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Anonymous 28

Works best when you break Nahida's elemental skill by overloading the hydro appliance, whether using Yelan or Barbara(which means off field Nilou). I personally use Barbara as well as Yaoyao as my other dendro so Yaoyao can immediately restart Nahida's elemental skill when broken(also because heal)

Anonymous 27

Nilou would do more damage in general main dps with key I would know... I have both

Anonymous 26

this video help me how to play Nilou

Anonymous 25

Can i use yaoyao in her team with nahida?

O****mes 24

HoD full set don’t work with Nilou, the best artefact for her as a main dps is 2 set HoD + 2 set EM or HP

Raiden'sWife 23

Haran looks so good on her like omg??? After I'm done with Yelan I'm building an alt Hydro DPS Nilou just because the drip is unreal. It would be a total waste NOT to for real???

HavocWreaker 22

...Maybe Xinyan's elemental skilled Pyro pulsing shield could provide enough infusion to produce this effect. It's worth experimenting and could be lethal.

HavocWreaker 21

Even though half of her potential is locked behind purely bloom reactions, she can whale on groups of enemies with a consistent electrocharger like Kuki or Ei. She would work well with vape if only Bennett or Xiangling could be the catalyst on a longer uptime. Maybe Xinyan...

fusleisuend 20

This video helped me understand her game play simlpy

Onii-chan.exe 19

I'm curious if a 4pc Vermillion Hereafter is a viable option for DPS Nilou since losing HP procs the effect. The artifact set itself is so niche that I just wanna see it work well for someone other than Xiao.

Anonymous 18

Lost my guaranteed Kus****i to this fool now im building her out of spite.

Ciamentes 17

i just wonder how minimum EM for nilou especially for bloom team. I have 60k HP, wih 50/100 Crit, 150 ER and 180 EM. Any sugestions ?

Anonymous 16

new players will not be able to utilize nilou fully. she requires a dedicated built dendro team.

Anonymous 15

These comments and the SS rating has just shown my that this website has no idea what they are talking about and is th elast time icome here for information.

Anonymous 14

Absolutely broken, monsters melt at floor 12 in couple seconds with bloom teams, SS Tiers

Anonymous 13

Bloom Teams end the fight within a couple seconds no matter the enemy. C2 + KoKN is absolutely broken if used correctly. SS Tier

hagaa 12

i use nilou as main dps so, how much attack minimum for her?

Anonymous 11

Nilou is SS Tiers for me, i did abyss 12-1 to 12-3 so easily with bloom team : Nilou + barbara + colei + MC!

suomynonA 10

SS Tier.
I just made abyss floor 12-1 to 12-3 team A becoming Bombing floor by Using Nilou-MC-Collei-Barbara.
36 stars secured easily.

Im welkin user. Not more than that.

Anonymous 9

she really only seemed to work with dendro bloom in the trial. otherwise her damage alone was very slow and lackluster.

idk 8

She is definitely not an S tier at the moment. But in future when more character releases maybe she can be an S tier. Right now she barely syncs with some of the characters. Maybe we have to wait to see her full potential.

Nilou Beginner 7

I have a question regarding on her haran geppaku actually good for her? I have the weapon but it's just collecting dust since none of my characters is using it right now.

Anonymous 6

For the dps build I don’t think 4pc hod is the best set because when her normal attacks are infused they count as skill damage so they benefit from the 4pc bonus

Anonymous 5

The last comment is wrong, praxis is used for traveler burst. Traveler talents always use one of each book type for the region associated with the element.

Anonymous 5

>Dendro traveller uses Admonition talent books NOT Praxis
traveller always cycles between all three sets for a given region. perhaps you should research things before getting huffy. (citation: )

Anonymous 4

Dendro traveller uses Admonition talent books NOT Praxis...can't trust anything this wiki says. Take their estimates with a big grain of salt

suomynonA 3

its difficult to prepare Nilou build.
Some sources say HP build. Some said EM + HP build.
The f2p sword option also very confusing.
Some said cannot pair nilou with electro because Bountiful core will not trigger hyperbloom.

Renshin 2

> Other than Dendro Traveler, no one uses Praxis Talent Book Series.

Collei: Am I a joke to you?

Anonymous 1

she's a sword, there's a nilou leaked gameplay vid on youtube

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