Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter Event 3.7 Guide & Rewards (Day 5)

Genshin Impact | Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter Event 3.7 Guide & Rewards (Day 5)

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Genshin Impact | Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter Event 3.7 Guide & Rewards (Day 5) - GameWith

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Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter is an event in Genshin Impact 3.7. Guide includes map & location, how to unlock, how to create domains, day 5, tips, Imaginarium, and rewards!

Table of Contents

3.7 Version Update
Yae MikoYae MikoKiraraKiraraYoimiyaYoimiya
Duel! The Summoners' Summit!Kaveh's Hangout Event
Event List Rewards & Guide

Divine Ingenuity - Walkthrough Chart & Tips

Navigation Table (Tap to Jump)
▼Day 1▼Day 2▼Day 3
▼Day 4▼Day 5-

Imaginarium: Bastion Mechanicus

Imaginarium: Bastion Mechanicus

Imaginarium: Bastion Mechanicus is a stage where you need to build different mechanicus in order to protect the monolith from incoming waves of opponents.

Best Characters To Use For Tower Defense

KazuhaKazuha- Anemo can scatter the existing element application on the opponent
- Can easily remove the opponents' poise with Skill
- Best effect with Sacrificial Sword
JeanJean- Anemo can scatter the existing element application on the opponent
- Can compress, displace, and stagger some opponents
- Best effect with Sacrificial Sword
KleeKlee- Can consistently apply Pyro to the opponent
- Can stagger opponents with Charged Attack
- Useful for removing Cryo shield
AyakaAyaka- Can consistently apply Cryo to the opponent
- Useful for removing Hydro shield
- Alternate sprint is faster than normal sprint which makes roaming easier
MonaMona- Can consistently apply Hydro to the opponent
- Useful for removing Pyro shield
- Alternate sprint is faster than normal sprint which makes roaming easier
KokomiKokomi- Can consistently apply Hydro to the opponent
- Useful for removing Pyro shield
- Best effect with Sacrificial Fragments
BarbaraBarbara- Can consistently apply Hydro to the opponent
- Useful for removing Pyro shield

The elements that the characters can apply are convenient for triggering elemental reactions with the mechanici. The characters can also affect the flow of the stage, especially those with crowd control.

Prioritize Pyro Mechanicus

Prioritize Pyro Mechanicus

Pyro mechanicus deals powerful Pyro DMG and its target becomes AoE once upgraded. If you do not have a Pyro character, you must build this since the last opponent has a Cryo shield.

Electro Mechanicus For Overload

Electro Mechanicus For Overload

Triggering overload can stagger the opponent and destroy Geo shield so pairing Electro mechanicus with Pyro mechanicus is a great strategy to utilize in this stage.

Pair Cryo & Hydro Mechanicus For Freeze

Pair Cryo & Hydro Mechanicus For Freeze

Freeze is an effective crowd control in this stage so build at least 1 Cryo & Hydro mechanicus near to each other for freezing the opponents nearby.

Apply Elements On The Opponents With Your Character

Apply Elements On The Opponents With Your Character

Since you cannot build a lot of mechanici in the early round and the element application of mechanici may not be fast enough, use your characters to apply elements on the opponent.

Imaginarium: Cloudstrider

Imaginarium: Cloudstrider

Imaginarium: Cloudstrider is a stage where you must collect the coins as you traverse different obstacles until you claim the Precious chest.

Best Characters To Use For Parkour

KazuhaKazuha- Passive talent lessens the stamina cost of sprinting
- Recommended to be paired with another Anemo character for Anemo resonance
SayuSayu- Holding Sayu's Skill lets you move faster without consuming stamina and without falling down over the edge of the platform
- Recommended to be paired with another Anemo character for Anemo resonance
YelanYelan- Holding Yelan's Skill lets you move faster without consuming stamina and without falling down over the edge of the platform
Tall male characters- The sprint distance of tall male characters is long so you can easily get across the obstacles when you use them. Examples of tall male characters are the following:
- Kaeya
- Alhaitham
- Zhongli

Prioritize having 2 Anemo characters for Anemo resonance for bonus movement speed & reduced stamina cost when sprinting.

Wanderer Is Not Recommended

Wanderer Is Not Recommended

Wanderer cannot collect coins while hovering so do not use Wanderer in this stage.

Keep Following The Coins If You Got Lost

If you are unsure where to go, look for the path of coins and follow it.

Hit The Floating Anemo Slimes

Hit The Floating Anemo Slimes

To trigger some of the mechanisms, attack the floating Anemo slimes so you can proceed ahead.

Imaginarium: Nimbus Grasper

Imaginarium: Nimbus Grasper

Imaginarium: Nimbus Grasper is a stage where you are going to defeat several opponents as you make it through 4 rooms with different obstacles. See wooden posts with arrows if you are not sure where to go.

Limited Characters To Use Initially

Limited Characters To Use Initially

On both trial characters & own characters, you can only use Noelle, Fischl, & Collei initially. If you have them built, use your own characters instead of trial ones.

Limited Characters To Invite

Limited Characters To Invite

As you progress with the succeeding stages, you get to invite some characters and include them in your current team.

Do Not Forget To Equip Buffs

Do Not Forget To Equip Buffs

The buffs you purchased are not automatically equipped so do not forget to equip them.

Final Opponent Is Jadeplume Terrorshroom

Final Opponent Is Jadeplume Terrorshroom

All of the available characters you can invite are effective against the Jadeplume Terrorshroom so you can freely choose the characters according to your preference.

Imaginarium: Trove Sweeper

Imaginarium: Trove Sweeper

Imaginarium: Trove Sweeper is a stage where you need to collect coins while avoiding incoming attacks from enemies.

Limited Characters To Invite

Limited Characters To Invite

You can only use Kaeya & Amber in this challenge but it is fine since both of them are useful.

Amber's Skill Can Taunt Nearby Opponents


You can simply tap Amber's Skill to divert the aggro of opponents to it. This gives you time to roam around the first phase of the first area safely.

Kaeya Can Roam Faster Than Amber

Kaeya Can Roam Faster Than Amber

Kaeya is a tall male character which is why he is better for roaming than Amber. Kaeya's dodge can displace him farther compared to when you dodge with Amber.

Keep Moving Diagonally In The Second Room

Keep Moving Diagonally In The Second Room

There are opponents that can attack from afar so keep moving diagonally to avoid incoming projectiles.

Imaginarium: Heartrender

Imaginarium: Heartrender

Imaginarium: Heartrender is a stage where you need to defeat the opponents in the middle of the room. Destroy the Buff Bestowers by using Geo attacks or attacks with claymore-wielding characters to gain the advantage.

Claim All Chests Around The Area

Claim All Chests Around The Area

There are several chests that you can claim around the stage area and your characters' level increases whenever you open a certain number of chests.

Many Characters Can Be Used

Many Characters Can Be Used

Almost all of the characters are available to use in the choices for trial characters list except Kirara. It is recommended to use your own characters, specially built ones.

Best Team Comp Guide

Claymore-Wielding Characters Can Be Invited Inside

Claymore-Wielding Characters Can Be Invited Inside

If you ever forgot to include a character that can destroy the Buff Bestowers, you can invite them thru the Summon Station inside the stage but you need to claim some chests first.

All Claymore Characters List

Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter - How To Build A Domain

Domain Mechanics

Domain Mechanics

Players will create their own domain and challenge other players to complete it during this event. Although, you will need to complete your domain before you can publish it.

Build Your Own Domain

Divine Ingenuity

Create and design your own domain by adding different obstacles based on your liking. This event will challenge the parkour skills of each player as they go through different obstacles.

How To Make A Domain Guide

Showcase Your Own Domain Design

Note: Players must clear first their own domains in order to share them to the other players.

Divine Ingenuity

Express your creativity and give some design inspiration by sharing it through the ▼Comments below.

Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter - Types Of Domains

Preset Domains

Preset Domains

Challenge & complete the 5 domains by reaching the destination within a time limit, and also do not forget to collect Adventure Coins as many as you can!

Preset Domains

Preset DomainsImaginarium: Bastion Mechanicus- Create mechanici, defeat opponents and defend the ley line monolith.
Preset DomainsImaginarium: Cloudstrider- Collect the required amount of Adventure Coins.
Preset DomainsImaginarium: Nimbus Grasper-Invite other players to play the domain challenge.
Preset DomainsImaginarium: Trove Sweeper- Keep your character alive while collecting coins inside the domain.
Preset DomainsImaginarium: Heartrender- Destroy the Buff Bestower before you engage into battle.

Custom Domains

Custom Domains

Create and play a customized domain, from your own creations to the domains that are published by the other players. Make sure to clear your own domain first before you proceed on sharing it to the other players!

Custom Domain Functions
• Use all kinds of objects to create your domain
• Hotkeys are almost similar to your Serenitea Pot System
• Choose a personal tag for your newly published domains
• Add enemies to your domain
• Adjust the number of domain stages
• Add buff and buff bestowers

Domain Blessings

These are buffs that can be picked up and obtained during the challenge.

Type Of BuffDescription
Custom Domains BiffsPrecision Tactics
Custom Domains BiffsDefensive Tactics
Custom Domains BiffsEndurance Training
Custom Domains BiffsArt of Suppression

Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter - Event Rewards

Rewards List

  • Primogems
  • Weapon Enhancement Materials
  • Talent Enhancement Materials
  • Mystic Enhancement Ore
  • Mora

Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter Rerun For 3.7 Update

Part Of The 3.7 Update

 Divine Ingenuity: Collector
Event Duration
June 8, 2023 10:00:00 – June 29, 2023 03:59:59

Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter is a rerun event for the upcoming 3.7 Update. This event is the same as the previous one where players will be able to create, play and share their own domain! The release date will be on June 8, 2023.

3.7 Update Release Date & Character Banners

Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter - Location & How To Unlock

How To Unlock

- Adventure Rank 20 or above
- Complete Archon Quest Prologue: Act III "Song of the Dragon and Freedom"

To be eligible for the event, you must achieve the requirements in the list above.

Starting Map & Location

Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter Map & Location
Divine Ingenuity: Collector's Chapter Map & Location

Once the event quest is available, go to the east part of Mondstadt. You can also teleport directly to the event domain.

Divine Ingenuity - Past Event

Past Event

Divine Ingenuity 2.5 Version

Release Date

Divine Ingenuity
Event Duration
March 02, 2022 - March 21, 2022
(Server Time)

Divine Ingenuity is one of the many events that will take place in the 2.5 Update. The event will be available on March 2, 2022.

2.5 Update & Patch Notes

Divine Ingenuity - Location & How To Unlock

How To Unlock

How To Unlock
Complete the A New Star Approaches Archon Quest.
Adventure Rank 28 or above.

Requires Progressing Through Archon Quest

Diving Ingenuity how to unlock

Players must complete prerequisite quest called A New Star Approaches Archon Quest, in order to unlock this event.

A New Star Approaches Quest Guide


The event location will start at the Adventurer's Guild in Liyue, and talk to Katheryne.

MapIn-Game Map
Divine Ingenuity Map
Divine Ingenuity Map In Game

Preset Domains

Preset Domain

Challenge & complete the 5 domains by reaching the destination within a time limit, and also do not forget to collect Adventure Coins as many as you can!

Preset Domain Obstacles

Type of ObstacleDescription
TerrainItems used for terrains, platforms and slopes.
MechanismsMechanisms that will help you cross pavements, platforms and walls easily.
TrapsTrap obstacles that will lower your life points.

Custom Domains

Note: Unlock the Divine Ingenuity world quest to unlock the Custom Domain.

Custom Domain

Create and play a customized domain, from your own creations to the domains that are published by the other players, and build up to a maximum of 5 domains.

Custom Domain Functions
• Use all kinds of objects to create your domain.
• Hot keys are almost similar to your Serenitea Pot System.
• Choose a personal tag for your newly published domains.

Domain Blessings

These are buffs that can be picked up and obtained during the challenge.

Type Of BuffDescription
Strenghtening BoonFor Stamina recovery.
Striding BoonMovement speed buff.
Leaping BoonFor Jump buff

Divine Ingenuity - Walkthrough Chart & Tips

Walkthrough Chart

1Go to the Adventurer's Guild in Liyue and talk to Katheryne.
2Go to Tianqiu Valley and talk to Honglang
3Enter the Domain
4Talk to Honglang
5Get the Adventure Coin
Activity: You will be asked to place a Thunder Sphere.
6Talk to Honglang

Use An Anemo Resonance

You can use 2 anemo resonance in order to help you with the stamina consumption, and at the same time provides additional speed.

Use An Elemental Skill

Take advantage of your characters' skill and use it to progress inside the domain, however, the skill usage option can be disabled depending on the domain creator.

Divine Ingenuity - Event Rewards

Divine Ingenuity Quest Rewards

Item Rewards
- Mora x 10,000
- Adventurer's Experience

Preset Domain Rewards

Faster, Faster!
Complete "Faster, Faster!"- Primogems x 70
- Mora x 20,000
- Guide To Prosperity x 3
Collect 15 Adventure Coins in one run of "Faster, Faster!"- Mora x 20,000
- Hero's Wit x 3
Collect 30 Adventure Coins in one run of "Faster, Faster!"- Mora x 20,000
- Mystic Enhancement Ore x 6
Flying Down the Corridor
Complete "Flying Down the Corridor"- Primogems x 70
- Mora x 20,000
- Guide To Diligence x 3
Collect 40 Adventure Coins in one run of "Flying Down the Corridors"- Mora x 20,000
- Hero's Wit x 3
Collect 80 Adventure Coins in one run of "Flying Down the Corridors"- Mora x 20,000
- Mystic Enhancement Ore x 6
Look Out Below
Complete the "Look Out Below"- Primogems x 70
- Mora x 20,000
- Guide To Gold x 3
Collect 40 Adventure Coins in one run of "Look Out Below"- Mora x 20,000
- Hero's Wit x 3
Collect 80 Adventure Coins in one run of "Look Out Below"- Mora x 20,000
- Mystic Enhancement Ore x 6
The Exit's Up There
Complete "The Exit's Up There"- Primogems x 70
- Mora x 20,000
- Sanctifying Unction x 4
Collect 40 Adventure Coins in one run of the "The Exit's Up There"- Mora x 20,000
- Hero's Wit x 3
Collect 80 Adventure Coins in one run of the "The Exit's Up There"- Mora x 20,000
- Mystic Enhancement Ore x 6
Fastest Finger First
Complete the "Fastest Finger First"- Primogems x 70
- Mora x 20,000
- Sanctifying Unction x 4
Collect 25 Adventure Coins in one run of "Fastest Finger First"- Hero's Wit x 3
Collect 50 Adventure Coins in one run of "Fastest Finger First"- Mora x 20,000
- Mystic Enhancement Ore x 6

Custom Domain Rewards

Play a Domain that another player published- Primogems x 70
- Mora x 20,000
Design a domain- Mora x 20,000
- Hero's Wit x 2
Publish a domain- Mora x 20,000
- Hero's Wit x 2
Event & Wish

Current Wish (Gacha) Banners

Character / Weapon
Chanson Of Many Waters Chanson Of Many Waters

3/4/2025 - 3/25/2025

Tempestuous Destiny Tempestuous Destiny

3/4/2025 - 3/25/2025

Epitome Of Invocation

3/4/2025 - 3/25/2025

beginnerBeginners' Wish


Wanderlust InvocationWanderlust Invocation


All Banner List

5.4 Events

5.4 Events
Reel Ad-Venture Event GuideReel Ad-Venture

03/12/2025 ~ 03/24/2025

Xavier's video editing event will have a rerun once again in the upcoming 5.4 Update.
Ley Line OverflowLey Line Overflow

03/17/2025 ~ 03/24/2025

Ley Line Overflow will have a rerun for the upcoming 5.4 Update.

5.5 Events

5.5 Upcoming Events
Tournament Of Glory in Bloom Event GuideTournament Of Glory in Bloom

03/28/2025 - 04/14/2025

Main event for 5.5 Update.
Quirky Quaking Arena Event GuideQuirky Quaking Arena

04/21/2025 - 05/02/2025

A new upcoming Co-Op (Multiplayer) event for 5.5 Update. In this event, players will be tasked to collect Adventure Coins to earn points.
Rhythm Ball Meztli Event GuideRhythm Ball Meztli Event Guide

04/28/2025 - 05/06/2025

Players will be tasked to defeat the boss by destroying the moving blocks by hitting it using the elemental ball.
Unlimited Fighting Championship Event GuideUnlimited Fighting Championship

04/14/2025 - 04/21/2025

A new upcoming combat domain challenge for 5.5 Update.
Overflowing Favor EventOverflowing Favor Event

04/14/2025 - 04/21/2025

An artifact farming event that provides double drop rewards.

Other Events

Web Event List
Web Event ListWeb Event List
Event Tracking Tool
To Do List & Event Calendar
All Events List
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