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Evasion Guide - iFrames Explained

Evasion Guide - iFrames Explained

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Evasion Guide in Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds). Read on to see how to evade, the types of evasion, learn about iframes, and how to execute perfect evades!

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Types of Evasion

List of Evasion Types

▼ Evasion- Evade by moving or rolling.
- Changes to a back/side step depending on the equipped weapon.
- When using Insect Glaive, you can dodge while in air.
- Invulnerable for a certain amount of time
┗ Dodge attacks with ▼ iFrames
▼ Emergency Evasion- Diving evasion with a long invulnerability frame.
- Only usable when weapon is sheathed.
▼ Perfect Evade- Perfectly timed evasions with special effects that can only be used when equipped with either the Dual Blades or a Bow

Evasion in Monster Hunter Wilds can be broadly divided into one of three types: Evasion, Emergency Evasion, and Perfect Evade.

Invulnerability Frames

Also worth noting is the existence of invulnerability frames (iframes), which refers to the period of invulnerability within the animation of an evade.

How to Evade

Press the ✕/A button while moving

How to Evade
[Weapon Sheathed] =
: While moving

[Weapon Drawn] =

To perform an Evade in MH Wilds, press the X button while moving. Keep in mind that pressing the X button while your weapon is sheathed will result in a crouch instead of a dodge roll if you are stationary.

Dodge rolls are replaced with back and Sidesteps on some weapons

Lances and Gunlances takes the typical dodge roll evades and replaces them with stepping evades. This stepping evade is a quick step to the side or to the back, which allows you to move while keeping your direction fixed.

Other weapons like SnS or LBGs also allow you to perform steps, but only as a part of combo strings.

Weapon with Steps

iFrames Explained

What is an iFrame?

There is a momentary period of invulnerability/invincibility within the motion of a dodge. This period is known as an iFrame.

Negates all damage and effects

It is very difficult to execute consecutively, but if you can manage to pull it off, you can completely avoid all damage and negative effects.

Invulnerable until the Hunter's hand touches the ground

The period of invincibility is when the forward roll begins until the body floats and the Hunter's hands touch the ground..

iFrame Tips & Tricks

1Evade at the very last moment
2Evade into the attack, not away from it
3Cooking effects can extend the invulnerability window
4Evasion skills can extend the invulnerability window

The trick to reliably and consistently performing iFrame dodges is by waiting til the last second before dodging, evading into the attack, and lengthening the invulnerability window.

Evade at the very last moment

Waiting until the last second to dodge an attack effectively lengthens the iFrame, making it much more likely to succeed. It takes some getting used to, but you can always practice in the training area until you've mastered the timing.

Evade into the attack, not away from it

This works better because it shortens the time when your Hunter's body and the monster's attack share the same space. If the time when the hunter's body and the monsters attack share the same space is shorter than the iFrame, you will successfully phase through the attack.

If you dodge in the same direction of an attack, you will get hit once the invulnerability window closes. In actuality, what you want to do is imagine phasing through an attack by dodging into it.

Cooking effects can extend the invulnerability window

Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds) - Mud ShrimpMud ShrimpTumbler Meal (Lo)
Slightly extends the invulnerability period when evading.

When using the Grill Meal function in your Base Camp, you can select a Custom Meal and include Mud Shrimp as an Additional Ingredient to extend the iFrame duration during your dodge rolls.

▶ How to Cook Meals Guide

Evasion Skills can extend the invulnerability window

While it is still unconfirmed in the beta, the Evade Window skill has been a staple for many of the series' past titles. Depending on the amount of skill points you can slot, this skill can significantly extend the duration of the iFrames while performing evades.

Emergency Evasion

How to use Emergency Evasion

Emergency Evasion Controls

While sprinting from monster

Emergency Evasion can only be used under very specific conditions: your weapon is sheathed, the monster can see you, and the Hunter is sprinting away from the monster. If all of these conditions are satisfied, pressing ✕ will result in an exaggerated diving jump known as Emergency Evasion.

Emergency Evade requires a lot of Stamina

Performing an Emergency Evade will spend a portion of your stamina bar. Furthermore, you can only use an Emergency Evade while your Hunter is already sprinting. Additionally, sprinting away from a monster consumes more stamina than sprinting towards one. So make sure your Hunter's stamina is topped up before performing any Emergency Evasions.

Very long invulnerability window

Emergency Evasion has a significantly longer iFrame period compared to regular evasion, which makes it much easier to dodge attacks. The invulnerability period begins the moment you jump until just before your Hunter gets up, making it very useful for dodging unblockable attacks, or attacks that you are unfamiliar with.

Emergency Evade Drawbacks

Using an Emergency Evade leaves your Hunter completely deffenseless while they are getting back up on their feet. If you know a monster is about to use a continuous attack, or use a follow-up attack right after an initial attack, consider other defensive manoeuvres. While powerful, don't rely on Emergency Evasions only, and try to incorporate other dodges, blocks, or evades into your playstyle to become a better Hunter overall.

How to Perfect Evade

Evade the moment an attack connects

How to Execute a Perfect Evade

Exact moment a monster's attack connects
* Each weapon type has its own conditions

A Perfect Evade in Monster Hunter Wilds is triggered by avoiding a monsters attack at the exact same moment that it was supposed to connect with the Hunter. When executed, the Hunter becomes invulnerable and avoids the attack while triggering a special action for each weapon type. The conditions for Perfect Evade changes depending on the weapon type, so be sure to check in advance!

▶ Perfect Evade Guide

Perfect Evade Weapons

WeaponActivation Conditions and Effects
Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds) - Dual BladesDual Blades[Activation Conditions]
Evade in Demon Mode or Archdemon Mode
Enters Demon Boost Mode
- Attack and Elemental Boost + Attack Boost with Evasion
Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds) - BowBow[Activation Conditions]
Evade with Charge Step
Stamina and Trick Arrow Gauge recovery

In Monster Hunter Wilds, there are only two weapons that can execute a Perfect Dodge: The Dual Blades and the Bow. With Dual Blades, it can be performed by dodging while in Demon or Archdemon Mode. For the Bow, it can be performed using the Charge Step.

Gain attack boosts during Demon boost mode

Demon Boost Effects
- Increased Attack and Elemental damage
- Evades and Attacks

Dual Blades can only execute Perfect Evades while they're in Demon or Archdemon Mode. When successfully executing a Perfect Evade under these conditions, the Hunter will receive Demon Boost effects in addition to counter attacking the monster.

Recover Stamina and Trick Arrow Gauge

Precisely timing the Bow's Charge Step will result in a Perfect Dodge called a Mikiri Dodge. This action makes the Hunter invincible and recovers both Stamina and the Trick Arrow Gauge.

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