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Weapon Adjustments - Balance Changes & Updates

Weapon Adjustments - Balance Changes & Updates

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This is an overview of the weapon adjustments in Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds). It includes the balance changes for each weapon type that will be implemented in the full version.

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Weapon Adjustment Details

Specific Adjustment Details Revealed in Playtest Video!

Famitsu Video
V Jump
V Jump Video

On February 11th, gameplay videos showcasing the adjusted weapons after the update were posted by Famitsu and V Jump. You can check the detailed content, including new actions added for Sword and Shield, Lance, Switch Axe, and Insect Glaive.

Weapon Adjustment Details for Each Weapon

Great Sword: Enhanced True Charged Slash

In the Monster Hunter Wilds community update, it was revealed that the Great Sword's balance will be adjusted. The flinch, effects, and sound effects of 'True Charged Slash' have been tweaked, while its power will be improved.

Sword & Shield Balance Adjustments

Revealed in the Playtest Video on February 11th
◆ Various attacks can now be triggered from 'Guard Slash,' and it also supports Perfect Guard.
◆ 'Perfect Rush' now hits 4 times with the 3rd attack, 'Scaling Slash.'
Details Announced in the Community Update
◆ Rising Slash can now be used while Guarding with △+◯.
◆ Parameter improvements to various attacks, especially for Basic Combo and Perfect Rush
◆ Improved the response of basic combos like 'Chop' and 'Side Slash' while moving, as well as moves like 'Guard Slash' and 'Perfect Rush.'
◆ Enhanced the Evade Window for 'Backstep' and 'Sliding Swipe.'

Main Focus: Increased Power and Speed of Various Attacks

The Sword and Shield will have increased power and speed for various attacks, along with the addition of a "Rising Slash" follow-up during guard and an enhanced Evade Window for "Backstep" and "Sliding Swipe." Overall, it will be strengthened to offer more user-friendly performance.

Hammer: Reduced Knockback for Upswing & Other Moves

In the Monster Hunter Wilds community update, adjustments to the Hammer were mentioned. The Upswing from repeated △ presses and Charge Level 2 will no longer knockback allies. However, since it can still deal damage to allies, caution is still advised when using it in multiplayer.

Hunting Horn Balance Adjustments

Details Announced in the Community Update
◆ Adjust the overall performance of the secondary weapon.
└Notes only provided an Attack Up [Small] in OBT.
└In the full version, Attack Up [Large], and extended Melody Effects duration will be added, potentially making it too strong as a secondary weapon.
◆ Adjustments are planned to remove Status Up effects via Notes for other Hunters and the extended Melody Effects duration when switching to other weapon types.
◆ Movement speed increase from Melody Effect 'Self-Improvement' is planned to be buffed.

In the Monster Hunter Wilds community update, it was revealed that the Hunting Horn will undergo the above-mentioned balance adjustments. During the OBT, the Melody Effects only provided Attack Up [Small], but in the full version, skills such as Attack Up [Large] and extended Melody Effects duration have been added. This change was made because the Hunting Horn was too powerful as a secondary weapon.

Melody Effects for Other Hunters and Weapon Switch Adjustments

Adjustments are planned for the Status Up of Melody Effects on nearby Hunters. Additionally, changes are expected, such as the removal of the extended Melody Effects duration when switching to other weapon types.

Self-Improvement Move Speed Increase

The basic melody of the Hunting Horn, 'Self-Improvement,' is expected to receive a buff to increase movement speed. While retaining its value as a support weapon, it seems likely that this adjustment will make it more appealing for taking on offensive roles as well.

Lance Balance Adjustments

Revealed in the Playtest Video on February 11th
◆ The 'Charge Counter' will now be activated by pressing R2 + ◯.
└Previously, the 'Charge Counter' could only be triggered after the third thrust in the combo.
◆The 'Charge Counter' now has a Guard mechanic added during its charge phase.
└During the Guard phase of 'Charge Counter,' if an attack is received, a Thrust counterattack will be triggered.
└It can be used in the same way as the traditional counter Thrust.
◆ 'Power Guard' can now be activated by pressing R2 + X.
└It can be a follow-up from Charge Counter or during Guard Knockback..
◆ A new move, 'Maximum Might: Return Thrust,' will be added.
└Can be performed by pressing △+◯ after executing Perfect Guard or Power Guard.
└It can be followed up into Triple Thrust
└When you receive an attack with Power Guard, it transforms into Maximum Might: Return Thrust.
└Faster, more powerful, and with increased hit count compared to normal.
◆ 'Payback Thrust' is changed to 2 hits.
└It can be followed up into Triple Thrust.
◆ The follow-up Dash Attack is now derived from Maximum Might: Return Thrust.
◆ The time required for the Dash Attack to accelerate is reduced.
◆ Improvement of the issue where Guard is more likely to activate accidentally during a Guard Dash.
Details Announced in the Community Update
◆ 'Charge Counter' now allows you to guard while charging.
◆ 'Power Guard' has been changed so that the Charge Level increases more easily based on the power of the attack received.
◆ New actions that can be followed up from 'Perfect Guard' and 'Power Guard' have been added.

◆ The timing for canceling the follow-up 'Guard Dash' during a combo will also be sped up.
◆ The plan is to remove any action branches that could potentially confuse players or result in accidental actions.

Significant Improvement in Charge Counter Usability

The 'Charge Counter,' which previously required a follow-up from Triple Thrust, can now be easily executed with R2+◯. Additionally, a Guard Point has been added during the charge, allowing for a counterattack when receiving an attack in that state. It now functions similarly to the traditional Counter Thrust.

New Move 'Maximum Might: Return Thrust' Added

New move 'Maximum Might: Return Thrust' will be added, which can be followed up from Perfect and Power Guard. If executed after receiving an attack with Power Guard, it will transform into the more powerful 'Maximum Might: Return Thrust.

Adjustments to Guard Dash and Action Follow-ups Planned

The cancel timing for the 'Guard Dash' follow-up during combos is expected to be faster. Additionally, fine adjustments are planned, such as removing action follow-ups that could cause confusion or accidental activation.

Switch Axe Balance Adjustments

Revealed in the Playtest Video on February 11th
◆ Modified so that the Switch Gauge recovers when attacking while morphing from Sword to Axe.
◆ Enabled 360-degree direction change during 'Sword: Morph Slash' from Evade, even without Focus Mode.
◆ Increased damage reduction rate when the counter for 'Sword: Counter Rising Slash' is successful and added a perfect offset.
◆ Increased damage reduction rate upon a successful perfect counter.
◆ Enabled countering of Roars as well.
◆ Enabled canceling with Evade during Reload.
Details Announced in the Community Update
◆ Various adjustments have been made to make the switch to Sword Mode after charging the Axe Mode gauge feel more rewarding and satisfying.
◆ Parameter improvements made to various moves, including Full Release Slash.
◆ Added Knockback Negated effect to 'Full Release Slash.'

Improved Gauge Charging And Sword Firepower

The Switch Axe has been adjusted to ease the difficulty of charging the gauge in Axe Mode, while balancing the sword attacks to provide power and feedback that match the gauge consumption. In the video, it seems that the hit stop is functioning well, making landing hits feel more satisfying.

Full Release Slash Firepower Increased

It has been announced that Full Release Slash has been strengthened in both power and feedback. Expectations are high for it to perform as a finishing move worthy of the Switch Axe's powerful techniques. The 'Knockback Negated' effect will also be added.

Other Actions Also Buffed.

Improvements have been made to the usability of Counter Slash and reductions to the recovery time after Focus Strike, along with other minor adjustments. It seems that the playability of previously difficult-to-use actions has been enhanced.

Insect Glaive Balance Adjustments

Details Announced in the Community Update
◆ Added 'Vaulting Dance' to strengthen aerial action.
└Can chain into a variety of aerial actions after vaulting.
└Aerial Attack Power boost increases 2 levels each time you vault.
◆ Added an offset attack effect at the beginning of 'Descending Slash.'
◆ Orange extract effect also negates knockback while weapon is drawn. Red + White + Orange extract effect now also mitigates wind pressure, tremors, and roars.

Vaulting Dance Returns

The Vaulting Dance is a special maneuver that lets hunters chain aerial attacks by using monsters as springboards to leap into the air. During the beta test, it was disabled to encourage players to try out the new motions. Many players are thrilled to see the return of this signature action for the Insect Glaive.

Expanded Mobility with Descending Slash and Enhancements

With the addition of the Offset Attacks effect at the start of 'Descending Slash' and the enhancement of the effects when absorbing Extracts, the range of movement has been significantly expanded. Beta testers who play Insect Glaive have expressed that it has become 'the best Insect Glaive yet,' so expectations are high.

▼Decision to Retain Charge Mechanic for Descending Slash

There were some concerns about the difficulty of the charge mechanic for Descending Slash. However, after considering the benefits of allowing players to become accustomed to the mechanic and the expanded gameplay possibilities it offers, the developers decided to retain the charge mechanic.

Bow Balance Adjustments

Revealed in the Playtest Video on February 11th
◆ Reduced Stamina consumption and arrow drop time for Arc Shot.
◆ Adjusted Power Shot to shoot towards the center of the aim direction.
◆ The number of Apply Coatings has been increased to 10 (Confirmed in the video with Close-range Coating).
Details Announced in the Community Update
◆ While improving the overall attack power and response of moves like Basic Combo and Arc Shot, the power of 'Tracer' has been reduced to balance the damage sources and prevent any skew.
◆ When using 'Focus Strike' on a monster, multiple wounds are now locked onto one by one with a brief delay in between, rather than all at once.

Tracer's Power Reduced, Other Attacks Enhanced

To address the overpowered performance of 'Tracer,' its power will be reduced, while the overall attack power and response (such as Basic Combo and Arc Shot) will be improved. This is not a pure nerf, but rather an adjustment to ensure that damage can be effectively dealt with attacks other than 'Tracer.'

Focus Strike Now Locks Onto Wounds One by One

Bow's Focus Strike was previously able to lock onto multiple wounds at once, but it is planned to be changed to lock onto wounds one by one in sequence. This will result in a longer time required for Focus Strike, increasing the risk of lower DPS and taking attacks.

Other Weapon Adjustment Overview

Other Weapon Balance Adjustments

Other Weapon Adjustments
- General wide-ranging adjustments to skill and elemental values to balance for full game content, including endgame.
- Overall adjustments to hit detection and low damage output compared to past MH titles.

When Will Weapon Adjustments Be Implemented?

Various Balance Adjustments Implemented in Final Version

All of the above-mentioned balance adjustments will be implemented with the release of the final version. Please note that these balance adjustments will not be reflected in the 2nd Open Beta Test.

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