MH Wilds
Monster Hunter Wilds Wiki Guide & Tips
Full Story Walkthrough and Guide

Full Story Walkthrough and Guide

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MH Wilds | Full Story Walkthrough and Guide | Monster Hunter Wilds - GameWith

This is a walkthrough guide for the entire main story of Monster Hunter Wilds. Read ahead to see a list of all chapters, what they unlock, and step-by-step guides for the story!

Table of Contents

Story Walkthrough List

Low Rank Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 Progression

Monster and WeaknessHR
1-1ChatacabraChatacabra waterthunder-
1-2QuematriceQuematrice water-
1-3Lala BarinaLala Barina fire-
CongalalaCongalala fireice-
1-4BalaharaBalahara thunder-
DoshagumaDoshaguma firethunder-
1-5Uth DunaUth Duna thunder-

Chapter 2 Progression

Monster and WeaknessHR
2-1RompopoloRompopolo water-
2-2Rey DauRey Dau waterice-
2-3NerscyllaNerscylla firethunder-
HirabamiHirabami firethunder-
2-4AjarakanAjarakan waterice-
Nu UdraNu Udra water-
Features Unlocked

HR3→5, Oilwell Basin, Iceshard Cliffs, Charm (Talisman), Decorations, Armor Upgrade, Rock Steady Mantle...

Chapter 3 Progression

Monster and WeaknessHR
3-1Guardian DoshagumaGuardian Doshaguma fireicethunderdragon-
Guardian RathalosGuardian Rathalos thunderdragon-
Guardian ArkveldGuardian Arkveld dragon-
3-2Jin DahaadJin Dahaadfire-
3-3Guardian Ebony OdogaronGuardian Ebony Odogaron water-
3-4Xu WuXu Wu ice-
3-5Zoh ShiaZoh Shia dragon-
Features Unlocked

HR5→8, Ruins of Wyveria, Melding, Guardian Arkveld Armor, Support Ship, Mending Mantle, Palico Level 25...

High Rank Story Walkthrough

Chapter 4 Progression

Monster and WeaknessHR
4-1Yian Kut-KuYian Kut-Ku watericethunder10
4-2Frenzied NerscyllaFrenzied Nerscylla firethunder15
4-3Tempered Lala BarinaTempered Lala Barina fire
Guardian Fulgar AnjanathGuardian Fulgar Anjanath watericedragon
Features Unlocked

HR8→10 (HR cap raised to 40), High Rank, Ruins of Wyveria, Frenzy Monsters, Tempered Monsters, Evasion Mantle...

High Rank Monsters Unlocked
Chatacabra, Quematrice, Balahara,Congalala, Doshaguma, Rompopolo, Ajarakan, Hirabami, Guardian Ebony Odogaron

New High Rank Monsters
Guardian Fulgur Anjanath, Gravios, Rathian, Rathalos, Blangonga, Gypceros
Unlocked Upon Clearing
Chatacabra, Quematrice, Lala Barina, Congalala, Balahara, Rompopolo, Nerscylla, Yian Kut-Ku, Gypceros, Rathian

Chapter 5 Progression

Monster and WeaknessHR
5-1Jin DahaadJin Dahaad fireHR32
5-2 Part 1Uth DunaUth Duna [thunder
Rey DauRey Dau waterice
Nu UdraNu Udra water
5-2 Part 2Tempered BlangongaTempered Blangonga fire thunder
Gore MagalaGore Magala fire thunder dragon
After part 1
Features Unlocked

Artian Weapons, Corrupted Mantle

High Rank Monsters Unlocked

Guardian Doshaguma, Guardian Rathalos, Xu Wu

New High Rank Monsters
Jin Dahaad, Rey Dau, Uth Duna, Gore Magala
Tempered Monsters Unlocked at HR 32
Chatacabra, Quematrice, Lala Barina, Congalala, Balahara, Rompopolo, Nerscylla, Yian Kut-Ku, Gypceros, Rathian

Chapter 6 Progression

Monster and WeaknessHR
6-1Guardian ArkveldGuardian Arkveld dragon40
Features Unlocked

HR cap raised to 999, Rarity 8 equipment, Decoration Melding

New High Rank Monsters
Unlocked After Completing the Game
All Tempered Monsters unlocked.

The story of Monster Hunter Wilds consists of six chapters. Additionally, from Chapter 4 onward, you can progress by increasing your HR.

How Long is Monster Hunter Wilds Story?

Time to Complete20 to 30 Hours

It takes about 20 to 30 hours to complete the story of Monster Hunter Wilds. If you enjoy the story, raise your HR, and progress smoothly, it will take roughly 20 hours. If you decide to play at your own pace, it will take about 30 hours.

Chapter 1 Story Walkthrough

chapter 1
Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Chapter 1-1 Desert Trotters

  1. Chase the girl
  2. Stagger the monster
  3. Shake off the monsters
  4. Talk to Alma *Choose your weapon type
    - Optional: Try different weapons
    Weapon Type Tier List
  5. Ride on Seikret
  6. Follow the brother's scent
  7. Defeat Chatacabra
  8. Check on them
    *Tutorial end
  9. Talk to Y'sai and Nono
  10. Chapter 1-1 Cleared

How to Stagger Balahara and Controls

chap1 quicksand
Step 1
Press to aim
Get Screamer Pod
Step 2
Press to aim
Fire Screamer Pod

Use the Hook Slinger to obtain a Screamer Pod from a nearby Baunos, then aim at Balahara and fire it to save the girl.

Follow the Tutorial to Defeat Chatacabra

follow instructiosn

The battle with Chatacabra in Chapter 1 serves as a combat tutorial. Following the on-screen instructions will make the fight smoother, but you can defeat it without them. This is a great opportunity to practice using your weapon.

Chapter 1-2 Village of Whispering Winds

  1. Talk to your Guildmates (3 people)
    - Optional: Talk to Nata
    - Optional: Head to the Training Area
    Features Unlocked
    - (Support Desk)
    - Training Area / Smithy
  2. Enter the Expedition Command Tent
  3. Enter the Tent
    Features Unlocked
    Multiplayer / Lobby / Squad
  4. Talk to Alma
  5. Follow Y'sai
    - Optional: Observe Monsters
  6. Gather Honey
  7. Follow Y'sai
  8. Follow Alma
  9. Defeat Bulaqchi
  10. Return to Base Camp
  11. Talk to Jack the Provisions Manager
    Features Unlocked
    - Ghillie Mantle
  12. Talk to Gemma
    Features Unlocked
    Weapon Upgrade
  13. Get ready and talk to Alma
  14. Head to the SOS Flare
  15. Defeat Quematrice
    - Optional: Use Paratoad
    - Optional: Use Vine Traps
    Features Unlocked
    - HR1→2
    Secondary Weapon
  16. Talk to Tom at the Ingredient Center

    Unlocked Features
    - Ingredient Center
  17. Talk to Ferdinand the Researcher

    Features Unlocked
    - Monster Field Guide
  18. Talk to Y'sai
    - Optional: Talk to Nata- Optional: Talk to Alma
  19. Follow Y'sai
  20. Talk to Elder Ela
  21. Talk to the woman tending the fire
  22. Talk to Y'sai
  23. Chapter 1-2 Cleared

Talk to Jack to Unlock Ghillie Mantle

hunting tools chap 1

After speaking with Jack, the Provisions Stockpile will become available. You'll also receive a tool set, allowing you to use the Ghillie Mantle - How to Get & Use from that point on.

Secondary Weapons Unlocked

chap1 quematrice

Defeating Quematrice unlocks secondary weapons. At the same time, Seikret will become available, allowing you to switch weapons from your weapon bag while riding it.

Tom and Ferdinand's Location

tom and ferdidnatn lcoation

Tom is near the Provisions Stockpile, while Ferdinand is in the expedition headquarters tent. Refer to the image above for their locations. Speak to Tom to unlock the Ingredient Center and Ferdinand to unlock the Monster Field Guide.

Chapter 1-3 To the Forest

  1. Head toward the forest
    - Optional: Explore the field and search for hunting targets
  2. Go to the forest
    Features Unlocked
    - Map Scarlet Forest
    - Ingredients Center(Support Desk)
  3. Talk to Erik
    - Optional: Talk to Nata
  4. Head to the campsite
    Features Unlocked
    - Pop-Up Camp
  5. Follow the Doshaguma traces
  6. Hunt the Lala Barina
  7. Talk to Gemma
  8. Head to the Pop-Up Camp
  9. Go with the Lynians
    - Observe the forest
  10. Talk to the Lynian Negotiator
  11. Search for the Congalala
  12. Hunt the Congalala
  13. Speak with the Lynians to clear Chapter 1-3
    Features Unlocked
    - Side Missions

Hunting Lala Barina

  1. Lala Barina
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◯

Upon entering Scarlet Forest, a battle with Lala Barina will begin. When enraged, its torso opens like a rose, dramatically increasing the frequency of its Paralysis attack. If you get paralyzed, rapidly press the L stick to break free faster.

Hunting Congalala

  1. Congalala
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◎

Congalala is fought at the end of Chapters 1–3. Its most notable attacks inflict Stench on the Hunter, rendering most consumable items unusable. While the effect fades over time, it can be cured instantly with Deodorant.

Chapter 1-4 The Investigation Continues

  1. Talk to Alma
  2. Head to the Oasis
  3. Escape from the Balahara
    - Repel Balahara
  4. Hunt the Balahara
  5. Follow the pack
  6. Get the Alpha Doshaguma's attention
  7. Hunt the Alpha Doshaguma
  8. Return to Kunafa
    Features Unlocked
    - HR2→3
    - Side Mission
    - Dareel's Research Report
    - Seikret Customization
    - Item Trade

Hunting Balahara

  1. Balahara
    Severing ◯Blunt ◎Ammo ◯

A battle with Balahala will take place in the oasis. If Balahala is buried in the sand, you can drag it to the surface using a Screamer Pod. This will leave it vulnerable for a short period of time, so be prepare some before starting the battle.

Hunting Doshaguma

  1. Doshaguma
    Severing ◯Blunt ◯Ammo ◯

At the end of Chapter 1-4, you will battle Doshaguma. Aim for its hind legs, as they are the easiest to attack, making them ideal for inflicting wounds. Performing a Focus Strike will also create a sizable damage window.

We recommend following this gameplay loop to make Doshaguma easier to defeat: Attack the hind legs → Destroy the wound to knock it down → Open the wound while enraged → Destroy the wound.

Chapter 1-5 Pursuit of Solitude

  1. Talk to Nata in the Plains Base Camp
  2. Head to the Depths of the Scarlet Forest
  3. Repel the Uth Duna
  4. Talk to Olivia
    - Optional: Carve Uth Duna Materials
  5. Chapter 1-5 cleared

Hunting Uth Duna

  1. Uth Duna
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◯

The battle with Uth Duna begins at the end of Chapter 1-5. While its veil is active, it reduces incoming damage but can be destroyed with continuous attacks. The veil will fall away once Uth Duna loses enough water, making it more agile and aggressive.

Chapter 2 Story Walkthrough

Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Chapter 2-1 Toward Fervent Fields

  1. Finish your preparations and talk to Alma
    Features Unlocked
    - Charms (Talisman)
  2. Go to the Wudwuds
  3. Head to Azuz, the Everforge
  4. Talk to Yabran
    - Optional: Explore Azuz
    Feature Unlocked
    - Armor Upgrade
  5. Talk to Alma
  6. Search for Maki
  7. Hunt the Rompopolo
  8. Chapter 2-1 cleared

Charm (Talisman) Unlocked

talisman crafting

Charms (Talismans) are unlocked by talking to Gemma at the start of Chapter 2-1. Charms are items that gives you additional skills when equipped. You can only wear one Charm at a time.

Charm (Talisman) List

Armor Upgrade Unlocked

armor upgrade

Armor Upgrades are unlocked after arriving at Azuz, the Everforge, in Chapter 2-1. After arriving, talk to Gemma to see the tutorial and strengthen your armor.

Hunting Rompopolo

  1. Rompopolo
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◎

At the end of Chapter 2-1, you will encounter Rompopolo. It fights using poison-imbued attacks and tail swings. While its movements are not very fast, it has tricky techniques, such as time-delayed area explosion attacks.

Chapter 2-2 An Unforeseen Storm

  1. Talk to Alma
    Features Unlocked
    - Side Mission Seeking the Goldenfish
     *Fishing: Life, in Microcosm must be completed
  2. Head to the Wind's Gasp
  3. Slay the Rey Dau (HR3→4)
  4. Talk to Werner to clear Chapter 2-2

Hunting Rey Dau

  1. Rey Dau
    Severing ◯Blunt ◯Ammo △

A battle with Rey Dau occurs at the end of Chapter 2-1. Its attacks inflict Thunderblight, increasing the likelihood of being stunned. Evade repeatedly or use a Nulberry to remove the effect.

Chapter 2-3 A Desolate Destination

  1. Talk to Werner in Azuz
  2. Follow Satesh
    Features Unlocked
    - Map Iceshard Cliffs
  3. Mount your Seikret
    - Gather Hot Pepper
  4. Head to the top of the wall
  5. Hunt the Nerscylla
  6. Talk to Rove
    - Optional: Get Ready
  7. Talk to the other Avis Unit members
  8. Sit and rest
  9. Hunt the Hirabami
  10. Chapter 2-3 cleared

Werner is Near the Stairs at Base Camp

werner location

Werner in 2-3, "A Desolate Destination," is located near the stairs of the Base Camp in Oilwell Basin. You can also set a Waypoint from the map to move there automatically.

Hunting Nerscylla

  1. Nerscylla
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◎

During Chapter 2-3, you will encounter a Nerscylla. Be wary as Nerscylla is agile and has many fast attacks, so it's best to wait for an opening rather than attacking constantly and leaving yourself open to damage.

Rove's Location

rove location

In Chapter 2-3, Rove can be found in Area 1 of the Iceshard Cliffs. He may move around slightly, but he never leaves the base camp area. If he's not in his usual spot, check nearby.

Hunting Hirabami

  1. Hirabami
    Severing ◯Blunt ◎Ammo ◯

Hirabami is encountered at the end of Chapter 2-3. Its ice attacks apply a restraining effect and will leave you vulnerable to a follow-up attack. Struggle to escape as quickly as possible before the follow-up strike lands.

Chapter 2-4 Long-forgotten Flame

  1. Search for Warner in Azuz
  2. Repel Ajarakan
  3. Search for the Black Flame
  4. Hunt: Nu Udra(HR4→5)
    Features Unlocked
    - Decorations
    - Rocksteady Mantle (Talk to Gemma)
  5. Chapter 2-4 cleared

Werner can be Found Near Azuz

werners location

In Chapter 2-4, Werner can be found close to the fast travel point of Azuz, the Everforge in Oilwell Basin.

The Black Flame in Area 15

Black flame location

The Black Flame can be found by going to Area 15. You can set an an item or creature as a Waypoint in Area 15 to easily reach the destination with Seikret's auto movement.

Hunting Ajarakan

  1. Ajarakan
    Severing ◯Blunt ◯Ammo ◯

During chapter 2-4, you will encounter and hunt an Ajarakan. When enraged, its attacks will become more powerful and deals more damage. If you accumulate enough damage, Ajarakan will be staggered giving you a sizable damage window.

Hunting Nu Udra

  1. Nu Udra
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◯

Nu Udra is fought at the end of Chapter 2-4. Severing Nu Udra's tentacle will decrease its attack range making it easier to hunt. It is recommended to aim for the tentacles that are easy to reach.

Chapter 3 Story Walkthrough

Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Walkthrough

Chapter 3-1 Born from the Flame

  1. Talk to Rosso in Windward Plains

    [Features Unlocked]
    - New Area Ruins of Wyveria
  2. Follow Nata
  3. Slay the Guardian Doshaguma
  4. Talk to Nata
  5. Slay the Guardian Rathalos
  6. Follow Tasheen and Talk to him
    - Optional: Stroll around the guardian village
  7. Follow Tasheen
  8. Repel the Guardian Arkveld
    [Feature Unlocked]
    - Guardian Dragon Equipment
    - Guardian Doshaguma/Guardian Rathalos Encyclopedia
  9. Chapter 3-1 Cleared

Rosso is in the Base Camp Tent

Rosso is in the Base Camp Tent

Talk to Rosso in Windward Plains. Rosso is in front of the tent near Base Camp in Windward Plains. When Rosso is not there, check around the tent.

Hunting Guardian Doshaguma

  1. Guardian Doshaguma
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◯

After talking with Rosso in Windward Plains, you will be automatically moved to "Ruins of Wyveria". If you follow Nata in Ruins of Wyveria, a battle with Guardian Doshaguma will occur. Guardian Doshaguma's weak elements are Fire, Thunder, Ice, and Dragon Element.

Hunting Guardian Rathalos

  1. Guardian Rathalos
    Severing ◎Blunt ◯Ammo △

After defeating Guardian Doshaguma, talk to Nata again and a battle with Guardian Rathalos will occur. Guardian Rathalos' weak elements are Thunder and Dragon Element.

Hunting Guardian Arkveld

  1. Guardian Arkveld
    Severing ◯Blunt ◯Ammo ◯

After defeating Guardian Rathalos, talk to Tasheen and follow him, and a battle with Guardian Arkveld will occur. Guardian Arkveld's weak elements is Dragon Element only. Defeating it will clear Chapter 3-1.

Chapter 3-2 Indomitable Spirit

  1. Talk to Olivia in the Iceshard Cliffs
  2. Listen to Rove
  3. Continue toward Suja
  4. Repel the Jin Dahaad
  5. Chapter 3-2 Cleared

Olivia is at Base Camp

Olivia's Location

Talk to Olivia at Iceshard Cliffs. Olivia is near Base Camp in Iceshard Cliffs.

Rove is in Area 20

3-2 Rove Location
How to Use
Use Seikret's Auto-travel

Talk to Rove in area 20 of Iceshard Cliffs. You can move to the location using Seikret's auto-travel, so you don't have to worry about getting lost if you use auto-move.

Hunting Jin Dahaad

  1. Jin Dahaad
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◯

Follow the part to Suja and you'll encounter a battle with Jin Dahaad. You can use the camp before challenging Jin Dahaad, so prepare well. Jin Dahaad's weak element is Fire Element only. Defeating it will clear Chapter 3-2.

Chapter 3-3 Through the Dusk

  1. Talk to the Allhearken
    - Talk to the Villages
  2. Talk to Vio the Melder
    [Feature Unlocked]
    - Melding
  3. Go to dinner (* HR5→6)
    - Optional: Talk to your Guildmates
  4. Talk to Tasheen
  5. Head to the Campsite
  6. Set out to Investigate
  7. Slay the Guardian Ebonoy Odoragon
  8. Hunt the Xu Wu
    [Feature Unlocked]
    Mending Mantle (Talk to Gemma)
  9. Chapter 3-3 Cleared

Unlocked Melding

Unlocked Melding

Melding will be unlocked after talking to Vio in Chapter 3-3. Element that can meld random decoration etc. Items and rarities that can be melded will be gradually unlocked as the story progresses.

Melding Pot Guide

Hunting Guardian Ebonoy Odoragon

  1. Guardian Ebonoy Odoragon
    Guardian Ebonoy Odoragon
    Severing ◯Blunt ◯Ammo ◯

After talking with Tasheen, head to the campsite and continue investigating, and a battle with Guardian Ebony Odoragon will occur. Guardian Ebony Odoragon's weak element is Water Element. After defeating it, you will continue to fight again Xu Wu

Hunting Xu Wu

  1. Xu Wu
    Xu Wu
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◯

After defeating Guardian Ebony Orodagon, a battle against Xu Wu will occur. Since it will be a series of battle, consider returning to camp once to prepare. Xu Wu's weak element is Ice Element. Defeating it will clear Chapter 3-3

Chapter 3-4 Dawn Breaks

  1. Talk to Nata
  2. Head to the lower stratum of Wyvern's Rest
  3. Slay the Guardian Arkveld (* HR6→7)
  4. Chapter 3-4 Cleared

Hunting Guardian Arkveld

  1. Guardian Arkveld
    Severing ◯Blunt ◯Ammo ◯

After talking with Nata, head to the lower level stratum of Wyvern's Rest and a battle with Guardian Arkveld will occur. Guardian Arkveld's weak element is Dragon Element. Defeating Guardian Arkveld will clear Chapter 3-4 and unlocks Hunter Rank 7.

Chapter 3-5 Visions of Hope

  1. Talk to Nata
  2. Slay Zoh Shia (* HR7→8)
    [Feature Unlocked]
    - Palico Level 25
    - Support Ship
  3. Chapter 3-5 (Low Rank) Cleared

Unlocked Support Ship

Appears in Windward Plains after clearing Chapter 3-5

The support ship will appear at Base Camp in Windward Plains after clearing Chapters 3-5. The support vessel will stay at Base Camp for 3 days. Support Ship will disappear from camp after 3 days. but will return to Base Camp 3 days later.

Support Ship Guide

Hunting Zoh Shia

  1. Zoh Shia
    Zoh Shia
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◎

After talking with Nata, you will automatically move to a different location and a battle with Low rank's final boss Zoh Shia will occur. Zoh Shia's weak element is Dragon Element. Defeating Zoh Shia will clear Chapters 3-5 and unlock Hunter rank 8.

Chapter 4 Story Walkthrough

Chapter 4
Chapter 4 Walkthrough

Chapter 4-1 A Visitor from the West

  1. Talk to Olivia
  2. Talk to Alma
  3. Survey the Scarlet Forest
    - Listen to Wudwud and his friends
  4. View the forest from atop of a tree
  5. Capture a Yian Kut-Ku (* HR10)
    [Feature Unlocked]
    - High Rank
    - HR Limit 15
  6. Chapter 4-1 Cleared

Observing Forest from the top of a tree in Area 18

Climb the tree near area 10 to reach it

The objective "Observe the forest from the top of a tree" can be achieved by climbing the tree in Scarlet Forest Area 10 (Area 18). You can easily get there by setting a waypoint at the camp site in the western part of Area 18 and use Seikret's auto-travel.

Capture a Yian Kut-Ku

Capture a Yian Kut-Ku

At the end of the Chapter 4-1, Yian Kut-Ku's Capturing Mission will occur. Capturing requires special Traps and Tranq items. After weakening Yian Kut-ku, use the provided Shock Trap and Tranq ball to capture it.

Capturing Method and Timing

Unlocked High Rank Environment

High Rank of Monster Hunter Wilds is unlocked by clearing Chapter 4-1

After capturing Yian Kut-Ku, the High Rank environment will be unlocked from and High Rank monsters will appear in the field. Materials obtained from High Rank monsters can be used to create stronger equipment than before.

Hunter Rank (HR) Leveling Guide

Chapter 4-2 Chasing Change

  1. Investigate the regions and raise your HR to 15
  2. Talk to Fabius in Suja, Peaks of Accord (2 twice)
  3. Head to the depths of the Wounded Hollow
    [Feature Unlocked]
    - Wounded Hollow (Arena) is Unlocked
  4. Hunt the Frenzied Nerscylla
    [Feature Unlocked]
    - Frenzied Monster appears
    - Side Mission Unlocked
    - Evasion Mantle (Talk with Gemma)
    - HR20 Limit
  5. Chapter 4-2 Cleared

Investigate the regions and raise your HR to 15

Investigate the regions and raise your HR to 15

In Chapter 4-2, you need to raise your Hunter Rank to 15. It is recommended to raise your Hunter Rank while creating equipment in a High Rank Environment.

Wounded Hollow (Arena)

Wounded Hollow (Arena)

A new map "Wounded Hollow" will be unlocked in Chapter 4-2. It is an arena map, and monsters do not move to other fields, so you can concentrate on fighting in the same area.

Hunting Frenzied Nerscylla

  1. Nerscylla
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◎

In Chapter 4-2, the story progresses when you raise your HR to 15. After speaking with Fabius, head to the back of Wounded Hollow and a battle with Frenzied Nerscylla will occur. Nerscylla's Health is low due to her Frenzied stat, but her Attack is increased.

Chapter 4-3 Touring History

  1. Investigate the regions and raise your HR to 20
  2. Talk to Olivia at the Ruins of Wyveria (twice)
  3. Follow the Tempered Lala Barina traces
  4. Hunt the Tempered Lala Barina
    Hunt the Guardian Fulgur Anjanath
    [Features Unlocked]
    - Tempered Monsters appears in various places
    - Side Missions are unlocked
  5. Chapter 4-3 Cleared

Hunting Lala Barina and Guardian Fulgur Anjanath

  1. Lala Barina
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◯
  2. Guardian Fulgur
    Guardian Fulgur Anjanath
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◎

At the end of Chapter 4-3, a battle will occur with Tempered Lala Barina and Guardian Fulgur Anjanath at the same time. Lala Barina is a Tempered Monster and has greatly increased health and attack, so you need to be especially careful.

Artian Weapon Unlocked

Artian Weapon Unlocked

Artian Weapons will be unlocked after hunting Lala Barina and Guardian Fulgur Anjanath. It is a special weapon that can be produced by combining three parts, and its performance changes depending on the parts and bonuses.

Artian Weapons Guide

Tempered Monsters Appear in Various Places

Tempered Monsters appear in various places

After hunting Lala Barina and Guardian Fulgur Anjanath, Tempered Monsters will appear in various places. If you defeat it, you can get rewards such as Artian parts and composite decorations.

Tempered Monsters Guide

Chapter 5 Story Walkthrough

chapter 5
Chapter 5 Walkthrough

Chapter 5-1 Premonitions

  1. Investigate the regions and raise your HR
    Features Unlocked
    - Side Missions
  2. Talk to Olivia at the Ruins of Wyveria
  3. Investigate the regions and raise your HR (32)
  4. Talk to Nata at the Oilwell BasinOilwell Basin
  5. Talk to Alma
  6. Slay the Jin Dahaad
  7. Chapter 5-1 cleared

Increase Your Hunter Rank

Increasing your Hunter Rank will progress the story and unlock the next quest. Go on hunts to collect materials and complete side missions to rank up.

Hunting Jin Dahaad

  1. Jin Dahaad
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◯

The battle with Jin Dahaad begins after speaking with Alma in Chapter 5-1. Jin Dahaad is weak to Fire, and defeating it will clear the chapter, so prepare accordingly.

Jin Dahaad Guide

Chapter 5-2 A World Turned Upside Down

Steps 3,4 5 can be done in any order.

  1. Investigate the regions and raise your HR (35)
  2. Talk to Olivia at the Ruins of Wyveria
  3. Go to the Base Camp in Scarlet Forest
    - Talk to Sassafrill
    - Slay the Uth Duna
  4. Go to the Base Camp in Oilwell Basin
    - Talk to Maki
    - Slay the Nu Udra
  5. Go to the Base Camp in Windward Plains
    - Talk to Alma
    Head to Kunafa
    - Slay the Rey Dau
  6. Talk to Fabius at Iceshard Cliffs
  7. Slay the Gore Magala and Frenzied Blangonga
    Features Unlocked
    - Corrupted Mantle (Talk to Gemma)
  8. Chapter 2 Cleared

Hunting Uth Duna

  1. Uth Duna
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◯

After talking to Sassafrill at Scarlet Forest Base Camp, move towards Uth Duna to defeat it. While its veil is active, it reduces incoming damage but can be destroyed by attacking it continuously .The veil will fall away once Uth Duna loses enough water, making it more agile and aggressive.

Hunting Nu Udra

  1. Nu Udra
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◯

After talking to Maki at the Base Camp in Oilwell Basin, head out to defeat Nu Udra. It is only weak to water element so prepare beforehand.

Hunting Rey Dau

  1. Rey Dau
    Severing ◯Blunt ◯Ammo △

After speaking with Alma at Base Camp in Windward Plains, head to Kunafa Village, After the cutscene in Kunafa, head to defeat Rey Dau. It is only weak to ice element so prepare beforehand. .

Gore Magala and Frenzied Blangonga

  1. Gore Magala
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◯
  2. Blangonga
    Severing ◎Blunt ◎Ammo ◎

For the finale of Chapter 5-2, you will fight two monsters simultaneously: Gore Magala and a Frenzied Blangonga. Frenzied monsters generally have low health but deal increased damage. Since both are weak to Fire, prepare accordingly.

Chapter 5-3 A Break in the Clouds

  1. Investigate the regions and raise your HR (40)
    Features Unlocked
    - Side Missions

Investigate the regions and raise your HR (40)

hr grind

After defeating Gore Magala, you will need to raise your Hunter Rank to 40. If you want to create Artian weapons, it is recommended to hunt Tempered Monsters. After reaching Hunter Rank 40, Chapter 6 will automatically start.

Efficient Hunter Rank Leveling

double hirabami

If you want to raise Hunter Rank quickly, we recommend the ★4 Optional Quest 'Secure Wounded Hollow.' It is a quest to hunt two Hirabami and since it's arena, there is no need to travel to the monster.

Chapter 6 Story Walkthrough

chapter 6
Chapter 6 Walkthrough

Chapter 6-1 Links in a Chain

  1. Talk to Nata in the Windward Plains (2 times)
  2. Investigate Arkveld
    - Optional: Observe the Corpse
  3. Slay Arkveld (High Rank Final Boss)
    *All chapters cleared
    Features Unlockd
    - HR cap raised to 999
    - Palico level cap raised to 30
    - Meld Decorations added to Melding Pot

Hunting Arkveld

arkveld fight
  1. Arkveld
    Severing ◯Blunt ◯Ammo ◯

In Chapter 6, you will fight the high rank final boss Arkveld. When enraged, Arkveld emits a red lightning which enhances its attacks and adds an explosion effect, so be careful while hunting,

End-Game Contents Guide

HR Cap Raised to 999

hr cap increase

After clearing the story, the HR cap will be raised to 999. There is a possibility that quest in future updates will require a higher Hunter Rank, so keep raising your HR!

Palico Level Raised to 30

palico level 30

After clearing the story, the Palico level cap will be increased to 30.

Palico Guide

Meld Decorations Added to Melding Pot

Melding Pot decorations

After clearing the story, Meld Decorations will become available allowing you to create decorations listed in the Melding Pot. High level Decorations aren't available, but it is recommended when you need a specific skill.

Melding Pot Guide

Key Points for Story Walkthrough

  1. Remember how to use the weapon you use
  2. Learn Monster Characteristics and Attack Patterns
  3. Review the Equipped Weapons and Armor
  4. Eat Food and Activate Meal Skill
  5. Use Items such as Capturing and Traps
  6. Remember and Utilize the Location of Environmental Traps on each Map
  7. Use Dung Pod when surrounded by Large Monsters
  8. Call other Players or Support Hunter

The key points for conquering the story of Monster Hunter Wilds include remembering how to use the weapons you use, learn the characteristics of monsters and attack patterns, review your equipped weapons and armor, and activate meal skills by eating food.

Remember how to use the weapon you use

Remember how to use the weapon you use

The important thing in combat in Monster Hunter Wilds is to remember how to use the weapons you use. As you master the unique actions that exist for each weapon, the efficiency with which you deal damage will increase, so learn how to use them in the training area where you can practice freely.

Learn Monster Characteristics and Attack Patterns

Learn Monster Characteristics and Attack Patterns

Hitzone, weak points, resistance, and parts that can be broken differ depending on the monster. Also, by learning the monster's attack action, you can predict the next action based on the previous stance and action, and reduc the number of attacks you receive. Once you get used to basic weapon operations, you can also pay attention to the movements of monster.

Monster List Guide

Review the Equipped Weapons and Armor

Review the Equipped Weapons and Armor

If it takes a long time to defeat monsters or the damage you receive increases, check your equipment. Also, some armor has skills that increase survivability or damage dealt, so when there is an enemy you cannot defeat, it is recommended to prepare strong armor before taking on the challenge.

Weapon Type Tier List

Eat Food and Activate Meal Skill

select mobile/add/finishing touches to complete
RationFixed Effect: Physical Strength +50, Stamina +150
Effects by Ingredient: Status Boost
Additional IngredientsFixed Effect: Effect Duration +20:00
Effects by Ingredient: Adds 1 meal skill
Finishing IngredientsFixed Effect: Attribute Resistance +5
Effects by Ingredient: Adds 1 meal skill

By eating cooked meal, you can activate various Meal Skills and increase your health and resistance. Although the effect time is limited, it is an easy way to upgrade.

How to Cook Meals Guide

Use Items such as Capturing and Traps

Use Items such as Capturing and Traps

By bringing in items that are useful in battle, such as Shock Trap, you can gain an advantage in battle. If you bring Crafting Material, you can replenish it on the spot, so think of it as hunting, including bringing in items.

Items and Materials List

Remember and Utilize the Location of Environmental Traps on each Map

In Monster Hunter Wilds, you can use the Falling Boulder found on each map to deal heavy damage to monsters, or use Ivy Traps to immobilize them. Environmental Traps can't be used everywhere, but if you can, it will give you an advantage in battle, so remember the location of the environmental Traps on each map and use them.

Full Map Guide

Use Dung Pod when surrounded by Large Monsters

Dung Pod can move the monster it hits to another area. If it is difficult to fight, such as when the mosnter side has advantageous terrain or other large monsters, try pulling the monsters away from the area to create a situation where it is easier for you to fight around.

Slinger and Hook Slinger Guide

Call other Players or Support Hunter

Call other Players or Support Hunter

If you have difficulty completing the solo mission, you can get help from other players or NPC Support Hunter by sending an SOS Flare signal. SOS Flare signal settings can be finely adjusted from Alma's Quest Counter, so use it to suit your play style.

Basic Story Details

  1. Story progresses by chapters
  2. Chapters are separated into missions
    - Earn rewards for each mission cleared
  3. Move to a Waypoint automatically using Seikret
  4. HR cap increases as you progress
  5. View cutscenes in the gallery

Story Progresses by Chapters

story image

In Monster Hunter Wilds, the story progresses in chapters. Instead of accepting quests from a quest board or receptionist, progression happens more naturally through conversations and interactions with characters throughout the world.

Some Missions Have Optional Objectives

Missions will occasionally have optional objectives that are not essential for story progression and can be ignored. However, these objectives may contribute to storytelling and worldbuilding, enhancing the overall experience.

Chapters are Separated Into Missions

Each chapter consists of multiple missions, and you can progress to the next chapter by completing them all. Clearing missions also grants rewards, including materials and Hunter Profile medals.

Hunter Profile Guide

Auto-Move to Waypoint with Seikret

Waypoint move

You can set the quest destination as a Waymark to automatically navigate to your target, making progression smoother.

HR Cap Increases as You Progress

hr cap increase

In Monster Hunter Wilds, Hunter Rank cap increases as you progress through the story. Reaching specific Hunter Rank levels unlocks new quests and hunts, allowing you to access a variety of content by advancing through the game.

View Cutscenes in the Gallery

story title menu

Cutscenes that have already played can be rewatched from the Gallery on the Title Screen. If you missed a scene or want to view a favorite moment again, you can do so there.

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MH Wilds Strategy Team

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