watch the enemy's movements, avoid attacks, and avoid straying from the enemy.

Master the Backstep

How to Do a Backstep
During a combo

The Backstep is an important technique for initiating a Perfect Rush into a Falling Bash, so practice it until you can perform it smoothly. It's also an excellent means of evasion if used well since it has a longer iframe frame than the Dodge.

iFrames and Perfect Evades

The Full Version Features Longer Evade Window

In the full version of the game, the Backstep's Evade Window will be extended even more. Given its already lengthy duration in previous titles, the Backstep continues to be a good option for avoiding attacks.

Perform a Perfect Rush When Monster is Down

How to Do a Perfect Rush
During a combo

A Perfect Rush is a continuous attack technique that can easily inflict status ailments. Execute a Perfect Rush during big openings, such as when a monster is down or when it is trapped. By targeting Weak Points or Wounds, you can attain even more damage with a Perfect Rush.

The Full Version Features Multi-Hit Scaling Slash

In the full version, Perfect Rush's third stage, Scaling Slash, will become a multi-hit attack (4 hits). This change should lead to increased damage output for Perfect Rush.

Wounds Explained

Win Power Clashes

Power Clash Occurs When Guarding
During Power Clash Press Rapidly

The new Power Clash feature occurs when you Guard against specific monster attacks. If you can win the Power Clash by pressing the △ button repeatedly, the monster will be knocked down and left vulnerable to further attacks.

Power Clash Guide

Sword & Shield - Attack & Moves

Summary of Controls

Basic Controls

Chop ➡ Side Slash ➡ Diagonal Rising Slash ➡ Diagonal Chop
(※ You can attack while moving with the L stick)

Lateral Slash ➡ Return Stroke ➡ Spinning Rising Slash

Forward Slash

Guard / Perfect Guard
After Perfect Guard
Counter Slash
Guard Slash
Rising Slash (Full Version Only)

Sliding Swipe

(While weapon drawn) Use Item

Focus Strike
False Slash
Bash Upswing

Weapon Combos

During a combo

During a combo
Charged Chop

During a combo
Perfect Rush

During combo
Charged Chop
Jumping Slash
Falling Bash

During Guard
Guard Slash
Sliding Swipe
Rising Slash (Full Version Only)
Backstep (Full Version Only)
Lateral Slash (Full Version Only)
Shield Bash (Full Version Only)

Guard - Counterslash Combo

How to Do
Guard/Perfect Guard
During Perfect Guard
Counter Slash

If an enemy attack is guarded at the correct timing, it becomes a Perfect Guard, which you can turn into a Counterslash attack by pressing the △ button.

Sliding Swipe

How to Do
Sliding Swipe
The full version will feature a longer evade window

Sliding Swipe allows you to close the distance with a target to attack them. In Sunbreak, it was designed to be derived into a run-up slash and jump-up when it hits, but this has been changed so that it can be connected directly to an attack without jumping on.

Focus Strike

How to Do
Focus Strike
False Slash
Bash Upswing

Once a monster is inflicted with a Wound, it then becomes susceptible to a Focus Strike. By activating Focus Mode (L2), Hunters can press R1 to initiate a Focus Strike. Try to land the Focus Strike on any of the monster's wounds (glowing, red spots) to execute a complete Focus Strike.

Focus Mode Guide

Charged Chop

How to Do
During combo
Charged Chop

If you press and hold the △ and ◯ buttons at the same time after any attack, you can deal a Roundslash. This is a thrusting sword attack that delivers multiple hits.

Perfect Rush

How to Do
During a combo
Backstep ➡
Perfect Rush
- Continuous attacks to easily inflict status effects
- Additional input (△) at Wounds or Weak Points increases damage

Perfect Rush is a continuous strike attack that can be done after a Backstep. By pressing the △ button at Wounds or Weak Points, a higher damage follow-up attack can be done.

Falling Bash

How to Do
During combo
+ Hold
Overhead Slash
Jumping Slash
Falling Bash

The Falling Bash is another technique that can be derived from the Backstep, and can be performed automatically by jumping up and pressing the ◯ button while in the air.

Guard Slash

How to Do
During Guard
Guard Slash
Sliding Swipe
Rising Slash (Full Version Only)
Backstep (Full Version Only)
Lateral Slash (Full Version Only)
Shield Bash (Full Version Only)
・The full version introduces a guard effect at the start of "Guard Slash," making it possible to achieve a Perfect Guard if timed correctly.

Guard Slash can transition into various other moves in the full version. Additionally, a guard effect is applied at the start of Guard Slash allowing you to execute a Perfect Guard if timed correctly.

Recommended Combos for Sword & Shield

Spinning Reaper → Charged Chop★★★
Perfect Rush★★
Perfect Rush → Charged Chop★★
Endless Rotation・・

Spinning Reaper → Charged Chop

How to Do

Open the combo by pressing O for a triple strike, which can be followed up by a powerful Spinning Reaper attack into the new Charged Chop technique. This combo deals with a lot of hits using the sword, so it is the preferred combo for any elemental Sword and Shield.

Perfect Rush

How to Do
(Tap repeatedly)

The Perfect Rush can be initiated after the Hunter performs a Backstep with L Stick + ◯ while in shield form. After using perfect rush, it can be difficult to time the attack so continuously press △ button until your Hunter leaps into the air. While airborne, wait for a split second before performing a shield attack to finish off the combo.

Perfect Rush → Charged Chop

How to Do
(Tap repeatedly)

This combo incorporates the Spinning Reaper → Charged Chop combo into the middle of a Perfect Rush. This combo does increase damage when compared to the regular Perfect Rush combo.

Endless Rotation

How to Do
➡ Repeat

This is an Endless combo that continuously loops Lateral Slash→Return Stroke→ Roundslash. Additionally, the Hunter can integrate shield attacks into the combo by using the L stick which can stun monsters.

Sword & Shield - New Attacks

AttackButton Input
Basic Combo
Sliding Swipe
Guard / Counterslash
(Perfect Guard)
Charged Chop
During a combo
Focus Strike

Basic Combo

How to Do
Sword Attack
* You can attack while moving by using the L stick

This is the △ sword attack. In the previous titles, the basic combo was a combined sword and shield attack, but in this version, the combo only uses the sword. Also, by pressing the L stick, you can attack while moving, making it easier to adjust your position.

Sliding Swipe

How to Do
Sliding Swipe

Sliding on the spot, this attack closes the distance to the target. In the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, it was designed to be derived into a run-up slash and jump when it hits, but this has been changed in Wilds.

Guard - Counterslash

How to Do
Guard/Perfect Guard
After Perfect Guard
Counter Slash

A well timed Guard on an enemy attack will result in a Perfect Guard, which can be combined into a Counterslash with the △ button.

Charged Chop

How to Do
During combo
Charged Chop

Press and hold △ and ◯ at the same time after an attack for a Charged Chop. This is a sword attack technique that thrusts the swords to deal with multiple hits.

Focus Strike

How to Do
Focus Strike
➡ False Slash
➡ Bash Upswing

Hold L2 to enter Focus Mode, then press R1 to deal a Focus Strike. When the first attack of the Focus Strike hits a Wound or a Weak Spot, it will deal a combo attack.

Sword And Shield Balance Adjustment Details

Sword and Shield Will Be Buffed on Official Release

Revealed in Feb. 12 Demo Video
◆ Guard Slash can now transition to other moves.
◆ At the beginning of Guard Slash, a guard effect is generated, making it possible to achieve a Perfect Guard if timed correctly.
◆ The third stage of Perfect Rush (Scaling Slash) becomes a multi-hit attack (4 hits).
Presented in Community Update
◆ Added a Rising Slash derivative by pressing △+◯ while guarding
◆ Increased numbers for various attacks (Esp. Perfect Rush and Normal Attacks)
◆ Improved response times for basic combos while moving such as Chop, Side Slash, Guard Slash, and Perfect Rush.
◆ Improved evasion for Backstep and Sliding Slash

In a community update for Monster Hunter Wilds, it was announced that the above listed changes will be applied to the Sword and Shield.

Primary Goal is to Increase the Power and Speed of Various Attacks

During the official release, the power and speed of various attacks for the Sword and Shield will be improved. Rising Slash will be usable while guarding and the evasion of Backstep and Sliding Slash will be improved. Overall, the Sword and Shield will be improved once the game undergoes a full release.

Weapon Adjustments Guide

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