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Check out this All Book List in Genshin Impact. This guide includes all books, volumes, book summary, what are books more, where to read, and more!

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A DrunkardA Drunkard's Tale4One of many popular tales told of Mondstadt's drinkers. This one is the story of a drunkard who stumbled into wolven territory and the lone, starving wolf he encountered there.
A Legend of SwordA Legend of Sword6Amid a sea of stars that spin in reverse, light-centuries of war unfold down on the planet's surface... With this grandiose opening comes an all-new tale of gallantry!
A Thousand NightsA Thousand Nights6A collection from a wandering researcher who once walked through rainforest, desert, and city during a time of great catastrophe, and collecting these stories along the way. It is said that the original work truly did contain countless tales and that naught but a fragment of that is still extant today.
Ballads of SquireBallads of Squire2Ballads that tell the tale of Ragnvindr the Dawn Knight. It highlights his experiences as a squire.
Breeze Amidst the ForestBreeze Amidst the Forest2A collection of Mondstadt ballads, recorded, compiled and arranged by scholars centuries ago.
Customs of LiyueCustoms of Liyue3A book on the cultures and customs of Liyue originally compiled by Fadhlan, a scholar from Sumeru residing in Liyue. It was then edited by many local scholars and published. It is one of the bestsellers in Liyue.
Diary of Roald the AdventurerDiary of Roald the Adventurer11A diary left behind by Roald the Adventurer. It outlines his experiences in traveling Teyvat.
Draft Hilichul BalladsDraft Hilichul Ballads3A collection of Hilichurlian poems created by Ella Musk.
Flowers for Princess FischlFlowers for Princess Fischl1The preliminary volume of the "Flowers for Princess Fischl" series.This work originally came in a violet and black wooden box as a limited edition gift, but many hardcore fans of the series who wanted to collect the whole saga were enraged by the great amount of content versus the small number of copies printed. Due to this, Yae Publishing House would name this book "Volume 0" and sell it separately. Eventually, the original work, the boxed collector's edition, and Volume O would all come to be regarded as standard by fans.
Heart Of Clear SpringsHeart Of Clear Springs4A legendary tale passed down by Springvale hunters that portrays an encounter between an unknown young boy and a spring fairy.
HeartHeart's Desire4A collection of fantasy stories centered around a mysterious antique shop. It's widely popular around Teyvat.
Hex & HoundHex & Hound11Sometimes, feelings are like the summer rain, coming out of nowhere and catching you unprepared. A nostalgic summer story set in the age of aristocrats begins right here.
Hilichurl Ballad SelectionHilichurl Ballad Selection2A compilation of Hilichurlian poetry by Jacob Musk, an ecologist in Mondstadt. It contains his analysis and translation of the poems.
Hilichurl Cultural CustomsHilichurl Cultural Customs4A compilation of Jacob Musk's investiagtions and observation in the cultural practices of Hilichurls such as social structures and traditions.
Legend of the Lone SwordLegend of the Lone Sword4A popular martial arts novel in Liyue Harbor. In a world without elemental energy or alchemy, a tale unfolds of love and hate between friends and foes. This volume tells of the origins of Jin the Seventy-Second's revenge.
Legend of the Shattered HalberdLegend of the Shattered Halberd6In ancient times when Axis Mundi was unobstructed, there were nine realms, each a world of its own. The realm of humans was known as the Zhongzhou, while the gods reside in Shenxiao. At the end of the last calamity, a war between the gods broke out. The God King fell, setting the nine realms ablaze, obliterating all living things. The realms have now been born anew, life again thrives, but the passageway between the nine realms by Axis Mundi has been sealed off. An all-new graphic novel on the epic journey in search of the God-King's Halberd begins!
LetLet's Go, Dodoco!1Message From the Editor: Let's Go, Dodoco! is the combined work of an older girl and a younger girl. Every chapter brims with their gentleness and good wishes, as the story is intended as a gift to our readers. I hope this book — in spite of its small volume — can bring you some simple joy after a long day of work.
Moonlit Bambaoo ForestMoonlit Bambaoo Forest4When a small-town boy looking to leave his sleepy hometown behind gets lost in a bamboo forest at sundown, what long-forgotten dreams wil he encounter?
New Chronicles of Six KitsuneNew Chronicles of Six Kitsune6The story of the Black Fox Itaru was actually the third volume in the original Urakusai's Chronicles of the Six Kitsune. It appears at the front of this edition due to the writer's personal preference.
Pretty Please, Kitsune Guuji?Pretty Please, Kitsune Guuji?1A popular light novel in Inazuma which tells the story of the good-for-nothing Shogun and the good-at-everything Kitsune Guuji. The novel is in the same collection as Shogun Almighty: Reborn as Raiden With Unlimited Power, but not by the same author. What they share in common, however, is their popularity.
Princess Mina of the Fallen NationPrincess Mina of the Fallen Nation6The princess who was prophesied to bring destruction witnesses the imminent fall of her nation, and it is at this moment when a wandering warrior descends from the skies, ignorant of the truth.The pair's journey amidst the fires of an ancient warring period are about to begin!
Records of JueyunRecords of Jueyun6A collection of folk stories, myths, and legends from Liyue.
Records of the GallantRecords of the Gallant2A compilation of stories and legends of various knightserrant in Liyue. Some of them have been told for a long time but are still popular among the people.
Rex IncognitoRex Incognito4A Liyue fantasy novel that tells the tales of Rex Lapis' incognito excursions in the mortal realm. Set in an age when the treasures of the world flocked forth, fact merges with fiction and both blend with old dreams in this charming tale set in the commercial port of Liyue.
Scroll of Streaming SongScroll of Streaming Song3A collection of torn pages discovered in the desert ruins and retrieved by researchers from the Vahumana school of the Akademiya.
Shogun Almighty: Reborn as Raiden With Unlimited PowerShogun Almighty: Reborn as Raiden With Unlimited Power1A popular light novel in Inazuma which tells the story of a mere mortal suddenly turning into the Raiden Shogun. The story is well-received for its novel plot and has inspired many light novelists.
SomeoneSomeone's Diary6A diary narrates the owner's unfortunate encounters across Teyvat. It also contains a letter addressed to Dongdong from his father telling him stories of his adventures.
SomeoneSomeone's Diary6A diary narrates the owner's unfortunate encounters across Teyvat. It also contains a letter addressed to Dongdong from his father telling him stories of his adventures.
Strings of PearlsStrings of Pearls5Zixin is a poor fisherwoman whose family struggles to make ends meet. One day, she is selling fish on the street when she carelessly loses the string of pearls she usually wears. Though what she does not know is that this lost string of pearls will change her fate for good.
Tales From The WavesTales From The Waves3The legendary tale of an anonymous seafarer set in a time when Liyue was plagued by sea monsters.
Teyvat Travel GuideTeyvat Travel Guide3Magazines written by Alice which contains her experiences in traveling the region of Teyvat.
The Boar PrincessThe Boar Princess7A long, long time ago, in the forest kingdom...What legends occured there? The Boar Princess, Part 1. A story about friendship, love, and death.
The Byakuyakoku CollectionThe Byakuyakoku Collection5A novel based on Watatsumi Island's folktales. The original edition of this text was transcribed on Watatsumi Island and brought back to Narukami Island by a merchant while the former's serpent god yet lived. No one reads this ancient tome nowadays, its role supplanted by all the light novels on the market. This book describes the unique cosmological outlook of the Watatsumi people before they came to adopt aspects of Narukami culture, and a recent resurgence in traditional novel publishing has allowed it to see the light of day once more.
The Folio of FoliageThe Folio of Foliage3A biography novel written by researchers from the ancient Sumeru.
The Fox in the Dandelion SeaThe Fox in the Dandelion Sea11Be good and stay put. Trapped by a Mist Flower, what does fate have in store by the fox who met a hunter? The story of the Hunter and the Fox continues in Part 2.
The Lay of Al-AhmarThe Lay of Al-Ahmar1The story about an ancient god whose name has been lost to history. The story is told by a floating Jinni. The veracity of the story cannot be determined.
The Legend of VennessaThe Legend of Vennessa2A song written during the reformation of Mondstadt. It depicts Vennessa, the founder of the Knights of Favonius, as a slave in Mondstadt during her early years. It also tells the story of how she met Barbatos.
The Mondstadt TowerThe Mondstadt Tower1A historic romance novel that tells the tale of a wandering singer named Ines, and Octave who was the son of the Seneschal. The story seems to be based off the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
The Pale Princess and the Six PygmiesThe Pale Princess and the Six Pygmies7A fairytale story that has been told throughout Teyvat for ages. This is part one, which tells the story of the Land of Night and the Moonlight Forest.
The Saga of HamawaranThe Saga of Hamawaran3Ghost-calling? Is that the same as Spirti-Warding back home? With confusing questions swirling in his mind, Hamavaran begins to speak with his newfound traveling companion. An unexpected journey begins!
The Shepherd and the Magic BottleThe Shepherd and the Magic Bottle1The story of a shepherd who came across a magic bottle within which an unexpected being was confined.
The Tale of Shiruyeh and ShirinThe Tale of Shiruyeh and Shirin2A story about itself, a shepherd and an unknown origin and is full of absurdities.
Toki Alley TalesToki Alley Tales6They say that in the past, when the fragile and short-lived mortals had yet to cross over the sea unto these lands, Inazuma was once a land that belonged to the tanuki. They say, too, that human history began as drunken tanuki nonsense... Welcome to Toki Alley, a place where history and wild tales intertwine.
Treasured Tales of the Chouken ShinkageuchiTreasured Tales of the Chouken Shinkageuchi1The first part of a traditional Inazuman novel. This particular volume is also known as Shinkageuchi, and was once a restricted text. It contains a fantastical tale about the first Raiden Shogun and her kagemusha, depicting the benevolent sagacity of the first Shogun and the great valor of her kagemusha. However, due to the great popularity of another book known colloquially as Raiden Reincarnation, many people became interested in stories of this kind. This book thus wound up being published in a haphazard manner.
VeraVera's Melancholy10I don't ever think the world is monotonous. It's just that interesting things happen in far away galaxies. The great adventure of Vera, an ordinary girl always fascinated by distant lands, secretly begins.

Books - Overview & How To Read Books

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Readable World Collectibles

Books are collectibles in Genshin Impact. Each book that a player collects will be added to the Book tab of their Archieve, where they can then read its contents!

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Collecting Specific Books Unlock Achievements

Collecting specific books can award players with Achievements! You can learn which ones will give you an achievement by checking your Achievements tab.

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