Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Shadows Amidst Snowstorms Event | Rise Of The Fell Flower Guide

Genshin Impact | Shadows Amidst Snowstorms Event | Rise Of The Fell Flower Guide

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Genshin Impact | Shadows Amidst Snowstorms Event | Rise Of The Fell Flower Guide - GameWith

Shadow Amidst Snowstorms is an upcoming event in Genshin Impact 2.3 Update. Guide includes trainings, rewards, release date, how to make snowman, and the Whopperflower boss.

Table Of Contents

2.3 Version Updates
AlbedoAlbedoArataki IttoArataki GorouGorouEulaEula
The Warrior DogEnergy Amplifier
2.3 Update - Release Date & Patch Notes

Shadow Amidst Snowstorms - Release Date & How To Unlock

Shadows Amidst Snowstorms

Shadows Amidst Snowstorms is a new event released as part of the 2.3 Update. The event is set in the frigid Dragonspine area as you try to uncover who is impersonating Albedo, while also training with the Adventurer's Guild.

2.3 Update Patch Notes

Event Release Date

Event Duration

Event Date Details
▼ Act 1: The Snowy Past
Duration: 11/25 ~ 12/13
▼ Act 2: The Shadows Deepen
Duration: 12/1 ~ 12/13
▼ Act 3: A Secret Bron From Ashes
Duration: 12/4 ~ 12/13

Event Shop Duration

Event Date Details
Training Rewards Shop
Duration: 11/25 ~ 12/20
Trial Trophies Shop
Duration: 12/1 ~ 12/20

How To Unlock

How To Unlock Event
- Complete For A Tomorrow Without Tears
- Complete Princeps Cretaceus (Albedo Story Quest)
- Lost In The Snow (World Quest)
Adventure Rank 20 and above

Shadow Amidst Snowstorms - Rewards & Event Shop

Obtain The Cinnabar Spindle Weapon

Unlock the Cinnabar Spindle Weapon

One of the featured rewards for the event is the Cinnabar Spindle sword! The sword will be the first 4 star sword to have DEF percent as its substat and can be quickly obtained by creating 1 Snowman!

Cinnabar Spindle Weapon Details

Shadows Amidst Snowstorms Event Shop

Training Rewards

AlkahestAlkahest2400 Snowtrider Emblem
Chains Of The Dandelion GladiatorChains Of The Dandelion Gladiator1215 Snowtrider Emblem
Shackles Of The Dandelion GladiatorShackles Of The Dandelion Gladiator445 Snowtrider Emblem
Debris Of DecarabianDebris Of Decarabian's City1215 Snowtrider Emblem
Fragment Of DecarabianFragment Of Decarabian's Epic445 Snowtrider Emblem
Boreal WolfBoreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth1215 Snowtrider Emblem
Boreal WolfBoreal Wolf's Broken Fang445 Snowtrider Emblem
HeroHero's Wit5010 Snowtrider Emblem
Mystic Enhancement OreMystic Enhancement Ore1005 Snowtrider Emblem

Trail Trophies

More content coming soon! This section of the article will be updated once more information about the event shop has been released.

Shadow Amidst Snowstorms - Story Quest Walkthrough

Act I: The Snowy Past Walkthrough

Act I: The Snowy Past Walkthrough Chart
1Go to Timeus in Mondstadt
2Go to Dragonspine
3Go and meet Joel
4Go to Dragonspine and find Amber
5Check for the strange sound
6Go to the Entombed City, towards Albedo's Alchemy lab
7Follow the Footprints
8Defeat the enemies upon searching for the footprints (obtain a Luxurious Chest)
9Proceed on searching for the footprints
10Collect 2 Starsilvers
11Check and search for the strange sound (located at the Fatui campsite)
12Find the key to the Cage to free Bennett
13Defeat the Fatuis to obtain the key
14Free Bennett
15Go and meet Albedo
16Return to the camp
17Help Albedo to tidy up his alchemy campsite
The Snowy Past (Act 1) Guide

Act II: The Shadows Deepen Walkthrough

Walkthrough Chart

1 Talk to Albedo at his base on Dragonspine.
2 Follow the mark to see the rest of the team.
3 Wait until the it is night time the next day.
4 Talk to Albedo then lit the bonfire.
5 Head to the painting spot.
6 Head to the next location after a cutscene.
7 Break two rocks indicated by the Quest pointer.
8 Head to the next location for a cutscene.
9 Talk to everyone.
10 Defeat the Whopperflower boss.
11 Return to the Adventurer's Camp.
The Shadows Deepen (Act 2) Guide

Act III: A Secret Born From Ashes Walkthrough

1 Talk to Albedo at Dragonspine.
2 Talk to Eula near the Adveturer's Camp.
3 Talk to Albedo at Mondstadt.
A Secret Born From Ashes (Act 3) Guide

Shadows Amidst Snowstorms - Born Of The Snow

Born Of Snow
How To Unlock
- Complete Shadows Amids"Shadows Amidst Snowstorms" Act I: The Snowy Past
- Snowman Mark One (Nov. 25)
- Of Twin Snows (Nov. 27)
- Three Little Snowmen (Nov. 30)
- Task Force Snowman (Complete Shadows Amidst Snowstorms: Act 3)

Collect Snowman Components To Create Your Own

Collect Snowman Components To Create Your Own

Players can collect Snowman Components from clearing the Dragonspine Special Training minigames! With the components you collect, you can then build your own Puffy Snowman at the camp.

All Snowman Parts & Components Locations

Create Snowman To Get Rewards

Create Snowman To Get Rewards

Making Snowmen isn't all fun and games because you can get rewarded for it too! Create Snowmen to be able to collect different event rewards, including the event exclusive Cinnabar Spindle Sword, Primogems and more!

Born Of The Snow Rewards
1 Snowman- Cinnabar Spindle
- 20,000 Mora
2 Snowmen- 30 Primogems
- 20,000 Mora
3 Snowmen- 30 Primogems
- 20,000 Mora
4 Snowmen- Snowman Torso: Bunny Jump
- Snowman Torso: Egg Fortress Classic
- Snowman Torso: The Assertive One

Can Bring Snowmen Inside The Serenitea Pot

No need to worry about your Snowmen leaving with the event's end. Players can bring their Snowmen into their Serenitea Pot where they can stay regardless of the weather.

Shadows Amidst Snowstorms - Agility Training

Dragonspine Special Training: Agility Training
How To Unlock
- Complete "Shadows Amidst Snowstorms" Act I: The Snowy Past
- Agility Training: Speedy Descent (Nov. 25)
- Agility Training: Up And Now (Nov. 27)
- Agility Training: Icebreaker's Advance (Nov. 30)
- Agility Training: Snow-Swept Sprint (Dec. 3)

Complete Courses And Collect Insignias

Complete Courses And Collect Insignias

The Agility Course will have players going through a race track to complete it in as little time as possible. Besides the time, players will also need to collect Insignias of Adventure and Insignias of Conquest.

Collect Rewards From Completing Courses

Collect Rewards From Completing Courses

Players will get rewarded with Snowstrider Emblems upon completing the courses. You can then use these to exchange for different rewards at the Event Shop.

Dragonspine Special Training: Agility Training Rewards
Agility Training: Speedy DescentBronze:
- 30 Primogems
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
-30,000 Mora
- 30 Mystic Enhancement Ore
Agility Training: Up And NowBronze:
- 30 Primogems
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
-30,000 Mora
- 30 Mystic Enhancement Ore
Agility Training: Icebreaker's AdvanceBronze:
- 30 Primogems
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
-30,000 Mora
- 30 Mystic Enhancement Ore
Agility Training: Snow-Swept SprintBronze:
- 30 Primogems
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
-30,000 Mora
- 30 Mystic Enhancement Ore

Shadows Amidst Snowstorms - Tracker Training

Dragonspine Special Training: Tracker Training
How To Unlock
- Complete "Shadows Amidst Snowstorms" Act I: The Snowy Past
- Training 1 (Nov. 25)
- Training 2 (Nov. 25)
- Training 3 (Nov. 27)
- Training 4 (Nov. 27)
- Training 5 (Nov. 30)
- Training 6 (Nov. 30)
- Training 7 (Dec. 3)
- Training 8 (Dec. 3)

Find & Melt Ice Crystal Piles

Find & Melt Ice Crystal Piles

Within the training area, you can find Ice Crystal Piles which you will need to locate and melt to complete courses. You can either use Pyro attacks or attack it while you have a Scarlet Quartz to melt them!

Get Snowman Component & Other Rewards

Get Snowman Component & Other Rewards

When melting Ice Crystal Piles, you may sometimes find Snowmen Components! Besides that, you can also get Snowstrider Emblems, Primogems, More and other rewards from completing the courses.

Training 1- 30 Primogems
- Snowman Head: Catsclamation
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
Training 2- 30 Primogems
- Snowman Head: The Rhythm Of Laughter
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
Training 3- 30 Primogems
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
Training 4- 30 Primogems
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
Training 5- 30 Primogems
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
Training 6- 30 Primogems
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
Training 7- 30 Primogems
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
Training 8- 30 Primogems
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem

Shadows Amidst Snowstorms - Combat Training

How To Unlock
- Complete "Shadows Amidst Snowstorms" Act I: The Snowy Past
- Training 1 (Nov. 25)
- Training 2 (Nov. 25)
- Training 3 (Nov. 27)
- Training 4 (Nov. 27)
- Training 5 (Nov. 30)
- Training 6 (Nov. 30)
- Training 7 (Dec. 3)
- Training 8 (Dec. 3)

Defeat Opponents Within A Designated Time

Defeat Opponents Within A Designated Time

A more combat-focused challenge, players will have to defeat all enemies within the training area before the time runs out.

Activate Lures Using Scarlet Quartz

Activate Lures Using Scarlet Quartz

Players will have to bring Scarlet Quartz to activate the challenges for this course. This is the only way to activate the Lure and start the challenge.

Complete Courses To Get Rewards

Every Training Course will reward players for completing them! You can get Primogems and Mora from clearing these challenges.

Training 1- 30 Primogems
- Snowman Head: Happiness In General
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
Training 2- 30 Primogems
- Snowman Head: Huff-And-Puff
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
Training 3- 30 Primogems
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
Training 4- 30 Primogems
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
Training 5- 30 Primogems
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
Training 6- 30 Primogems
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
Training 7- 30 Primogems
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem
Training 8- 30 Primogems
- 30,000 Mora
- 120 Snowstrider Emblem

Shadows Amidst Snowstorms - Rise Of The Fell Flower

How To Unlock
- Complete "Shadows Amidst Snowstorms" Act II: Shadow Deepens

Defeat A Whopperflower Boss (Fellflower)


You can challenge the Whopperflower Boss that you fought during the Act 2 of the event.

Get Vanquisher's Emblem For Defeating The Boss


Players will be able to get Vanquisher's Emblem upon defeating the Fellflower. These Vanquisher's Emblem are the second event currency you can use to exchange rewards at the Events Shop.

How To Defeat Fellflower?

Using Pyro Characters Are Recommended

The Boss will have a Cryo Shield so it is recommended to bring Pyro Characters for faster melting of shields. It is also better if the character can hit flying targets.

Recommended Characters
All Pyro Characters

Collect The Dropped Arcane Essence To Prevent Shield From Recovering

Arcane Essence

While you are on the process of melting the shields of the boss, Arcane Essence will drop on the ground. Gather those to prevent the boss from reabsorbing it and regenerating its shield.

Destroy Arcane Fruits Using Attacks

Arcane Fruit

Destroying these fruits will stun the enemy making it not able to move for a certain period of time. You can easily destroy it using normal attacks from any characters. These Arcane Fruits will sometimes be floating so make sure to bring some range attackers in your team.

Event Related Articles

Event & Wish

Current Wish (Gacha) Banners

Character / Weapon
Chanson Of Many Waters Chanson Of Many Waters

3/4/2025 - 3/25/2025

Tempestuous Destiny Tempestuous Destiny

3/4/2025 - 3/25/2025

Epitome Of Invocation

3/4/2025 - 3/25/2025

beginnerBeginners' Wish


Wanderlust InvocationWanderlust Invocation


All Banner List

5.4 Events

5.4 Events
Reel Ad-Venture Event GuideReel Ad-Venture

03/12/2025 ~ 03/24/2025

Xavier's video editing event will have a rerun once again in the upcoming 5.4 Update.
Ley Line OverflowLey Line Overflow

03/17/2025 ~ 03/24/2025

Ley Line Overflow will have a rerun for the upcoming 5.4 Update.

5.5 Events

5.5 Upcoming Events
Tournament Of Glory in Bloom Event GuideTournament Of Glory in Bloom

03/28/2025 - 04/14/2025

Main event for 5.5 Update.
Quirky Quaking Arena Event GuideQuirky Quaking Arena

04/21/2025 - 05/02/2025

A new upcoming Co-Op (Multiplayer) event for 5.5 Update. In this event, players will be tasked to collect Adventure Coins to earn points.
Rhythm Ball Meztli Event GuideRhythm Ball Meztli Event Guide

04/28/2025 - 05/06/2025

Players will be tasked to defeat the boss by destroying the moving blocks by hitting it using the elemental ball.
Unlimited Fighting Championship Event GuideUnlimited Fighting Championship

04/14/2025 - 04/21/2025

A new upcoming combat domain challenge for 5.5 Update.
Overflowing Favor EventOverflowing Favor Event

04/14/2025 - 04/21/2025

An artifact farming event that provides double drop rewards.

Other Events

Web Event List
Web Event ListWeb Event List
Event Tracking Tool
To Do List & Event Calendar
All Events List

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leviathan 5

when i take Arcane Essence my HP are decreasing quite much and im getting close to dying, nay way to avoid this? i dont find somewhere mentioning that

Anonymous 4

Can someone tell me the event duration in dd/mm format? American format is hard to understand.

Anonymous 3

The Cinnabar Spindle is not the first sword to have a DEF substat. The Traveler's Handy Sword also has it.

Randombisexual 2

Albedo lost control!

Randombisexual 1

This is sad

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