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Jin Dahaad Guide - Weakness, Drops, and How to Unlock

Jin Dahaad Guide - Weakness, Drops, and How to Unlock

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MH Wilds | Jin Dahaad Guide - Weakness, Drops, and How to Unlock | Monster Hunter Wilds - GameWith

Jin Dahaad is a monster in Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds). See weakness, how to unlock, spawn locations, and materials dropped by Jin Dahaad.

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Table of Contents

Jin Dahaad Weaknesses and Breakable Parts

Jin Dahaad Info

W. Pressure
Max Size
Min Size
Main HabitatIceshard Cliffs
Status AilmentsFreeze / Iceblight
Breakable PartsHead Iceplate, Lg. Iceplate (Exposed), Abdominal Iceplate, Left Foreleg, Right Foreleg, Left Foreleg, Right Foreleg, Tail Iceplate

Weaknesses and Breakable Parts

Hide (Hitzone)

Left Foreleg
Right Foreleg
Left Foreleg
Right Foreleg
Abdominal Iceplate
Lg. Iceplate (Hidden)
Lg. Iceplate (Exposed)

Status Ailments Resistances

Flash PodShock TrapPitfall TrapDung PodScreamer Pod

Breakable Parts and Obtained Extracts

Breakable PartsExtract
Head RegionHead IceplateRed
BackLg. Iceplate (Exposed)White
Abdominal IceplateAbdominal IceplateWhite
ForelegLeft Foreleg, Right ForelegWhite
Hind LegLeft Foreleg, Right ForelegWhite
TailTail IceplateGreen

Jin Dahaad Unlock Conditions

▼ Low RankAppears in Chapter 3-2
*Still locked after the chapter
▼ High Rank[HR32~] Unlocked after Chapter 5-1
▼ Tempered[HR40~] Unlocked after Chapter 6-1
▼ LocationsIceshard Cliffs

First Appears in Chapter 3-2

First Appears in Chapter 3-2

You will need to repel Jin Dahaad in Chapter 3-2: Nothing Frozen, Nothing Gained. This is the only time you can fight it in Low Rank. You will have to be in High Rank to be able to fight it again.

Chapter 3 Walkthrough Guide

High Rank Jin Dahaad Unlocked at HR32

High Rank Jin Dahaad Unlocked at HR32

Jin Dahaad is unlocked upon clearing Chapter 5-1: Omen that is available at HR32. After this, it will start spawning when its conditions are met.

Chapter 5 Walkthrough Guide

Tempered Jin Dahaad Unlocked at HR40

Tempered Jin Dahaad will start showing up once you complete Chapter 6-1: What Lies Ahead. Successfully hunting Jin Dahaad can give you the Hunter Symbol III.

Tempered Monsters Guide

Locations & Conditions

Windward Plains
Scarlet Forest
Oilwell Basin
Iceshard Cliffs
Ruins of Wysteria

*Only those confirmed by the team are posted here

Jin Dahaad only exclusively spawns in Iceshard Cliffs. It is most likely to spawn during Inclemency and only rarely appears during Plenty and Fallow. You can use Rest at the camp to change the weather.

How to Get Jin Dahaad Quests

  1. Get Inclemency in Iceshard Cliffs
  2. Check the Environment Overview and select Jin Dahaad
  3. Attack the Jin Dahaad
  4. Turn it into a quest in Environment Overview
  5. Start the quest

Change the Weather in Iceshard Cliffs to Inclemency

Change the Weather in Iceshard Cliffs to Inclemency

Jin Dahaad only appears in Iceshard Cliffs and has a higher chance of spawning during Inclemency. You can rest at your tent to change the weather.

How to Check & Change Weather Environment

Check the Environment Overview

Check the Environment Overview

Open the Iceshard Cliffs and check if Jin Dahaad has appeared in the Environment Overview. At this stage, you cannot turn it into a quest yet so set it as a waypoint for now and head there.

Sometimes It can be Turned Into a Quest Directly

Sometimes It can be Turned Into a Quest Directly

Jin Dahaad may appear directly in its location. In this case, you will be able to turn it into a quest directly from the Environmental Overview so you can skip Step 3.

Keep Attacking Until Quest Starts

Jin Dahaad will be hanging over the cliff so attack it until it moves to its area. If you deal a certain amount of damage to it, you can turn it into a quest. If you don't deal enough damage, it will run away.

Quest From Environment Overview

Quest From Environment Overview

Once Jin Dahaad has moved, open the map again and check the Environment Overview. If it is shown that Jin Dahaad has appeared, it can be turned into a quest.

Start the Quest

Start the Quest

When you start the quest, you will immediately travel to its location. Once you're ready, head out to defeat Jin Dahaad.

Jin Dahaad Strategy & Tactics

Table of Contents (Tap to Jump)
▼Strategy Tips▼How to Fight

Jin Dahaad Strategy Tips

PrepPrepare and Bring a Cleanser
1Expose Weak Points After Freezing Breath
2Use Slinger to Knock Down After Climbing the Pillar
3Aim for the Waist When Downed
4Drop Ice for a Wall for Incoming Powerful Attack
5Striking with an Ice Wall Deals Massive Damage
6Breaking the Back Causes Weakening
7Shock Trap Works, but Capturing is Not Possible

Prepare and Bring a Cleanser

In Monster Hunter Wilds, Jin Dahaad can bind you with his Freezing Breath once you reach High Rank. If restrained, it triggers powerful straight-line breath attacks or a heavy body slam aimed at you. Breaking free and dodging is challenging, so bring a Cleanser to keep some breathing room.

Expose Weak Points After Freezing Breath

Jin Dahaad will always expose the weak point on its head after using its Freezing Breath. If you land a focused attack on the weak point, Jin Dahaad will stagger significantly, so after dodging the breath, aim for the head.

Use Slinger to Knock Down After Climbing the Pillar

Jin Dahaad may climb the pillars in the field and release freezing breath attacks from above. After using breath four times, you can knock the pillar down with the slinger. Aim for it while dodging, as knocking the pillar down will cause a stagger.

Aim for the Waist When Downed

Jin Dahaad exposes the weak point on its waist while downed. The waist has a soft hitzone and is susceptible to Part Breaks, so make sure to attack aggressively during this time.

Drop Ice for a Wall for Incoming Powerful Attack

Equal to an ultimate attack, Jin Dahaad performs a high-damage attack that covers the entire area. There are Ice blocks scattered throughout the field to block the attack, so when you see the preparation for the powerful attack move, use the Slinger to knock down the Ice blocks and create a wall.

Striking with an Ice Wall Deals Massive Damage

If you hit Jin Dahaad with the 'Crumbled Ice Wall' at the edge of the field, you can deal massive damage and knock it down. To activate the Ice Wall, hit it with the Slinger once, then press the ◯ button again.

Breaking the Back Causes Weakening

Successfully breaking the back part weakens Jin Dahaad's freezing break attack. The back has a tough hitzone at first, but it softens as you destroy other parts. Try aiming for it after breaking the legs, head, or waist.

Shock Trap Works, but Capturing is Not Possible

Jin Dahaad is vulnerable to Shock Traps, which can immobilize it for about 5-6 seconds. This is useful for regaining control when it's rampaging. While it can't be captured even when weakened, use the Shock Trap to continue the offensive.

How to Fight Jin Dahaad

1Destroy the Frozen Shells
2Learn All 3 Breath Attacks
3Explosive Breath
4Actively Target Wounds
5Avoid the Body Press
6Create a Wall or Retreat to Camp
7Back Off When Jin Dahaad Releases Cold Air

Destroy the Frozen Shells

Recommended Order
1. Tail: Attack aggressively during the early stages while the monster's movements are slow
2. Waist: Aim for the wound to break it and try to down the monster by attacking its waist.
3. Head: Accumulate damage on Jin Dahaad's head by attacking it every time it lowers its head for a breath attack.
4. Back: Damage is almost ineffective unless other parts are destroyed first.

When fighting Jin Dahaad, you should make a conscious effort to destroy each of its frozen shells in the propper order as doing so will net more materials, but also, destroying the frozen shell on its back will significantly lessen the power of its breath attack.

Learn All 3 Breath Attacks

Jin Dahaad uses three different breath attacks, and each breath is avoided in a different way. Additionally, whenever Jin Dahaad releases a large amount of cold air, such as with one of its breath attacks, there is a high-pitched sound that can be used as a telegraph for this attack.

Forward Breath

This is the most powerful of Jin Dahaad's breath attacks. It is likely to be triggered when restrained, and is also frequently used before a sweep. This attack moves in a straight line, so while the damage is high, it is particularly easy to avoid by moving to either side.

Sweeping Breath

The sweeping breath attack has a wider range when compared to Jin Dahaad's forward breath attack. While its damage is fairly high, the most dangerous thing about it is that it accummulates the frozen status very quickly. Unless you are standing very close to the head, it is safe to use an Emergency Evasion to avoid it.

Backwards Breath

Jin Dahaad will often use this attack while looking backwards. If you are standing by its waist, it is hard to notice its head turning back to face you, so always watch its head in anticipation for this attack. An easy way to avoid this is by rolling underneath Jin Dahaad to the opposite side of his body.

Explosive Breath

After striking once or twice with one-arm attacks, it is likely that Jin Dahaad will perform an explosive breath attack towards its chest. Not only does this attack accummulate the frozen status, but it also explodes at the end. So move to avoid the arm attacks and then quickly back away from its chest area.

Actively Target Wounds

When playing solo, it becomes fairly easy to destroy its wounds. We recommend using wounds as a means to reach its frozen shells, or to interrupt its actions.

Avoid the Body Press

Jin Dahaad will stand on its hind legs to perform a body press with a fairly wide attack range. If you can reach the back of its hind legs before it comes down, you avoid the attack completely. Otherwise, use a guard or a well-time counter to avoid taking damage.

Create a Wall or Retreat to Camp

When Jin Dahaad begins accummulating energy for it's very large attack, you can use the hanging snow to create shelter from the attack. Alternatively, you can also use the Seikret to retreat back to camp and then return once the attack has concluded.

Back Off When Jin Dahaad Releases Cold Air

Jin Dahaad can release cold air from its chest or waist area. This cold air accummulates the frozen gauge very quickly, so be sure to back off during this attack.

Starting Point & Movement Area

Iceshard Cliffs

V28 Jin Dahaad Iceshard Cliffs Movement
Starting Point8, 10, Iceshard Cliffs
Movement AreaIceshard Cliffs

* Only the locations verified by the Strategy Team are included

Jin Dahaad's starting point in the Iceshard Cliffs is in Areas 8 and 10. Depending on the quest, it may start in the Iceshard Cliffs from the beginning. Jin Dahaad does not rest even when its health is low, so it has no designated resting spot (nest).

Iceshard Cliffs Map and Camp Location

Auto-Moves to Iceshard Cliffs at Quest Start

The Iceshard Cliffs are automatically accessed by starting a Jin Dahaad quest. Be aware that you cannot head there directly by navigating through the Iceshard Cliffs map.

Jin Dahaad Materials and Forgeable Equipment

High Rank Materials

Target RewardsJin Dahaad Claw+(15%)
Jin Dahaad Scale+(20%)
Jin Dahaad Horn(8%)
Jin Dahaad Tail(8%)
Jin Dahaad Carapace(20%)
Freezer Sac(18%)
Jin Dahaad Certificate S(8%)
Jin Dahaad Icegem(3%)
BodyJin Dahaad Claw+(18%)
Jin Dahaad Scale+(30%)
Jin Dahaad Horn(13%)
Jin Dahaad Tail(11%)
Jin Dahaad Carapace(23%)
Jin Dahaad Icegem(5%)
TailJin Dahaad Tail(93%)
Jin Dahaad Icegem(7%)

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MH Wilds Strategy Team

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