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Yoimiya Voice Actor, Story & Lore

Genshin Impact | Yoimiya Voice Actor, Story & Lore

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Yoimiya is a character in Genshin Impact. See Yoimiya's voice actor, lore, character story, story appearances, other names, voice lines about Yoimiya, story details, names & more about Yoimiya.

Table of Contents

Who Is Yoimiya?

Yoimiya's Character Demo

Yoimiya is a talented pyrotechnician and she's well-known throughout Narukami Island as the "Queen of the Summer Festival."

Owner Of The Naganohara Fireworks

Yoimiya is the current owner of Naganohara Fireworks and the people of Inazuma love her for the fabulous fireworks that she creates. She's in charge of the fireworks displays for various celebrations in Inazuma.

Yoimiya's Vision

On one summer night, Yoimiya heard a tinkling sound and a burning-red object fell into an unused launching tube. At first, she used her Vision as a lighter until her father explained the Vision to her. Since then, she became even more skilled in the manipulation of fire. Though sometimes, she would ask herself this: "How did someone as ordinary as me receive the acknowledgment of the gods? Do the gods... enjoy fireworks, by any chance?"

Yoimiya Story Appearances

Yoimiya Various Appearances

Yoimiya has also appeared in various in-game quests, such as archon quests, story quests, and events in the game. You may encounter her in different locations depending on the quest.

Voicelines About Yoimiya

Voicelines About Yoimiya

Voicelines About Yoimiya
Anemo TravelerAnemo TravelerPaimon: Do you think Yoimiya's dad's poor hearing is related to fireworks?
Paimon: He's been making and testing fireworks for many years now, and being exposed to the sound of gunpowder explosions on a daily basis... Paimon can see how that might've worn down his ears...
Paimon: Yikes! Since Yoimiya is inheriting her family business, does that mean she'll have trouble hearing other people in the future, just like her dad?
Paimon: Paimon won't let that happen! Let's think of some way to help her!
(Traveler): Do you have any suggestions, Paimon?
Paimon: Uh... Um...
Paimon: Paimon could follow Yoimiya around and cover her ears whenever needed...
(Traveler): Then you'd need to leave me.
Paimon: ...Without Paimon, you'd lose your guide. Paimon wouldn't leave you like that!
Paimon: But... What should we do for Yoimiya...
(Traveler): Actually, she can simply wear earplugs while working with fireworks.
Paimon: Oh yeah! Paimon didn't think of that solution! You're so smart!
(Traveler): Heh... That was the first thing that came to my mind, but I wanted to give you an opportunity for a mental workout.
Paimon: Eh? So you knew this whole time, but didn't tell Paimon?
Paimon: How could you! You bully!
AyakaAyakaThe Yashiro Commission and the shrine maidens are responsible for festival affairs, and Yoimiya, as a fireworks expert, knows how to create an atmosphere. So we have become well acquainted with her over the years. Hmm? Public order and fire prevention? We factor these concerns in well in advance during the planning stage. To deny people the chance to see fireworks simply for these reasons would leave them feeling very disappointed
AyatoAyatoAh, the fireworks store owner. Yes, a most... spirited young lady. The Kamisato Clan is on rather close terms with her. She is around the same age as Ayaka, and the two get along very well. I trust her direct and outspoken disposition won't lead Ayaka astray. Ayaka has always been staunchly true to herself, ever since she was a young child.
SayuSayuEvery time she sees me she says, "Hey, little tanuki! Let's go hang out at the festival." Firstly, I'm not a tanuki. Secondly, I don't wanna go to a festival. Thirdly, she says she wants to hang out — but really, she just wants me to do a ninjutsu performance during the fireworks show. That's not even related to my work for the Shuumatsuban!
KazuhaKazuhaThe last time she commissioned Captain Beidou to ship fireworks to Liyue, I unloaded the shipment myself. They were so heavy! I doubt that anyone beside her could make such huge fireworks.
Raiden ShogunRaiden ShogunWho? Ah, the firework maker. A manufacturer of fleeting illusions, enamored with the realm of fantasy and imagination, but a subject of mine nonetheless. Hmm? Fireworks were released on Tenryou Commission property? By whom..Her?
Kujou SaraKujou SaraAs long as she is not setting off fireworks in my camp, I will cause her no trouble. Heh, yes, I know — all else aside, her fireworks are spectacular and brilliant, and she deserves all the praise she gets. The issue for me is that fireworks are fleeting in nature. After one brief moment of dazzling light, all that remains is the pitch-black night sky, the same as before. So I often have to caution myself not to become too captivated by this illusory spectacle. It is transient, but Inazuma is eternal, and my mission is to protect Inazuma.
IttoIttoHmph, she's always showing off her fancy fireworks and toys to the kids. Well, I'm sick of it! Nobody steals my thunder! I'm the one that's supposed to be adored by the kids! Me! That goes for you too, you're siding with me on this, okay... Huh? Whaddya mean, you're not a kid? Eh, details. If you're shorter than me, you're a kid as far as I'm concerned.

Yoimiya Voice Actor & Profile

Basic Info & Voice Actor

Rarity5 Star
Voice Actor (EN)
Jenny Yokobori
Voice Actor (JA)
Ueda Kana
June 21


Affiliation: Inazuma
Owner of Naganohara Fireworks. Known as "Queen of the Summer Festival", she excels in her craft of creating fireworks that symbolize people's hopes and dreams.

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