This boss got 2 versions. During thunderstorm the fight gets harder. There will be lightning field chasing the player and the player chase the boss. New mechanics that give player 2 different difficulties under different circumstances. It is random though.
"Sample Team Comp Against Signora" (Probably copy pasted, LOL)
The concept of electro that jumping around really fits this boss. I prefer unique and hard to beat one than a punching bag that die within one minutes.
Oh well playing in mobile is hell
Horrendous boss. I mean when 80% of the battle is you running back and forth chasing the boss, it’s bad. Whomever designed this boss’s mechanics deserves to no longer work at mihoyo
man this thing will not sit still, how are you supposed to get decent hits on it
**** boss propbably designed by a ******, spends 90% of the fight untargetable or teleporting out of melee range
Rather disappointing boss. Would have like a new mechanic like how Hydro Oceanid had with mimics. This fight is just dull and very boring.
you disgust me mihoyo
jk, hope this won't be as bad as oceanid, but that's a really small hope lmao