On 50, go to Teticpac peak and transform into Green Dinosaur and grab flower, don't try to slide to get it.
On 50, go to Teticpac peak and transform into Green Dinosaur and grab flower, don't try to slide to get it.
On 50, go to Teticpac peak and transform into Green Dinosaur and grab flower, don't try to slide to get it.
56 says to head west when you need to head east
near 87 theres a pyroculus
I used this interactive map last two weeks ago, but I visited just today to fill up my progress again but all of my marked/found pyroculus are gone:( I have also already deleted the pins in my game map...
How do I get passed the barrier to #95?
64 & 68, Follow waterfall toward the stadium and you'll see enemies and a geo symbol to smash that unlocks the way.
For those wondering about the oculi benath the Sanctum of Rainbow spirits, try approaching from the side of the Stadium of Sacred flames. You'll see a group of bandits, that will unlock the path
how to find number 56?
how do you get under the sanctum of rainbow spirits
I would like to know how to get number 55 please, and thank you