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Nahida Lore & Voice Actor

Genshin Impact | Nahida Lore & Voice Actor

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Nahida (Kusanali) is a character in Genshin Impact. Guide includes who is Nahida (Lesser Lord Kusanali), voice actor, release date, element, weapon, story, character relationships, profile, affiliation, & more!

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Nahida Release Date

Rerun On Update 3.6

Nahida will return for pick up on the first phase of 3.6 banner. This banner will start at April 12, 2023.

Released In the 3.2 Update

Although Nahida was introduced as a character in the 3.0 Update, she only became a playable character in the 3.2 Update.

Episode Trailer Of Nahida

The dreams and reality of Nahida was shown in the Character teaser of Nahida.

Nahida (Dendro Archon)

Sumeru's Current Dendro Archon


It's been revealed that Nahida is actually Lesser Lord Kusanali, making her Sumeru's current Dendro Archon. However, she goes by the name Nahida when she first meets the Traveler.

A Relatively Young God

Nahida is revealed to be only 500 years old, making her a relatively young god. She came to right after the disappearance of her predecessor, the Greater Lord Rukkhadevata.

Shunned By The Sumeru Akademiya

Although Nahida is the Dendro Archon, she is not welcomed by all in Sumeru. The Akademiya in particular shuns her existence as they still hold Greater Lord Rukkhadevata as their god.

Revealed To Have Been Trapped All This Time

Revealed To Have Been Trapped All This Time

Nahida has never actually gone out to Sumeru having been trapped in a cage the whole time by the Akademiya. Nahida is only able to communicate with others by taking over the body of other characters.

Nahida Story Appearance

Nahida Various Appearances

genshin nahida

Nahida, the Lesser Lord Kusanali has also appeared in various in-game quests, such as story quests, web game event and also in-game events! You may encounter Nahida in different locations depending on the quest.

Voicelines About Nahida

Voicelines About Nahida (Lesser Lord Kusanali)

Voicelines About Nahida
NilouNilouThe people of the Great Bazaar love Lesser Lord Kusanali. I'd love to hear her thoughts on my Dance of Sabzeruz... Oh, no, no, forget it... If she were in the audience, I'd get stage fright...
CandaceCandacePerhaps it is a testament to the Dendro Archon's benevolence that I, a descendant of the Al-Ahmar bloodline, am able to live peacefully on this land. If so, I suppose I am grateful for this much, but... I am first and foremost a child of the desert.
CynoCynoCommenting on a God might be overstepping my position a little... But when I was working with her, I personally witnessed her wisdom, courage, and determination. Compared with those sages who constantly undermined and criticized her without a shred of evidence, I think I can provide a more reliable assessment: She is an exceptional deity who is worthy of everyone's respect.
ZhongliZhongliAs well as ruling over all of Sumeru, the God of Wisdom, Buer, has a duty to guard Irminsul. Only one who possesses great wisdom could hope to shoulder these responsibilities. All life in Teyvat owes her gratitude for saving Irminsul.
Raiden ShogunRaiden ShogunI admire her humility; it is a sign of true wisdom. With the power she holds, Buer is capable of doing many things beyond our wildest imaginations... and yet, she uses her power only to right wrongs and to protect. She is a truly gentle god.
VentiVentiThe first thing you think of when you hear "Dendro Archon" is her power over dreams. Her dreams are akin to my ballads: full of emotion and imagination. It goes without saying that we get along really well.

Nahida Affiliation & Profile

Basic Info & Voice Actor

Nahida  Affiliation & Profile
Rarity5 StarElementDendroDendro
Voice Actor (EN)
Kimberley Anne Campbell
Voice Actor (JA)
October 27


Affiliation: Sumeru
Dendro archon. The Lesser Lord Kusanali
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GenSao 10

The hope it is a bit more even... In total there seems to be 2 male archons and 5 female archons. There is roughly a 2:1 female/male ratio of playable characters.

Anonymous 9

i dont get the complaints from ironically females about her being female... 2 out of 3 archons male. you have to remember they're following a story so it's not always up to them to be canon or accurate

häx 7

page is outdated, kus****is looks have been already leaked, it will be a small female model, somewhat similar to klee, but its still unknown what weapon type she will have.

Septentrio 6

I'm sooooo frustrated right now D: We wanted a pure male archon for this one ! An other husbando ! We need an other daddy dendro like Baizhu !

Anonymous 5

Hi, There was a theory that Kus****i isnt the dendro archon. Yae never said it was the dendro archon, just the ruler. Which is quite strange, It seems likely but we will see how it plays out

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