Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Best Teams For Kazuha

Genshin | Best Teams For Kazuha

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Kazuha Best Teams guide for Genshin Impact. See best team composition for Kazuha, hydro hypercarry, burgeon, mono pyro, melt, vaporize Kazuha, weapon, stats, & artifacts for Kazuha's Team Comps.

Table of Contents

Best Teams For Kazuha

Popular Teams For Kazuha

▼ Hydro Hypercarry★★★★★
- Kazuha can greatly help boost Hydro DMG and Resonance.
- Provides consistent Swirl for Neuvillette's passive.
- Very high damage team but requires multiple limited characters.
▼ Raiden-National★★★★・
- Kazuha can boost both the DMG of Electro and Pyro.
- Smoother rotations because of Battery of Raiden.
- Requires very specific characters to work.
▼ Burgeon★★★★・
- Kazuha can boost both the DMG of Electro and Pyro.
- Smoother rotations because of Battery of Raiden.
- Requires very specific characters to work.
▼ Vaporize★★★・・
- Kazuha's double swirl and abilities increases the Elemental reaction damage.
- Strict-rotation and high Energy Requirement but a flexible team that is strong against any enemies.
- Very powerful at multi or single target.
▼ Mono Comps★★★・・
- Focuses on a single element to boost
- Good damage but is weak when enemies are resistant to their specific damage.
- Very easy to use and does not have restrictive rotations.
- Kazuha is crucial to boost DMG in this team.
▼ Freeze★★★・・
- Kazuha can spread Cryo and Hydro for freeze
- No elemental reaction damage, but will increase Cryo damage.
- Difficult against Bosses or enemies that cannot be frozen.

Hydro Hypercarry Team Comp

Team Composition & Equipment

Artifacts & Stats
Freedom-Sworn Freedom-Sworn
Viridescent Venerer Viridescent Venerer x4
Main Stat
EM / EM / EM
1. Elemental Mastery
2. Energy Recharge
Tome Of The Eternal Flow Tome Of The Eternal Flow
Marechaussee Hunter Marechaussee Hunter x4
Main Stat
HP% / Hydro DMG Bonus / CRIT Rate or DMG
2. CRIT Rate
3. HP%
4. Elemental Mastery
Splendor of Tranquil Waters Splendor of Tranquil Waters
Golden Troupe Golden Troupe x4
Main Stat
HP% / HP% / CRIT Rate or DMG
1. CRIT Rate
3. HP%
4. Energy Recharge
Skyward Atlas Skyward Atlas
Tenacity Of The Millelith Tenacity Of The Millelith x4
Main Stat
ER / ATK% / Healing Bonus
1. Energy Recharge
2. ATK%

Neuvillette and Furina together work really well because of the buffs from Furina amplifying Neuvillette's damage greatly. Kazuha there will increase Hydro damage further, while Charlotte will be able to provide Freeze and healing for the whole team.

Rotation Of Hydro Hypercarry Team

1Start with Furina's Skill then her Burst
2Switch to Kazuha and use his Elemenental Skill
3Switch to Charlotte and use her Burst, then her Elemental Skill
4Next, Switch over to Neuvillette's Burst, then his Skill
5Finally, use Neuvillette's Charged Attack as much as you can

What's the most important in this rotation is having Furina's Skill and Burst active before Neuvillette's turn on the field. It's also important to swirl Hydro with Kazuha's Skill and Burst before bringing out Charlotte.

Substitute Characters

- Ayato and Childe can replace Neuvillette as the on-field Main DPS, however, note that they cannot deal as much damage as Neuvillette
FurinaFurinaChildeChilde- Childe can increase the talent level of Neuvillette's Charged Attack + Provide Hydro Resonance but this buff is weaker than Furina's and Childe does not produce off-field DMG.
CharlotteCharlotteBaizhuBaizhu- Baizhu will work in the same way as Charlotte. However, instead of Freeze, it will be Bloom reaction instead

Raiden National Team Comp

Team Composition & Equipment

Artifacts & Stats
Freedom-Sworn Freedom-Sworn
Viridescent Venerer Viridescent Venerer x4
Main Stat
EM / EM / EM
1. Elemental Mastery
2. Energy Recharge
Raiden Shogun
Raiden Shogun
Engulfing Lightning Engulfing Lightning
Emblem of Severed Fate Emblem of Severed Fate x4
Main Stat
ER / ATK% or Electro DMG Bonus / Crit Rate or DMG
1. Crit Rate
2. Crit DMG
3. Energy Recharge
Engulfing Lightning Engulfing Lightning
Emblem of Severed Fate Emblem of Severed Fate x4
Main Stat
ER / Pyro DMG Bonus / Crit Rate or DMG
1. Crit Rate
2. Crit DMG
2. Energy Recharge
3. Elemental Mastery
Aquila Favonia Aquila Favonia
Noblesse Oblige Noblesse Oblige x4
Main Stat
ER / Pyro DMG Bonus / Crit Rate or Crit DMG
1. Energy Recharge
2. Crit Rate
3. Crit DMG

This team uses Kazuha to increases the overall DMG of all members. This will allow Raiden Shogun and Xiangling to produce devastating damage that is top class even compared to other teams.

Rotation Of Raiden National Team

1Start by using Elemental Skill of Raiden Shogun
2Switch to Bennett and use Elemental Skill then use Elemental Burst
3Switch to Kazuha and use Elemental Skill > Plunge > Elemental Burst
3Switch to Bennett and use Elemental Burst
4Switch to Xiangling and use Elemental Skill and then Burst
5Switch to Raiden Shogun and use Elemental Burst and deal damage

Raiden Shogun should be able to act as a battery for the whole team to full Energy after dealing damage with Musou no Hitotachi. If Raiden Shogun cannot do that, try increasing the Energy Recharge of Raiden Shogun.

Difficult To Find Replacement For Any Character

Replacing any character in the Rational Team would lead to huge lose and lack of Synergy. If you are not able to use the 4, using other teams for Kazuha is recommended. Some replaces Xiangling for Xingqiu but that would remove Pyro Resonance and make the AoE suffer by a bit.

Burgeon Team Comp

Team Composition & Equipment

Artifacts & Stats
Freedom-Sworn Freedom-Sworn
Viridescent Venerer Viridescent Venerer x4
Main Stat
EM / EM / EM
1. Elemental Mastery
2. Energy Recharge
A Thousand Floating Dreams A Thousand Floating Dreams
Deepwood Memories Deepwood Memories x4
Main Stat
EM / Dendro DMG Bonus / CRIT Rate or DMG
1. CRIT Rate
3. Elemental Mastery
Sacrificial Sword Sacrificial Sword
Emblem Of Severed Fate Emblem Of Severed Fate x4
Main Stat
ER / Hydro DMG Bonus / CRIT Rate or DMG
1. CRIT Rate
3. Energy Recharge
4. ATK%
5. Elemental Mastery
Aquila Favonia Aquila Favonia
Noblesse Oblige Noblesse Oblige x4
Main Stat
ER / Pyro DMG Bonus / Healing Bonus
1. Energy Recharge
2. Elemental Mastery

This team is a bit niche, but it has a ton of damage potential thanks to the Burgeon reaction. Kazuha will be the Pyro driver as he swirls Pyro from Bennett during his Skill and Burst, while Bloom is produced between Nahida and Xingqiu.

Rotation Of Burgeon Team

1Start with Nahida's Burst, then her Skill
2Bring out Bennett, then use his Burst
3Quickly bring out Kazuha and use his skill to Swirl Pyro, then use his Burst
4Switch to Xingqiu and use his Burst inside Bennett's circle
5Bring out Nahida and spam her Normal Attack until Xingqiu's and Kazuha's Burst ends

Since only Xingqiu's Burst takes full advantage of Bennett's Burst, make sure to use it within the circle to snapshot it. It's also important to take note of which Element is Swirled since you always want it to be Pyro.

Substitute Characters

Dendro TravelerDendro Traveler
- They can act as a replacement for Nahida, but this will result in lower Dendro application. Make sure to have high ER for them to be able to spam their Burst in line with the rotation
- Furina offers on-field Hydro application with high damage
- Ayato is also a viable option since he has both on-field and off-field skills that can work well with Burgeon
BennettBennettThomaThoma- Although Bennette and Thoma have different skills, Thoma is the best when it comes to Burgeon

Vaporize Team Comp

Team Composition & Equipment

Artifacts & Stats
Freedom-Sworn Freedom-Sworn
Viridescent Venerer Viridescent Venerer x4
Main Stat
EM / EM / EM
1. Elemental Mastery
2. Energy Recharge
Polar Star Polar Star
Heart Of Depth Heart Of Depth x4
Main Stat
ATK% / Hydro DMG Bonus / Crit Rate or DMG
1. Crit Rate
2. Crit Damage
3. ATK%
4. Elemental Mastery
Engulfing Lightning Engulfing Lightning
Emblem of Severed Fate Emblem of Severed Fate x4
Main Stat
ER / Pyro DMG Bonus / Crit Rate or DMG
1. Crit Rate
2. Crit DMG
3. Energy Recharge
4. Elemental Mastery
Aquila Favonia Aquila Favonia
Noblesse Oblige Noblesse Oblige x4
Main Stat
ER / Pyro DMG Bonus / Crit Rate or Crit DMG
1. Energy Recharge
2. Crit Rate
3. Crit DMG

This team will require a good juggling of the team's abilities since Childe's Elemental Skill suffers from cooldown management. Ensure that when you've set up Xiangling, Bennett, and Kazuha that you have Childe's Burst ready to go.

Rotation Of Vaporize Team

1Start by using Elemental Skill of Bennett
2Switch to Kazuha and swirl pyro using Elemental Skill then use Elemental Burst
3Switch to Bennett and use Elemental Burst
4Switch to Xiangling and use Elemental Burst
5Switch to Childe and use Elemental Skill > Normal Attack and finish with Elemental Burst

The most important part of this setup is managing Childe's Elemental Skill. It's recommended to only use his Skill for only 5-8 secs at a time.

Substitute Characters

ChildeChildeAyatoAyato- Ayato and Childe has very similar kits to one another
- Because of lack of Riptide, the Hydro infliction is very low and flatter damage spike
XianglingXianglingThomaThoma- Replacing Thoma with Xiangling will lower the team's damage by a large margin, but it can still work
- To alleviate this, you can use Kazuha to Vaporize with his Burst and Skill instead
BennettBennettJeanJean- Jean will not have the ATK buff of Bennett's Burst, but she can still heal and increase the team's Burst damage with her own Burst

Freeze Team Comp

Team Composition & Equipment

Artifacts & Stats
Freedom-Sworn Freedom-Sworn
Viridescent Venerer Viridescent Venerer x4
Main Stat
EM / EM / EM
1. Elemental Mastery
2. Energy Recharge
Mistsplitter Reforged Mistsplitter Reforged
Blizzard Strayer Blizzard Strayer x4
Main Stat
ATK% / Cryo DMG / Crit DMG
1. Crit Rate/Damage
2. ATK%
3. Elemental Mastery
Calamity Queller Calamity Queller
Gladiator Any 2pc. ATK x2
Shimenawa Any 2pc. ATK x2
Main Stat
ATK% or ER / ATK% / ATK%
1. Energy Recharge
2. ATK%
3. CRIT Rate or DMG.
 Thrilling Tales Of Dragon Slayers Thrilling Tales Of Dragon Slayers
Noblesse Oblige Noblesse Oblige x4
Main Stat ATK% / Hydro DMG Bonus / CRIT Rate or DMG
1. Energy Recharge
2. CRIT Rate
3. CRIT Damage
4. ATK%

The team focuses on maintaining the frozen status of the enemies while increasing Cryo DMG produced by Ayaka. The rotation is pretty loose so long as Kazuha swirl Cryo it should be done.

Rotation Of Freeze Team

1Start by using Ayaka and attack the enemy with Cryo
2Switch to Kazuha and use Elemental Skill and Burst
3Switch to Mona and use Elemental Burst and Elemental Skill
4Switch to Shenhe and use Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst
5Switch to Ayaka and use Elemental Burst and deal damage with cryo-infused Normal and Charged Attack

The goal is to power up the attacks of Ayaka while retaining the frozen status of the enemies so that Ayaka's Elemental Burst can fully damage enemies.

Substitute Characters

- Any Cryo DPS works well in Freeze Teams. So long as they can deal powerful Cryo and not disturb Freeze, they should work well in this team.
- Hydro off-field characters works great in this team.
- Kokomi if you need healing or you feel like you need defense.
- Yelan is great for DMG bonus and additionl Hydro.
- For buffers, you can replace Shenhe with Bennett if Bennett is outside C6 and Diona if you need more defensive options.

Mono-Element Team Comp

Team Composition & Equipment

Artifacts & Stats
Freedom-Sworn Freedom-Sworn
Viridescent Venerer Viridescent Venerer x4
Main Stat
EM / EM / EM
1. Elemental Mastery
2. Energy Recharge
The First Great Magic The First Great Magic
Marechaussee Hunter Marechaussee Hunter x4
Main Stat
ATK% / Pyro DMG Bonus / Crit DMG
1. Crit DMG
2. Crit Rate
3. Energy Recharge
4. ATK%
The Catch The Catch
Emblem of Severed Fate Emblem of Severed Fate x4
Main Stat
ER or ATK% / Pyro DMG Bonus / Crit Rate or DMG
1. Crit Rate
2. Crit DMG
3. Energy Recharge
4. Elemental Mastery
Aquila Favonia Aquila Favonia
Noblesse Oblige Noblesse Oblige x4
Main Stat
ER / Pyro DMG Bonus / Crit Rate or Crit DMG
1. Energy Recharge
2. Crit Rate
3. Crit DMG

Any Element that can be swirled can only produce amazing damage without reaction if they have Kazuha in the team. Because there are multiple characters with similar elements, Energy Recharge is not a problem in this team comp. Also, since DMG is greatly boosted by Kazuha's DMG Bonus and Viridescent Venerer's shred DMG it still makes it competitive.

Rotation Of Mono-Element Team

1Start by using Elemental Skill of Bennett
2Switch to Kazuha and use Elemental Skill and Burst
3Switch to Bennett and use Elemental Burst
3Switch to Xiangling and use Elemental Skill and Burst
4Switch to Dehya and use Elemental Skill then Elemental Burst

So long as Kazuha Swirls Pyro and Xiangling's Burst is unlocked with Bennett's buff, it is okay to not follow the rotation.

Substitute Characters

LyneyLyneyHu TaoHu Tao
- Hu Tao & Yoimiya can work well in a Mono comp, but they won't be able to take full advantage of it like Lyney does
- Off-field character of the same Element as the main DPS will do.
BennettBennettYanfeiYanfei- Best if Yanfei is equipped with Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers

Character Tier Lists

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DPS ListSupport ListHealer List
Characters By Element
Characters By Nation
Sumeru FontaineFontaine-

All Playable Characters

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