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Venti Voice Actor & Lore

Genshin Impact | Venti Voice Actor & Lore

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Venti is a character in Genshin Impact. See Venti voice actor, lore, character story, story appearances, other names, voice lines about Venti, story details, names & more about Venti!

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Who Is Venti?

Venti Character Demo

A bard that seems to have arrived on some unknown wind — sometimes sings songs as old as the hills, and other times sings poems fresh and new.

Most Popular Bard Of Monstadt


Venti is a cheerful and free-spirited bard in Monstadt. He likes drinking dandelion wine at the tavern but due to his young appearance, he was declined to be given alcohol. He then decides to play his lyre and ask the audience that liked his performance to buy him a drink at the bar. This made him popular and even won the title "Most Popular Bard of Mondstadt" three times.

However, for some unknown reason, he is allergic to cats so he would always perform in a spot where there are no cats nearby.

Barbatos And One Of The Seven


Around 2,600 years ago, Monstadt was surrounded by impenetrable winds and ruled by Decarabian—God of Storms. Back then, Venti was just a single thread of the thousand winds that roared through the northern lands. During that time, Venti met a young bard who wishes to see birds fly. Venti became friends with the bard and help him free Monstadt from the storm wall. But his friend was one of the fallen during the war in Monstadt and Venti used his friend's appearance and became known as "Barbatos"—the Anemo Archon and one of The Seven.

Vision Story


Venti doesn't need a Vision since he is the Anemo Archon. However, he constructed a fake Vision and gave it the ability to turn into the wooden lyre "Der Frühling."

Venti Story Appearances

Venti Various Appearances


Venti has also appeared in various in-game quests, such as story quests, world quests, and events in the game. You may encounter Venti in different locations depending on the quest.

Voicelines About Venti

Voicelines About Venti

Voicelines About Venti
Anemo TravelerAnemo Traveler(Traveler): On the way back to Mondstadt after rescuing Dvalin...
(Traveler): We finally got to see one of the Seven Archons, didn't we? It was interesting to see what kind of god he was.
Paimon: Hmm... Haven't we known Venti for quite a while now?
(Traveler): As Venti, yes... But still, this was the first time that we got to see him as the Anemo Archon, Barbatos.
(Traveler): Normally, he hides his true divinity behind the facade of a bard.
(Traveler): "What does freedom really mean, when demanded of you by a god?"
(Traveler): That question that he asked Dvalin... I'm still contemplating that, you know?
BarbaraBarbaraVenti's voice is amazing! But the songs he sings and the ones I'm good at are very different. I tried to learn them but... the melodies are just so complicated.
DionaDionaVenti? I'm not familiar with him... He's a bard? Oh, he must be that guy who sings tunes to entertain the drunkards. Well, then I don't like him, no no no...
EulaEulaI heard that bard sing a few songs about the Lawrence Clan... They were lighthearted and funny stories that mocked the clan in a way I've never heard anyone else do. Even I couldn't help but burst out laughing... And for this, he must pay!
MonaMonaVenti? The bard that sits around doing nothing all day? What's so interesting about him? Sure, I guess I can take a look... Huh, that's weird, the scryglass, it's... I can't see a thing... this wind... I can't... open my eyes! No, my hat! Ah! My clothes, stop! The wind's going to strip all my clothes off! Make it stop, make it stop! ...Alright, alright! I'll never do this again!
RazorRazorRazor doesn't know poems, but... lupical likes them.
RosariaRosariaThere's something extremely interesting about this bard... I can't quite put my finger on it. There's something that makes him different from the others in Mondstadt.
ZhongliZhongliTsk... It reeks of wine. That bard has just been through here, hasn't he? That drunkard is a disgrace to the arts. Oh... Has he tricked you into getting drunk? You're slurring a little. Wait a moment, I'll brew a pot of sobering tea. It'll be ready in only six hours, so just wait a moment.
Raiden ShogunRaiden ShogunHmm. So, the Anemo Archon still goes by that name among mortals these days? Truth be told, from the very first moment I met him, I could somehow sense that we were not going to get along. Also, he sure can drink a lot.

Venti Voice Actor & Profile

Basic Info & Voice Actor

Rarity5 Star
Voice Actor (EN)
Erika Harlacher
Voice Actor (JA)
Murase Ayumu
June 16


Affiliation: Monstadt
Singer of Skyward Sonnets

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