Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Feast Of The Departed Warriors Event Guide (Stage 1, 2, 3, & 4)

Genshin Impact | Feast Of The Departed Warriors Event Guide (Stage 1, 2, 3, & 4)

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Genshin Impact | Feast Of The Departed Warriors Event Guide (Stage 1, 2, 3, & 4) - GameWith

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Feast of the Departed Warriors is an event in Genshin Impact 3.7. Guide includes how to unlock, how to win, how to defeat, stage 1-4, challenge, Bathysmal Vishap, tips, & rewards!

Table of Contents

3.7 Version Update
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Event List Guide & Rewards

Feast Of The Departed Warriors - Event Tips

What Multipliers To Select

No Base Score Bonus For Primogems

No Base Score For Primogems

If you are only aiming for the Primogems, you can opt to not select any base score bonus and only increase the difficulty. You can claim all Primogems for the challenge by completing on either Hard or Expert difficulty.

Aim For 6,000 Points For All Rewards

Aim For 6,000 Points For All Rewards

If you are aiming for all rewards, select the base score bonuses that can give you at least 6,000 points. You can see the possible points that you can get on the lower right part of the screen.

Consume Buffs & Recovery Items

Consume Buffs & Recovery Items

Consumables such as potions & food are possible for this event, including the usage of NRE gadget. This is convenient if you need that extra boost for achieving a high score.

How To Get NRE Gadget?

Stage 4: All Event Boss Challenge Tips

One Phase For Each Boss

Stage 4: All Event Boss Challenge Tips

For this challenge, you are going to face the 3 bosses that you encountered in the prior challenges. You can utilize the techniques that you pulled off from the prior challenges since the mechanics for each boss are exactly the same.

Tap to Jump
▼Stage 1: Electro Oceanid▼Stage 2: Aeonblight Drake▼Stage 3: Bathysmal Vishap

Point Needed To Claim All Rewards Is 8,000

Point Needed To Claim All Rewards Is 8,000

The point you need to achieve in this challenge if you want to claim all rewards is 8,000 points which is 2,000 points higher than the previous challenges. However, all of the base score multiplier from previous challenges are compiled in this challenge so you can select the multipliers according to your preference.

One Main Lineup With Four Support Characters

One Main Lineup With Four Support Characters

Aside from the 4 characters for the main lineup, you can include 4 more characters which you can switch in the main lineup on the latter phases of the challenge.

How To Switch Support Characters?

How To Switch Support Characters?

You can only switch in support characters during the preparation part of phase 2 and 3. Simply click a slot in the main lineup and select the character/s that you want to switch.

Stage 3: Bathysmal Vishap Challenge Tips

Use AoE Attacks

Use AoE Attacks

There are 2 Bathysmal Vishap in this challenge so you need to use attacks that can damage both simultaneously.

Bring Claymore User Or Geo Character

Bring Claymore User Or Geo Character

There will be a pillar that appears in the middle of the area and the 2 Bathysmal Vishap are going to climb on it. The pillar can be destroyed by attacks from a claymore or Geo character.

Defeat Both Consecutively To Finish

Defeat Both Consecutively To Finish

When 1 Bathysmal Vishap dies, it respawns after a period of time and regains HP so you must defeat the 2 Bathysmal Vishap consecutively.

Stage 2: Aeonblight Drake Challenge Tips

Use Elemental Reactions

Stage 2: Aeonblight Drake

Aeonblight Drake has high resistance against Physical DMG so the best way to defeat it is through elemental reactions.

Select Cryo RES Increase For Dendro Team

Select Cryo RES Increase For Dendro Team

You can select Cryo RES increase if you are planning to use Dendro team comp. You are unlikely going to pair Cryo with Dendro for this challenge because they do not have any direct reaction.

Use Bow Character For Hitting The Cores

Use Bow Character For Hitting The Cores

Aeonblight Drake gets an increased resistance then starts to fly and you can only attack its cores with bow characters. Hit all of the cores once exposed. After hitting all cores, wait for an opportunity to hit the one in its body because it needs to be hit twice before the boss gets immobilized.

All Bow Characters List

Shields Are Highly Recommended

The boss attacks in multiple succession and characters with low HP can be defeated instantly. Shield is very useful specially when you are aiming to the cores when Aeonblight Drake is attacking above ground.

Recommended Shielders

Stage 1: Electro Oceanid Challenge Tips

Utilize Electro Application

Day 1: Electro Oceanid

Electro Oceanid is the boss for day 1 challenge. Since this boss is consistently affected by Electro, it is recommended to use the elements that deals additional damage when it reacts with Electro such as Pyro, Cryo, & Dendro.

How To Get 6,000 Points

How To Get 6,000 From Electro Oceanid Challenge

You can only achieve 6,000 points thru the Expert difficulty with several base score bonuses selected. However, the base score bonuses may differ depending on the team comp that you are going to use.

Best Team Comp Guide

Select RES Increase If Not Included In The Team

Select RES Increase If Not Included In The Team

There are 3 RES increase that you can select for this challenge. If you are going to use a team with Pyro, do not select Pyro RES increase and select the others instead. You can select the RES increase of the other 2 elements that are not included in the team if you can use a mono team comp.

Shields Are Highly Recommended

Shields Are Highly Recommended

The boss deals powerful Electro DMG and characters with low HP can be defeated easily without a shield. Aside from damage negation, shields can also make the active character resistant to interruption.

Recommended Shielders

Use Range DPS For Convenience

Use Ranged DPS For Convenience

Electro Oceanid is a nimble boss that frequently moves from one point to another and it consumes a significant amount of time if you are going to chase it persistently. Ranged DPS can save a lot of time since you can attack even when the boss is moving around.

Feast Of The Departed Warriors Gameplay

Combat Challenge Event

Combat Challenge Event

The whole point of this event is to test the Traveler's combat prowess against its strong enemy lineup. Players will get the chance to change the difficulty level of the challenge.

Select Difficulty & Multipliers For The Final Score

Select Difficulty & Multipliers For The Final Score

Aside from the difficulty, there are several multipliers that you can select which affects the final score. The higher difficulty and more multipliers you select, the higher final score you can get for the challenge.

Feast Of The Departed Warriors - Rewards

Rewards List

Feast Of The Departed Warriors - Release Date & Details

Starting June 14, 2023

The Feast Of The Departed Warriors event is available starting June 14, 2023. You need at least AR 30 to unlock this event.

Part Of The 3.7 Update

What is sure is that the Feast Of The Departed Warriors will be available in the 3.7 Update. This was revealed in the 3.7 Livestream.

3.7 Update Release Date & Character Banners

Feast Of The Departed Warriors - How To Unlock

Teleport To Event Domain

Teleport To Event Domain

Once you are eligible, you can directly teleport to the event domain located near the Falcon Coast in Mondstadt.

Event Related Articles

Event & Wish

Current Wish (Gacha) Banners

Character / Weapon
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beginnerBeginners' Wish


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5.4 Events

5.4 Upcoming Events
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TravelerTraveler's Tales: Anthology Chapters

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An event where you will again meet old friends to catch up with their daily lives.
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Other Events

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Web Event ListWeb Event List
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