Genshin Impact Wiki Guide & Tips
Windtrace 2024 Event - 4.6 Rerun Gameplay Guide

Genshin | Windtrace 2024 Event - 4.6 Rerun Gameplay Guide

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Genshin | Windtrace 2024 Event - 4.6 Rerun Gameplay Guide - GameWith

Windtrace is an event for Genshin Impact 4.6. See Windtrace 2024 Seekers and Strategy, latest Windtrace, release date, rewards, how to play, coop, locations, hiding spots, hide and seek!

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Windtrace Event - How To Win

How To Win - Hunter

How To Win
1Capture all Rebels
2Prevent the Rebels from completing the repairs

Capture All Of The Rebels

Capture All Of The Rebels

Similar to previous Windtrace events, the Hunter wins once they capture all of the Rebels. To do so, you will have to tag them twice each per match!

Prevent Them From Completing Objectives

Additionally, even if you don't capture them all, if the Rebels are unable to repair the Signaling Devices when the time runs out, the Hunter wins.

How To Win - Rebel

How To Win
1Fully repair the needed Signaling Devices

Fully Repair The Signaling Devices

Fully Repair The Signaling Devices

The goal of the Rebels is to fully repair the required Signaling Devices. There will be 6 of them per match, but Rebels will only need to repair 4 of them.

Evade & Hide From The Hunter

It's also highly recommended that players evade the Hunter as much as possible. Work together to repair the devices while escaping the Hunter!

Windtrace Event - New Rules

Captured Rebels Will Go To Surveillance Zone

Captured Rebels Will Go To Surveillance Zone

Rebels no longer are out from the game from a single tag. They will instead go to a Surveillance Zone where they can eventually go back in the game.

Other Rebels Can Free Captured Rebels

Other Rebels Can Free Captured Rebels

Although Rebels will be let out eventually in the zone, other players can go and help out captured Rebels.

Permanently Out If Captured Twice

Permanently Out If Captured Twice

However, if a Rebel is tagged by a Hunter twice, they will be out of the game. They will go into Observation Mode wherein they can only watch the game from them on. If the Rebel team wins, they will still get the same rewards!

The More Rebels Fixing The Device, The Faster It Will Be

The More Rebels Fixing The Device, The Faster It Will Be

The device will go at a faster rate if more Rebels go and fix it. However, this is a high risk, high reward strategy since it will emit a light that all players, including the hunter, can see!

Windtrace 4.6 Rerun - Hunter & Rebel Tips

Rebel Guiide

Rebel Abilities

Concealing BeaconConcealing Beacon
(Normal Attack option)
Place a Concealing Beacon. While close to this Beacons, the Rebels will be invisible and cannot be discovered by the Hunter until the Beacon is destroyed or until the Rebel gets close enough to a Signaling Device to repair it.
If the Hunter uses "Capture!" on the Concealing Beacon, they will have their vision obscured for a short time. 45s CD
(Normal Attack option)
Enter hidden mode for 5s. During this time, you cannot be discovered by the Hunter.
Entering this mode will dispel your current disguise, The Hunter's Windward Arts "Capture!", "Mysterious Hunch," and "Sensor Aura" will all still take effect against a hidden Rebel.
When a Rebel gets close enough to a Signaling Device to repair it, their hidden state will lose effect. 30s CD
(Elemental Skill)
Click: Randomly be disguised as one of the specialized objects in the area.
Hold: Removes the disguise/
The disguise will be removed when you glide or swim.
(Elemental Burst)
Movement SPD is greatly increased for the next 30s.

Keep An Eye On Your Mini Map To See The Hunter's Location

The Hunter's location is displayed on the mini map at all times. Keeping an eye for their location will allow you to know when it's safe to repair devices or when you should hide.

Fix The Device But Hide As A Rebel Comes Near

Your priority is not to hide this time, but to fix the devices. Only hide when a Rebel is approaching or circling around the device you're fixing.

As A Team, Repair Devices That Are Far From Each Other

The mini map will also show which device is being repaired. It's best to always choose the one far from the other being focused on to make it harder for the rebel to go between the two locations.

Stay Near The Device You're Repairing While In Disguise

It's not good to run too far if the Hunter is not going after you. Stay relatively close to the Device so you can easily repair it when the Hunter moves a bit further away.

Hunter Guide

Hunter Abilities

Mysterious HunchMysterious Hunch
(Normal Attack)
Briefly show all the directions in which Rebels are located. 40s CD.
(Elemental Skill)
Displel the nearby disguise of a Rebel and capture them
(Elemental Burst)
Dispels the disguise of all Rebels and briefly marks their location on the minimap while showting the positions of nearby Rebels on the scene with a pillar of light.
This effect lasts 20s, and during this time, the Rebels will be unable to disguise themselves. The Rebels will be warned of this action

Do Not Waste Your Capture Ability

Your Capture ability does have a short cooldown. Do not waste it! Make sure to always have one charge in order to capture a running Rebel.

Bait Rebels To Fix A Device

You can also move a bit of a distance from the Device and immediately run back to the Device once you see it's being fixed!

Windtrace 4.6 Rerun - Event Objectives & Guidelines

Event Guidelines

Windtrace Coins can only be obtained while playing in randomized games using the matching function. Players are unable to obtain Windtrace Coins while playing in a custom Co-Op party.

Earn Windtrace Coins To Claim Rewards

To claim the corresponding rewards, you must accumulate a certain number of Windtrace Coins. Additional Mora can be obtained by completing Windtrace Challenges.

There Is A Limit To How Much Windtrace Coins Can Be Earned Each Day

On the first day of the event, players can only earn 1000 Windtrace Coins. Each day after that, the max limit will increase by 1000. By the 7th day, players can earn up to 6000 coins!

Earn Coins By Doing Specific Things During Matches

Players will earn more coins by completing different objectives during the match. The objectives you can complete are different depending on whether you're a Rebel or Hunter.

Rebel ObjectiveCoins
Achieved Victory100
Attained "Last Spark": Grasp victory while being the last Rebel not yet Eliminated100
Attained "Fastest Fingers First": Repair the first Signaling Device in this match150
Attained "Perfect Finale": Repair the final Signaling Device in this match100
Attained "Mechanical Genius" while playing as a Rebel: Obtain Favor and drink the sweet wine of victory100
Attained "Technically Disadvantaged" while playing as a Rebel: Obtain Fabor, yet have victory slip from your grasp75
Attained "Show-Stopping Star": Obtain Favor and claim victory while being the last Rebel not yet eliminated100
Attained "A Dab Hand": Emerge victorious without ever having been sent to the Surveillance Zone100
Attained "Fight To The Finish": Be sent to the Surveillance Zone once, yet emerge victorious100
Attained "Self-Preservation": Avoid being sent to the Surveillance Zone the whole match yet fail to be victorious50
Attained "One Shall Come After Me": Have the Rebels triumph despite your elimination50
Reached a repair value of 200 when repairing Signaling Devices100
Attained "Come On Out!": Rescue a Rebel from the Surveillance Zone100
Attained "Concealment Tactics": Was not captured while marked by Insight250
Attained "Survival Strategies": Was not captured while imprisoned by the Imprisoning Curse250
Attained "Mistimed": Got caught while repairing the final Signaling Device50
Repaired a Signaling Device alongside other Rebels100
Repaired a Signaling Device while marked by Insight150
Bonus for repairing Signaling Devices75
Windtrace Coin Bonus for contest time1
Hunter ObjectiveCoins
Achieve Victory100
For each Rebel captured while playing as the Hunter100
For each Rebel eliminated while playing as the Hunter50
Attained "Final Countdown" as the Hunter: Achieved victory within 120 seconds100
Attained "Hunter's Intuition": Captured a Rebel using Transparency50
Attained "One Step Ahead": Capture a Rebel who is using Starstep50
Attained "No Escape": Capture a Rebel in disguise100
Attained "All Comes To Light": Destroy 3 or more Concealing Beacons150
Attained "Round 'Em Up": Capture more than one Rebel with a single "Capture!"100
Attained "Occassional Mistake": Fail tp capture any Rebels100
Attained "No Salvation": Achieve victory before any Signaling Devices can be repaired100
Attained "Final Victor": Achieve victory with 3 Signaling Devices having been repaired50
Attained "So Close!" while playing as the Hunter: Obtain a Favor, yet allow victory to slip from your grasp100
Attained "The Hunter's Defeat": Capture 3 Rebels, yet have victory elude you150
Attained "Zeo Point Hunter": Captured a Rebel who was repairing a Signaling Device100
Attained "Shadowcatcher": Had Rebels activate your Shadecatcher Beacons 3 times100
Each time the Rebels were prevented from repairing a Signaling Device75

Event Objectives

1Start the game at Gygax's by forming a custom Co-Op party or select Co-Op Mode to begin matching.
2Randomly play as a Rebel or Hunter in the Contested Zone and make good use of your skills to win the game.
3Win Windtrace Coins and claim rewards.

Rebel Or Hunter

Once you join a Windtrace game, you will be randomly chosen as a rebel or hunter. As a rebel, you'll want to stay hidden from the hunter and repair the devices and as a hunter, you will need to capture all rebels within the time limit.

Windtrace Event Rerun For 4.6 Release Date & How To Unlock

To Be Released On May 14, 2024

Part Of The 4.6 Update

windtrace 4.6

According to the 4.6 Livestream, Windtrace will have a rerun for the upcoming 4.6 Update with new mechanics and more! The rerun will be released on May 14, 2024.

Event Duration
2024/05/14 10:00:00 – 2024/05/27 03:59:59

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Giuls 4

Hiding up there in dragon spine is pointless since you’ll freeze to death. You will eventually need to go near a fire
That’s really the easiest field to win as a hunter

Anonymous 3

I freeze in dragonspine map how do i not?

washedupzyra 2

this sport is kinda busted as u can use invi whenever the hunter comes and then glide from trees to trees, its kinda obnoxious kekw

Anonymous 1

How many attempts can I do this event in a day until it stops giving me coins? Someone on youtube said 3 but I haven't found any article proving that yet.

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