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Well-done Steak - Effect & Crafting

Well-done Steak - Effect & Crafting

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Learn the effect ofWell-done Steak and details of crafting materials in Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds), plus sale prices.

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How to Cook Well-done Steak

  1. Remove Immediately After Browning
  2. Press the Button in Time the Moment You Cut the Meat
    ┗Controller: Press X
    ┗Keyboard: Use Left Click

The method for cooking Well-done Steak in Monster Hunter Wilds is to grill Raw Meat on the Portable BBQ Grill and remove it immediately after it gets a nice sear. After that, proceed to the cutting phase, where pressing the button at the right moment will increase the number of steaks obtained.

Remove Immediately After Browning

How to Remove
PS Controller
Keyboard/MouseLeft Click

Once you start grilling Meat with the Portable BBQ Grill, place the Meat and immediately lift it once it gets a nice sear. When the browning forms, you'll hear a sizzling sound, so using that sound as a cue will make it easier to succeed.

▼Failed Attempt

If you pull the Meat up too early, it will turn into Rare Steak, and if you pull it up too late, it will turn into Burnt Meat. Be careful as Raw Meat will be consumed in the process.

Press the Button in Time the Moment You Cut the Meat

How to Cut Meat
PS Controller
Keyboard/MouseLeft Click

If you cook the Meat perfectly, you'll proceed to the scene where the Hunter cuts it. Press the button five times in sync with the Hunter's cutting timing. If you listen for the cue, it's easier to follow the rhythm when you hear the 'chime' sound. If you succeed all five times, you'll obtain 12 Well-done Steaks and hear the familiar 'SO TASTY'.

Well-done Steaks Gained per Timing Success

0 Success6 Well-done Steaks
1-2 Success7 Well-done Steaks
3-4 Success8 Well-done Steaks
5 Success12 Well-done Steaks

How To Get Well-done Steak

Grill Raw Meat on the Portable BBQ Grill

Portable BBQ Grill

Well-done Steak can be acquired by grilling Raw Meat on the Portable BBQ Grill. After deploying the Portable BBQ Grill, cook Well-done Steaks using Meat Yaki. Note that you cannot grill meat unless there is at least one piece of Raw Meat in the Hunter's inventory, so make sure to withdraw from your box or gather some from the surrounding area.

Carve Raw Meat from Small Monsters

Raw Meat can be carved from Small Monsters. If you do not have any Raw Meat, open your map and look for purple marks () to locate them!

Effect Of Well-done Steak

Well-done Steak
CategoryHunt Items
Sell Price48z
EffectA hearty roast that restores health and stamina and boosts both of their max gauges.

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MH Wilds Strategy Team

MH Wilds Strategy Team

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