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Anonymous 14

the male traveler has higher defence while female traveler has higher atk. female traveler also has faster attacks while male traveler has faster climbing and sprinting.

Anonymous 13

Translation mistakes is a thing, it's especially noticable in non-JP/CN/KR/EN translations.

Anonymous 12

What anon below said is false. I play with 2 accounts and no one ever referred female mc as he/his. unless that person is forever stuck at version 1 there voice lines for both Mc were mixed and male mc was referred as she/her as well.

Anonymous 11

I'm just annoyed with how many times they say he/him when talking about the female traveller, it just ruins the emersion (think that that's the word???) and makes it really obvious that the male traveller is the intended choice...

Anonymous 10

Listen I picked Lumine before I realized I'm ~not cisgender~ and now seeing Lumine in the cutscenes and knowing that she's supposed to represent me is Awfully Uncomfortable. Pain

Anonymous 9

I made another acc to try Lumine out. I accidently chose Aether, don't ask me how, please.
Mihoyo I progressed to far to change accs again to get Lumine. Please let me change from aether to Lumine,,

Anonymous 8

I wish Mihoyo would let us change gender at least once. With Aether I would feel so much more involved in the story than with Lumine (which I picked at first). Back when I started playing in October, I had no idea how much I would've enjoyed playing the game and following its story.

Anonymous 7

i wish they could let you change it more than 3 times

Anonymous 6

wish they would change this back.

Anonymous 5


日りト 4

i feel you too Leila

Leila 3

WTF you talking about?

Anonymous 2

I want to switch to the male traveler now. Ah, such a shame.

Anonymous 1

The male character can do a dash-jump move that makes him go faster for less stamina.
The female can't do it efficiently.

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