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Kaedahara Kazuha Voice Actor & Story

Genshin Impact | Kaedahara Kazuha Voice Actor & Story

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Kaedahara Kazuha is a character in Genshin Impact. See Kazuha voice actor, lore, character story, story appearances, other names, voice lines about Kazuha, story details, names & more about Kazuha!

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Who Is Kaedahara Kazuha?

Kaedahara Kazuha Character Demo

Kaedahara Kazuha is a wandering samurai from Inazuma with a modest and gentle personality. Beneath a youthful and carefree demeanor lies a heart that hides a great many burdens from the past. Seemingly easygoing, Kazuha has his own code of conduct.

Kaedahara Kazuha In Crux Fleet.

Kazuha was picked up by Beidou when the Alcor docked at the Inazuman port of Ritou. Beidou had made friends with this young man, and when he came on board, she told her crew, "This guy's gonna be staying with us for a while. Take care of him, now."

The sailors trusted Beidou's judgment and admired the newcomer for his martial prowess, not to mention his ability to predict the weather, so they were happy to overlook his reticence to discuss his past and welcomed him aboard. Still, their curiosity did not abate, and they would often find all sorts of excuses to try and ply him for information about his experiences. Over time, after countless attempts to garner a response proved futile, the sailors would simply give up asking. Eventually, it was an off-the-cuff remark from Chief Mate, Juza, just a few days later that finally managed to elicit a reply.

"Hey, Inazuma boy. What are the lads supposed to call you if they don't even know your name?"

The young sailor wiped the sweat from his brow with his callused hands."My name is Kaedehara Kazuha, a wandering samurai. I am in your debt for taking me in, so just call me 'Kazuha.'"

Last Son Of The Kaedahara Clan

Kazuha was not born a commoner. He hails from an Inazuman noble house of old, the last son of the Kaedehara Clan. But fortune is fickle, and the Kaedeharas' fortunes had already collapsed by the time they were Kazuha's to inherit. When the moment came that the home was officially repossessed and the last attendant was finally dismissed, he breathed a sigh of relief: As far as he was concerned, this was a golden opportunity to begin leading a free and wandering life.

Kazuha's Friend

Kazuha's Friend Story

Kazuha made many friends during his travels. One of them was particularly close to his heart. But something happened soon thereafter that would shatter his calm disposition — the Almighty Shogun promulgated the Vision Hunt Decree and swore to retrieve all Visions.

It was then that Kazuha received shocking news: Someone had dared to call for a "duel before the throne," and that someone was none other than Kazuha's dear friend. Even the normally calm Kazuha could not restrain himself. He drew his sword and stormed into Tenshukaku like a whirlwind... But alas, he arrived too late. His friend's sword lay shattered in pieces, his Vision now an empty husk. Now a wanted man himself, Kazuha fled with grief in his heart.

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Kaedahara Kazuha Story Appearances

Kaedahara Kazuha Various Appearances

Kaedahara Kazuha has also appeared in various in game quests, such as story quests, world quests and events in the game. You may encounter him on different locations depending on the quest.

Voicelines About Kazuha

Voicelines About Kazuha

Voicelines About Kazuha
Anemo TravelerAnemo TravelerPaimon: Kazuha is a free spirit, wouldn't you say?
(Traveler): Yeah, he seems to be a bit of a loner too.
Paimon: Being able to explore the world at his leisure while savoring the beauty of everything around him. That doesn't sound too shabby...
Paimon: (Traveler), you aren't thinking of sneaking off to go on a solo adventure, right?
(Traveler): Aw, I would never leave you, Paimon.
Paimon: Paimon's really happy to hear that. Here... Hee—hee, have this...
(Traveler): Monthly food expenses... 300,000 Mora!?
Paimon: Hey! Wait! (Traveler), Where are you going?
(Traveler): I suddenly feel like going solo. Maybe it's not a bad idea after all.
Paimon: Please don't go! Wait for Paimon!
BeidouBeidouKazuha? That scallywag actually blocked a strike from the Raiden Shogun outside Tenshukaku! Easier said than done... After the battle he came to the Crux Fleet — said he'd voyage with us a while longer. I was more than happy to oblige. If the day comes when he decides to set off again by himself on the next stage of his journey, I'll send him off with a drink, haha...
GorouGorouI've seen all kinds of wandering samurai before, and Kazuha is categorically a different breed from the others. He's like a gust of wind that sweeps through the land. Though he never stays for long, he is always able to contribute something to those who are around him. When I fought alongside him, I learned more about what it means to be truly carefree and without constraints. In any case, I think that Kazuha and I make a great team together!
AyatoAyatoOnce upon a time, the Kaedehara Clan was a subordinate branch of the Kamisato Clan. My forebears may have failed to save his family from decline, but even today I have a duty to support him. Now, naturally, there is nothing I can do to restore his clan's former fortunes. But as for helping him avoid arrest by the Tenryou Commission, that is well within my capabilities...
KokomiKokomiKazuha once came and bunked with the resistance for a time. If I'm not mistaken, he got along very well with Gorou — they would often fight side-by-side in battle. Kazuha has a carefree personality and doesn't like constraints, but he would follow every command to the letter when he was among our ranks. In my opinion, not only is he an outstanding swordsman, but a very refined character.
YoimiyaYoimiyaPeople with no worries like myself speak plainly, while those with many cares often speak of ancient poetry or the scenery. They talk of flowers and birds, wind and moon, but never about the reality that confronts them. He's got quite the tale to tell, I'm sure.

Kazuha Voice Actor & Profile

Basic Info & Voice Actor

Rarity5 Star
Voice Actor (EN)
Mark Whitten
Voice Actor (JA)
Shimazaki Nobunaga
October 29


Affiliation: Inazuma, The Crux Fleet
Kazuha firmly believes in a concept of freedom - that everyone is entitled to their hopes and dreams and that no one has the right to take them, not even a god.

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