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Anonymous 85

How do u solve the gimmick at 213

Rafilio 84

Bruh, how can I keep the map from disappearing my progress each time??

Anonymous 83

sorry I may be blind but I can't find no 96 on the map and supposedly no 93 is tied to it so i'm not finding either can someone help??

Anonymous 83

sorry I may be blind but I can't find no 96 on the map and supposedly no 93 is tied to it so i'm not finding either can someone help??

Infernal 82

I think the map is not entirely correct since there are seeeeveral locations where I've marked with a star per culus collected. Are some of the currently marked culuses in the map from pre-expansion?

Anonymous 81

In 4.3 we don't get the map expansion so I think their are only 216 hydroculus available right now

Anonymous 80

Sorry im not sure if its right may statue level is 8 with 19 extra how many i missed???

Anonymous 79

Mine is 211 in total my version is 4.3 how many hydroculus i missed??

Anonymous 78

number 100 & 102 & 111-> need to complete the quest "Road to Singularity" first, then return back to previously locked door (red circle)


Numbers 7 and 13 were not found

Anonymous 76

214 should be corrected. 213 is the one with mirror puzzle, and 214 is hidden behind a lift, which I didn't realize for 15 minutes.

Anonymous 75

sorry you're right it's 216 Hydroculi

Anonymous 74

as of patch 4.2 total number of hydroculus should be 206, not 216.

Anonymous 73

hi i need help

Anonymous 72

For some reason all my progress got erased...

Kuki 71

With Patch 4.2 your Statue of the Seven should be at Level 8 with 24/38 Hydroculus.

Anonymous 70

does anybody know how many are you supposed to have left after getting all of them and offering them?

Anonymous 69

How to take 192 hydroculus after completing the narzissenkreuz quest?

Anonymous 68

for nr 213, you have to do a quest first, you can unlock it by talking to canotila at the location shown in the pic. after completing, use the "looking glass" in the room opposite of the hydroculus

Anonymous 67

For the current version whats should be the level of the statue?

Anonymous 66

How can you get to 216 when you already have done the Ordo side quest? It sunk underground.

Anonymous 65

Whats the point of "solve the gimmick"? Seriously. If I knew how to solve it, I wouldn't be here.

Anonymous 64

I cannot for the life of my find 119

Anonymous 63

How can I unlock the field blocking the path to 213?

Anonymous 62

137 there is a pound near the Hydroculus - follow the oranges - you will find something with '' enter ''. You will be teleport under.

Anonymous 61

I for some reason cannot see 71 and it's frustratinggg!!

Anonymous 60

Can anyone help me with 125 I am so confused... Like where is it?!?!?

Anonymous 59

how the hell do you get 147? I can't see any viable path going up the floating rubble

Anonymous 58

With all current 150 hydroculi, you should be at level 6 with 25/32 (7 hydroculi remaining)

Anonymous 57

For the current version whats should be the level of the statue? Thanks in advance.

Zenkaiser 56

For 128 you can look at the foot of the mountain for the Hydro Launcher and it will send you just above the top of the mountain

Anonymous 55

There's a flying ship here that leads us to #59.

Anonymous 54

There's a time challenge near #60 (heading east from it) that leads us to #61.

Anonymous 53

this way to 100 and 102

Anonymous 52

Can’t find 102 ugh

Anonymous 51

102 is literally the worst description lmfao

Anonymous 50

I can’t find #149 and it’s not marked in other interactive maps…

Anonymous 49

where is the water bubble that was referred to for hydroculus 102...?

Anonymous 48

For 43, there's a ruin below, there's a seelie per ruin, I think there's 3 of them. Complete it then there will form a hydro ring to enter.

Anonymous 47

How to get to 43??? I dont understand im stupid

Kuro 46

You can get the 80th by fishing! There's a water ring that will show up after fishing in the spot underneath it

Yumi 45

I found one! It's underground arena in Poisson, on the top of that weird ship

Anonymous 44

I found a hydroculus here! This is when heading to fight the Emperor of Fire and Iron

Anonymous 43

Why doesn't this have the ones underwater?

Anonymous 43

description for Hydroculus 11 is wrong, it isn't southwest, it's southeast.

Anonymous 42

can you kindly number the worded parts of the guide please? It's kinda hard to scroll up and down and get lost at which hydroculus was the last to be collected. thank you~

Clint 41

Never mind

Clint 40

I found in in the NE part of Annapausis that I don’t see on the map?

Anonymous 39

Found a problem with oculus number 11. If you complete the ride up into the sky, collect the chest and accidentally press return back to the starting point, you can no longer obtain the oculus. You can ride the airship back up again but the floating platforms dont respawn anymore.

Anonymous 38

There's no pin on the interactive map for the underwater hydroculus that can be obtain in the quest aqueous tidemark

Zenkaiser 37

Got an easier way to get to 82
From the 81 underwater, take the ring launcher that will send you to the opera building, then take the ring launcher as well and you'll be sent right next to the Oculus

Max 36

For hydroculus 80 you can go to de boat below it, catch a fish and an aqua ring thingy will appear! no need to glide all the way from 82!

Anonymous 35

im at 18/28 lvl 4 statue at max

Anonymous 34

How much you're at after you worship all of this?

kaen 33

i'm still 1 short but i got em all?

Geo 32

There's one on the right side of the dragon skull, in the water roughly under the eye. It's not marked here
(I collected it by accident in the photo, but its directly infront of wanderer)

Anonymous 31

7 and the rest are underwater, click the fontaine name on the map and it will show all the underwater hydroculus

Anonymous 30

theres no marked pin for 7

Anonymous 29

I found it in my game but this is missing spot at left side as waverider waypoint. Thanks!

Anonymous 28

I marked my map by the numbers appeared here then it's hidden now because some of them are underwater. I have no idea how to access it again, and the marked numbers are useless.

Anonymous 27

how do you enable the underground hydrocoluses on the interactive map??

Anonymous 26

Why are the underwazer ones hidden?

Anonymous 25

I don't see this one on the map. It's underground.

Anonymous 25

I have some more underwater ones (the stars are the hydroculus')

Anonymous 24

you missed this

Anonymous 23


Anonymous 22

anotha one

Anonymous 21

There's one here underwater

Anonymous 20

There's also one here

Anonymous 19

there's one here too

Anonymous 18

#52-#54 can be unlocked in the domain during the "The Narzissenkreuz Adventure" Quest

Anonymous 17

admin can you guys fix hydroculi from the map? cause some part is missing

Anonymous 16

You guys removed some hydroculi form the map.

Anonymous 15

underwater ones aren't showing up in map

Anonymous 14

theres one underwater by the giant skull

Anonymous 13

For #34 follow the quest The Illusions Finishings until u get to "a warm place" go backwards and take the red portal to "a lonely place". #34 is within the bony structure.

Anonymous 12

there's another hydroculous underwater between the opera eclipse and the waypoint south-west (close to the small island with no 71)

Anonymous 11

54 is a 3 seelies challenge too, 2 are burried in the sand (near the sleeping seals and one in the s**** in front of the echonche), third is under a pile of rocks.

Anonymous 10

There's another oculus near 58, underwater.

3 seelies challenge, again.

Anonymous 10

There's another hydroculus on the path to the King of fire and ice boss.

Anonymous 9

and that's 75 not 74

Anonymous 8

Boy that's 74 I guess not 70

Anonymous 8

# 74 By following the quest Aqueous Tidemarks reach the location and defeat the ruin grader three times and break the glass. You will be teleported to another location get back to the previous location through waypoint to get the hydrocule

Anonymous 7

#70 By following the quest Aqueous Tidemarks reach the location and neutralize the Pneumousia Blocks and activate the mechanism and defeat Rockfond Rifthounds

Anonymous 6

There is a hydroculus in that underwater tunnel and plz mark a marker for it.

Anonymous 6

On the coral near the island thats beside Poisson

Anonymous 5

#69 By following the quest Aqueous Tidemarks reach the location and neutralize the Pneumousia Blocks to unlock the mechanism and activate it to open the gate.

Anonymous 4

to get the hydroculus no.61 you can active the challenge near the hydroculus no.60

Anonymous 4

For 68 you can Xenochromatic Armored crab's ability to destroy Bullet barnacles.

Stella_MochiVT 3

#42 follow the quest '' A Gradient of Dreams and Ochre '' to find the Hydroculus in the underwater town under the town of Melusines

Anonymous 2

I think that you've mistaken hydroculus 72 and 73, they should be swapped places

Idano 2

To get 14, you need to balance pneumousia relay and fight 3 recon log mek in order to get aqua ring ride. Then ride the aqua ring to get the hydroculus.

Anonymous 2

#42 is under a rock in the underground town, but how to break it, good question

Anonymous 1

Theres a hydroculus in the middle of poisson

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