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Perilous Trail Event Guide | Realm Of Guile And War Challenges

Genshin Impact | Perilous Trail Event Guide | Realm Of Guile And War Challenges

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Genshin Impact | Perilous Trail Event Guide | Realm Of Guile And War Challenges - GameWith

Perilous Trail Event is an event in Genshin Impact. Guide includes Perilous Trail, release date, walkthrough, trial characters, gameplay, how to unlock, bow reward and other quest rewards!

Table of Contents

2.7 Version Updates
YelanYelanXiaoXiaoIttoIttoKuki ShinobuKuki
Perilous TrailA Muddy Bizarre Adventure

Perilous Trail Event - Release Date

Perilous Trail Event

Perilous Trail Event Release Date

Event Duration

(Server Time)
Perilous Trail EventUntil June 20, 2022 03:59 AM
Event ShopUntil June 27, 2022 03:59 AM

Event Schedule

Event DetailsSchedule
(Server Time)
Phase IUnlocks after Version 2.7
Phase IIUnlocks on June 1, 2022 04:00 AM
Phase IIIUnlocks on June 2, 2022 04:00 AM
Phase IVUnlocks on June 3, 2022 04:00 AM

A new event that is revealed during the 2.7 Livestream that is said to be similar with the other domain event like the Hyakunin Ikki. This event will also have some trial characters that can be used in the domain.

Perilous Trail Event - How To Unlock & Location

How To Unlock

You can unlock the Realms of Guile and War challenges by completing Phase I of the Perilous Trail Archon Quest. You can check out the article below for the walkthrough.

Perilous Trail Archon Quest | Chamber Puzzles

Event Eligibility

Event Requirements
- Complete "Chapter I: Act III - A New Star Approaches" and "Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend?"
Recommended To Complete
- Complete "Taurus Iracundus Chapter: Act I", "Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II", and "A Teapot to Call Home: Part I"

Start Location


You can start the quest by speaking to Yanfei at the deepest part of The Chasm.

Perilous Trail Event - Gameplay Details

Gameplay Chart

1Interact with the wooden sign to see the challenge domains.
2Pick a challenge domain and select your preferred difficulty.
3Check your opponents and setup your party accordingly.
4Equip up to 3 Stratagems that best fit your party composition.
5Complete the challenges and survive each combat round.

Visit The Realms Of Guile & War And Check The Wooden Board

During the Archon Quest, players will be able to go to the Realms of Guile and War to take on a variety of combat challenges. You will need to interact with a mysterious wooden board in the Chasm to see the challenges.

The Chasm & Underground - Map & Quest

Pick A Challenge Domain And Select Your Preferred Difficulty

Perilous Trail Event

During the challenges, players must continuously defeat opponents. The combat round will end once you complete 3 challenges. A challenge domain can last up to 3-4 combat rounds.

Difficulty Options

DifficultyEnemy Level
Default AnimosityLvl. 60
Stern AntagonismLvl. 75
Apex HostilityLvl. 90

There's a total of 4 challenges that players can run in the Realms of Guile and War. Each challenge comes in different difficulties which yields better rewards the harder it is!

Check Your Opponents And Setup Your Party Accordingly

Before starting each challenge, you will need to create a party of 4 characters. You can choose from your own characters or the Trial Characters provided for each domain. Note that the parties are required to be changed per round!

Opponents May Be Different For Each Run

Keep in mind that the enemies will change with each domain run. You must plan accordingly and choose the characters who are effective against your opponents.

Equip Up To 3 Stratagems


Players can equip a maximum of 3 Stratagems on every domain. These can give powerful buffs and effects to your characters. Strategize accordingly and choose the Stratagems that best fit your party!

Get Strategem Shards With Each Challenge

Players will receive Strategem Shards for completing the challenges. These shards can then be used to get buffs in battle. 3 maximum shards can be used per round.

Complete The Challenges And Survive Each Combat Round

Deployment Rules

Upon completing a combat round, you will need to change your party depending on the deployment rule. Take note that you won't be able to use some of the characters you have used depending on the rule for the rest of the combat rounds.

Direcliff CourtSelect 1 character to continue on, while everyone else will be rendered unable to proceed.
Kaleidoscope CageRandomly render 2 characters unable to be deployed into battle.
Insurgent TwilightAll party members will have to recuperate for 1 turn, during which they will be unable to deployed.
Utmost DeceptionChoose 1 character to continue combat. All other party members will have to recuperate for 2 turns, during which they will be unable to be deployed.

Five Stratagems Are Randomly Drawn

After each combat round, five stratagems are randomly drawn, from which you are able to choose another three. You can spend the Stratagem Shards that you have obtained to either re-draw Stratagems or purchase the ones that you used in the last round.

You Can Spend Stratagem Shards To Revive Fallen Characters

You may also use the Stratagem Shards you have acquired from challenges to revive fallen characters after each combat round.

Perilous Trail Event - Recommended Trial Characters

The following setups are just sample party compositions. You may adjust your party depending on your opponents. It is recommended to use your own-built characters since trial characters may be underwhelming.

Direcliff Court

- Yelan can apply hydro for vaporized damage with Yanfei as well as freeze for Shenhe and Qiqi.
- Yanfei will act as the Main DPS and deal DMG to Hydro & Cryo inflicted enemies.
- Shenhe can deal continuous Cryo damage with her burst. Activates elemental resonance with Qiqi for increased Crit Rate.
- Qiqi will act as the healer and keeps the party alive.

Kaleidoscope Cage

IttoArataki IttoGorouGorouZhongliZhongliRaiden ShogunRaiden Shogun
- Arataki Itto will be the main DPS of the team.
- Gorou will boost the DMG of Itto providing additional Geo DMG and DEF.
- Zhongli can act as a Sub-DPS and a shielder.
- Raiden will be the Battery and the sub-DPS during the down time of Itto's Elemental Burst.

Insurgent Twilight

Yae MikoYae MikoKujou SaraKujou SaraDionaDionaKazuhaKazuha
- As the Main DPS, Yae Miko will constantly be on the field, dealing Electro damage through her attacks. If needed to swap, you can leave her Totems on the field before switching out.
- Kujou Sara can buff the party's damage with her abilities. She also acts as a battery for Yae Miko.
- Diona can provide shields and healing for the survival of the team.
- Kazuha can boost elemental damage & has great crowd control that can shred the enemies' elemental resistance.

Utmost Deception

- Xiao will act as the Main DPS dishing out AoE damage with his plunging attacks.
- Zhongli will provide shields for the longetivity of Xiao and also additional debuff to enemies.
- Xiao will most certainly need a healer. Sayu can heal Xiao and act as a battery for him. Jean and Bennett can also be viable options for this comp.
- Any Sub-DPS characters like Albedo and Raiden Shogun will work well in this comp.

Domain Will Take 6 Rounds

Take note that this domain will take approximately 6 combat rounds to complete. Be sure to plan which characters to use for each combat round since it will take other party members 2 rounds before you can use them again.

Best Team Build 2.7 & Party Compositions Guide

Perilous Trail Event - Rewards

Perilous Trail Event Rewards

Rewards List

WeaponFading Twilight
Items- Crown Of Insight
- Glowing Gem
- Primogems
- Mora
- Hero's Wit
- Mystic Enhancement Ore
- Talent Level Up Materials

Get A Free 4 Star Weapon

Fading Twilight Bow & Glowing Gem

Fading Twilight Bow Weapon

Upon completing all the challenges, you may obtain the new 4★ bow weapon and it's ascension material called the Glowing Gem as one of the rewards for this event.

Fading Twilight Stats & Weapon Details

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