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How to Reach Hunter Rank (HR) 100

How to Reach Hunter Rank (HR) 100

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How to Reach Hunter Rank (HR) 100 | Monster Hunter Wilds - GameWith

This is how to raise your Hunter Rank to 100 in Monster Hunter Wilds (MH Wilds) as well as the rank up rewards. See how to reach HR100 and how to speedrun a Gravios hunt.

Hunter Rank Leveling Guide

Table of Contents

How to Raise Hunter Rank to 100 (HR100)

Repeat Gravios Quest

The most recommended way to raise Hunter rank to 100 in Monster Hunter Wilds is to repeat the Optional Gravios Quest with an Artian Water Heavy Bowgun. It requires a bit of preparation beforehand, but once you're ready, it'll take about 1-2 minutes to kill it with this setup, and since it's an Optional Quest, it can be done multiple times to farm experience effectively.

Gravios Guide

Gravios Speedrun Process

  1. Forge an Water Artian Heavy Bowgun with Rarity 8 Parts
  2. Forge the Necessary Equipment
    - Add Useful Skills
  3. Start the "Armor Like a Mountain" Optional Quest in Area 14
  4. Use Water Ammo to Defeat Gravios
  5. Repeat until Hunter Rank Reaches 100

Forge a Water Artian Heavy Bowgun

Artian Heavybowgun

The first step is to forge a Water Heavy Bowgun using Rarity 8 Artian parts. You don't need to worry about not having Affinity or Ammo Capacity related buffs from the Production or Reinforcement Bonus.

Artian Weapons Guide

Get Parts from Tempered Monster Hunts or Melding

If you don't have enough Rarity 8 Artian Parts, you can clear Field Surveys of Tempered Monsters such as Apex Monsters and Arkveld, or collect parts by Melding. Melding is efficient because you can get up to 15 Parts without hunting monsters by using the Gold Relic Ticket.

Forge the Necessary Equipment

Equipment that are relatively easy to forge.

Weapon NameMods
artian heavybowgunGreifenElement Ammo Powder
Augment Parts - Ignition Mode
Weapon Skills-
Special AmmoWyvernpiercer Ignition
Wyvernblast Ignition
Ignition/TypeIgnition Gauge Recovery Lv1
Augment Parts- Ignition Mode
DecorationStream Jewel 1
Stream Jewel 1
Stream Jewel 1
Parts UsedWater Element Type x3
Production BonusUp to You
Reinforcement BonusUp to You
Ammo Data
Normal Ammo
Pierce Ammo
Spread Ammo
Water Ammo
Tranq Ammo
HeadG. Ebony Helm Beta②ーー-
TorsoG. Fulgur Mail Alpha②ーー-
ArmsG. Ebony Braces Beta②①ー-
WaistGore Coil Alpha③①ー-
LegsGore Greaves Beta③①①-
TalismanChain Charm II--
MantleCorrupted Mantle--
Active Skills
Ebony Odogaron's Power (2 parts)Gore Magala's Tyranny (2 parts)
Burst Lv5Water Attack Lv3
Constitution Lv2Antivirus Lv2
Maximum Might Lv1Coalescence Lv1
Divine Blessing Lv1Flinch Free Lv1

Once you've made the Water Artian Heavy Bowgun, you can start working on the armor. Please refer to the above as sample equipment using armor pieces and decorations you can easily get.

Add Useful Skills with Decorations

*Decorations for single skills have been added below. You can substitute them if you have decorations with multiple skills instead.

Weapon DecorationRecommended Reason
Stream Jewel III 3Can be activated up to Lv3 with a single Slot 3
Weapon slots are freed up so other skills can be attached
Crit Element Jewel III 3Enhanced damage when landing a critical hit.
Bandolier Jewel III 3Affinity increases after 4th shot
Opener Jewel III 3The power of the first shot increases and the reload speed becomes faster.
Weapon DecorationRecommended Reason
Mighty Jewel 2Affinity increases when Stamina is full
Earplugs Jewel 2Lv3 Earplugs disables Gravios' Roar
Tenderizer Jewel 3Affinity when hitting Wounds greatly increases
Challenger Jewel 3Attack and affinity increase when Gravios is angry

The time it takes to finish the hunt will be further reduced if you use Decorations to attach skills like Earplugs or further increase your damage. You don't have to go out of your way to get them, but if you have them it's a good idea to use them.

Start the "Armor Like a Mountain" in Area 14

Armor Like a Mountain

Take the Optional Quest “Armor Like a Mountain” and start at the Pop-Up Camp in Area 14. If you have not set up a Pop-Up Camp yet in this Area, set it up first and then start the Quest.

Oilwell Basin Map & Camp Location

Shoot Water Ammo at Gravios until it Collapses.

Gravios is just outside the camp, so start shooting Water Ammo at it. The belly is its weak point, so you can deal more damage if you aim near the middle. If you can keep staggering it, you can kill him without getting hit.

Repeat until Hunter Rank Reaches 100

Once you have defeated Gravios repeat the process of taking the same Optional Quest and defeating Gravios until your Hunter rank reaches 100.

Armor Like a Mountain

You Can Also Hunt Tempered Monsters

How to Reach HR 100

If you want to raise your Hunter rank while also farming for Artian parts, you can also hunt Tempered Monsters in Field Surveys. You can also do this if you get tired of redoing the same quest.

Tempered Monsters Guide

What You Unlock at HR 100

More Items to Choose from in Melding

Once your Hunter rank reaches 100, you will be able to use Melding to create Ancient Weapon Fragment parts and Decorations with 2 single skill slots. Melding Ancient Weapon Fragments is expecially useful since you choose the specific parts you want, making it easier to get the Artian parts you need.

Melding Pot Guide

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