Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Expedition Guide - Character Limit & Rewards

Genshin Impact | Expedition Guide - Character Limit & Rewards

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Genshin Impact | Expedition Guide - Character Limit & Rewards - GameWith

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This is an Expedition Guide for Genshin Impact. Find out how to unlock, how to increase slots, useful characters, rewards, tips like reducing expedition time & increasing rewards.

Table of Contents

How To Play & Beginners Tips

What Are Expeditions?

Earn Different Resources


You can dispatch your characters on expeditions and be rewarded with resources depending on the selected location and duration.

More Rewards At Longer Times

The available durations for the expedition are 4h, 8h, 12h, and 20h. The rewards improve when the duration for the expedition is longer.

Expedition Locations & Rewards


Stormbearer Mountains
Sweet FlowerSweet Flower Bird EggBird Egg -
Stormterror's Lair
mora Mora - -
RadishRadish CarrotCarrot -
Whispering Woods
Iron ChunkIron Chunk White Iron ChunkWhite Iron Chunk Crystal ChunkCrystal Chunk
Raw MeatRaw Meat FowlFowl -
Dadaupa Gorge
Iron ChunkIron Chunk White Iron ChunkWhite Iron Chunk Crystal ChunkCrystal Chunk


Dihua March
mora Mora - -
Jueyun Karst
mora Mora - -
Dunyu Ruins
Lotus HeadLotus Head MatsutakeMatsutake -
Guili Plains
Lotus HeadLotus Head MatsutakeMatsutake -
Yaoguang Shoal
Iron ChunkIron Chunk White Iron ChunkWhite Iron Chunk Crystal ChunkCrystal Chunk
Guyun Stone Forest
RadishRadish CarrotCarrot -


Jinren Island
mora Mora - -
Konda Village
RadishRadish Lavender MelonLavender Melon -
Byakko Plain
Sweet FlowerSweet Flower SunsettiaSunsettia -
Nazuchi Beach
FowlFowl SeagrassSeagrass -
Musoujin Gorge
Raw MeatRaw Meat Bird EggBird Egg -
mora Mora - -

Set Expeditions & Claim Rewards From Katheryne

completed expedition

Expeditions can only be set and completed through Katheryne. You can talk to any Katheryne from any region to gain access to the Expeditions menu.

Dispatched Characters Can Still Be Used

expedition lineup

Dispatching characters on expeditions will not hinder their availability. Characters that are dispatched on expeditions can still be used. This feature was available from Version 1.1.

How To Unlock Expedition & Increase Limit

How To Unlock Expeditions

Reach Adventure Rank 14

katheryne option dialogue

You can unlock Expeditions by reaching Adventure Rank 14. Talk to Adventurers Guild's Katheryne in any region to access this feature and dispatch characters for expedition.

Adventure Rank Farming

How To Increase Expedition Limit

Increase Adventure Rank

To increase the number of expeditions that can be done simultaneously, you need to increase your Adventure Rank.

Adventure Rank Chart

Adventure Rank Expedition Limit

Expedition Tips

Useful Characters For Expedition

Some characters have passive talent that is dedicated for expedition. Use these characters for expedition to either shorten the duration or improve the rewards.

BennettBennett It Should Be Safe...
When dispatched on an expedition in Mondstadt, time consumed is reduced by 25%.
FischlFischl Mein Hausgarten
When dispatched on an expedition in Mondstadt, time consumed is reduced by 25%.
ChongyunChongyunGallant Journey
When dispatched on an expedition in Liyue, time consumed is reduced by 25%
KeqingKeqingLand's Overseer
When dispatched on an expedition in Liyue, time consumed is reduced by 25%.
ShenheShenhePrecise Comings and Goings
Gains 25% more rewards when dispatched on a Liyue Expedition for 20 hours.
Kujou SaraKujou SaraLand Survey
When dispatched on an expedition in Inazuma, time consumed is reduced by 25%.

Dispatch Your Characters Before Logging Out

expedition notification

If you are about to log out from the game, you can see a notification for expedition on the upper right of your map. This is to let you know if the expeditions have ended and rewards are ready to claim.

Chest Map 2.5 | Chest & Farming Route

Track The Expedition Duration

expedition timer

Dispatch is really useful to maximize all of the available resources you can get. You can track the duration of your expeditions via official HoYoLAB mobile app.

Daily Check In - Hoyolab Log In Event (Available For PS4?)

Recommended Rewards

Whispering Woods For Forging

forging list

It is recommended to choose places that have Crystal Chunk. As you go through the game, the demand for strong weapons will increase. Crystal Chunk is a useful item for crafting 4-star weapons and forging mystic enhancement ore.

All Weapons List

Stormterror's Lair For More Mora

more mora

Mora reward from expeditions is strongly recommended since Mora is used in almost everything. You will need a lot of it ,from character ascension to talent upgrade, as long you need to spend.

Mora Farming Guide | Best Ways To Farm Money

Accomplishes Battle Pass Daily Mission

battle pass mission

The chunks that you receive from expeditions also count as mining. This is convenient for battle pass: daily mission since you do not need to go to different places just to smash rocks.

Battle Pass Guide 2.3 - Weapon & Rewards

Windrise For Cooking Ingredients

process cooking

You can cook a lot of food with raw meat and fowl. This gives you a variety of food to cook and use. From recovery dish to def-boosting dish, raw meats and fowls can also be used for processing more cooking ingredients.

Food Recipe Locations 2.5 | Cooking Recipe List

Genshin Impact Related Articles

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Eric 1

"It is important to note that characters out on expeditions cannot be used for Adventuring. Make sure to use your least use character for expeditions."

This is no longer true as of Patch 1.1.

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