Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Violet Lightning Concerto - How To Defeat Expert Pure Electro Hypostasis

Genshin Impact | Violet Lightning Concerto - How To Defeat Expert Pure Electro Hypostasis

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Genshin Impact | Violet Lightning Concerto - How To Defeat Expert Pure Electro Hypostasis  - GameWith

Check Violet Lightning Concerto Guide for Genshin Impact's Hypostatic Symphony event. See strategies, best team, challenge variations, coop, defeat Pure Electro Hypostasis in 120 seconds, & expert mode.

Table of Contents

Violet Lightning Concerto - How To Defeat Pure Electro Hypostasis (Expert)

Expert Solo Video Guide

Prepare Before The Battle

Make Sure To Equip NRE

You may not have enough time to heal in this challenge. Because of this, it is highly recommended to equip NRE with a lot of food!

More About NRE (Menu 30) Here!

Use Essential Oils & Potion

Boost your damage output and resistance by using essential oils and potions that is craftable by using Alchemy.

Coop Is Available & Recommended

Coop is available in Violet Lightning Concerto. For those who are having a difficulty accomplishing the challenges, ask for help with friends or check the forum below!

Check Multiplayer Forum Here!

Boss HP Not Increased In CO-OP

Another reason you should give Co-Op a try is that the Violet Lightning Concerto's HP will not be increased with CO-OP mode. This will make the otherwise hard fight much easier, allowing you to earn points fast even in the hardest difficulty.

Violet Lightning Concerto Recommended Boss Variation (Expert)

Violet Lightning Concerto II (Day 1)

Pattern 1Pattern 2
Violet Lightning Concerto I Rec
Pattern 2
Click To Reveal Text Version

Pattern 1

Time・Challenge time may not exceed 300 seconds.
HP・Opponent's HP Increased by 50%
Boss Buffs・Opponent's Cryo RES Increased by 50%.
・Opponents' ATK increased by 50%
Party Debuff・All party member's Healing Effectiveness decreased by 40%.
・Switching characters increases the DMG taken by all characters in the player's party by 25%. Stacks up to 4 times.
・When active character's HP is lower than 50%, ATK is decreased by 25%
・All party member's CRIT DMG dereased by 50%
・All party's movement SPD decreased by 20%.
・After sprinting, all characters in your own party take 75% increased DMG for 10s.

Pattern 2

Time・Challenge time may not exceed 180 seconds.
HP・Opponent's HP Increased by 50%
Boss Buffs・Opponent's Cryo RES Increased by 50%.
・Opponents' ATK increased by 50%
Party Debuff・All party member's Healing Effectiveness decreased by 40%.
・Switching characters increases the DMG taken by all characters in the player's party by 25%. Stacks up to 4 times.
・When active character's HP is lower than 50%, ATK is decreased by 25%
・All party's movement SPD decreased by 20%.
・After sprinting, all characters in your own party take 75% increased DMG for 10s.

Violet Lightning Concerto II (Day 4)

Violet Lightning Concerto Day 4

Avoid But Ignore The Electro Prism

Avoid But Ignore The Electro Prism

Unlike the crystalline prisms that heals the Pure Electro Hypostasis if not destroyed, the Electro Prism that spawns in this challenge will not heal the Pure Electro Hypostasis. They will deal burst damage in its range periodically but can be ignored in your boss fight.

Destroy All Crystalline Prisms With Elemental Attacks

Destroy All Crystalline Prisms With Elemental Attacks

When Electro Hypostasis's HP gets low, it will scatter Crystalline Prisms which will need to be destroyed with elemental damage. Any undestroyed Crystalline Prisms will convert into HP for the boss, so make sure to pop them all. We recommend Pyro to deal with them quickly.

Pure Electro Hypostasis Attack Patterns & Tips

Slam & Electro Ball Electro Hypostasis will come towards you & slams. Releases Electro Ball towards Electro micro-pillars
Dash away from the slam attack while avoid being in a line with the micro-Pillars
Guided Electro Ball Electro Hypostasis summons blocks around it and then throws a Guiding Electro Ball towards the player
Gain some distance & dash just before the electro ball gets into contact with your character
Circling Beam Attack Pure Electro Hypostasis retracts its body and launches squares around it that fires off beams
As the core retracts, move in. Avoid getting hit by the expanding squares & go in to beat the core. Don't linger as the squares will retract to deal damage after around 10 seconds.

Avoid Electro Ball After Slam Attack

Slam & Electro Ball

After the slam attack, Pure Electro Hypostasis will release Electro balls in a line towards the mini-pillars from the core. When dodging the slam attack, avoid being in a line with the Mini-Pillars from the core.

Dodge Just Before Guided Ball Hits To Avoid

Dodge Just Before Guided Ball Hits To Avoid

Dodge Timing As Above.

Unlike regular Electro Hypostasis, Pure Electro Hypostasis's Electro Ball will follow the player. To dodge this attack, gain some distance from the ball and stand still. Just as the Electro Ball gets near you, dodge away to avoid.

Attack Core While Beam Is Circling

Attack Core While Beam Is Circling

When the beam attack begins, the core will be exposed for attack. this is a good time to use all your burst attacks to deal some massive damage. However, get out from the core after around 10 seconds as the square will retract and hit your character if its still around.

Violet Lightning Concerto - Best Teams Composition

Boosted Characters - Additional 20% Damage

Boosted Characters

Boosted Characters for the Violet Lightning Concerto will deal additional 20% damage to the event boss, which can be huge depending on your penalty conditions.

Recommended Party 1 - Burst Damage

Carry / Reaction
Carry/ Resonance
Support / Reso.
Support / Reso.

This party maximizes burst damage & utilizing Boosted Characters such as Diluc & Ganryu to burst down the core when exposed. When the core exposes itself, Use Bennet & Diona's Elemental Burst to further boost damage.

Recommended Party - F2P

Carry / Reaction
Carry/ Resonance
Reso. / Heal
Reso./ Support

Use Kaeya's Cryo to trigger Superconduct & decrease Pure Electro Hypostasis's DEF. Use this combo to soften up defenses before going in for the kill.

Main Carry - Xiangling

Xiangling has higher damage & effective pyro elemental skill, Burst that will benefit greatly when taking down Pure Electro Hypostasis. She can be acquired from Spiral Abyss.

Check out Xiangling Guide here!

Notable Mentions: Noelle & Geo Shield Characters

If you're having trouble dodging the attacks, having a Shield character such as Noelle will greatly increase your survivability. Shields are extremely effective against guided Electro Balls & avoid getting hit when closing in for the core.

Violet Lightning Concerto - Challenge Locations & Variations

Violet Lightning Concerto Challenge Location

Violet Lightning Concerto Challenge Location

Violet Lightning Concerto can be found on the location pointed above. You will enter a special domain just for this challenge event.

Replenishes All HP, Elemental Gauge upon Entering

Upon entering Violet Lightning Concerto's challenge domain, All character will be revived, HP & Elemental Gauge will be fully replenished. You do not need to use food or Statues to replenish anything even if you were team wiped.

Boss Level Depends On Difficulty Level

Difficulty Boss Level Score Multiplier
Easy 20 x1
Normal 40 x1.5
Hard 60 x2.5
Expert 80x4.5

Select From Different Variation To Increase & Decrease Your Difficulty


You can do different variations that will increase the difficulty of the boss which will also increase the score that you will receive.

Violet Lightning Concerto - Rewards

Earn Points For Rewards

Score Rewards

Aside from the 60 Primogems you get for completing any difficulty, you also get better rewards based on points you accumulated. Earn more points by choosing tougher conditions & difficulty.

Required To Score More Than 2860 Every Challenge To Get All Rewards

To be able to claim all the rewards, you need to get a score of 2860 or more for every challenge faced. This means that you must be playing in Expert mode to achieve this.

Violet Lightning Concerto - Event Duration & How To Unlock

Unlocks At Hypostatic Symphony Event

Event Duration 2021/01/16 10:00 ~ 2021/01/31 03:59
(Server Time)
Condition AR 20 or up
Complete Archon Quest Chapter 1

This boss is an event only boss that you can challenge during the Hypostatic Symphony Event.

More About Hypostatic Symphony Event Here!

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